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Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

Week One Journal

On Sunday 4th of October 2015, which is the first day in my teaching practice school. When I arrived to the
school first I met the principal and I has a short conversation with her. A fter that, I met my MST. She toke
me to take a look of the school and the classroom then I set with her and I talked with her about my
teaching practice. When students arrived, they attended first the morning assembly. Before that the
teacher greets the students when they came from the main entrance but some time she did not welcome
students from the main entrance and she was set in classroom and welcome them there. She directs all
of them to take their name cards and put them on the registration board as they come into the classroom.
She direct them to go to the assembly morning and sand on the line. I spent all my day observe my MST.
I helped her preparing for the learning areas. In this day, I did with my MST an interview for the course
EDU 2113. I asked her many questions that helped me to know about her te aching style, her believes and
her strategies. I observe my MST use many strategies. The most interesting strategy is asking students
critical thinking questions such as why we have names. And what will happen if we dont have our own
names? Also, I notice the teacher bring pink flower that related to the lesson. I think it is an important
thing to let your students deal with real things when they learn. Moreover, she always encourage them
by saying motivation words. At the end of the day I felt that I was comfortable with the school.
On Monday 5th October 2015, as usually routine the students and the teachers attend morning assembly
and moved to the classroom. In this day I planned with my MST for my first lesson. She was helpful and
she gave me advises to help me and she showed me the resources room if I want any materials from
there. I notice that my MST used various successful strategies. For example, when she teach them the
names of fingers she showed them the video with song. I observed that students quickly learned the
names of fingers from the song. Also she used the strategy of bring surprises box and she ask question of
what students are expected to be inside. That can help students cognitive development and their
imagination improve and develop. On top of that, I observed that my MST always in the last meeting do
quick review. This can help students to remember the lesson and to check if they understand well. The
thing that make me shock that my MST ignore the reward system just she use encouraging words to
motivate them. Also, in this day I started to teach my students how to write their names in English. I
create for each one of them a worksheet to let them practice writing their names. I notice thattheyquickly
recognize their names except some of them. At the end of the day, I felt impress because my MST was
very helpful and supportive.
On Tuesday 6th of October 2015, I attended the school as usual at 7:30 am. I helped her preparing for the
lesson. The lesson was about I have two eyes and one mouth. Then I attended the morning assembly
and I helped my MST to manage students in the assembly. When the time was for the classroom I attend
also the lesson. The most interesting strategy that I saw my MST used is display a pictures of the uses of
the eye and mouth and let children to share their experiences about this topic.
I notice that my MST have great managing to minimize challenging behavior. She has a good transitionfor
example when children moving from circle to canteen, the teacher stood up singing special songthatshow
moving to the outside. Before that she gave them some instructions of doing activities in learning areas.
She asked them to put activities back in the boxes. She was monitoring them and direct them to put the
activities in the right place because some students just they put the activities in any box and leave. Also,
she asked them make sure they walk in one organizing line or queue. Additionally, she give them some
instructions to maintain the cleanliness of the area and maintain good behavior. Sometime she gave them
some instruction about doing activities in learning areas that related to the circle lesson. All of that can

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

lead to manage and deal with challenging behavior. Monitoring and redirecting childrens behavior can
often prevent problems to become big. However, in this day I started to teach my first lesson. The lesson
was about letter A. I planned to the lesson and I think that I successfully teach them the lesson. At the
end of the day, I felt satisfied of my performance and I was very impress of myself because I taught my
students around 26 word in a one day for nonspeaking English learner.
On Wednesday 7th of October 2015, I did the same routine for the all day. However, the lesson for this
day was I have two ears and one nose I liked the lesson because the teacher engaged children to be
participate by using many interesting strategies. The most interesting strategy that I saw my MST used
bringing real object to let children deal with them in the classroom like flower, orange, mint andperfume.
This object related to the lesson by let students recognize the uses of the nose.
Also, My MST used the strategy of telling the story for them about the topic the snake who wear
sunglass I notice that children like to listen to story. It is interesting to notice that I monitored students
when they play outside. I deal with some misbehavior. For example, one student (Mubarak) saybadword
to other students (Shaikha). The student came to me and say that Mubarak say bad word for her so I deal
with this situation by using the I message strategy and I said for Mubarak When I see you saying bad
words to your friends, it makes me feel disappointed and sad that I want to say sorry for Shaikha and
promise me to dont do that again. However, in this day, I taught them the colors lesson. At the end of
the day, I felt that I successfully manage the classroom, I design various activities to help students to
support students learning and I was happy because my MST gave me positive feedbacks about my
teaching. Also, I felt proud of myself because I taught my students all six colours in English which are red,
yellow, green, blue, orange and purple.

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

Week Two Journal

On Sunday 11th of October 2015, as usually the students attended the morning assembly then theymoved
to the classroom, to begin with lessons. The lesson was about the baby stages. My MST started the lesson
with showing students picture, she asked them why we called this little child infant? All studen ts give
different answers and the teacher listen to their answers and give them motivation words. After that,she
show them the baby stages and she tried to let them say the stage. I think is very important to use this
strategy which is let students say their expectations about something to help them use their imagination
and what they know about the certain topic. Then she moved to explain the butterfly circle by showthem
pictures and asked them some questions about these pictures .also, let students to compare betweenthe
baby stage and the butterfly circle. I observed that students give the teacher many differences between
the baby stage and the butterfly circle. It is interesting to notice that the teacher in this day read the story
for the students in language development period. I shocked when she read the story, she read it in
different way that my college taught me. She started reading with saying I will read the story of the black
duck then she read the story and the students listen and when she f inish she asked the students some
questions. In reading story she didnt focus on the cover page, the story pictures and she didnt design
activities to support students learning from the story. Also, in this day I did activity for my students to
practice how to write their names in English. I create for each one of them a worksheet to let thempractice
writing their names and I notice that all of them recognize their names. At the end of the day I felt I
appreciate the role of the teacher when she give her effort to deliver the information to them students.
On Monday 12th October 2015, the lesson was about the human feeling. In this lesson the teacher used
many strategies to let students understand and respond to her. First she showed students pictures and
she asked them about them. All students were participate and engage. She let students to actthe different
humans feeling like sad, angry, happy and disappointed. I shocked that student were acting these feeling
and give the teacher an examples of these feeling. Also, she used the strategy of reading the story and
asked students to tell her the kinds of feeling in the story. I observed that the teacher always in language
development time focus on helping students to develop their ability to read and write. I shockedbecause
they are very young and they know how to read and write words even if these words are hard. She has
many strategies to help them develop this part. First, she display words with sound to let them listen to
these words, then she show them the words and let them try to pronouns them and she give them lotsof
praise and finally she let them write the words, help them if they need help and she let all of them to
participate to do that. At the end of the day, I felt happy and impress of what the teacher did withchildren.
On Tuesday 13th of October 2015, as usually routine the students and the teachers attend morning
assembly and moved to the classroom. I taught my class math lesson in the circle time. The lesson was
about number three. For this lesson my MST gave me great feedback that made me happy. She said that
I have an ability to manage the classroom because when I apply the differentiation activities,the lowlevel
group they were taking more time on doing the clay activity, so I manage this by let them work and being
with other students and ask them question like write the number three on the air and find the three things
are the same in the classroom. After that, I helped my MST prepare students meals and I monitored the
students in the playground area. Also, in this day I did EDU 2303 staff. I started collecting the writing
samples from the three students. At the end of the day I felt proud of myself because I successfullymanage
the classroom, I give the students my effort to explain for them the lesson and I deliver the information
in different way using positive learning strategies. Also, the teacher was very satisfying and she said that
I did well, I manage the classroom and I interact with children and they interact wi th me as well as.

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

On Wednesday 15th of October 2015, as typically I attend the morning assembly. In the classroom, the
lesson was about what the child can do and cant do. The most interesting strategy that teacher use is
listening to the students experiences. They said what they think about the topic and she was very good
listener to them. I think it is very important to listen to the students and give them a chance to speak in
the classroom. Also, my MST use various activity to support the students le arning. It is interesting to
notice that in this day, in areas learning time my MST let me do activities for students while she wasdoing
her work. Therefore, used my English alphabet flashcard to review the letters, colors flashcard and the
food flashcard. I let them found the colors around them in the classroom and when I said the color they
immediately found it. I encourage them by saying motivation words. I tried to teach them the food by
repeating with me the name of the food in English. I observed that some of them quickly learned them
and some of them had a difficulty to recognize them. Moreover, while I did these activity I did not forget
to give them lots of praise. At the end of the day I felt appreciate of the teacher role in school and how
she give her effort to build the good generation of learning.

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

Week three journal

On Sunday 18th of October 2015, at the morning assembly the teachers at school do many activities for
the students. I helped my MST doing this activities. She let me did to one activity at the assembly. This
activity was identifying the president of the United Arab Emirates, I told them some information about
him for the students. Also, engage students to write the name of the president Khalifa. In this day als o
I gave one of my students gift in the morning assembly because she was very excellent and she did good
job at the classroom. In the classroom, the teacher did the daily routine as usually and in this day she
made a quick review about the rules because some students did misbehavior. After that, she startthe first
day at the week by introduce for students the new unit. She let students to try reading the tittle of the
unit which is the family. Its interesting to notice that the teacher used many strategies in her teaching.
For example, she asked students opening questions to let children express their feeling, imaginationand
thought. Also, she gave a students an instructions before they start to do activities. She did groupsactivity
for the students. I think it is important to let students have groups activity because that can help themto
build strong relationships. Moreover, the most important thing that I learned that students they like to
do activities which mean learn by doing and dealing with objects and materials as Piaget assumed. Atthe
end of the day I felt happy and pleased because I participate on assembly activities.
On Monday 19th of October 2015, my MST used many strategies to help students learn in positive
environment. One of these strategy is keep students learn more and chick their understanding by doinga
review at the beginning of the lesson. On this day I carried out some activities. One of these activity was
reading English story for the students. Honestly I wasnt prepare of reading because my MST suddenly
asked me that I want to observe you reading the story. Therefore, I choose one story from the librarythen
I read for students in development language period. When I read the story, I forced on pictures andasked
students question. The students were participate and response to me. However, on this day I observed
my MST used the differentiation strategy for the first time in my teaching practice. She designeddifferent
activities for the different levels in the classroom. Also, in this day I monitored students in the playing
time. When I was monitoring some students were fitting and hit each other, so I punish twoofmystudents
by preventing them from being the helper hand for the one week because they always do misbehave in
playing time. At the end of the day, I felt that I did good job at my teaching practice school when I deal
with misbehavior students.
On Tuesday 20th of October 2015, at the morning assembly the teachers at school do many activities for
the students. I helped my MST preparing for these activities. The circle lesson was about number 4. I saw
my MST used many strategies to help students understand well. She used the strategy of let children
identify the concept of number 4 by let them count to four by counting objects. Then let them write the
number with using clay to create their own four and identify the number 4 from other numbers. Also,she
taught them who to count back. However, I notice that my MST always encourage her students by saying
motivation words and give them candy. Therefore, I think it is important to motivate students to learn
because as Skinner claimed that childrens behavior influence and formed through positive and negative
reinforcement. Also, In my opinion, I think that praise students and encourage them by saying positive
word such as wow, good job, fantastic and well done by MST is help to manage students behavior andlet
them love coming to school. However, there is something I disappointed of it when teacher reward
students by giving them candy as a gift because that encourages unhealthy eating habits for students.
However, in this I taught my class a letter b lesson. I used many strategies to support my lesson and to

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

help my students understand well. At the end of the day I felt l proud of myself because I successfully
manage the classroom, I give the students my effort to explain for them the lesson and I deliver the
information in different way using positive learning strategies. Also, I was very closes with studentsthey
were interact with me and responded to me. Also I was very appreciate my effort to teach my students
English because the amount of the words were increased in their English word box in this day.
On Wednesday 21st of October 2015, I attended the school as usual at 7:30 am. I helped her preparing
for the lesson. The lesson was about the Prophet Mohammed family. I liked my MST way of explaining
the lesson. She introduce the lesson for them by telling the story of the birth of the Prophet Mohammed
as a review for the students the previous information with asking them some questions. She let them do
the Prophet Mohammed family Tree. The students liked doing the family tree and all of them engagedto
did it. It interesting to notice that the teacher used many strategies to build strong relationship with
students. Initially, the classroom climate in generally feels safe, active, comfort, support, purpose and
organize in way that take students attention. For example, my MST gave purposeful tasks and activities
for students that convenience for their need. Furthermore, I notice that in the classroom, students were
sit quiet without any interruption because the teacher was encouraging, walking around the classroom
and checking students work to support them if they need any help. Also, the teacher always smile and
listen to students. I think, that was encouraging, walking around the classroom, asking questions and
checking students work enhanced learning. However, in this day I taught my class family member lesson.
I carried out many activities for the differentiation groups. The students were responsive with me and
understand the subject. Also, they were following my instructions and pay attention. At the end of the
day. I felt satisfying of myself and I took the big responsibility of taking care of children. Also I achieve all
my aims for the lesson plan.

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

Week four journal

On Sunday, 25th of October 2015, as usually routine the students and the teachers attend morning
assembly and moved to the classroom. I attended the class with my MST as usually. The lesson was about
family tree for each child in the classroom and the order of them between their family members.The most
interesting strategy that I saw my MST used is warm up students for the lesson by turn on song thatrelated
to the lesson topic. Moreover, during my TP observation, its interesting to note that when the teacher
was show students positive emotion like smiling, speaking clearly and slowly, the stud entperformedwell
at class while when she shouting and being angry the students performance became low. Also, I observe
one student like to imitate the teacher when she praise students, this student always said to her
classmates well done and good job when the teacher lets them play in the learning areas. I think, the
teachers behavior play good role to provide positive learning environment . However, in this day I did
some administration work. The principle demand from me to write and design balloon for the colorofthe
week because on Thursday students will learn about orange color. In language development they read
words and one Arabic letter. She gave them many activities. The one activity that I made me shockedwas
let students give her words start with the letter and write some words. I was think that the kindergarten
students dont know how to write words. At the end of the day, I felt happy and impress of what the
teacher did with children.
On Monday, 26th of October 2015, as usually the students attended the morning assembly then they
moved to the classroom, to begin with lessons. The lesson was about the family trip. My MST started the
lesson with showing students picture, she asked them what you think our lesson is about today and she
talked with them about the pictures. All students give different answers and the teacher listen to their
answers and give them motivation words. I think is very important to use this strategy which isletstudents
say their expectations about something to help them use their imagination and what they know about
the certain topic. It is interesting to notice that when the teacher stopping the learning areas activities,
tidying up and moving the children to the circle time carpet area. The teacher used many strategies to
managing transition. She starts to sing a song for tidy up time. She reminded some of the children who
are not stopping and tidying up. If they dont listen to her or ignore her she shout at them to stop what
they are doing. She ask them to set on the carpet area after they finish their area. This is clearly an
established routine and most children immediately start to tidy up very quickly. Some of the childrendid
not immediately stop playing or start to tidy up and they still playing. The teacher just remind them to
tidy up. The teacher got very angry at this and shouted at those children. The children quickly began to
tidy up. The teacher tidy up with them to encourage them to keep their classroom clean. Some children
had sat straight down on the carpet without tidying up and the teacher did nothing about this. A
combination of a song to signal the transition to tidy up time combined with shouting at children was
effective in minimizing challenging behavior. At the end of the day I felt I appreciate the role ofthe teacher
when she tried to minimize challenging behavior to have a successful classroom management.
On Tuesday, 27th of October 2015, as usually routine the students and the teachers attend morning
assembly. The librarian teacher did activities for the students in the assembly. Then students moved to
the classroom. In this day I taught my students a math lesson which was about the square and my MCT
was monitored me to evaluate my teaching. I think I successfully managed the classroom, I did many
supportive activity to help students understand the lesson well. I managed the transition successfullyby
asking them make sure they walk in one organizing line or queue. Additionally, I gave them some
instructions to maintain the cleanliness of the area and maintain good behavior. Also, I gave them some

Hamda Saghayir Echtibi H00272763

instruction about doing activities in learning areas that related to the circle lesson. I learned this day that
my students like to learn by doing and deal with materials like clay Piaget assumed. I monitored also
students when they were playing outside. At the end of the day, I felt happy and proud of myselfbecause
my MCT gave my positive feedbacks and she like what I did.
On Wednesday, 28th of October 2015, as usually routine the students and the teachers attend morning
assembly. The nurse of the school did activities for the students in the assembly about the healthy and
unhealthy food. I think it is very important to aware students about what they must eat to let their body
grow without problems. When the assembly finished, the students attended the class. The lessonforthis
day was about the doctor who help the family. The teacher used many strategies to help students
understand. I liked her introducing for the doctor tools by bringing these tools and let children discover
them by themselves and talked about them. She create for them puzzle to check if her students
understand well. I learned that the students liked to solve puzzles because they said for the teacher we
want more puzzle to solve them. It interesting to notice this day was the last day for me at my teaching
practice school. In this day I taught my students the letter m lesson. It was the last lesson that I taught
them. At the end of the day I felt sad when I say farewell my MST and my students. I hope that I can come
anther time to practice there because I really like the school and the teachers.

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