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Jack Welchs Secret Recipe

Hiring The Winning People

Sharing Lesson from
World Class CEO
From : Jack Welch with Suzy Welch, Winning, 2005

First Step

Three Acid Test

1. Integrity

Well take a look at

three acid test you
need to conduct before
you event think about
hiring someone

They follow what they say.

2. Intelligence
Strong intelligence curiosity
with breadth of knowledge to

3. Maturity
Withstand the heat, handle
stress and respect others

Second Step
Next, well lay out the 4-E
and 1-P frame work for
hiring that I have used for
many years. Its named
after it contains, which all
begin with E, a nice
coincidence. Theres a P
(for passion) in there too

4E & 1P Frame Work

Positive Energy
Thrive on action, relish change, make
conversation and friend easily.

Ability to energize others

The courage to make tough yes or no

The Ability to get the job done

Heartfelt, deep and authentic
excitement about work

Third Step
Further more, if you need to
hire a senior level leader
someone who is going to
run a major division or an
entire company,you need to
assess four more highly
characteristic that really

4 Leader Characteristic

Self confidence, Conviction, Bold &
Decisive, Can act quickly

Ability to see around corner

Have special capacity to anticipate
the radically unexpected

Surround themselves with

better & smarter people
Ability to put together a team of
people who sometime make him the
dumbest in the group.

Heavy Duty Resilience

Learn from mistakes, regroup, and
then get going again with renewed
speed,conviction and confidence.

And then the secret recipe hiring

winning people :
1. Dont ever rely entirely on one meeting
when recruit and select your people
2. If you really desperate to hire people, focusing
in Integrity, Energy & Passion
3. Training can fill the gap, except for Energy &
Energize. Its trait and cant be trained

More about the secret recipe

4. Dont expect too much for people without 4E
& 1Ps especially for leader position
5. Try to pick high potential to grow rather than
to get the job done.
6. Ask them a key question:Why they left his
previous job? Listen closely and get in the
candidate skins

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