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10 Work File
Read the tale of Circe and translate the middle portion of this text. Type
your translation below each numbered sentence.
Ulixes nunc omnia praeter ( except ) suam (his) navem amiserat. Haec ( this ) navis ad
insulam Aeaeam venit, quam Circe, maga ( witch ) potens (powerful) , regebat.
Eurylochus ab Ulixe insulam explorare iubetur.
Ulysses had now lost everything except his own ship. This ship came to the island
Aenea, which Circe, a powerful witch, used to rule. .
1. Ulixes Eurylochum et suos (his) viros insulam explorare iubet.
Odysseus orders Eurylochus and his men to explore the island.
2. Circe homines in regia salutat, sed Eurylochus regiam non intrat (does not
Circe greets the men in the palace, but Eurylochus does not enter the palace.
3. Homines Eurylochi ab maga ,Circe, in sues mutati sunt.
The men of Eurylochus are changed into pigs by the witch Circe.
4. Tum exclamant "Sumus sues! Sed eramus homines! Eheu!" ( Alas! )
Then they exclaimed We are pigs! But we were men! Alas! (Which is extremely
unrealistic dialogue but whatever)
5. Eurylochus ad Ulixem, cui totam fabulam narrat, maturat.
Eurylochus hurries to Ulysses, to whom he tells the whole story.
Ulixes ad homines statim procedit. Deus Mercurius Ulixi (dative) herbam magicam,
quae eum (him) servabit, donat. Ergo ( therefore ) Ulixes in suem a Circa mutari (to be
changed) non potest (is able/can). Nautae in homines imperio Ulixis mutantur, et Ulixes
cum Circa multos menses manet.Tum, nautae Ulixi (dat) rogant " Possumusne (are we
able) excedere?", Ulixes navigare parat. Circe eum ( him ) de periculis quae invenient,
Ulysses immediately proceeds to his men. The god Mercury gives Ulysses a magical
herb which will protect him. Therefore Ulysses is not able to be changed into a pig by
Circe. The Sailors are changed into human beings by the power of Ulysses, and
Ulysses remains for many months with Circe. Then, the sailors ask Ulysses "Are we
able to leave?. Ulysses prepares to sail. Circe warns him about the dangers which
they will find.

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