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Little 1

Taylor Little
Teresa Welch
PHIL 1000

Group Project
1. Do we have any ethical duties regarding what we do with our money? For instance,
Peter Singer says that we have an ethical duty to give away any money that we earn
that is not spent on meeting our basic needs of food and shelter to those who cannot
afford to pay for their basic needs. Do you agree why or why not?
Zach- If people want to get money they should go get a job and work for it rather than
be waiting for it to be handed to them.
Mattie- Disagrees. We do have an ethical duty. Its mostly do good to others and good
will come to you. Basically like Karma
Melissa- At first was trying to think of why it should be. Donating shouldnt be a
duty. It shouldnt be forced but it should come out of the goodness of you heart.
Ashley Doesnt think we have an ethical duty. We work for our money so we should
be able to spend it on whatever we want.
My thoughts I dont think we have an ethical duty to give away our money. It
should be something that we want to do not that we are required to do. My opinion on
this didnt change throughout the conversation. I dont like when Im required to do
something and I usually end up hating it. It should be something that you want to do
with your full heart.
2. Is it unethical to eat meat? Do we have an ethical duty to be a vegetarian? Why or
why not? Is it unethical to eat any type of food? Why or why not?
Zach Loves meat. Eating it keeps populations down. Hunters basically control
populations of animals. Thats why we have a fun chain.

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Mattie Doesnt eat read meat. He has more of nutritional point of view. He also
doesnt think domesticated animals should be eaten. He is super big on making sure
that he pays more for an animal being treated properly and he wont eat pig because
of that reason.
Melissa Doesnt think its unethical. Animals are meant to be eaten. She agreed with
Mattie on how animals should be treated fair but you cant always decide of that fact.
Ashley Agreed that it isnt unethical. We need the meat to survive and thats why
we have a food chain. If we dont eat them there will be an overflow/overpopulation.
There needs to be an order for everything.
My thoughts I agreed that I dont think its unethical to eat meat. I am very
particular about the meat I eat but I dont necessarily base it off how the animal was
treated. I think if I knew those things I probably wouldnt eat any meat since it would
gross me out. So I try not to think about that. I do believe that we shouldnt eat
domesticated animals though.
3. What is truth? How do we know if we have arrived at truth? Are the skeptics correct
that we cannot ever have knowledge of the truth? Is truth relative? Why or why not?
Zach Truth to each person is different. What you believe in can be truth to you. If
you feel at peace with it than thats good. He doesnt think there can ever be an
ultimate truth
Mattie We wont reach an ultimate truth. Its what you believe in and put your faith
in. Truth is once youre fully awake and conscience with your surroundings
Melissa Has no truth. Its hard to define truth. Each person has their own truth. It all
depends on if you are religious or not. You can never know if you have arrived at
truth. Skeptics are right to a point but you can never be fully sure.
Ashley Something that was proven. Proven with facts, evidence and science. Things
are mostly based off faith. You can never be 100% sure.
My thoughts I agree with everyone and my mind really wasnt changed. Im a huge
skeptic when it comes to things and I always have to keep asking why people think

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that their version is the truth. Everyone is entitled to their own truths. There is no
ultimate truth to me.
4. How is good behavior vs. bad behavior determined? Do the consequences of ones
actions define whether an action is good or bad, or is it the motivations or intentions
of the actor that matters? What matters most the action, the intentions behind our
actions or both?
Zach Based his answer off of Dexter. Its a good thing to do if the justice system
doesnt take care of it. Sometimes its okay to do bad if its good for someone else.
Mattie The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You have to question your
own morality. Someone could look at it as bad but to you its good. You need to be
willing to accept your own consequences.
Melissa Peoples opinions are different and sometimes when you do something
good it might not be good to someone else.
Ashley Its okay to do things sometimes. Dexter would take care of the things that
the justice system couldnt do. If you have good intentions, its okay but if its for
selfish reasons or bad intentions than that is morally bad
My thoughts I dont agree with anyone. I couldnt kill someone if they killed one of
my loved ones. I would want to get justice yes but I dont think that is ever a good
reason to cause harm on someone else even if they deserve it.
5. If we do the right action for the wrong reason, is it less moral? (I.e. giving money to
charity in order to cut my tax bill)
Zach It is less moral if you have the wrong intentions but could become moral if
you finish with the right with intentions.
Mattie had to do community service and at first and he hated it. He had to look at it
and know that it was good. If you start morally wrong, youll start questioning your
Melissa Dont think its wrong to give money to charity if you get a break out of
your taxes. If only the end justifies the means.

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Ashley If you are still trying to do good its okay but it shouldnt be the way you
should always do it.
My thoughts I think if I were to steal money for the homeless I wouldnt feel any
better about myself. I think there are certain things that could be wrong that you could
do for the right intentions. My ideas didnt really change.
6. Are bad actions that are completed with good intent less moral? (i.e. stealing food to
help the poor)
Zach doesnt see anything bad with that. It depends on how severe it is thought. He
wouldnt go to drastic measures.
Mattie It messes with his integrity to break the law for someone else. It will be too
much of a burden.
Melissa Used Robin Hood as an example. Its elevating someone elses suffering by
taking from someone who might not miss it.
Ashley People deserve bad things if they did bad things. It depends on certain
things. Beating up a bully can teach that bully not to do those things.
My thoughts I couldnt do bad things to someone if they did bad to me. Like I said
earlier, I cant hurt someone who had hurt my family. I dont think its the moral way
to go about it. I got really irritated on this question because Mattie was the only one
who could agree and see it that way.
7. What does living the good life consist of?
Zach The good life is living with family and friends. They can be there to pull you
out of your darkest times. Ideal to be financially stable.
Mattie Other peoples happiness is above his. He gets happy because of other
peoples happiness He could be poor and miserable if the people around him were
happy. He could feed off of their happiness for his own.
Melissa Very dependent on relationships. She wouldnt want to have to worry about
money. Without friend and family, she would be miserable.
Ashley Living without having to pay bills. Life without worries and finding true
happiness. Want a set life but to the fullest with all basic needs and wants covered.

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My thoughts being financially fit would be the ideal life for me. But being
surrounded with the one I love would be the good life for me. Surround yourself with
the people you want to be around.
8. What are the qualities of the superior individual?
Zach someone who is in power. Financially fit, and physically fit. People who can
communicate with others. Not scared to lead at all.
Mattie - Smart, very understanding, likeable, can read situations and handle them
correctly. Can be under stress but still be a good leader. They can make hard
decisions, have good moral integrity and are physically healthy
Melissa doesnt think its based off power more than bettering themselves and
others. And by caring about others you can become superior. Being intelligent helps
you to help others and by being selfless.
Ashley Same as Melissa. Doesnt necessarily have to do with looks but based on
personality. Bettering themselves and the people around them.
My thoughts At first I agreed with Zach on it was someone who was in power but
when Melissa said that it had to do more with caring about people it kind of changed
my mind a little. I still believe that the person who has more power is superior in the
business side but the person who has a better personality is someone who is superior
to the emotions side of things.
9. To what extent, if any, does happiness relate to living the good/moral life? What is
Zach Happiness is an individual thing. To him happiness is riding bikes and boating
but that might not be happiness to someone else. Everyone has their own unique
Mattie Doesnt agree that happiness has anything to do with the moral life. Since
you can be depressed and still make good and moral decisions. Happiness is your
own individual thing and being yourself. Having no obligations to anyone but

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Melissa Agrees with Mattie. When shes sad and not happy she wants to help people
since it makes her feel better. But being sad could lead to doing stuff that you
normally wouldnt do if youre sad. Both sadness and happiness can affect your
decisions. Happiness is having food friends and family throughout your life. She also
claims its wearing sweatpants.
Ashley The discussion made her change her mind on everything. Emotions affect
things not just happiness. But it is still more on how you view things. Depending on
how you see yourself. Happiness is being stable and having people love and care for
My thoughts I feel happiness is how you perceive it. If you hate farming, you wont
be a farmer but someone who loves it will always want to become a farmer. I think
emotions play a huge role on your happiness. Because to me when Im sad all I want
to do is hide and be alone. But if you are happy you almost present yourself
10. To what extent, if any, does ones duties to society/other people relate to living the
morally good life?
Zach You are not obligated at all. But you should feel the need to give but people
like the beggars are just people who take, take, take and never give.
Mattie No and yes. No because you dont have an obligation to anyone but yourself.
Yes, because in a way you need to repay people back. Parents and friends who have
given to you.
Melissa No one should have a duty to do anything. But that helping others isnt
something that should be required and failing at certain duties could be bad.
Ashley Depending on where you are in life once you reach a level you have a debt
to repay someone. But you do it because you want too.
My thoughts I agree with Mattie. You arent obligated to anyone but you should be
willing to help your parents since they raised you. It shouldnt be required though.

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