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Josu Lainey

Book Review: Darth Plagueis

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? Its a Sith legend.
Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise that he could
use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a
knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from
dying.Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Star Wars: Episode 3. Based on the tale of
Darth Plagueis in episode 3 revenge of the Sith, the book Darth Plagueis a New York
Times bestseller was released January 10, 2012. The author who wrote it was James
Luceno well known for a lot of different books. This book rivals the Darth Bane
trilogy and also works as a sequel to that trilogy since it ties in so nicely because of
the rule of two and also can be a prequel to the Phantom menace movie.
The book depicts the legendary Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, shaping his
apprentice, Palpatine. Then eventually takes Plagueis place and plan for him to
become the new Sith emperor and leader. The story starts with Plagueis being sold
from a banking clan to the Sith, his father had told him by doing this Plagueis would
become rich beyond comprehension. After a few years he recruits Palpatine as his
apprentice. After convincing Palpatine to join the Sith he makes Palpatine kill his
family in order to compete the entrance. Palpatine kills his family while they were
traveling in light speed. After that hi name was changed to Sidious. Later on in the
story Palpatine gets a child from a witch of Dathomir who would later come on to
become Darth Maul. After many more years Palpatine forms his political career and
after becoming chancellor he gets tired of Plagueis and betrays him by murdering
him in his sleep. Palpatine later finds out the chosen one is real, he decides to
corrupt him as his apprentice instead of killing him.
The book is extremely well written and interesting, although there might be
lots of slow points on many occasions in the novel it is still relatively interesting to
learn about the history and the plan that would overthrow the republic and bring the
end of the Jedi. The book is very descriptive and gritty at some points showing the
emotions and struggles of Plagueis and his apprentice throughout the book. The
book really sheds light on the mysterious Sith, Darth Plagueis who was first depicted
in episode 3 while Palpatine his former apprentice was speaking to the chosen one,
Anakin successfully corrupting the young Jedi. Also the book follows the teaching of
Darth Bane and really connects all the dots from previous books to how it goes with
the main canon story arc in the Star Wars franchise. I definitely recommend this
book to whomever that enjoys Star Wars literature and a well written and developed
book that goes in depths with its characters connecting you to them and feeling
their pain and triumphs. I rate this book 4/5.

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