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Observation: 4th Grade

Attendance: The students stood until their name was called

Classroom Observation
o Chairs set up in two rows towards the back of the classroom
o Square carpet in front of the chairs
o Promethean Board in the front of the carpet
The teacher began by greeting the class and reminded them about the Christmas
Rhythm Rap
o Students chose to sit in the chairs or on the carpet.
o The first part of the rap was about the note values.
o The teacher reviewed the note values by teaching by rote.
o The teacher taught this again because the student had errors in their
recorder song.
o Then the teacher taught rests
o She explained the whole rest by comparing it to the word hold (strong
enough for 4 beats).
o She explained the half rest by comparing it to a hat (Abraham Lincolns

top hat). This is also cross-curriculum.

Fourth graders are fidgety
The teacher ended the lesson with questions about what they learned
The class didnt really have any behavior problems

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