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Sanchez 1

Jacqueline Sanchez
Professor Jackie
English 113A
September 13, 2015
High School Drama: Forgive and Forget
Everyone has been through those momentshigh school drama. In high school, there
will always be that one person you just cant stand or never get along with. Most of us hate it,
punctuation others live off the scoop of what is going on around the school. In my senior year
of high school, I said to myself that it was going to be the best and funnest superlative year
because I was going to make so many memories with my friends. Unfortunately, it did not quite
turn out that way. Break into new paragraph. Every time during lunch, my friends and I would
have tense good conversations, cracking jokes all the time, and telling each other stories, but of
course everyone has that friend who just sits at the table quiet with a bitch face. This friend of
mine was name tense Yasmine; yes punctuation I know punctuation that is an ugly name.
Anyways, when I first met Yasmine punctuation she was really nice and sweet, but after
knowing her for a while, she became a total different person. She was really bipolar and seemed
like a miserable person. Many people did not like Yasmine because at times she was very rude
and disrespectful. I always tried being a good friend to her, but for some reason she didnt want
to be my friend.
It all started when she practically went crazy on me just for talking to her ex even though
we were just friends. People assumed that I was talking to Yasmines ex. This is why drama

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starts tense punctuation because there are nosey people who dont tense even know what is
going on, so they assumed that we were talking. Every time you hear rumor punctuation you
may not care or on the other hand, will want more information on it, but when your name is
brought into the whole mess, you are left wondering. Punctuation quotation marks How can
someone just make up something without having evidence punctuation then go off and tell other
people, punctuation I just dont get it. Punctuation quotation marks By the time everyone
knew about the rumor, things had gotten worst spelling between Yasmine and me. People were
saying negative things about me punctuation such as me being a bad friend. I did not want
Yasmine and other people to believe what they were hearing because I would never hurt any of
my friends in that way. After Yasmine heard about the rumors, she went on a rampage, going
crazy on Twitter punctuation sub tweeting about me punctuation calling me a bitch and a
whore. One day she tweeted, Now you dont have anything to say at the table, then the next
day she said, You are so fake for talking to my ex. At that point, I commented, Just at me
already, because every tweet that was about me, she never tagged me on preposition them. So
remove I had to defend myself and let from letting someone immature bring me down. Few
minutes later, I felt the anger inside my body heating up and I was ready to blow up. I couldnt
take it anymore because seeing her tweet constantly about me, remove made me feel as if I was
being cyber bullied. I didnt want my other friends to think differently of me, so I had to step in
and not let myself be brought down by someone who doesnt tense know what she is tense
talking about. When I stepped in, things went to another level. At the end of the day, I realized all
the cursing and talking back to each other was not going to change anything. It makes tense
things worse, so I knew I had to do the right thing and apologize for something that I didnt do,
but because it hurt her in preposition the inside.

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The next day after all the drama, during lunch time I felt so awkward being at our table.
You can tense feel the tension that was going on between Yasmine and I. We all just sat there
quietly, waiting for someone to say something, but it was just complete silence. A few days later,
everything cooled down, but we still were not talking to each other. To make everything better, I
knew I had to talk face-to-face with Yasmine. I went up to her, pulled her aside and had a long
talk with her. We both apologized for the bad things we had said about each other. She said that it
was stupid and pointless because she was going crazy for a guy... FOR A DAMN GUY!! Even
though my friend was her ex and we werent talking in that way, she still got jealous because she
was not catching his attention anymore. After talking it out, I felt good about myself because not
only did I fix our friendship, but we talked more during lunch. It seemed like remove as if we
had gotten closer, but as the days went by we both went our separate ways.
When someone hears or spreads a rumor about a person, they mix up words to make it
sound so much more interesting. The next day punctuation I got to school and was bomb-barted
spelling with questions and name calling spelling. I was in the zone of depression and madness.
It is the worst feeling in the world to be treated this way or have rumors started about you or
even about other people. It shouldn't matter what people have to say about you because at the end
of the day you are the only person who will ever know the truth.
Like I said regarding your rough draft, this was a great narrative. I think its a pretty
relatable story and you did a good job describing the events.
Assignment requirements: 9/10. You didnt quite reach the minimum length requirement.

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Content: 42/50. You did a really nice job and some of your emotions were described really
well. However, I still wish there were more emotions described in here. For example, how
did it feel when someone you considered a friend betrayed you and started spreading
rumors about you?
Organization: 26/30. I suggest one place to break up a paragraph.
Grammar and mechanics: 7/10. Make sure you stay in the past tense when youre talking
about the past. Also, your textbook has great chapters on commas, semicolons, comma
splices, and run-on sentences. Reading those and doing the grammar log will help you
improve in these areas.
Total grade: 84/100. Great work!
Highlighted GREEN text means interesting or good
Highlighted YELLOW text means it needs minor revision
Highlighted PINK text means it needs major revision
Highlighted GRAY text means it needs proofreading
Bold purple text is my comments or corrections

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