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Kyle Brown

English 1010
Smarter thinking Machines

Mechanical engineering, the study of understanding how things work.

There are many different types of engineering, such as civil and electronic I
have always found taking apart things and seeing how they work fascinating.
When I was a kid I was highly entertained by Legos. I would spend hours in
my basement building complex creations, I liked finding new ways to put
them together in ways they werent designed to go but still work. Doing this
added a additional level of intricacy that is not achieved by using them the
way they were made. From a young age I have always knew I wanted to
create something new to add to this world and becoming and engineer
seemed like the best way to go about doing so. Engineering has been
increasing rapidly. In the past 40 years we have accomplished more than in
the past hundred before it. Engineers have been working many different
advancements from; robotics, bionics, nanotech and even aerospace.
Although my focus will be on robotics.

Pyk. "Autonomous Robots." Springer Link. Springer International Publishing, 8

June 2006. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Pawel Pyk has a M.S. in Electronical engineering, a M,S, in Computer
Science and a Ph.D. in automatic control and robotics. In this brief academic
article, Pyk Says Robots have been used to model nature. By this he
means, we have learned the best walking robots follow natures blueprints.
The way animals move is efficient fast and is designed over millions of years
not to caused unnecessary energy to be used. We as humans arent making
new ideas for robots, we are simplify taking pages from natures idea book.
Pyk and his team are working on a project called, Artificial moth
where they hope to create a robotic moth that simulates how a real moth
would act. Pyk is interested in using chemical search and localization
systems. Doing this allows them too detect the odor cue through an
Electronic noses.

Russel, Stuart. "Robotics: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence." Nature. Nature

Publishing Group, 27 May 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
In this public source Russel Stuart a Professor of Computer Science at
The University of California talks about the AI (artificial intelligence) of
robots. Stuart states that the Ethical dilemma is if they should even be
trying to give robots AI. Stuarts says that the technology is now advanced
enough to to be feasible within years,

Technologies have reached a point at which the deployment of such

systems is practically if not legally feasible within years, not decades.
The stakes are high: LAWS have been described as the third revolution in
warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms. Russel Stuart
Although AI robotics doesnt just threaten people through war and
killingS, but also jobs. If robots were given the ability to think just like a
human they would be able to do more in the workplace and may even come
to the point where humans will become second to robots, simply you dont
have to pay a robot. This concerns Stuart because as more and more jobs
are taken over by robotics where will humans go to get work. Although this
is just speculation, the way engineering is advancing this could become a
very real threat.
On the other hand, Sabine Hauert (a professor in robotics form the
University of Brisrol) says Dont shy from it!!!. There are many jobs that
humans simply just cant do. Humans are limited by the fact we are alive,
Oxygen, food, our fragile bodys, are all things that limit us from exploring
both, the deep oceans and space. Hauert says that the public only hears
one side of the discussion leading them to think robots are going to take
their jobs.
Russ Altman (professor of Bioengineering Genetics medicine and
computer science at Stanford University) Agrees with Hauert by saying AI
has astounding potential to accelerate scientific discoveries in biology and

medicine. Altman continues to say that why humans are limited robots will
have limits too such as perceptual and cognitive problems so there will
always be a need for humans in the work field also because as they might be
efficient and fast they do have problems humans will not. Lastly Altman
says I think that robots will complement humans, not supplant then. But
robots need to know when to ask for help and how to express their inner
workings. All three of these people are reliable in their own right, and
between all the three people and their credentials makes this source very

Stajic, Jelena. "Rise of the Machines." Science. HighWirePress, 17 July 2015.

Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
This professional source Jelena Stajic talks how machines are evolving,
changing to be even more capable without human input. When asked out
how smart robots are becoming she responded with, although most would
agree that the average person is smarter than the average cat, comparing
humans and machines is not as straight forward- Jelena Stalic . A computer
is only as limited as its programing, and the programing is only limited on the
person doing it. In this regard a computer could only be as smart as a
person has made it. As of right now AI is only able to do simple things, like;
playing chess, flying a jet, or trading stocks, simple analysis and reaction
based upon new data. Lastly Stalic asks how will we ensure that the rise of

the machines is entirely under control. But for now we can only let science
After researching about robot and there AI I still find it amazing how far
we have come so fast. Only a little more the forty years ago we had to have
huge rooms full of computers to do simple calculations, to now having more
power in my pocket then they had during the moon landing. Technology is
advancing faster than ever before its hard to imagine what we will have in
the next 50 years. Even after reading many articles about why people are
afraid AI, I dont understand why. AI wont ever become a threat to people.
Yes some jobs will be taken over by robotics just like any revolution, but what
they dont understand is while jobs will be lost just as many will be created
from it. Robots are designed to do one thing really well but they do brake
down and need to be fixed. Also who makes the robots someone has to
design them. Robotics are just the next step in human history the benefits
are great but so are the disadvantages.
Over all I welcome progress, I want to see how far people can go with it and
get the rewords of new technology

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