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Checklist for Final Paper

Bodies and Machines

Fall 2015
December 3, 2015
Is your paper clearly written? Do each of your paragraphs have clearly
delineated topic sentences and transitions from one idea or topic to
What is the overall coherence of your paper? Does it have a theme or
idea that unites your discussion and gives it an overall direction?
Is your paper clearly focused on a technobody? How focused is your
discussion, throughout the paper, on the intimate and personal
interaction between an embodied human subject and technology
(Final Paper Directions 206H, p. 2)
Have you clearly and explicitly described your research in terms of who
you spoke with, where you went, what you observed, what you
experienced, etc?
Do you use examples from your research in the form of quotations,
images, and/or observations from the field which support your
discussion and analysis in a clear and convincing manner?
Have you clearly defined Phenomenology, Discourse, and Political
Economy? And have you applied them to your data in a clear and
convincing way?
How clearly and convincingly have you connected your particular
research to broader social and cultural contexts and/or problems
related to the relationship between technology and the human body?
Have you included quotes and/or references from our readings to
discuss and analyze your research? Have you explained the authors
idea and/or the point that they were making in the original source and
how it relates to your discussion and/or analysis? Have you done this in
a way that clearly and convincingly supports your discussion and/or
Does the paper have a clearly delineated conclusion that reiterates the
main points in a clear and convincing way?

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