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Sydney Sachro

7 December 2015
Educational Technology Philosophy
Over the course of this semester, I believe that I have grown in terms of how I feel about
technology use in the classroom. My past views of technology were slightly negative as I often
find it confusing and difficult to navigate. However, I believe that education is essential in
todays classroom because our world is heavily evolved around it. In addition, my perspective
towards technology in education has changed. I now view technology as an exciting, and positive
resource that is able to bring learning to new depths and in new ways that have never been done
before. I believe it is crucial to use technology in education because it is a strong tool that a
teacher can wield for various and vast purposes. Technology can simulate different scenarios and
take students to places that they would never be able to go if technology was not used. All in all,
I believe that technology plays a vital role in the education of today's children, and there are
many different programs that are created to provide tools for future learners.
I believe that technology should be used as a crutch or as a scaffolding device for
students. I can see teachers implementing strong lessons by first teaching the lesson and using
different apps or tools to reinforce the skills learned in the lesson. I believe that using technology
to present the lesson is also effective. All in all, I believe that technology should be used when
effective in the classroom, but I also believe that there should be ample amount of time for
discussion of ideas. A classroom should incorporate many technological resources on a daily
basis, but along with this should require time for group work and class or partner discussion. I
believe that the teacher should create suggested time limits for technology use because I do not

believe that classrooms should suffer in terms of social interaction. In conclusion, I believe that
technology should be used whenever it is effective on a daily basis but the teacher should also be
implementing social interaction.
In my future classroom I hope to have laptops so students are able to utilize technological
tools and work collaboratively with these tools. I also hope to have an IPad or other smartphone
devices so I am able to make use out of assessment apps such as Plickers, and Kahoot. Along
with this, I would like to utilize the majority of the Cool Tools that were addressed this semester
in my future classroom. In conclusion, I believe that my educational technology philosophy has
evolved over the semester. I now believe that technology is a positive and crucial aspect to
include in daily classroom life. Technology is a free tool that can provide deep learning of a
multitude of subjects and teachers should utilize this outlet to their advantage.

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