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8th Grade English - GA 411 23.

Semester Lesson Plan and Syllabus
2nd semester

Instructors: Danielle Shamroe

Email address:

Focus Georgia Performance Standards (GPS): This course is aligned to the following
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. For a complete list of GPS for all subject
areas/grade levels, please visit
Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created
through the use of dramatic irony) create such effects as suspense or humor.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs
from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.
(RL.8.8 not applicable to literature)
Analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from
myths, traditional stories, or religious works such as the Bible, including describing how the material is
rendered new.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the
high end of grades 68 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Course Texts:
Instructor provided materials
American literature (AGS)
Animal Farm by George Orwell

Writers Choice Grammar and Composition

Writers Companion (Prentice Hall)

Weekly Goals:
Week 1:
Grammar Review
Week 2:
Figurative Language Review
Week 3:
Introduce the Poetry Unit: Literary Devices
Week 4:
Poetry Unit: Forms and Styles
Week 5:
Poetry Unit: Various Authors
Week 6:
Poetry Unit: Various Authors
Week 7:
Poetry Unit: Portfolio Project
Week 8:
Poetry Unit: Portfolio Project
Week 9:
Introduce the Short Story Unit: The Lottery
Week 10:
Short Story: The Most Dangerous Game
Week 11:
Short Story: Various Authors
Week 12:
Short Story: Unit Test
Week 13:
Introduce: Animal Farm
Week 14:
Spring Break: No school
Week 15:
Animal Farm: Leadership and Corruption
Week 16:
Animal Farm: Control over the Intellectually Inferior
Week 17:
Animal Farm: Lies and Deceit
Week 18:
Animal Farm: Introduce the Art of Speech: Various Speakers Hitler, MLK, JFK, Castro
Week 19:
Animal Farm: Final Project The Art of Speech
Week 20:
Animal Farm: Final Project The Art of Speech

Materials: The following materials are required every day for class
1. Journal
(may use 1st semesters)
6. Text (textbook or novel, as
were reading it)
2. Blue pens, black pens and pencils
7. Thumb drive (MINIMUM 1
3. Pencil Pouch
8. Highlighter (blue, pink, green or orange)
4. Glue Stick
9. Red Binder with 4 dividers
5. Scissors
6. Paper, Red Folder
Conduct Expectations:
1. Arrive to class on time with all of your materials
2. Be seated with planners out by the time the class bell begins ringing
3. Listen attentively to speakers, waiting until one has finished before speaking
4. Respect boundaries, both your own and others
5. Actively participate in the class on a daily basis.
Grading Policy: Each students final grade in this course will be based on the following using
a point system:

Class discussion/Participation
Tests/Projects/Essays and Journal
Daily Class Work

Late Work/Make-up Work:

Students will complete all assignments in accordance with the criteria established in their I.E.P.
Students are expected to revise work until they have met class and personal objectives.
Students will complete their work by the assigned dates. If work is not turned in on the
assigned date, ten percent is deducted for each day the assignment is late. Make-up work due
to excused absences must be scheduled within three days upon the students return to school.
Students are responsible for getting missed assignments from the teacher and turning in
missed work to the teacher.
Note: If your average drops below your IEP goal, you will be placed on a recovery plan.
Recovery plan work will receive no higher than a 75%
Initials: ____________
Academic Honesty:
Plagiarism is taking someone elses ideas and/or words and passing it off as your own work.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated on any assignment. Plagiarism will result in a grade of a ZERO
for the assignment and further action following TCS policy. Please refer to your student
handbook on TCS policy on plagiarism.
Initials: ____________
I am available by email throughout the day. However, if you call me, I will be unable to return
your call until the end of the school day (after 4PM). I look forward to getting to know all of you
throughout the school year!

Student Signature

Parent Signature

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