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These colors came to me thru dealing with a series of headaches and very melanch
oly thought patterns.
Pink color vibrations:
useful in awakening compassion, lovee , and purity. It eases feelings of anger a
nd neglect. Pink stimulates the thymus gland and the immune system of the body.
Pink is comforting to the emotional energies and can be used to discern greater
truths in meditation.
Orange color vibrations:
Orange effects the second chakra (Sacral Chakra). It is the color of joy and wis
dom. It is tied to our emotional health as well, and our muscular systems. Too m
uch orange can effect the nerves and should be balanced with blue/greens. Orange
is exceptional when used to treat depression and or emotional paralysis. It is
great for the eliminative system and in revitalizing the body overall.
Yellow color vibration:
Yellow also represents the Solar Plexus chakra. Most strongly it is stimulating
to the mental faculties. It helps to re-awaken an enthusiasm for life as well as
greater enthusiasm and optimism.
Turquoise color vibration:
Obviously Turquoise is a combination of blue and green (the eart and the Throat
Chakra). Green is the most balancing of all color energies and it can used to in
crease our sense of compassion and sensitivity. It has a calming effect and very
soothing for the nervous system. Green balances the autonomic nervous system, h
igh blood pressure, headaches, and exhaustion. Blue is very cooling to our syste
m and has very cleansing antiseptic qualities.
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