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Student-Teacher: Aisha Ahmed Yahya

Date: 1110-2015
Primary EPC 2401 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1
Grade Level: Grade five
Subject: English
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
-Know the difference between "Afternoon" and "Morning".
- Know the different between activities in the morning and afternoon.
-Practicing the past tense of the basic words.

Preparation (what do you need to do/make

before class?)
Scan the page in the computer and put it in front
of them to be obvious.
Put the boards and the markers in each group.
Language target/
Practice writing skills by filling the schedule with
action words (Using actions).


Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group


15 min

I asked them what they did in the last weekend in groups. So they
practiced different actions in the past.
Play with them game about write the past tense on the boards.
SLA approach will be integrated throughout the plan


Guided Experience (Whole class with the teacher)

40 min

The student will read the instruction.

The teacher will explain the instruction again.

The teacher will model the way of answering by doing the first answer
with the students. By ask them what did you do in the morning last
One student will answer verbally and the teacher will write her answer on
the board.
Independent Experience (Individual work)
In the book:

The question will say: fill your schedule of Saturday. In the activity it has two line in
each line the students suppose to write two activity in each period (Morning and
The students worked in independently to answer what they did in the morning and
Guided experience (Whole class)

The students will do with the teacher the activity. I will ask the students "What did
you do on Saturday?" The students will answer me. Then I will write the answers on
the board.



5 min

Asked them what did you learn in this lesson.

I check their understanding the activity by ask one question to say what she understand about
the activity.
When the students are working I ask them is it any problem? did you understand the
instruction? and checking their answers.
After the activity finish I ask randomly to see how far the students the language target.
Reflection WWW/EBI

WWW (What went well):

The things that went well with my first teaching were:
mentoring the class:
I mentored the class by seeing all the students works. I was moving very well when I
was explaining the lesson. Also, I used my eye contact with all the students which
make them pay attention.
Engaging the students:
The students were participate with the lesson. The most of them were raising their
hand to answer the questions.
EBI (Even better if)
The thing that will be better if I change it are:
Raising my voice:
My explanation will be better if I raise my voice which will help the students to
understand the lesson and the instruction of the activity better. Next time I will raise
my voice to help me to be better
Know what is the next:
I didn't put strategy for transition in the class, so the class didn't move in good pace. I
was standing for seconds to think what I should do next. If next time I write small piece
of paper what I will do in the class which will help me to remember what is the next. In
that way, the class will move smother and I will be able to save a lot of time.
Grammar mistakes:
I had lot of grammar mistakes especially in asking questions because I didn't wrote
down the questions. I just got the ideas in my mind and say it. Writing the questions is
must for next time.
Overall, my main reason for all these weakness was not planning very well. In the other

time I have to plan the instruction, questions and the steps which I will do it in the

Next Steps in learning and teaching:

I will raise my voice.
Watch my grammar mistakes.
Plan well before the class start and use notes because it will help me to know what is the next.

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