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The Division of Continuing Studies Transformative Teaching and Learning Initiative

Final Self-Appraisal

Choose one of the courses you teach (please evaluate the same course from the initial self-appraisal).
Course Name: Abnormal Psychology
Course Format (please circle):




Please rank your course/instruction using the following scale:

1 = needs significant improvement
2 = below average
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = exceptional
Organization of the course

Navigation of the course facilitates ease of use

Course learning objectives are clear

Communication of expectations to students

Types/variety of student-to-student interaction opportunities and activities

Types/variety of student-to-instructor interaction opportunities and activities

Assessments that are appropriate, timely, varied

Ensuring academic integrity (testing strategies, screening for plagiarism)

Providing feedback to students (timely, appropriate, helpful, personal)

Integration of technology

Creative design/presentation features

Instruction strategies that assist a variety of learning styles/abilities

Awareness/utilization of student support services on campus

Awareness/utilization of instructor support services on campus (within DCS)

Awareness/utilization of instructor support services on campus (outside DCS)

Date Completed:


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