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Lesson 12

Drawing & Communication: Figure Drawing

Drawing using contour line and basic shapes, and combinations of both, with Dean Estes and Jessie Nilo.
As a continuation of last week, this is just a reminder that whether or not you will use these particular methods
in your own artwork, the practice of learning various art methods can inform your artistic growth.
If you are advanced at figure drawing, find a person and pose them while this video plays, or draw along
with todays lesson with the images provided; your choice. Upload one or more images to your class in step 3.
If youre new at figure drawing, relax and see how much you can learn. You just might pick up something
new. NOBODY is judging you; be kind to yourself. Upload one or more images to your class in step 3.
Supplies needed as you watch this video:

A real, live person to draw if you can find one (however, in this video Dean and I pose onscreen in case
nobody else is around). Perhaps someone is nearby watching TV or reading in their natural habitat.

2 kitchen chairs facing each other, as before.

Large, light-colored paper (8-10 sheets). If you dont have large paper, tape 2 pieces together on the back.

A drawing board or cardboard backing, and clamps or binder clips to attach your paper to the board.

A dark, bold drawing instrument such as a soft charcoal, and/or a bold, smooth, dark marker.

When youre ready to start the video:

Lean your paper (which is attached to a drawing board) on a chair facing toward you, as in this photo.

You can either stand, or sit on a chair facing your drawing board. Protect chairs with plastic or rags.

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