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FHS 2500 Activity/ Lesson Plan: 1st Two Hour Block Plan

PART 1: Preparing the Activity and Planning for Implementation

Fall 2015
Lab Assignment week 11: This week you will be in charge of the classroom for the entire time you are in the classroom. Plan all activities,
transitions, learning centers, etc. If other lab students are present, be sure to include any approved lesson plans they are implementing. Use
corresponding Activity Plan Form. Hand plan in as hard copy, not in Canvas. Hand in Oct. 14
Student Name: Maria Torres
Center or Program / Teachers: Pandas / Kerstine & Carolyn

Time period (Two hour):9:00 a.m. 11: 00 a.m.

Todays Date: 10 October 2015 Date of Activity Implementation: 4 November 2015

Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: _____________________________________

Date: _______________________

Behavioral Objectives (Minimum of 3; for 3 separate activities)

1. To paint and create a variety of images by experimenting with the different effects of moving their hands.
2. When given the different materials they can distinguish the difference between their senses.
3. To say or name the letters in the alphabet and to recognize them.
Time of Day

Specific Activity Descriptions

Welcome, Breakfast and SelfStarters

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Learning Centers (7 minimum)


1. Large Motor Activities

Dress the Snowman

2. Language and Literacy

Star matching the alphabet

3. Sensory Materials

Colored Rice and foam letter of the alphabet

4. Creative Arts

Painting with cardboard shape tubes

5. Science

Five senses they can discover and explore

6. Math

Number matching with a piece of paper and cups

7. Creative Dramatics

Castle made of out a box and will bring dress up clothes.

Outside Time

Side walk chalk for the children to squirt out of bottles

Large Group/Circle Time:


I'm the Scariest Thing in the Castle Board book August 18, 2011
by Kevin Sherry

Transition and Lunch:


Friends song and the five little monkeys song

Planning for Implementation

What materials do you need to supply?
Paper snowman & different clothes
Star alphabet cut outs
Colored rice and alphabets
Cardboard tubes
Piece of carpet
Gems and mini-magnifying glasses
Paper with numbers and cups with numbers on the bottom
Castle and dress clothes
Side walk chalk

What materials would you like to have the lab school supply?
Address the documentation to be completed (how, when, who, what?) and how you will assess if youre Learning Objectives have been met:
The children can learn about different martials that are available to them to be able to explore. When given the opportunity to gain self-confidence
they will be able to gain self-direction. They will learn how to strengthen good relationships with their peers. If there was a time when the materials
were not being explored. The children were asking me questions about the materials so they understood what they were there for. The children can
engage in learning different shapes and alphabets.
Attach to this document:
MT Statement as to what you have observed to explain why you have chosen this topic and/or activities
MT Step-by-step Instructions for each activity (list activities above, and then provide procedures for each item on separate page)
Coordination between Student and Lab Teacher

I discussed this lesson plan with the lab teacher before the due date MT (Students Initials)

Maria Torres
FHS 2500

The activities that I choose for the children will allow them to explore different skills. They will be able to increase awareness of the
different colors. They will also be able to learn about the difference from smell, touch, taste, see, and hear. The children in the classroom really
understand so much at their age. The social skills they have to solve problems is amazing and will push them to grow.


Large Motor Activities: I will bring in a snowman and the children will need to dress him in whatever they feel he needs to wear. They will be able
to glue on his clothes and then be able to color the clothes. They will be encouraged to pick an appropriate outfit for the snowman to wear. For
example if it is cold outside he might need to put on warm items. I will be using a table in the classroom for this activity.


Language and Literacy: I will have a sheet with all the stars on the paper and cutout starts with the alphabet on them and the children will need
to match the letters. For example the letter R to the letter R on the sheet of paper. This will allow the children to be able to identify the letters
and be able to start to memorize them. I will be using a table in the classroom for this activity.


Sensory Materials: I choose the colored rice and the letters of the alphabet. They are already playing a alphabet matching game so adding
alphabets into rice will allow them to memorize them more. They will also be able to identify the different colors of rice that will be in the table. I
will be using the sensory table for this activity in the classroom.


Creative Arts: The children will be painting with cardboard tubes made from different shapes. They will have the tube in paint and can stamp the
piece of paper with the tube to make the different shape. The children will construct a painting for the gallery on the wall in the classroom. They
will increase awareness of the different colors. I will be using the art easel for the children to paint their pictures on.


Science: I choose the five senses for them to be able to learn about the smell, taste, touch, sound, and sight. I will be using a small candle for the
smell. I will use raisins for the taste part. Touch and feel I will use a piece of sand paper and small piece of carpet. The sound I will use a timer.
Finally for the sight I will use gems and mini-magnifying glasses. I will be using a small table by the cubbies for this activity in the classroom.


Math: I will be using a sheet of paper and will have the numbers one through five labeled on the paper. Then I will have cups one through five so
they can match the numbers to the paper. I will be using the table out of the dramatic play area in the classroom for this activity.


Creative Dramatics: I will be bringing in a castle for the children to play in. I will be making it out of a cardboard box. I will also be bringing in
dress up clothes for the children to play in for both boys and girls. I will be using the dramatic play area for this activity in the classroom.

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