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1.1 Background
Learning English as a foreign language is a complex process. Student have to
know how to learn well and successfully, and create the learning situation where their
foundation can fully be fulfilled such as the need of love and safety. So that, when
they are at school they will feel very secured and happy. In others word, school is no
longer something that bore them. It comprises many factors to be paid attention by
students. The factors are egocentric, transactional, attitude and motivation.
Accelerated students is students who have the potential for intelligence and
special talents faster than the regular students. In elementary school education units
(SD) from 6 (six) years may be accelerated into 5 (five) years. While the educational
unit Junior High School (SMP) and High School (SMA) of each of the 3 (three) years
may be accelerated into 2 (two) years. A program of special education services for
students who have been identified by teachers have the very satisfying achievement,
and by psychologists have identified generally have the intellectual capacity at the
level of an intelligent, creative, and interest in the task above average, to complete the
educational program according to their learning pace. Time taken to complete the
course of study for students who have the intelligence and special talents faster than

the regular students. So it can be concluded that the approach to learning accelarated
is a learning program that uses accelerated learning approach to learning.
Learning activities is physically and mentally activities that done by the
students in the class in teaching and learning process. Learning activities include
emotional, mental, visual, and physic activities. Students learning activities is very
important to create active, creative and pleasure situation in teaching and learning
process. Learning activities should be considerate by student in learning English.
SMPN 1 Pekanbaru is located on Jalan sultan Syarif

Qasim No. 157,

Kelurahan Rintis, Kecamatan Lima Puluh, Pekanbaru. School location is very

convenient and easy to reach. SMPN 1 Pekanbaru is one of the first schools in the
country that Riau province of Indonesia. Same with SMP in general in Indonesia
during the school education in the travel pekanbaru SMP Negeri 1 within 3 years of
lessons, ranging from class VII to IX. In 2007 the school's use traditional educational
curriculum unit level prior to the KTSP. SMPN 1 is continuous Pekanbaru continue to
be encouraged to improve the quality of care and education implementation. So when
this has to be one of the very favorite school in the city of Pekanbaru. SMP Negeri 1
Pekanbaru berakreditas A. This is evident through the many accomplishments that
have been achieved by SMPN 1 Pekanbaru in both academic and non-academic. In
this case not only determined by the quality of its students, but the success of SMPN
1 Pekanbaru in proleh through a learning process which can not be separated from the
role of educator. The owned SMPN 1 Pekanbaru to support teaching and learning

activities in school facilities that include space theory, IPA LAB, LAB languages,
Literature and Multimedia.
Curriculum is the resource of education material where inside consists of
lesson plan to achieve the aim of learning. The curriculum is also a set of plans
and arrangements regarding content and learning materials and methods used to
guide organization of teaching and learning activities. In charge of curriculum
materials for the accelerated program is no different with curriculum standards used
for regular program. The difference lies in the structural rearrangement of the
teaching program in a shorter time allocation. This accelerated program will making
the curriculum standards is usually taken in high school students three years to two
years. In the first year, students will learn all the material grade 1 plus half the class
material 2. In the second year, they will learn the class material and the remaining 2
all class materials 3.
The key lies in the analysis of curriculum materials with tailor-made academic
calendar. As is known, for intellectually gifted students with giftedness high, not all
of the standard curriculum materials need to be submitted in the form of or face and
learn the same rhythm with regular students. Therefore, every teacher who taught in
the classroom need to be accelerated first analyzed to determine the nature of the subj
ect matter and less material essential. Many students in the class or students are smart
kids who have a quick perception will better understand the material presented by the
teacher while children who had less rapid perception tends to calm and lazy to ask.

Individual differences learning and learning outcomes. So far the teaching of English
in junior high school (SMP) and senior high school (SMA) can not be said not
achieve the expected goals. One of the most obvious indicators are the constraints
faced by the students in learning English. The existence of some of the difficulties fac
ed by students was studying English.
In the process of teaching and learning (PBM) students find difficult in
learning English to be something in the concerned students. They still have
difficulties in learning English. They do not have the motivation to learn English. It
can be seen from their attitude in the learning process. They interrupted each other,
they talk to each other and they are not taking into account the materials and teachers.
In addition, teachers do not use a good strategy to solve this problem. Effect they
think that English is not their language and do not need to learn, difficult words many
textbooks that they do not understand the meaning. Speaking English well takes time
and practice. There is no instant method to retrieve a new language perfectly and
when you might want to work on talking more like a native, it's not necessary. In fact
you may find that a lot of people enjoy listening to accents, as long as you can speak
clearly and understandably.
Dalyono M (2009: 57) explains that a person's way of learning also affect the
achievement of learning outcomes. Learning without regard to technical and
physiological factors, psychological, and health sciences will get unsatisfactory
results. There are people who are very studious, day and night without rest. How to

learn like this is not good. Learning should be no rest for the members an
opportunity to eyes, brain and other organs to get power back.
According Hamalik Khoiru Oemar in lif Ahmadi etc (2011: 1) acceleration
means providing opportunities for the student to move up to the next grade level
faster one or two at a time. This of course can not be met for all students who are
capable of learning and for an opportunity to accelerate his studies at the school so as
to shorten the time of study. Based on the statement above, the students who have the
potential for intelligence and special talents to get special treatment and
programs, so the potential for intelligence to develop optimally.
Finally based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in doing a
research about An Analysis of Accelerated Program Learning Activities of the
Second Year Students at SMP N 1 Pekanbaru.

1.2 Setting of the Problem

There are many ways to be smart and there are multiple intelligences. The
application of multiple intelligences (MI) theory in study at school is more oriented at
expansion of basic intelligence domain owned by students. In English learning, all
activities performed within interaction process (teacher and student) for the agenda of
reaching purpose of learning and support success of students. With applying of
multiple intelligences in the school especially in process of study is created situation

of active learning. Active learning of student during teaching learning process is one
of indicator existence of desire or motivation of student to learn. Student is told to
have active learning if found marking behavior of likes: often enquires to other
teacher or student, will do duty given teacher, can answer question, love to be given
learning, active in group discussion and other.










in order to support the learning process to achieve goals learning. So learning activity
is very important in learning. Activity is any activity carried out either physically or
spiritual. Activities of students during the learning process is one of the main
indicator of students' desire to learn. Successful must learn through a variety of
activities, both activities physical and mental activity. Physical activity is vigorous
and active student body members. Physical activity is an activity that can be observed
directly. Actually active or not students learn only the students who know for sure.
We can not ensure that students are quietly listening to the explanation of the teacher
does not mean inactivity, and vice versa, not necessarily students who are active have
higher levels of mental activity as well. Based on the background of the problems
outlined above, the writer makes the setting of the problems for this research
concerning Accelerated program in learning Activities.
However, Learning English is not easy steps that can be managed in a short
time, especially in the accelerated program because of the program, students must
learn and memorize all the materials in English more quickly that those in regular
classes. Researchers wanted to examine the learning of gifted students in acceleration

classes in learning activities. The purpose of this study was to find out how good
study done by gifted students in acceleration program in learning Activities. This
study used a descriptive research design because the researcher wanted to describe
how to learning activities used by gifted students in accelerated program.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

In this study, the researcher will only focus on the problem which will be the
subject of this research is accelerated program SMPN 1 Pekanbaru students in
learning activities.

The different way of students toward process teaching and

learning. The ways of students is called as learning activities. The writer is focus on
visual activities (reading and paying attention), oral activities (asking question, giving
opinion, and discussion), listening activities (listening), writing activities (rewrite),
mental activities (solve program) and emotional activities (fun, and spirit).

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

Concerning with the problem above the writer would like to formulate the
learning Activities that students used in learning English as foreign language. The
formulation of the problem is stated as follow:
How is accelerated program learning Activities of the Second Year students at
SMP Negeri 1 Pekanbaru.

1.5 Objective of the Study

The major objective of carrying this research activity is as follows:
This study aims to determine of Accelerated Program Learning Activities of the
Second Year Students at SMP N 1 Pekanbaru.

1.6 Assumption
In this research the writer assume that accelerated program make learning
activities of the second year students at SMP Negeri 1 Pekanbaru become better.

1.7 Need of the Study

The needs analysis of the research are:

To give information for the readers especially teacher, students, and


education supervisors.
To as a reference for students who have not entered the class


For the teachers as a feedback in the learning process.
For the researchers themselves as self-reflection to increase knowledge


to look for new innovations in teaching and learning.

To enlarges the writer knowledge in this research.
To fulfill one of requirements for the award of S1 degree in English
language education at English study program, faculty of teachers
training education, Islamic University of Riau.

1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the reader in reading
this research, it is needed a briefly definition of terms they are:
Analysis is study of something by examining its parts (oxford dictionary
Learning is a complex activity (Gagne in Dimyati and Mudjiono, 2006:10).
Learning is behavior. When people learn something, so people will better in response
something and vise versa (Skinner in Dimyati and Mudjiono, 2006:9)
Learning Activities is physically and mentally activities, it means doing and
thinking as a series that can not be separated (Sardiman A.M, 2011:100)
Acceleration is a program that provided educational services to students who
have the potential of intelligence and special talents to be able to complete his studies
more quickly than other students (regular program).


2.1 The Accelerated Program

2.1.1 The Definition Accelerated Program
Reni akbar Hawadi (2004 : 5) Colangelo said that the acceleration term refers
to services provided (service delivery) and delivered curriculum (curriculum
delivery). As a service model, the acceleration can be interpreted as a way of learning
services model class jump, for example, for students who have high ability given the
opportunity to attend classes at a higher grade. Meanwhile, the model curriculum,
thus accelerating acceleration of teaching materials that should be mastered by
students at that time so that students can graduate as early. This can be done by analyz
ing the subject matter and lack of essential materials essential.
According to Sutratinah Tirtonegoro (2001:104) acceleration is the normal
way of handling super child by allowing the jump to the next grade or finish the
regular program within a diversified curriculum completed within 2 years. Based on
the definition above, it is understood that the acceleration is a service learning
program at designated for those who have high skills in order to complete his studies
with the speed and ability. The program generally meets the needs of learners who
have specific characteristics in terms of cognitive and affective development. In
particular provide services to gifted students to be able to complete his education
more quickly than usual.


However, Hamalik Oemar (2004:186) in khoiru Ahmadi iif acceleration

means providing opportunities for the student to move up to the next grade level
faster one or two at a time. This of course can not be met for students who are capable
of learning and for an opportunity to accelerate his studies at the school so as to
shorten the time of study. Of some notion of acceleration above, the writer can
conclude that the accelerated class is a class for students who are learning is
accelerated in accordance with the level of understanding of the material so that it can
take time study ahead of time specified in the regular classroom. Term students who
have special abilities and intelligence contained in the Law on National Education
System, originally known as a gifted student. The term is a translation of the "Gifted
and Talented" or "Genius" has a tendency to use for the names of students who have
the ability and intelligence of most other students their own age.

Here are the differences between the characteristics of smart talented kid with
a smart child:
Table 2.1
The differences between Gifted-talented and Brigh/High Achiever

Cerdas/Berbakat istimewa

(Bright/ High Achiever)

Questioning questions

Answering the questions correctly

Intrigued by something

Interested with something

Involved emotionally, mentally and physically

Shows concern

Got a strange idea, silly and outside the generality

Got a good idea, popular

Rarely studied, good exam results

Working hard for exam success

Expanding the context of the answer

Answer the question asked in accordance with

Outside groups, normal achievers

At the top of the list of students achieving

fond of the complexity

like linearity

Critical observer, captious

Good Observer

Listening to ready to argue

Listening with interest

1-2 times repetition to master the material

6-8 repetitions to master the material
Forming their own ideas
Understanding other people's ideas well

More sociable with adults or older

Glad to be friends with peers


Questioning the decision


Start his own project

Complete an assigned task

Good in creating something new

Clever copy, imitate

Like learning

Like school

(Source: CGIS-Net Assessment System, 2008 in a collection of papers-first National

Conference for the Development of Special Education students Intelligent / Gifted
Special, Malang, 5-8 February 2010)
According to Triadich Renzulli-Mnks (1978), there are three components in
a special smart: 1) Intelligence, 2) creativity, 3) task commitment. Below is described
as follows:
1. Intelligence:
Intelligence can be broadly defined into three, first as an individual's
mental ability to adjust to a problem or new experiences in life, or to a
range of problems and claims arising in the environment; Secondly,
intelligence is defined as the ability individuals for abstract thinking or the
ability to use ideas, concepts and symbols to produce something useful,
like the others in the face of problems that need solving with verbal
symbols, numerical, mathematical, or the ability to use formulas. While
the third definition, intelligence is defined as the ability to learn, that
intelligence indicates how far a person can be trained or educated. The
more intelligent individuals are more ready to learn about things more,

wide, and deep. An intelligence is not only able to gain knowledge and
experience that have been studied, but he was able to also apply it to new
situations, Renzulli (1978) not mention superior intelligence as an
essential, but quite on the level of intelligence above average. The ability
to be at the level of intelligence above the average when supported by
creative or divergent thinking and commitment to high duty would lead to
a talent on the individual. Renzulli lay emphasis on behavior as an
indicator of creative talent in the project activity and it gives less 'status'
indicator, such as the status derived from intelligence test scores, in his
defining giftedness. Below is a picture or a curve on the distribution
ranges of IQ (intelligence quotient), which reveals the mean scores, the
standard deviation of the prevalence and presentation ..
2. Creativity:
Creativity comes from the Latin create of significant create. The ability to
create, owned by any individual, only with different degrees. Guilford is
the expert who first provide a definition of creativity, followed by
subsequent scholars. Creativity is often defined as a component of
giftedness criteria, because of intelligence has been unable to identify a
gifted, if not accompanied by creativity. According to the Guilford
creativity is characterized by sensitivity to the problem; smoothness think;
having new ideas, as well as the accuracy and benefits of the idea;
flexibility, capable of adapting to change; skills of analysis and synthesis,

organizing ideas into something more extensive, covering patterns and

symbolic structure specified before forming something new; complex
tivitas or linking ideas, and the last one is the evaluation or assessment.
3. Commitment to the task (task commitment):
The ability of intelligence and creativity has been unable to bring talent, as
some experts suggested that other criteria beyond the capability of the
other personality factors involved, such as the components of commitment
to the task presented Renzulli (1978), or a component motivation by
Monks (1992). Commitment is the sense of responsibility for the task to
complete the task at hand, encourages a person to be diligent and resilient,
despite various hurdles and obstacles, perform and complete the task that
has become their responsibility, because he had committed themselves to
the task on his own.
Characteristics / traits of children had high task commitment, according to
Triadich Renzulli-Mnks, among others:
1). The capacity to explore specific areas of engaged, enthusiastic, high
involvement, high curiosity in the occupied areas;
2). Perseverance,
3). The durability of work;
4). Confidence able to complete the task;
5). The drive to excel;
6). The ability to identify problems in the occupied areas;

7). The ability to respond advanced topics related to the field which he
8). Establish high standards of work
9). Always willing to look inward, and open to criticism from others;
10). Being able to develop a sense of beauty, quality and excellence work, or
the work of others.

2.1.2. The Acceleration Program Objectives

This grant program is, there are several plausible reasons:
a. Pragmatic reasons social efficiency education. Because such a large country
Indonesia, with a population very much, judging issues of human resource
development, but poor funding for education, it is better to utilize funds in
more significant bit to encourage children to be born smart powerful elite
groups to improve conditions of the nation more rapidly, than the meager
funds divided averaged to all children, but the impact is not significant.
b. Making a relatively homogeneous class so that students who feel
overwhelming (smart) is not harmed by the delay in regular student. Often
complained of many teachers, smart kids in heterogeneous classes tend to
feel bored quickly learn and tend to interfere. Therefore, these intelligent
children should receive special services in a separate class from the class of
ordinary children. That way, class management becomes easier.

c. Reward (reward) and the protection of human rights to learn faster according
to its potential.
According Nasichin in Noor Hafidhoh (2010:11) There are two objectives to be
achieved in the presence of an accelerated program for those who have a greater
ability, the general purpose and special purpose.
1) General Purpose
a) Provide services for students who have special characteristics of cognitive
and effective.
b) Addressing human rights as learners in accordance with her educational
c) Addressing intellectual interests and future perspectives of learners.
d) To prepare students to be future leaders
2) Special Purpose
a) Respect for learners who have exceptional ability and intelligence to be
able to finish school faster.
b) Encourage the students in improving the quality of the spiritual,
intellectual, and emotional balance.
c) Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process of students.

2.1.3 Characteristics of Accelerated Program

Academic gifted students are classified as follows in Reni Akbar-Hawadi (2001):
1. Students have super intelligence (IQ = 130 and above)

2. Academic achievement far above the class average. Always a champion and
showed extraordinary intelligence in certain sciences.
Characteristics of gifted children:
1. Children's precocious talent (precocious). They mastered the first lesson and
faster than his friends.
2. Gifted children will progress according to their own rhythm, their own
conduct meetings and to seek solutions to a problem instinctively without
going through a series of step-by-step linear thinking.
3. Gifted children driven by a strong desire in the field or dominant where they
have such high math ability. Gifted children are children globally controlled
subjects and even managed to finish university education at a very young age.

2.1.4 Purpose of Accelerated Program

According to the Khoirul Iif Ahmadi etc (2011) There are two objectives that
underlie the development of accelerated learning program for students who have the
potential for intelligence and special talents:
A. The general objective
1. Meet the needs of learners who have specific characteristics in terms of
cognitive and affective development.
2. Fulfill the rights of students according to the needs of education for himself.
3. Meet the intellectual interests and future perspectives of learners.
4. Meet the needs of learners for self-actualization.

5. Considering the role of students as community assets and needs of the

community to fill the role.
6. Prepare students as future leaders.
B. Specific Objectives
1. Rewarding to be able to complete the educational program more quickly
according to their potential.
2. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process of students.
3. Prevent boredom of the classroom climate less supportive of the development
of the potential benefits of optimal learners.
4. Quality spur students to increase the spiritual, intellectual, and emotional

2.1.5 Selection Criteria

Criteria set by the terms Acceleration Program Implementation Manual, are as
a. Information Objective data, obtained from the school in the form of academic
scores and the psychologist (the authorities) as score results of the psychological
1. Academic scores obtained from:
a) The value of the National Examination of previous school, with an
average of 8.0 up to junior high or high school either. As for the SD is
not required.

b) tests of academic ability, with a value of at least 8.0.

c) Report Card, the average value of the entire course of not less than 8.0.
2. Psychological, obtained from the results of the psychologist that includes
general intelligence tests, creativity tests, and inventory attachment to the
task. Students who pass the psychological tests is that they have a category of
general intellectual ability genius (IQ _140) or those with general intellectual
ability with intelligent categories (IQ_ 125) which is supported by the
creativity and engagement of the tasks in the categories above average.
b. Subjective Data Information, which nominations were obtained from self,
peers, parents, and teachers as a result of the observations of a number of
characteristics of giftedness.
c. Physical health, as indicated by a health certificate from a doctor.
d. The willingness of prospective students and the acceleration of parental
consent, the written statement from the organizers accelerated learning
program for students and parents about their rights and obligations as well as
the things necessary to become a participant observed acceleration program

2.1.6 Advantages of Acceleration

Southern and Jones (1991) in (Reni Akbar Hawadi:7) mentions some of the
advantages of the exercise of an accelerated program for gifted children.
a. Improving of the efficiency

Students who have prepared the teaching materials and curriculum mastered the
previous level will learn better and more efficiently.
b. Improving of the effectiveness
Students are bound to learn at grade level were prepared and mastering skills before a
student is most effective.


Students who have been able to reach a certain level to obtain proper credit for his
d. Increase the time for career
The reduction of learning time will increase student productivity, income and
personal life at another time.

Opening the students on the new

With the accelerated program, students are allowed to join the other students who
have the intellectual ability and academic alike.
f. Economical
Benefits for schools is no need to spend a lot of money to educate a special teacher of
gifted children.

2.1.7 Disadvantages of Acceleration

Southern and Jones (1991) mentioned four potential negative in the process of
acceleration for gifted children in (Reni akbar-Hawadi:8)
a. Academic terms

1) Teaching materials are too high for students accelerated.

2) It could be seen accelerated student ability than his peers only temporary.
3) Though academically eligible, students accelerated likely immature
socially, physically and emotionally in a particular grade level.
4) The process of acceleration causing students tied to career decisions early.
5) Students accelerated may develop tremendous maturity without any
previous experience of being owned.
6) experiences appropriate for his age is not experienced by students
accelerated as not part of the curriculum.
7) Claims as most students on academic products accelerated convergent so
that students will lose the opportunity to develop the ability to think
creatively and diverges.
b. In terms of social adjustment
1) students will be encouraged to excel in academic areas that they lack time
activities with their peers.
2) Students will lose an important social activity in age.
3) Students of the older class will likely be rejected, while the students will
lose time accelerated with playing peers.
4) Students of the older class might agree not paying attention and respect to
classmates a younger age.
c. Reduced Opportunity Extracurricular Activities


Most extracurricular activities closely related to age. This causes

accelerated students will be faced with an old classmate and did not give it a
chance. This causes the student will miss an important opportunity and
valuable beyond the normal school curriculum. As a result, they will miss
important opportunities relating to the career of the future front (Reni Akbar
d. Emotional Adjustment
1) Students accelerated eventually suffer burn out under the pressure and the
possibility of being an underachiever.
2) Students will accelerated easily frustrated with the pressures and demands
of achievement.
3) There is pressure to excel make students lose the opportunity to develop a

2.1.8. The Curriculum Acceleration Program

The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content and
learning materials and methods used to guide execution teaching and learning
activities. Medium according to Tyler, (1949), in Siskandar understanding the
curriculum includes four basic questions that should be answered in developing
curriculum and teaching plan that is (a) what is the purpose to be achieved by the
school, (b) learning experiences such as what can be done to achieve its intended
purpose, (c) how experience is organized effectively, and (d) how to determine the

educational objectives have been achieved. From the above it can be concluded
curriculum has four elements: (1) objectives, (2) the structure and content of the
curriculum in the form of courses and activities as well as the distribution of time
spent in teaching and learning activities, (3) organizing activities teaching and
learning, and (4) to check your assessment of whether the objectives have been
Curriculum materials charge for the accelerated program is no different from the
standard curriculum that is used for regular program. The difference lies in the
structural rearrangement of the teaching program in a shorter period of time
allocation. The curriculum used in the program is a national curriculum acceleration
and local content, which is modified with an emphasis on the essence of the material
and developed through learning system that can accelerate and facilitate the
integration of spiritual development, logic, ethics, and aesthetics as well as develop
the ability to think holistically, creative, systemic , linear and convergent weeks to
meet the demands of the present and future.
Thus, the curriculum is an accelerated program curriculum in place for
educational unit concerned, so that graduates of the program have accelerated the
quality and standards of competence similar to regular graduates. The difference lies
only in the overall time taken to complete their education faster when compared with
the regular program. The curriculum was developed in acceleration ferensiatif. This
means that the curriculum used adjusted to the capabilities of the students.


Differentiation of the curriculum acceleration by Cledening & Davies, (1983) in

Hawadi Dkk is the content that refers to concepts and higher-order cognitive
processes, instructional strategies that accommodating the gifted child's learning style
and plan that facilitates student performance. This curriculum includes four
dimensions and each other can not be separated. The dimensions are:
a. General Dimension
Is a core curriculum that provides the basic skills knowledge, understanding,
values, and attitudes that enable students to function in accordance with the
demands of the community or the challenges of higher education. General
dimension is a core curriculum that is also given to other students in the
same level of education.
b. Dimensions of Differentiation
This dimension deals with typical development of learners who have the
ability and intelligence, which is a special program and the choice of a
particular field of study. Students can choose a field of study that interested

him to be known more widely and deeply.

Dimension Non Academic
These dimensions allow learners weeks to learn outside the formal school
activities through other media such as radio, television, the Internet, CD-

Rom, expert interviews, visits to museums and so on.

d. Dimensions of Learning Atmosphere
Learning Experience of environmental translated from families and schools.
Academic climate, a system of rewards and punishments, of affairs between
students, students 'relationships with teachers, between teachers and parents


of students, students' relationships with parents is the element that

determines the learning environment.
Differentiated curriculum development for accelerated learning program can
be done by modifying the national curriculum and the local charge in the following
1. Modification of allocation of time, the adjusted speed of learning for students
who have the potential intelligence and special talents;
2. Modify the content / material, whichever is essential;
3. Modification of infrastructure, tailored to the characteristics of students who
have the potential intelligence and special talents that thrilled to find
themselves new knowledge;
4. Modify the learning environment possible for students to potential intellect and
talents to meet the thirst for knowledge;
5. Modification of classroom management, which allows students to work in the
classroom, either independently, in pairs, or in groups.
2.1.9. The Implementation Management Acceleration Program
Management comes from the word to manage (English) meaning organize,
manage, organize, manage, or control. In other words, management is understanding
the process to organize, manage, organize or control.
a. Student Recruitment
Criteria set by the terms Acceleration Program Implementation Manual, are as
a. Information Objective data, obtained from the school in the form of
academic scores and the psychologist (the authorities) as score results of
the psychological examination.
1. Academic scores obtained from:


a) The value of the National Examination of previous school, with

an average of 8.0 up to junior high or high school either. As for
the SD is not required.
b) tests of academic ability, with a value of at least 8.0.
c) Report Card, the average value of the entire course of not less
than 8.0.
2. Psychological, obtained from the results of the psychologist that
includes general intelligence tests, creativity tests, and inventory
attachment to the task. Students who pass the psychological tests is that
they have a category of general intellectual ability genius (IQ_140) or
those with general intellectual ability with intelligent categories
(IQ_125) were supported by the creativity and engagement of the tasks
in the above average category average.
b. Subjective Data Information, which nominations were obtained from self,
peers, parents, and teachers as a result of the observations of a number of
characteristics of giftedness.
c. Physical health, as indicated by a health certificate from a doctor.
d. The willingness of prospective students and the acceleration of parental
consent, the written statement from the organizers accelerated learning
program for students and parents about their rights and obligations as well
as the things necessary to become a participant observed accelerated
learning program.
b. Forms Implementation Acceleration Program
According to Clark, (1983) the Directorate for Primary and Secondary
Education in terms of shape execution, accelerated program can be distinguished:
1. Regular Classes


Where students who have the potential intelligence and special talents remain
together with other students in the regular classroom (model inclusive). Forms
of organization of the regular classroom can be done with the following
a. Regular classes with a group (Cluster), akseleran learning with other
students in regular classes in particular groups
b. Regular classes with Pullout, akseleran study together with other
students in the regular classroom but any time the regular classroom from
drawn into a special room for independent learning, group learning and
learning with a special tutor
c. Regular classes with the Cluster and Pullout, akseleran who are in
regular classes are grouped in a special group and time can be drawn from
the regular classroom to a special room for independent learning, group
learning with a special tutor.
2. Special Class
Where students who have the potential intelligence and talents learned
in a special class.
3. Special Schools
The school will only hold one form of education, which is only
accelerated program. In this model students can enter the hostel or not.
Advantage if the hostel is a longer learning time, facilitate extra-curricular
activities, if there is no profit hostel is easy to interact with other schools. The
weakness of this model with the boarding of the separation with the family
and had to adjust to being without boarding weakness onset of excessive


assessment of the distance between students resulting in acceleration with the

regular students are not good.
The same thing also explained Utami Munandar (1992:143) that
educational programs for gifted students can be organized such as through an
accelerated program (accelerated learning). The program can be organized by
grouping gifted children in the regular classroom, grouping in the classroom
specifically for certain times, or for the entire class period (grouping in the
Described by Jeniah Alim Akbar in Reni-Hawadi (2001:116) in
accordance with the principle of individual differences, or educational
services to children capable of above average need to be implemented.
Implementation is organized as follows:
(A) Prepare programmed learning based analysis of the curriculum;
(B) Setting up facilities and infrastructure;
(C) Establish a model implementation in accordance with the
conditions of the school;
(D) Review the learners, and
(E) Integrated Assessment of continuous and sustainable.
2.2 Learning Activities
2.2.1 Definition of Learning Activities
According to Anton M. Mulyono (2001:26) Activities means all activity or
liveliness. So all thing done or activities happen either physical or also non physical,
be an activity. According to Sriyono activity is all activities executed either


corporeally or spirit. Student activities during learning process teach is one of

indicator existence of desire of student to learn.
According To Oemar Hamalik (2001:28) learning is a change process of
individual behavior passed interaction with area. Behavior aspect are knowledge,
understanding, habit, skill, appreciation, emotional, the relation of social, bodily,
ethical or ethic kindness and position. Weather Sardiman AM (2003:22) express
Learning is an interaction process between them with the area which possibly forms
person, fact, concept, and theory. Inferential that learning activity is all activities
performed within interaction process (teacher and student) for the agenda of reaching
purpose of learning. Activity here mean that the emphasis at the students, because
existence of students activities in process of study is created by situation of active
Learning Activities is physically and mentally activities, it means doing and
thinking as a series that can not be separated (Sardiman A.M, 2001:100). Learning
Activities is an activities carried out in the process of interaction (teacher and
students) in order to achieve learning objectives. Active learning is a system of
teaching and learning that emphasizes active student physical, mental, intellectual and
emotional learning outcomes in order to obtain a combination of aspects cognitive,
affective and psychomotor (Rochman Natawijaya, 2005:31)


Learning Activities are defined as any activities of an individual with the

intention to improve his/her knowledge, skills and competence The two fundamental
criteria to distinguish learning activities from non-learning activities are:
1. The activity must be international (as opposed to random learning), so the act
has a predetermined purpose.
2. The activity is organized in some way, including being organizer by the
learner himself/herself; it typically involves the transfer of information in a
broader sense (messages, ideas, knowledge, strategies).
International learning is defined as a deliberate search for knowledge, skills,
competences or attitudes of lasting value. The intention of learning formulated
before starting the activity, by the learner or by another individual of the crucial
Purpose of learn that distinguishes learning activities from non-learning
activities, of course a number of activities whose main purpose is not learning may
also produce learning. For example: when entering a sport competition one might
improve ones own performance although there might not be a formulated intention to
do that. This case should be considered as a non-learning activity because, although
learning may be generated, it is just a by-product of the activity.

2.2.2 Indicators of Learning Activities


Indicators of the students activities in teaching and learning process

according to Paul B. Diedrich in Sardiman A.M (2011:11) are:
a. Visual activities, which includes for example, reading, pay attention to
demonstrations, dan experiments.
b. Oral activities, such as states formulate, ask questions, giving advice, giving
opinion, conduct interviews, discussions, and interruptions.
c. Listening activities, for example listening to: descriptions, conversations,
discussions, speech.
d. Writing activities, such as writing stories, writing reports, copying.
e. Drawing activities, such as drawing, create graphs, maps, diagrams.
f. Motor activities, which includes, conducting experiments, making the
construction, refit model, playing, gardening, and farming.
g. Mental activities, for example such as: perceive, remember, solve problems,
see relationships, and make decisions.
h. Emotional activities, such as interested, bored, excited, spirit, courageous,
quiet, nervous.
All these activities are activities of students. Students are expected to play an
active role in looking for something to solve an information problem. Many ways you


can do to create conducive learning atmosphere, where students can develop learning
activities and creativity in an optimal way according to their respective abilities.

2.2.3 Types of Learning Activities

Some learning activities according to Djamarah (2000:28) as following:
a. Listening
Listening is one of learning activity. Each and everyone learning insure school
there are activity listens. When a teacher applies discourse method, hence every
student is obliged to listens what is learning submit. Become hearer either claimed
of them.
b. Looks into
Looks into is point eyesight to an object. Activity looks into closely related
with eye. Because in looking at that is eye playing a part important. Eyeless not
possibly happened activity to look into can be done.
c. Writes
Writes or log is activity that is not locked out of learning activity. In
traditional education of activity notes is activity that is often is done. Although


periodically someone must listen contents of discourse, but he/she cannot

disregard problem to note things lionized.
d. Reads
Reads activity is activity which at most done by during learning in school or
in college. Reads here not must read mere book, but also reads magazine,
newspaper, tabloid, and journals result of research, note of result of learning or
university lecture and other things relating to requirement of study.
e. Reads compendium or summary and highlights
Compendium or summary can assist in the case of considering or looks for
again matter in book for a period of which will come. For intensive learning, any
way making only compendium is have not yet enough. Whereas reading at the
essentials need to be given underline. This thing hardly assists in business is
finding again the matter is then day, if required.
f. Observes tables, diagrams and schemas
In book and or in other area often are met tables, diagram, and or schemas. A
kind of this non-verbal matter hardly assists for someone in studying relevant
matter. Therefore, do pictures, maps, and others can become illustrative material
assisting understanding of someone to something.
g. Group discussion


Group discussion is one of activity that effective learning to make active

students in learning. Group discussion is a conversation done by three or more,
through process compares notes and argument toward trouble-shooting jointly.

h. Remembers
Remembers constituted to requirement and awareness to reach purpose of
further learning is including learning activity. More than anything else if
considering that relates to learning activities the other.
i. Thinks
Thinks is be including learning activity. By thinking people to obtain new
invention, in any case people becames soybean cake about relation between
j. Practice
Learning by doing is learning concept that wanting existence of federating of
procurement of impressions by the way of doing. Learning doing in this case is
including practice. Practice is including a good way to strengthen memory.


So, with classification of activities as the one is elaborated, indicates that

activities in school complexes and varies. If various the actives can be created in
school, of course schools would more dynamic, doesnt drag on and really becoming
center maximum learning activities and even will launch the role as center and
orthogonal transformation of culture. On the contrary, all this is challenge that
claiming answer from the teachers. Absolute teacher creativity is treated can plan
activity of a real varies student.
2.2.4 Factors Influence of Learning Activities Internal Factors
1. Health
Physical and spiritual health of a very large influence on the ability to
learn. If someone is always unhealthy, headache, fever runny nose, cough,
etc., can lead not eager to learn. Similarly, health spiritual (soul) is not
good, for example, impaired thinking, feeling disappointed that conflict
with girlfriends, parents, or because of other reasons, it may interfere with
or diminish the spirit of learning. Therefore, darting through the health
care is important for everyone both physically and mentally, in order to
keep the body strong, your mind is always fresh and eager to implement
learning activities.

Intelligence and Talent


Someone who has a good intelligence (high IQ) is generally easy to

learn and the results tend to be better. Instead of low intelligence people tend
to have difficulty in learning, slow to think that academic achievement was
low. Talent, is also a big influence in determining the success of learning.

Interest and Motivation

The emergence of interest in a large capital to achieve / obtain a
desirable object or purpose is. The emergence of interest in learning caused by
many things, such as a strong desire to raise the dignity or get a good job and
want to live happy and happy. Great interest in learning tends to produce high
achievement, rather less interest in learning will result in low achievement.
Motivation is the driving / driving force to do any work that could come
from within and also from outside. Motivation comes from within (intrinsic)
the encouragement that comes from the heart of the heart, usually due to the
awareness of the importance of something. Motivation comes from outside
(extrinsic) is a mature encouragement from outside (environment), for
example, from parents, teachers, friends, and community members. Someone
with a strong motivation to implement learning activities in earnest, full of
passion or enthusiasm. Instead, learn the motivation is weak, lazy will not
even do the tasks related to the lesson. Strength of one's motivation also
influence its success. Because it is necessary to arrange primarily motivation
that comes from within ourselves by constantly thinking about the future full
of challenges and must be overcome to achieve the goal. Always put

embroidery round and always optimistic that goals can be achieved by

4. How to Learn
How to learn a person also influence the achievement of learning
outcomes. Learning without regard to engineering and physiological,
psychological, and health sciences, will get unsatisfactory results. There are
people who study hard, day and night without rest. How to learn like this is
not good. Learning should be a break to allow the eye, brain and other organs
to get power back. In addition, learning techniques need to be considered, how
to read, take notes, underline, a summary / conclusion, what should be
recorded and so on. Apart from these techniques, it also pays to study time,
space, facilities, use of teaching and learning material adjustments. External Factors
External factors can be divided into three factors. They are family, environment
and school (Slameto, 2003:54). But, in this research the writer will discussed two of
them family and school factors only.
1. Family Factor
It is include position in the family which the first child may have earlier onset
of speech than a second child. Beside that, socio economic level also has a
close relation in learning. In addition to get fundamental requirement, the


child as a learner also need the learning facilities. It can encourage their
achievement in learning. The students also need support from their parents.
So, parent should support their children and help them when they got the
difficulties in their learning. It can increase the students achievement.
2. School Factor
This factor includes teaching method and curriculum and achievement
that the students got. Nowadays, there are many methods that teachers can use
in teaching and learning process. Teaching method according to Edward
Anthony in Siti (2010:32) gave a definition of the method. Method is an
overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected
approach. In other word, the method that the teachers used in teaching also
determines the achievement of the students. And the teaching also determines
the achievement of the students. And the curriculum is generally defined as a
plan developed to facilitate the teaching and learning process under the
direction and guidance of a school, collage or university and its staff members
(Winecoff in Damayanti, 1999:29)
3. Community
The state also determines the learning achievement. When in the
vicinity of the state of society consists of people who are educated, especially
the children of high school average and moral good, this will encourage more


active learning. But instead, when living in the neighborhood many naughty
children, uneducated, unemployed, this will reduce the enthusiasm for
learning or support so that we can say that motivation is reduced.
4. Approximately Environment
The state of the neighborhood, is also very important in influencing
learning achievement. The environment of the house, the atmosphere around,
traffic conditions, climate and so on. For example, building houses excellent
meeting, will interfere with learning. State traffic clutter, noise bustle of
people around, the sound of the factory, air pollution, climate is too hot, it will
affect all the excitement of learning. By contrast, a quiet place with a mild
climate, this will support the learning process. (Dalyono M, 2009:55)

2.2.5 Characteristic of Active Learning

Based on Bowel and Eison (1991), there are five characteristics of active learning:
1. Students are involved in more than listening.
2. Less emphasis is placed on transmitting information and more on extending
students skills and ideas.
3. Students are involved in higher-order thinking.
4. Students are engaged in activities (reading, discussion, writing and
5. Greater emphasis is placed on students exploration of their own attitudes,
values, prior experiences.



3.1 Research Design

The research is essentially an activity to get the truth about an issue with using
the scientific method. The main impetus for the research was curious instinct that
exist in every human being. With the ability to mind, people try to find out everything
around him and use it to make ends meet.
In accordance with the problems that are the focus of this research is How
Student Learning Acceleration Program, the approach in this study used a qualitative
approach. According to Bogdan and Taylor, that qualitative research is a research
procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the
people and the observed behavior. According to them, this approach is directed at the
individual's background and holistic (whole). So, in this case should not isolate


individual or organization into variable or hypothesis, but needs to see it as part of

something wholeness.
The reason for this study used a qualitative approach in this study because the
data produced in the form of data or description of descriptive rather than numerical.
The data obtained in the form of writings and words of which come from sources or
informants who can be trusted. Qualitative approach can provide a systematic
overview of Accelerated program in Learning Activities of the second year students
at SMPN 1 Pekanbaru.
3.2 Location and Time of the Research
The location of this research conducted at SMP N 1 Pekanbaru. It is located
on Jalan sultan Syarif Qasim No. 157, Kelurahan Rintis, Kecamatan Lima Puluh,
Pekanbaru. The time of the research is start from February until April on academic
year 2012/2013. This research carried out

to Accelerated Program in Learning


3.3 Population and Sample

In this research the Population in the study were all of Accelerated Program
Learning Activities of the second year students at SMPN 1 Pekanbaru which amounts
to 25 students consisted of 11 male students and 14 female students. The sample in
this study is the total sample, meaning that the entire population of 25 people


3.4 Research Instrument

An instrument is the tools used to collect the date of the research. The
instrument of this research was used observation and interview that it was appropriate
to the indicator of learning activities. The learning activities in this research were
visual activities (reading and paying attention), oral activities (asking question, giving
opinion, and discussion), listening activities (listening), writing activities (rewrite),
mental activities (solve problem), and emotional activities (happy and spirit).


The researcher will analyze the result of observation in form of
description. The result of observation will be described according to
classroom observation. In the other hand, the result of observation will be


described according to the facts that occurred in the classroom.

Interview was used to get some information from sample of the
research in relation to statement of the indicators of the research, which
could not be obtained through observatory activities in the classrooms at
the time of learning and teaching process carried out by each english
To get reliable information from each english teacher upon the
teachers stage in teaching speaking, the writer interviewed each teacher
some statements of the indicators are not see or find by the writer during


learning and teaching speaking process in the classroom. The interview is

intent to back up data, which are obtained through observation.
So, all statements in the indicators of the research are covered through
the observation and interview activity, which was conducted at any
convenient time according to english teacher at SMPN 1 Pekanbaru.

3.5 Data Collection Techniques

Teachers teach the subject matter in teaching and learning. authors came to the
class, then observe firsthand their learning during lessons and noted what the students
during the learning activities.
Then the author chose 3 students at random for interviews acceleration expect
to know more details about the individual learning activity information directly from
the source.
Interview guide contains a description of the research that is usually
manifested in a list of questions so that the interview process can be run well. In this
interview, questions were asked in a questionnaire that had been developed.

3.6 Data Analysis Techniques

After making the observation, the data were analyzed with an expression
involving revision and what ever is down during the data collection phase both by


observation and interview.

To know the students' participation acceleration during the learning process, the
author uses the formula by Anas Sudijono, (2009:43) as follows:



P = Percentage of items
F = The Answer Frequency
N = Number of items

Table 3.2
Classifications of Students Learning Activities
Percentage of rating scale
Rating qualities
Very Active
Active Enough
Less Active
Not Active
(Modification of Nasoetion in Rohati, 2011)



4.1 Data Presentation of Learning Activity

Acceleration is super normal way of handling children with allow the jump to
the next grade or complete the program regular in a shorter period of time. The
program generally meets the needs of learners has specific characteristics in terms of
cognitive and affective development. Specifically provide services to gifted students
to able to complete his education more quickly than usual.
4.1.1 Observation
1. The First Meeting
Acceleration of student learning activities in the process of learning English in
the first meeting, students pay attention to the teacher in explaining the material,
follow what the teacher demonstrated both ordered to read and imitate what the
teacher before the class. This is in line with the opinion (Djamarah (2000:28) who


says that Looks into eyesight is point to an object. Activity looks into closely related
with eye. Because in looking at that eye is playing a important part. Eyeless not
possibly happened activity to look into can be done.
From the observation, students listen to activities acceleration at the first
meeting there were some students just a nuisance of myself, either in listening or in
the teacher explained and when the discussion took place.
Oral activities accelerated students in English language teaching both in
asking, responding to the material and discussions. Most students acceleration thirst
for knowledge if they do not understand them directly to ask the teacher.
Writing activities in the process of learning English on student acceleration.
Both have a record and recorded in the learning process. Most students do not
understand the notes and just do not understand who they note.
Mental become an important role in the learning process both regular students
and student acceleration. Activity in the recall, response to problems in learning.
From the research I observed the meeting, some students lacking the spirit of
the following to learn English, not confident and do not put a high interest due to the
schedule of the English language subjects after exercise subjects so students feel
2. The Second Meeting


At the second meeting, there were 25 students who had been accelerated
getting ready to learn, they pay attention to the teacher in explaining the material.
Some of the students there were instructed to read the materials and imitate the
teacher what the teacher said.
Listening activity is the process of capturing, understanding and appropriately
reminded what to listen to or something said by others to him. In this second meeting
when the teacher explains the lesson or during a discussion, some students just do not
According Sounthern and Jones (1991) says that students who are ready with
teaching materials and curriculum mastered the previous level will learn better and
more efficiently. At the second meeting of students was quite active acceleration seen
from the current study in response to the material being taught, actively ask questions
and discuss to friends.
Writing is a creative process of expressing ideas in the form of written
language for the purpose. In the recording and writing activities students prefer to
write the acceleration as she was told and did not understand for himself.
In line with the potential talent of the students generate acceleration figure of
students qualified personal and balanced both physically and mentally, both body and
soul, and mind, and spirit. When there are problems in accelerating student learning
quite pull the trigger. In considering and discussing student acceleration is quite
active in learning.


In accelerating student learning is not much different from regular students.

Existing problems on students also vary so will carry on their learning process. And
in the process of emotional learning English student activities pretty good

3. The Third Meeting

At the third meeting in a spirit of acceleration students still learning English.
Activity during the lessons, things that need attention during the lessons include the
presence, concentration, learning logs, and the participation of the study. Pay
attention to the teacher, follow what the teacher demonstrated, instructed to read and
emulate in the classroom on student acceleration is quite active.
As do the study, among others, discuss the learning materials are not yet
understood, to discuss settlement issues are difficult and we asked each other
responsible for deepening mastery learning materials. Listening activities in English
subjects on student acceleration if there friends think most students listen carefully,
listening to the teacher explain the lesson students, and if students busy most of the
discussion takes place, respectively.
Gifted children have unique personalities. Generally they have a strong
interest in the various fields that pull. In class they are not active enough to ask but
they often respond to the material being taught by the teacher, and there are some
tough material that students are working on their own without discussing it with her.


Student activity is anything that is done or the activities that take place both
physical and non-physical activities including writing. Acceleration records what
students described or inferred by teachers, they seldom record the results of their
discussions and notes fairly neat and clean.
Students can generally achieve a good mental attitude in learning, if they
understand what they are learning and the purpose or source material (book) what
needs to be learned, for it is necessary to clear the tasks of teachers. Mental activity
including remember the important things in the lesson, in response to discussions
friend answers and the ability to understand the issues facing students acceleration
has its own advantages in handling it.
Boredom is saturated in a learning activity that too often or do not like. In
English lessons to students accelerate some students weak in this area but they have
extra time at home to study even harder. Average acceleration students excited and
put a high interest in learning English.


Learning activities

Emotional activities; 18%

Visual activities ; 23%
14% activities; 13%
Oral activities ; 16%

Figure 4.1.1 Results Accelerating Student Learning Activities

Description: Six met the above criteria and also includes the criteria for student
activity in an effective say.

4.1.3 Interview
Sampel 1
At sampel1 I read if it finds the text or phrase in English, if what he
saw did not understand then ask teachers and parents at home. If the teacher is
talking or explaining the lesson I noticed.
If friends think I sometimes listen to but if I have my own opinion
orient to friends. Then when I hear or read a specific phrase in the English
language sometimes if I do not understand I have translated and then I write.


Where have difficulty in learning English I asked the teacher, if the

teacher does not know I was looking for another reverensi. In solving
problems or overcoming difficulties I sometimes talk to friends but if the
same teacher accused of friends sometimes noisy.
What teacher has not given me understand I understand I noted then
again at home when teachers already understand that to say I did not record it.
Note that I have a complete but less neat.
I remember the way I usually pronounce vocabulary and written over
and over again and then I apply the old JV at home or to my friends. I often
see teachers in English explaining the material.
I often eager to follow English lessons. But if you read sometimes feel
Sampel II
On sample 2 and I've often found the text or phrase in English and
then I read it. If the teacher is talking or explaining a lesson I often notice.
When the learning I sometimes listen when friends argued. If you hear
or read the phrase in the English languages I sometimes translate into
If have any trouble in English I usually ask the teacher, friend, lexicon
and parents when at home. To solve or overcome learning difficulties I do
with discussions with friends and parents when at home.
I frequently record English lessons each teacher what the class and
note that I have a complete and neat.


The way I remember vocabulary in English is often spoken over and

over again and then written. And often look carefully when the teacher
explains the material.
I sometimes enthusiastic about learning English but after my lesson
about the spirit of sport. And it makes me sometimes feel bored in English
Sampel III
In the 3 samples I've found the text or phrase in English and then I
read it. And I often pay attention when the teacher talking or explaining
english lessons.
When a friend there who think I'm listening but if I do not listen to the
teacher sometimes. If you hear or read the phrase I translate English and I did
not record it.
If I have difficulty with the English language I usually ask the teacher,
a dictionary and a tutor. Are do with the discussion? if the discussion group so
my own but if not ever.
I recorded all English lessons per what conveyed by teachers but when
it does not understand, the essentials are written wrote. Note that I have neat
and clean.
The way I remember vocabulary in English is usually a way to read
over and over again. And I often see teachers explaining the material.
I often eager to follow the lessons in English and rarely feel bored on
these subjects.


4.2 Data Interpretation of Learning Activity

In the data analysis the authors describe the results of the data, findings, and
discussion of this research. This formulation is intended to answer the research: how
the acceleration of student learning activities in the second year students of SMP
Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. This question is answered based on the data obtained from the
observations. From the observations, to determine the students learning activities in
SMP Negeri 1 Pekanbaru author would like to present the indicators of student
learning activities in a few meetings.

4.2.1 Observasi
Based on the analysis of the observations at each meeting in the English
language learning process in classroom learning activities accelerated second-year
student authors to explain:
Overall acceleration students have their own way of learning activities in
achieving the objectives of the study. Be aware that not everyone has the same
learning activities. Although when they were in school or even sit in the same class.
Person's ability to understand and absorb lessons is certainly different levels. There
are fast, and some are being very slow. Therefore, they often have to take a different
way to understand a lesson or similar information. Acceleration of student learning


activities that are very prominent in learning the English language that is visual
Learning activities accelerated learning starts from learners in the classroom,
students' attention focused on the explanation given by the teacher, students actively
participate in learning, if students do not understand the students feel directly ask the
teacher or a friend, when given the matter by their teachers eagerly trying quickly to
answer questions, talk to each other, write conclusions when teachers explain, given
the important thing, and enthusiastic about learning.
Activity accelerated second-year students can be explained, on average,
students pay attention to what is described by the teacher. This is evident from the
results of observations conducted on student activity acceleration.
Oral activities on accelerating student learning activities in ask questions,
giving opinion, and discussions only few students wanted to talk about in English
class was pretty average in the process of learning English.
In listening activities students listen to the teacher and when they answer the
teacher explains what they hear. If the teacher explained to the students and then
repeated so that students understand what the teacher conveyed. some students pay
attention and listen to the spirit.


In general, students acceleration has its own way of writing activities, if they
already know they do not write them down but if it was not in the know, they write
and study at home.
In line with the potential talent of the students generate acceleration figure of
students qualified personal and balanced both physically and mentally, both body and
soul, and mind, and spirit. So required considerable mental in the accelerated
In the accelerated program implementation problems that exist in the students
also vary so will carry on their learning process. And in the process of emotional
learning English student activities pretty good acceleration.
4.2.2 Interview
Similarly, from interviews with the author 3 students SMP N 1 Pekanbaru
acceleration, acceleration of student learning activities in English lessons can be
concluded that the accelerated students have a pretty good learning activity. Any
activity that students do a learning process. In terms of time is shortened, and the
quality of the different students. Basically acceleration child has a standard quality
(high intelligence) in the regular child, such as: speed in capturing lessons learned,
easily mastered the lessons to fit the specified targets, active in the teaching-learning
process, have a good response to lessons and have a high spirit of learning and tend to
be more creative.



5.1 Conclusion
Based on the discussion of the results of research and discussion on the
formulation of the problem, it can be concluded as follows:
1. In effect the overall teaching and learning acceleration program at SMP
Negeri 1 Pekanbaru not be separated from the surrounding: the curriculum,
the curriculum for the accelerated program used was developed in such a
way (by differentiation), to be completed within 2 years for the Junior High
School level. Already established in the academic calendar in particular.
Person's ability to understand and absorb lessons is certainly different
levels. There are fast, and some are being very slow. Therefore, they often
have to take a different way to understand a lesson or similar information.
2. Activities to learn English, to learn the process of problem students
accelerated trend for the second year in a meeting I accelerate student
learning activities are quite active, the active and the second meeting to
meeting while the third remained active, both active in visual activity,
listening, writing, mental and emotional.


5.2 Suggestion
Based on the results of the study, the researchers will provide suggestions that
are expected to be useful, as follows:
1. For the school to get a high learning outcomes, it is necessary to pay
attention to students' learning activities. To get the learning activities can be
done by establishing learning goals as one factor supporting success.
2. For teachers to explore means to increase learning outcomes suggest that
with regard to the students that the learning activities of students better
learning outcomes will increase, especially on the subjects of English.
3. For students, academic achievement is not only determined by IQ, but also
determines the learning activity, learning activity continues to improve so
4. For further research, emphasizing the need for further research on learning
activities in English subjects.


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The Liang Gie. 1987. Cara Belajar Yang Efisisen. Yogyakarya: Liberty.
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Reni, A. 2004. Akselarasi . Gramedia Media Sarana Indonesia. Jakarta.
Reni Akbar & Hawadi. 2001. Keberbakatan Intelektual. Grasindo. Jakarta


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Asarana Indonesia
Riduwan. (2011). Belajar Mudah Penelitian Untuk Guru, Karyawan dan Peneliti
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Sutratinah Tirtonegoro. (2001). Anak Super Normal dan Program Pendidikannya.
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Utami Munandar. (2992). Mengembangkan bakat dan Kreativitas Anak Sekolah
Penuntun Bagi Guru dan Orang Tua. Jakarta Gramedia



Minggu 1








Visual activities
Memperhatikan guru menjelaskan materi
Guru mendemonstrasikan materi, kamu
mengikuti dengan seksama
Diperintahkan guru membaca materi
Meniru apa yang sudah dilakukan guru
didepan kelas
Listening activities
Jika teman berpendapat, kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama
Guru menjelaskan pelajaran, kamu
Ketika berlangsung diskusi, kamu
Oral activities
Dikelas kamu active bertanya
Saat belajar kamu menanggapi materi yang
Materi pelajaran yang sulit, kamu
diskusikan dengan teman
Writing activities
Kamu memiliki catatan pada mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Kamu mencatat setiap hasil diskusi
Catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi,
dan bersih
Mental activities
Kamu mencoba mengingat hal yang
penting dalam pelajaran
Dalam diskusi kamu menanggapi jawaban
Ketika ada permasalahan dalam belajar,
kamu berani menggambil keputusan








Emotional activities
Bersemangat dalam mengikuti mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Tiap kali ditanya kamu merasa gugup
Menaruh minat yang tinggi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris
Merasa bosan jika guru memberikan tugas
Total Skor = 48

Minggu 2








Visual activities
Memperhatikan guru menjelaskan materi
Guru mendemonstrasikan materi, kamu
mengikuti dengan seksama
Diperintahkan guru membaca materi
Meniru apa yang sudah dilakukan guru
didepan kelas
Listening activities
Jika teman berpendapat, kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama
Guru menjelaskan pelajaran, kamu
Ketika berlangsung diskusi, kamu
Oral activities
Dikelas kamu active bertanya
Saat belajar kamu menanggapi materi yang
Materi pelajaran yang sulit, kamu
diskusikan dengan teman
Writing activities
Kamu memiliki catatan pada mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Kamu mencatat setiap hasil diskusi
Catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi,
dan bersih
Mental activities
Kamu mencoba mengingat hal yang
penting dalam pelajaran
Dalam diskusi kamu menanggapi jawaban









Ketika ada permasalahan dalam belajar,

kamu berani menggambil keputusan
Emotional activities
Bersemangat dalam mengikuti mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Tiap kali ditanya kamu merasa gugup
Menaruh minat yang tinggi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris
Merasa bosan jika guru memberikan tugas


Total Skor = 55
Minggu 3








Visual activities
Memperhatikan guru menjelaskan materi
Guru mendemonstrasikan materi, kamu
mengikuti dengan seksama
Diperintahkan guru membaca materi
Meniru apa yang sudah dilakukan guru
didepan kelas
Listening activities
Jika teman berpendapat, kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama
Guru menjelaskan pelajaran, kamu
Ketika berlangsung diskusi, kamu
Oral activities
Dikelas kamu active bertanya
Saat belajar kamu menanggapi materi yang
Materi pelajaran yang sulit, kamu
diskusikan dengan teman
Writing activities
Kamu memiliki catatan pada mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Kamu mencatat setiap hasil diskusi
Catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi,
dan bersih
Mental activities
Kamu mencoba mengingat hal yang
penting dalam pelajaran










Dalam diskusi kamu menanggapi jawaban

Ketika ada permasalahan dalam belajar,
kamu berani menggambil keputusan
Emotional activities
Bersemangat dalam mengikuti mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
Tiap kali ditanya kamu merasa gugup
Menaruh minat yang tinggi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris
Merasa bosan jika guru memberikan tugas

Total Skor = 63




Jenis kelamin

Visual activities
1. Jika kamu menemukan teks atau ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris, apakah kamu
2. Jika guru berbicara dalam bahasa inggris atau menjelaskan pelajaran bahasa
inggris. Apakah kamu memperhatikan?
Litening activities
3. Ketika dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris, jika teman berpendapat. Apakah kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama?
4. Jika mendengar atau membaca ungkapan tertentu dalam bahasa inggris, saya
menterjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia?
Oral activities
5. Apabila mendapat kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris, saya bertanya kepada guru?
6. Dalam memecahkan atau mengatasi kesulitan belajar, saya mengerjakan dengan

Writing activities
7. Saya mencatat pelajaran bahasa inggris setiap apa yang di sampaikan guru di
kelas ketika memberikan materi bahasa inggris?
8. Apakah catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi dan bersih?
Mental activities
9. Bagaimana cara kamu mengingat kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris?

10. Saya melihat guru dengan cermat ketika guru menjelaskan materi bahasa inggris?
Emotional activities
11. Apakah kamu bersemangat dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris?
12. Apakah kamu merasa bosan dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris?




: VIII Aksel

Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki

Visual activities
13. Jika kamu menemukan teks atau ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris, apakah kamu
membacanya? Dimanakah kamu membacanya?


jawab : ya membacanya di rumah dan sekolah, kalau belum mengerti saya

tanyakan kepada guru atau orang tua saya di rumah atau mencari sendiri
14. Jika guru berbicara dalam bahasa inggris atau menjelaskan pelajaran bahasa
inggris. Apakah kamu memperhatikan?
jawab : ya memperhatikan
Litening activities
15. Ketika dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris, jika teman berpendapat. Apakah kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama?
jawab : ya kadang-kadang, tp kalau saya punya pendapat sendiri saya orasikan
kepada teman-teman
16. Jika mendengar atau membaca ungkapan tertentu dalam bahasa inggris, saya
menterjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia?
jawab : sering, kadang ketika kata yang tidak mengerti saya terjemahkan
kemudian saya catat
Oral activities
17. Apabila mendapat kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris, apa yang kamu lakukan?
jawab : bertanya kepada guru, klw guru tidak tahu cari reverensi lain
18. Dalam memecahkan atau mengatasi kesulitan belajar, saya mengerjakan dengan
jawab : sering, sama orang tua, kalau sama teman malah dituduh guru ribut
Writing activities
19. Saya mencatat pelajaran bahasa inggris setiap apa yang di sampaikan guru di
kelas ketika memberikan materi bahasa inggris?
jawab : kalau yang sudah mengerti tidak tapi kalau yang masih bingung saya
catat terus saya pahami di rumah
20. Apakah catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi dan bersih?
jawab : lengkap tapi kurang rapi


Mental activities
21. Bagaimana cara kamu mengingat kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris?
jawab : biasanya saya terapkan berbicara bahasa inggris kepada teman dengan
orang tua dirumah
contoh kalau sedang chatingan dengan teman
22. Saya melihat guru dengan cermat ketika guru menjelaskan materi bahasa inggris?
jawab : iya sering
Emotional activities
23. Apakah kamu bersemangat dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris?
jawab : sering
24. Apakah kamu merasa bosan dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris?
jawab : ya tapi kalau membaca agak bosan




: VIII Aksel

Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki

Visual activities
1. Jika kamu menemukan teks atau ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris, apakah kamu
membacanya? Dimanakah kamu membacanya?
jawab : pernah, seringnya di sekolah
2. Jika guru berbicara dalam bahasa inggris atau menjelaskan pelajaran bahasa
inggris. Apakah kamu memperhatikan?
jawab : ya sering


Litening activities
3. Ketika dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris, jika teman berpendapat. Apakah kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama?
jawab : kadang-kadang
4. Jika mendengar atau membaca ungkapan tertentu dalam bahasa inggris, saya
menterjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia?
jawab : kadang-kadang
Oral activities
5. Apabila mendapat kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris, apa yang kamu lakukan?
jawab : bertanya kepada guru, melihat kamus dan bertanya kepada orang tua
6. Dalam memecahkan atau mengatasi kesulitan belajar, saya mengerjakan dengan
jawab : pernah dirumah dengan orang tua
Writing activities
7. Saya mencatat pelajaran bahasa inggris setiap apa yang di sampaikan guru di
kelas ketika memberikan materi bahasa inggris?
jawab : sering
8. Apakah catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi dan bersih?
jawab : iya lengkap dan rapi
Mental activities
9. Bagaimana cara kamu mengingat kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris?
jawab : diucapkan berulang-ulang dan ditulis
10. Saya melihat guru dengan cermat ketika guru menjelaskan materi bahasa inggris?
jawab : sering
Emotional activities


11. Apakah kamu bersemangat dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris?

jawab : ya kadang-kadang tapi kalau selesai olah raga kadang kurang semangat
12. Apakah kamu merasa bosan dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris?
jawab : kadang-kadang




: VIII Aksel

Jenis kelamin : Perempuan

Visual activities
1. Jika kamu menemukan teks atau ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris, apakah kamu
membacanya? Dimanakah kamu membacanya?
jawab : pernah di buku, TV tapi di sekolah jarang
2. Jika guru berbicara dalam bahasa inggris atau menjelaskan pelajaran bahasa
inggris. Apakah kamu memperhatikan?
jawab : sering
Litening activities


3. Ketika dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris, jika teman berpendapat. Apakah kamu
mendengarkan dengan seksama?
jawab : tergantung, kalau dengan guru kadang kurang saya dengarin tapi kalau
kelompok saya dengarin
4. Jika mendengar atau membaca ungkapan tertentu dalam bahasa inggris, saya
menterjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia?
jawab : menterjemahkan kalau mencatat tidak pernah
Oral activities
5. Apabila mendapat kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris, apa yang kamu lakukan?
jawab : bertanya kepada guru, melihat kamus dan kadang bertanya kepada guru
6. Dalam memecahkan atau mengatasi kesulitan belajar, saya mengerjakan dengan
jawab : kalau kelompok diskusi iya tapi kalau sendiri tidak pernah
Writing activities
7. Saya mencatat pelajaran bahasa inggris setiap apa yang di sampaikan guru di
kelas ketika memberikan materi bahasa inggris?
jawab : ditulis semua, tapi kalau ada yang tidak mengerti ditulis. Ya yang
penting-penting aja ditulis
8. Apakah catatan yang kamu miliki lengkap, rapi dan bersih?
jawab : ya kalau rapi-rapilah
Mental activities
9. Bagaimana cara kamu mengingat kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris?
jawab : dibaca berulang-ulang
10. Saya melihat guru dengan cermat ketika guru menjelaskan materi bahasa inggris?
jawab : sering


Emotional activities
11. Apakah kamu bersemangat dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris?
jawab : ya sangat bersemangat
12. Apakah kamu merasa bosan dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris?
jawab : tidak


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