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Victoria Dixon

MKTG 330: MW 4 PM


Spells Good, LLC

Website Analytics Report
Final e-Marketing Portfolio Item: One Last Byte

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
Customer Segments ............................................................................................................. 3
Primary Site Goals ............................................................................................................... 3
Conversion & Engagement Goals ........................................................................................... 4
Communication Goals ........................................................................................................... 4
Email Campaign Design ........................................................................................................ 5
Traffic-Driving Process Model & Promotional Campaign Timeline ............................................... 6
Email Campaign Performance ................................................................................................ 7
Overall Site Performance ...................................................................................................... 8
Segmentation & Demographic Data of Site Visitors .................................................................. 9
Evaluation & Assessment of Conversion & Engagement Metrics ............................................... 11
Insights & Recommendations ............................................................................................... 12

Spells Good focuses on providing a wow experience for every customer and gift recipient. Our mission and
core values are evident in everything we do. In improving our accessibility and convenience to the customer,
we have recently published our new website. Through a goal-driven promotional campaign executed via email
and Facebook, we have directed traffic to our site and tracked it through Google Analytics. The insights
gained from this experience will help to focus Spells Good s marketing efforts and enhance site usability for a
better brand experience.

Customer Segments
Spells Good serves a variety of customers in the Hampton Roads area. As identified in the business proposal,
this companys target markets include Yoga Pants and Pacifiers, the Married to the Job market, and G ussied
Up Grandmas.
Members of the Yoga Pants and Pacifiers market are women, ages 25 -35, married with children, upper middle
class, conservatives who watch Ellen and hold a gym membership.
The Married to the Job market segment consists of men, ages 40-55, married without children, mid-level
income with a white-collar job who favor high quality to a low price and watch CNN.
Gussied Up Grandmas are women, ages 55 -75, married and nearing retirement, upper -middle class who
prefer face-to-face communication and value time with grandchildren along with attending outdoor summer
concerts and watching Dancing with the Stars.

Primary Site Goals

The purpose of Spells Goods online presence is to provide a platform on which customers can

learn about Spells Good and its products,

place an order for packages and standard products,

submit a custom product order, and

find basic location information on its storefront.

Spells Goods site adds to the companys ability to better serve its customers as it is a more convenient forum
than a storefront that is only available during business hours. With its target markets in mind, Spells Good
aims to make the purchasing process as easy and accessible as possible. The Yoga Pants and Pacifiers moms
and the Married to the Job husbands do not have time to aimlessly browse available options so a web
platform is a more conducive option than a storefront in accommodating that lifestyle.
Additionally, Spells Goods unique offering of spelling out a word or phrase in cookies requires some
knowledge of our ordering processes. Prior to this web platform, custom orders were conducted via phone or
face-to-face in the store. A purposeful and user -friendly form is necessary for facilitating the custom order
process and the Wufoo form, now available on Spells Goods site, is a large step forward in streamlining
complicated orders.

Conversion & Engagement Goals

In an effort to measure customer engagement, Spells G ood has formed the following conversion goals and
tracks their progress through Google Analytics.

View contact us page

View product package options

Review custom order page

See deals (view Discounts & Specials page)

Communication Goals
Spells Goods promotional media campaign is primarily designed to invite and engage the customer but also
to inform the customer in the following areas.

Visit the site to learn about the company


Visit the product page to see what products and package levels are available


Visit our custom order form page to review the many options and place a custom cookie order

These goals help to shape the content and format of the email design.

Email Campaign Design

Link to Landing Page

Link to Order Form Page

Link to Products Page

Link to Landing Page

Traffic-Driving Process Model

Promotional Campaign Timeline

Email Campaign Performance

In addition to the utilization of Google Analytics, Spells Good uses MailChimps reporting features to track
click-through rates and the effectiveness of its email campaigns.
Despite some complications with the email going directly into some of the recipients spam folders, the
majority of recipients opened the email and about half clicked a link to view the Spells Good site.

Out of the three links included in the email copy, the most
popular link clicked brought visitors to the home page, the
next popular, to the custom order page and, lastly, the
products page.

Overall Site Performance

In regards to overall site performance (as of 4 pm on April 23 rd ), the site has received 736 pageviews,
with visitors spending an average of a minute and 43 seconds on a page.

The top performing pages, ranked in number of pageviews from most to least, are the Spells Good home
page, product page, discounts & specials page, the about us page and the plans for growth page.
The graph pictured below shows a couple of small peaks shortly after the site was published a s well as a
large peak when building the site became intensive and the company sought out multiple consultants for
advice. The last peak is a result of the promotional campaign performed through email and Facebook.

Segmentation & Demographic Data of Site Visitors

Throughout the last month, Spells Goods site has experienced traffic from visitors unlike its primary target
market. The age of most site visitors, about 75%, ranged from 18 -24 and about 25% of site visitors were
between the ages of 25-34. A large majority of those visi tors were male: 76%. The differences in age can
largely be attributed to the mediums thro ugh which the site was promoted. The disproportion in gender is
most likely so prominent due to the small sample size of people with access to the li nk yet further testing
should be done to determine if the companys target market is unlike the determined segments.

Pictured below is a geographic breakdown of the user audience in both a world map visual and table form.
The top 5 countries specified are labeled with the quantity of sessions respective to that region.





In the following geographic breakdown table is the tracking data by city. There is a clear majority of traffic
coming from the Newport News area but also Samara, which is located in Russia. Strictly from a conversion
standpoint, Newport News is where there is the most potential for business. Still a promising area to tap into ,
according to this data, is Williamsburg.

Google Analytics also collects and reports information on user intere sts. Spells Good site visitors enjoy
movies, television, as well as other forms of entertainment and are interested in the topics of dating services
and employment.


Evaluation & Assessment of Conversion & Engagement Metrics

A functional landing page and an eye-catching email are important parts to engaging the customer but the
real action comes into the picture with conversions. Our marketing team was ple asantly surprised with the
amount of people who engaged with the site without much promotion. We received a total of 16 custom
orders through our Wufoo form and have compiled the following metrics that best showcase the other ways in
which Spells Good engaged with the customer online.
Some of the data may not accurately reflect the effectiveness of the promotional campaign or the actual
traffic to the site as there was a minor error in two of the pages that did not allow the Google Analytics
tracking code to function properly. After a detailed diagnostic via the admin portal, the web designer went
into a web-code redesign of inputs which enabled monitoring of those IP addresses (the contact page and the
discounts page).
The chart below shows how the visitors who completed goals found the goal -related pages.
At first, the primary source listed for goal completions
appears to be direct. However, in consideration of the
various Facebook URLs, most goal completions were
actually a result of Facebook referrals.
Around 62% of goal completions came from Facebook,
whereas only 9% of goal completions are attributed to
the email campaign.
According to these results, Spells Good should increase its focus on social media engagement in conjunction
with a purposeful email campaign.
In the time observed, users totaled 326 sessions and 736 pageviews. Of those sessions, 257 lasted 10
seconds or less and 19 sessions lasted longer than 10 minutes. Sessions lasting 11-600 seconds are most
likely potential customers, with the understanding that a session lasting less than 10 seconds may qualify as
a user who was searching for something else and a session longer than 10 minutes is unlikely to be an active
user engaged with the content or she is the web designer.


The following table provides valuable insights for the Spells Good marketing team in relation to user browsing
preferences. Almost 30% of goal completions originated from mobile devices so Spells Good should invest
resources in making the site mobile-friendly. User feedback submitted via email and Facebook comments also
support this suggestion.

Insights & Recommendations

Creating this site was a long and challenging journey yet there is still so much further it could go. If the
given the chance to start fresh, the site creator should learn as much about the chosen WordPress theme as
possible before digging in. However, that information is not easy to find if the creator is unfamiliar with
WordPress so pay a visit to the expert, DH, before spending hours muddling through html code and
appearance settings.
Also, do not put emojis in the subject line of emails because the email service provider may automatically
direct your promotion to the SPAM folder and it may reduce the open rate (several recipients contacted our
marketing team before touching the email).
Listed below are some of the improvements that may significantly improve the look, feel, and functionality of
the site.

Add a Call Us button to the header for every page

Integrate an Add Extra Magic button to each product line item in the shopping cart (upselling)

Give the customer the ability to upgrade an item and increase the cost in one click (a single
flower to a bouquet, a half dozen cookies to a dozen or 2 dozen)

Suggest additional purchase items that the customer may be interested in based on the contents of
the shopping cart

Provide more information on pricing, delivery details, and a product safety guarantee

Provide nutritional information, allergy warnings, and quality control standards for all food products

Incorporate baking into the video

Show more examples of custom orders birthdays, holidays, events, graduations, baby showers, etc.

Create a customer review section with testimonies of Spells G oods outreach and customer

Merge the payment options so that the custom orders are in serted into the shopping cart along with
the product/package selections


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