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Adrian Tangcoy

EN 202- 01
Dr. Kimberly Bunts- Anderson
I felt that the topic I chose was okay for me. The topic was not good, it was not bad, it was
just okay. I do not think that I would work on it further because I feel like I do not need to do so due
to the fact that it has been done so many times. However, I am quite content with what I chose
because I like electronic devices. I have grown up in the era of technology and I enjoy learning
anything that deals with these electric devices.
In my opinion, I prefer the first method of doing a research project. Even though I did not do
some essays (which I regret), I feel like that is a better method of learning how to do a research
project because you learn on how to do those three essays and then you are able to incorporate it into
the research paper, thus making it easier for the writer.
I think that finding sources throughout the course would be more helpful because, again, it
will benefit the writer in writing their research paper. I feel that the sources I found for my paper is
satisfying, but I feel like I could do better. The only problem I had finding literature is that I could not
find a specific one for my paper. Most of the literature I found are broad and do not go into much
detail. The source that I found most helpful, though, was the 25 Negative Effects of Electronic
I think that supplementary work helped me out the most in learning about academic writing
and academic research. Web documents have also helped me out in my academic writing because I

was able to look at an academic writing as a model and tried to follow it. No, but I feel like I would
have wanted to use web documents more often.
In my opinion, I feel like I have achieved something. Yes, I believe that I will definitely use
most of the skills I learned in the future. I think that in the future, I will be writing a 20 page research
paper because of me wanting to pursue a masters degree in accounting, so I think that there will be
an assignment like that waiting for me in the future.
Yes, I think that I now know some areas to search for great sources (i.e. Google Scholar,
Ebsco). I do not think I will be able to write three right away, but I know that I can definitely do one.
I think that the best writing skill I have is doing the persuasive writing, but I feel like I need more
practice on it. I want to improve more on my Compare and Contrast essay, because I think that it is
my weakest essay that I would have to write. In terms of APA format, I think that I would have to
look it up and use it when it is required.
Yes, I think that it is a skill that I would have to use in the future because this will not be the
last research report that I would have to do. Especially since I am pursuing on getting my Masters
degree for Accounting, I think I would have to use it again.
Most definitely. After failing to do some of my tasks at first on gaining primary data, I felt
like I did not want to do it anymore, but after doing my observations, it felt fun. Having to study
something to enhance your knowledge and gain data seemed fun. I would like to learn how to do an
interview and an experiment. I foresee myself doing interviews, surveys, observations, and
experiments to gain my primary data for my research paper.
I think that my strength was writing these papers really fast or doing them in the last minute
(which is something I hope I would not want to do in the future), but the weakness I want to get over

is getting discouraged after being unable to do something. I think that planning ahead is something
that I need to improve on because this would be a great benefit to my life. Also, that is something that
I would want to do starting the next semester.
I feel like I have improved a little bit. This was my first time in doing one, so I was able to
learn to write in the APA format. I hope that I am able to work on my primary research more. I think
that the outcome of my research has made me learn a couple of things. I do not think I have spent
enough time on collecting and analyzing the data because I focused more on thinking of the research

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