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Annotated Bibliography

1. Dolfsma, Wilfred. The Consumption of Music and the Expression of VALUES: A social
Economic Explanation for the advent of Pop Music. The American Journal of Economics
and Sociology, 1999
Wilfred Dolfsma elaborates on the mechanics that go into writing Pop Music. He expresses
that Pop Music is a chance for artist to voice their opinions and show who they are. At the
same time he describes the purpose of pop music as a chance for an artist to connect to their
audience. His techniques are good for those who want to analyze pop music which is who is
audience is intended to be.
2. Goodman, Yetta. Retellings of Literature and the Comprehension Process. Theory Into
Practice, 1982
Yetta Goodman focuses on the thought process that goes through an artist brain while they
try to retell a story. She explains in order for an artist to retell a story the artist must have an
inspiration for motivation. She explains many artist use personal experiences when retelling
stories which makes for a purposeful retelling. Also sometimes artist feel like they can do
better with a piece which is sometimes successful.
3. Hook, Peggy Howlett, Elizabeth, Aldrich Kevin. Booksearch: Abridgements and
Retellings of Classics. English Journal, 1988
Abridgements and Retellings of Classics explain the basic reasons behind rewriting pieces of
literature. Dr. Peggy Howlett the author whose findings were posted in the English Journal
explains that retellings are made for the audience and not the author. Also retellings have to be
changed from one generation to the next to appeal to the current generation. The piece provides

multiple examples of literature that is rewritten mentioning pieces like Dracula to fairy tales like
Beauty and the Beast. The authors criticize the retellings which enables their audience to analyze
retellings they may come across.
4. Joosen, Vanessa. Disenchanting the Fairy Tale: Retellings of Snow White between
Magic and Realism. Marvels and Tales, 2007
Vanessa Joosen explains the aspects that differ from the original and the retelling of a Snow
White. She explains as the story was retold continuously it connect more and more to the
principle of magic and seemed less real. This explains what happens when a story is
continuously retold.
5. Love Story (Taylor Swift song) Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, 2008. (Lewis, Randy.
LA Times, 2008) (BMI
Country Award Big Winners BMI News, 2009)
The Wikipedia page of the Taylor Swift song Love Story provides facts about the popular
Taylor Swift song. It also digs into the motivation behind Taylor Swift Love Story. It shows
her inspiration and shows how she wrote it about a personal experience. This allows her
audience to understand more about the song by understanding the purpose.
6. Taylor Swift Lyrics. Love Story, 2008 provides the lyrics of Taylor Swifts Love Story. I uses this has a reference
when pulling text from the song and analyzing it.

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