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Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 Curriculum Overview Lesson

Responsibilities of an MLA
Ryan Smith
Grade 6, Social Studies, Alberta Govt/Prov. Rep Part 1
Nov. 17-18/15


General Outcome 6.1 Citizens Participating in Decision Making
- Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic relationship between governments and
citizens as they engage in the democratic process.


6.1.1 recognize how individuals and governments interact and bring about change within their
local and national communities:
- value the contributions of elected representatives in the democratic process (PADM)
6.1.4 analyze the structure and functions of local governments in Alberta by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
- What are the responsibilities of local governments (i.e., bylaws, taxes, services)? (PADM)
6.1.5 analyze the structure and functions of Albertas provincial government by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
- How is the provincial government structured? (PADM)
- What are the differences between the responsibilities of a Member of the Legislative
Assembly (MLA) and a cabinet minister? (PADM)
6.1.6 analyze how individuals, groups and associations within a community impact decision
making of local and provincial governments by exploring and reflecting upon the following
questions and issues:
- How can individuals, groups and associations within a community participate in the
decision-making process regarding current events or issues (i.e., lobbying, petitioning,
organizing and attending local meetings and rallies, contacting elected representatives)?
- In what ways do elected officials demonstrate their accountability to the electorate
(e.g., respond to constituents, participate in local events, represent and express in
government meetings the concerns of constituents)? (C, PADM)


SWBAT Understand the varied responsibilities of MLAs

SWBAT List several responsibilities of MLAs
SWBAT Explain the relationship that exists between MLAs and voters in regards to decision making


Key Questions:

Note taking
Answers during review
Class participation
What are the roles of Provincial Representatives?
How do MLAs correspond with their constituents?
What are students expected to Communicate/Observe/Perform?
Process and/or Product emphasis?


Taking Part in Our Democracy Textbook
Alberta Grade Six Social Studies Program of Studies


Smart Board
Computer and PowerPoint
40 pieces of blank paper

Attention Grabber
Transition to Body

Do a review of what has already been covered about the provincial govt
Write down five or six points on the board
Review last class where constituencies were brought up

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe


Learning Activity


Learning Activity


Learning Activity

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 Curriculum Overview Lesson

Ask Students to try and define Constituency
Provide a definition on the board, have students write down the definition
Constituency: an area or district represented by one member of legislature
Ask students to use context clues to define Constituent
Provide definition on board, have students write it down
Constituents: the people who have the right to vote in a constituency
Explain how every MLA has a constituency that they must be elected by and
must represent in the legislature

Note Taking
Students will now come up with examples of ways that MLAs communicate with
and meet the needs of their constituencies
- Hand out blank pieces of paper by giving to the front and having them
pass backwards
- Show students how fold paper in half, and then in thirds, have students
follow along as you model
- Explain that students will fill one of their six boxes with an example of
how MLAs communicate with or represent the needs of their
constituency. They will make sure that the holes are on the left and that
their name is on their sheet.
- On my command, students leave their paper on their desk, and will then
move to the desk behind theirs. At that desk they will add a new idea to
that persons sheet that is not already on that sheet, they may repeat their
own idea on multiple sheets so long as it is not already present.
- Students are expected to print neatly so their peers can read their ideas
- This will be repeated until all of the squares are filled. students will have
47 seconds at each piece of paper, I will count down from ten, students
are to be quiet by one, then they will move
- Students at the end of the row will move to the top of the row to their left
- Once all six boxes are full, students return to their own desk and their
own sheet.
- Students will have one minute to read over the ideas that have been
shared on their sheet
- Draw six boxes on the board, have students give you six examples from
their sheets to fill your boxes. Briefly Discuss each example as it is given


Can students list six ways MLAs represent and interact with their constituencies?
Premier, Cabinet Minister, Opposition
Going off of the review of previous knowledge, ask students what roles an MLA
can have in legislature
- Premier
- Cabinet Minister
- Official Opposition
- List these on the board
- Ask students to define each, one or two hands for per definition
- Put Definitions on board
- Premier: the leader of the political party that forms the government and
who becomes the head of the government (Which party is the Premier
from? What is their party colour?)
- Cabinet Minister: the head of a department in the federal or provincial
- Official Opposition: The members of the political party that wins the
second most seats in an election (Which party are they? What is their
party colour?)
Starting with Premier, conduct same activity, except students move in the
opposite direction.
- Hand out more paper
- Model folding

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe



Assessment of


Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 Curriculum Overview Lesson

Instruct students that the same procedure as before will take place, they
are to brainstorm about the roles and responsibilities of the premier,
except they will now move in the opposite direction, students at the top
of the row will move to the bottom of the row to their right
Adjust time spent on each box accordingly
Draw another six boxes on the board, have students fill them. Briefly
discuss each point

Note Taking
Can students list six roles/ responsibilities of the premier?
End of class review (Time Allowing):
- Ask for the definition of a Constituent
- Ask how Representatives interact with their constituents
- Ask students to list several of the roles of an MLA, write them on the
Next class Cabinet minister and opposition will get brainstormed and discussed
after a review of todays lesson.


How does this individual lesson

scaffold learning opportunities
for students?
What assumptions does this
lesson make about what
students already know?
In what ways is this lesson
connected to the next lesson?

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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