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Nicole Turner


June 10, 2015

Book Reflection Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1 reflects on the environment of the classroom. The environment should
reflect the diversity of the children. The classroom act as tool for children to
explore and learn. The books points out 5 core practices.
Create a nourishing classroom culture
Enhance the curriculum
Bring yourself to the teaching and learning process
Coach children to learn about learning
Dig deeper to learn with children
I believe the first core practice talks about making the classroom appealing to the
children. The environment should welcome the children in. It should make them
want to learn and explore the classroom. The environment needs to have its own
set of values that involves the teachers children and parents.
The second in to enhance the curriculum. The books talk about the environment
and interest of the children should overlap. Materials should be set out according to
the interest and development of the children. The materials should give the
children the opportunity to answer meaningful open ended questions that allow
children to solve their own inquiries.
Learning Together with Young Children

Nicole Turner


June 10, 2015

The third challenges the teacher on how the children will learn. Is the teacher
willing to allow children to use their past experiences and reflect on their
observation to answer questions that teachers should ask. How? What? Where?
And Who? Asking questions that follows the centers philosophy but allows the
children and teachers to have fun.
The fourth core practice teachers to coach This teaching style will allow the
child to be actively involved. It takes away the teaching style that teachers always
should lead what children are learning. They work together, teacher use
observation to help children to get to zone of proximal development, which
Vygotsky calls scaffolding.
The fifth core principal digging deeper with the children. This challenges the box
curriculum. When children show interest in a particular theme how can teachers
dig deeper? The children can have advanced learning skills if the teachers ask the
right question.
Out of the five core principals I have the hardest time digging deeper and not
trying to give more activities to stretch the learning and activity.
Chapter 2 Create a Nourishing Classroom Culture.
In this chapter, time is the key component. It often takes time for children to feel
comfortable and develop their own values and rhythm. The families and childrens
Learning Together with Young Children

Nicole Turner


June 10, 2015

lives have great importance on the comfort of the childs life experience. Parents
need to feel welcome to bring in the culture of the child. This type of focus will
give the child a feeling of accomplishment and success of the child and family.

Learning Together with Young Children

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