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Opinion Statement

Although this is a tragic event it seems that there are many differing opinions which
deviate from the obvious explanation. In modern investigations a GSR test could have been done
to discern if he had for sure been the shooter, without any question. This test was not invented
yet, so more examination is needed. There are many possibilities, but first one must examine the
obvious. Lee Harvey Oswald was not a happy American, clearly had many psychological
problems. Just a few years before he was implicated in this assassination, he denounced being an
American citizen and tried to defect to Russia. A well-adjusted person would not do so, it simply
does not make any sense. Lee Harvey Oswald was upset even when he lived in Russia and
wanted to go back to America. In America he had a family and a job like everyone else, but his
history displays a sort of loner/antisocial behavior. Oswald also hated the President, and
distributed propaganda against the president. Anyone that interacted with his mother for instance
(including investigators) would say she was not mentally well, the same could be argued for
Oswald. Shortly before the assassination (months before) he bought an accurate cheap rifle, 6.5
mm Carcano carbine, (bottleneck cartridge). This is a deadly and accurate gun, and very
affordable in the early 1960s, which he bought from an ad in surplus, for $19.95. Even making
$1.25 an hour it is affordable, surplus war supplies always are, making it relatively easy for even
an amateur marksman able to become a skilled shooter. It has an effective firing range of 1100
meters at 700 m/s, which is plenty of rifle to make a shot even over 100 yards away. Lee Harvey
Oswald was already an effective shooter, according to the Commission Exhibit 239, he had made

a sharpshooter status (212), and a lower score as a

marksman (191). An expert was able to recreate the
shots with a Carcano. Marina Oswald says in
Warren Commission Hearings, vol.22, [Commission
Exhibit 1401, that: she had never seen Lee Harvey
Oswald practice shooting, nor had she ever heard
him speak of his marksmanship in the Marine
Corps. In the same exhibit she states also: Oswald
had attended the Dallas Evening School in the

Figure 1 Test Fire of Carcano 100 yds Warren

Commission exhibit No. 554

spring of 1963. He had taken typewriting classes at

the school. She said he did not complete his course. (Oswald) Where then was he during these
times, did he ever even attend, sometimes schools do not take roll very efficiently, she did not
know where he was. If she did not entirely know where he was, where was he? Even if he was
at work perhaps he could sneak out on the clock and no one would notice. In a statement
before the Warren Commission, Oswalds supervisor Roy Truly said at one point: "I might have
sent Oswald to work. Might, it doesnt sound like they took very good records of where and
when employees should be. People close to Oswald had made statements that he did not drive,
but more than thirty people said he did or knew he had a license: FBI Agent Bob Barrett, DPD
Captain Westbrook, Dr. Homer Wood, to name a few. This is relevant because it establishes that
he could have had access to transportation and in a manner of a few hours, could sight and
practice with his gun for more than enough time anywhere. It also could be argued that even
though Oswalds wife did not see him use the rifle, he could have bought two and kept it secret
for practicing (Carcanos were only $20, the cost of days at work). Also one must realize that The

Marine Corps has always had a rigorous stressful training regimen, it is possible that Lee Harvey
Oswald was upset, tired or otherwise fatigued and unable to perform adequately to meet
standards in a marksmanship test. It is not impossible for Oswald to have been a better shot than
tested, especially with the many disorders that could come up during a stressful training, anxiety,
shaking, and even asthma. Especially given his antisocial tendencies and communist ideals he
would peddle to everyone. It is not impossible to make the three shots in the motorcade, but it is
difficult. An open limo motorcade is a bad idea, it is so easy for a lone gunman to make a shot hit
a target just once. After all they have all the time in the world to practice, but only have to get
lucky once. Knowing that it is not impossible to say, that any of the many factions, that have a
motive, could have either on their own or in commission with Oswald conspired during this
event. There is simply incomplete information in the release, mostly because of Oswalds
In conclusion I believe, based on the investigation, it is possible that Oswald acted alone
in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In modern investigations a GSR test could
have been done to discern if he had for sure been the shooter, without any question, in
combination with all other evidence. His fingerprints were conclusive on several exhibits in the
Warren Commission, including the rifle, he had motive to kill the President. He also killed
Officer Tippet and could be tried with murder in the 1st degree even with the Kennedy autopsy
being inadmissible. Treason could also be charged on Oswald, there is numerous evidence that
suggest he was not a true American. Unfortunately he was unable to stand trial due to his
unfortunate death at the hands of Jack Ruby, so undeniable proof is unattainable.

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