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October 06, 2014

PRINT: 3 Major / 1 Minor

Your Unconscious Motivators are

to succeed and achieve, as well as for things to be perfect, correct
and right.

The strength of your Minor in relation to your Major is LOW

Copyright 1998-2014 The Paul Hertz Group Print and

Unconscious Motivators are registered trademarks.

Print Description for CHRISTINA L HAMMEL

Print: 3 Major / 1 Minor

Page 1

Introduction to Print

Did you ever wonder why people behave so differently? Did you ever observe two people seeing

the same thing or hearing the same conversation and having completely different interpretations?
Did you ever wonder why certain people are passive while others are assertive? Why some are
impulsive and others prefer to plan? Why some are more creative and others are more analytical?
Why some are detailed and others only see the big picture?
The answers to these questions and many more are very much connected to ones personality. One
way to describe personality is using a process called Printing . Printing is based on a powerful
system that was developed by scholars centuries ago and has been refined over hundreds of years.
Printing takes peoples personality traits, along with the whys behind these traits, and groups them
into 9 categories - each with its own way of thinking, feeling and behaving; its own unique view of
the world; and its own set of strengths and potential weaknesses. Although people may see parts of
themselves in some, or even all of the groupings, there are always two that fit them better than the
rest called a Major (dominant) and a Minor (secondary). The combination of a persons Major
and Minor makes up their personality type, or Print, of which there are 72 in total.

Every Print has its unique strengths and weaknesses.

Your Print explains your view of the world how you look at things and
how you respond to people and situations.

Each Print has an Unconscious MotivatorTM that drives the beliefs,

thoughts, emotions and actions of that Print.

Some behaviors are common among two or more Prints, but the
motivation behind the behaviors are different. Unconscious MotivatorsTM
are the key to truly understanding Print behavior.

No Print is better than any other Print. Prints are not good or bad, just

Each Print has strengths (called Best Self) and potential weaknesses
(called Shadow) that are unique to that Print.

A persons natural state is Best Self. But sometimes Shadow replaces

Best Self as a persons automatic default, particularly under stress.

The Paul Hertz Group

Copyright SoulData Print is a registered trademark.
All content including survey, profiles and reports is copyright protected and permission to reproduce, distribute or
use this content commercially is strictly prohibited without prior signed authorization from SoulData Corporation.

Print Description for CHRISTINA L HAMMEL

Print: 3 Major / 1 Minor

Page 2

We use the numbers 1 through 9 to designate the different Prints the first number of your Print
represents your Major and the second number is your Minor. High numbers are not better or worse
than low numbers. Low numbers are not better or worse than high numbers. We simply use
numbers as a way to distinguish the groupings.
The Print SurveyTM that you recently completed was to determine your Print. Attached is your result
and a description of the characteristics of your Print, a blend of your Major and Minor. When you
read the description, it is important to note that there may be characteristics or traits
described that you dont think you have or exhibit. Do not be alarmed. This is expected. The
narrative represents the entire universe of traits for a given Print. You probably exhibit a
number of the behaviors, but not all of them. However, the narrative should be a good overall
representation of your personality.
Sometimes, people find it difficult to see themselves as others perceive them. It may help to let a
trusted, dear friend, close colleague, spouse, family member or significant other read your
description and offer their perceptions.
Please note that your narrative includes a list of traits called Potential Shadow Traits. Shadow
traits are traits that can come out during times of stress. These are potential areas for you to work
on. As we said, not all of the characteristics listed will apply to you, but those that do offer
opportunities for personal growth. Here are some suggestions for how to put the information to
good use:
1. Review the list of potential Shadow traits and try to identify two or three that you feel you
exhibit more often than you would like. Select no more than three behaviors to work on. If
possible, ask a few people you trust to verify them for you and even see if they'll point out some
examples, if you or they feel comfortable doing this. Others' perceptions can sometimes be
more reliable than your own.
2. Keep these behaviors in your conscious awareness. Shadow behaviors can be automatic. We
can do them without thinking. They often just happen. Change that process by staying "awake"
and "alert" about your behaviors. When you wake up in the morning, be aware of them. When
you start work, be aware of them, etc. What is key is how you handle your "moment of truth"
when something stressful happens and your automatic Shadow behaviors want to take over. Try
to stay aware and step back for a few moments in these situations. Even take a few deep breaths
before responding.
3. Periodically ask the same people in our first suggestion to give you progress reports. Also, if
they observe you starting to do one of your Shadow behaviors, ask them to gently inform you
and alert you to slippage. Your "buddy" can help you quite a bit. Additionally, ask them to let
you know when you are doing Best Self behaviors, especially if you are making improvements
in this area.

Print Description for CHRISTINA L HAMMEL

Print: 3 Major / 1 Minor

Page 3

At their best, 3/1s are the quintessential achievers whose focus on success drives them to perform
and produce. They are extremely conscientious, value hard work and possess a talent for making
things happen. They bring high energy to achieve their desired goals and have the ability to
motivate, even inspire others to join with them and work with equal intensity. They handle pressure
exceedingly well and they can thrive in fast paced environments. Sometimes, however, the 3/1s
achievement tunnel vision carries a high cost. Workaholic 3/1s run the risk of burning out. A sign
that they are approaching this condition is when they become increasingly more irritable and
demanding. In this condition, the 3/1 in overdrive can be difficult to manage.
3/1s like to have clear objectives to work towards and there generally needs to be something in it
for them. Once goals are set, 3/1s quickly put in place what they consider the correct strategies to
set them on their path. They then have the unique ability to maintain incredible focus and selfdiscipline until outcomes are realized. By and large, 3/1s are flexible and adaptable to any
situation. However, on occasion, the 3/1 can become too locked in and appear stubbornly
attached to an ineffective strategy. Protecting a principle or an ideal that the 3/1 believes in is one
explanation for such rigidity.
Natural goal attainment tools that 3/1s have at their command are independence, efficiency,
practicality and organization. They are good planners, possess excellent follow-through skills and
have the ability to multitask. These innate abilities enable 3/1s to keep their eye on the ball and
move on a direct course in the shortest amount of time. However, in their zeal to reach their target
quickly, the 3/1 may justify short cutting procedures or bending rules since getting to the goal is
often more important to the 3/1 than how they got there. The 3/1s hyper-focus also gives rise to
impatience and intolerance if they feel their progress is being blocked. This can occur at the
expense of peoples feelings.
3/1s are known for their unusually good communication and social skills. They can fit into any
group and converse with ease. They are personable and charming, with an ability to convince
people to do or try something and become excited about their message. This ability increases if
3/1s believe in and have passion for what they are selling. But sometimes, if their heart is not
behind what they are promoting, they can have an impersonal manner and give off an aura of
Confidence is one characteristic 3/1s have in abundance. This helps them in all of their personal
and professional endeavors. However, 3/1s can also be overconfident which can make them appear
arrogant. Image is very important to 3/1s. They know how to look and act to project an image of
success. They especially enjoy praise, admiration and recognition because these contribute to their
successful image. Such rewards are considered only fair and right and are expected to be
forthcoming. Sometimes, a 3/1 resorts to self-promotion and boastful behavior to boost their image.
At their worst, they can even exaggerate their accomplishments to make themselves look good in
others eyes. Finally, the 3/1s emphasis on image is likely to be at the root of their defensiveness to
criticism, their difficulty with admitting flaws and mistakes and their tendency to be overly
Copyright SoulData Print is a registered trademark.

Print Description for CHRISTINA L HAMMEL

Print: 3 Major / 1 Minor

Page 4

3/1s thrive in results oriented environments where their performance can be measured objectively
and their achievements can be valued and rewarded. They like situations where they have the
autonomy to do things their way the right way. They have difficulty working in low profile,
low prestige settings that are disorganized, where goals change repeatedly and where process is
more important than results. They dislike environments where they must deal with inefficiency,
which bogs them down in their quest for goal achievement.

Summary of Print 3/1:

Best Self Attributes

Shadow Traits

good social skills


action oriented



overly competitive

good planners


good follow-through

overly image conscious


overly dependent on recognition and praise


dislikes rules and constraints










bends rules


takes short cuts

good communicators







exaggerates accomplishments






conceals mistakes









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