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Myrbdl Myrpomh

HaMisparim LaDebarim
The Numbers of the Words
by Craig Wm. Peters

The Revelation of the Sons of Elohim

The Sons and Daughters of the Most High Revealed in His Shabbat
For the whole creation longs for the
revelation of the sons of Elohim.
Romans 8:19

a The truths in this manuscript set forth the Shabbat of hwhy in an entirely new
light. And just as importantly, this work provides evidence of the clear and inspired
connection between upholding the Shabbat and those who will be accounted as
faithful sons and daughters of the Most High in the First Resurrection.
The present study is based on a foundational revelation of the Hebrew numbers
given in the Spirit on the Shabbat of 8/1/2015. We give thanks to hwhy for such a
simple, yet deeply profound and amazing impartationrevealed in the Spirit to
bless the people of the Most High. After that time in 8/2015, across a period of
some sixty daysleading up to the Moedim/Feast Appointments of the Seventh
Monththe message grew into its present form, and the general contents of this
manuscript were presented to a group of believers during Sukkot. In the weeks
following Sukkot, the work was subsequently set forth in writing. However, any
changes or additions since that initial presentation are not noted. This study is now
presented with prayers that this effort will bless you, the reader, and all those who
seek first the Kingdom of hwhy and His righteousness.

When people think of the word son or daughter, perhaps most will immediately
and naturally call to mind their own children. Or perhaps they remember being a
son or a daughter and subsequently turn to thoughts of their parents. Any of these
channels of thinking would be quite understandable and well within reason. But
did you know there is also a great and overwhelming connection between the
Shabbat of Creation and the Hebrew words for son and daughter? We
believe this connection is so profound and so far-reaching that, upon seeing the
evidence, the meaning and importance of the Hebrew words for son and
daughter will be elevated to an all-new level:
We will see there is a direct and Inspired
relationship between being a son or daughter of the
Most High and honoring the Shabbat of Creation
which will abide across all Ages of Time.

Never again can the Hebrew words (or even the English words) for son and
daughter be understood in the same the light. As we will see, the Hebrew words
for son and daughter are clearly and directly related to the Shabbatthe
Memorial of Creation and the Day of Rest and Worship which hwhy has set apart
from the foundation of the world.

Because the truths in this manuscript set forth the Shabbat of hwhy in an entirely
new light, in the pages that follow, we will see a still greater meaning and
importance of the Shabbat for those who are seeking (in the words of the Savior) to
be accounted worthy to attain to that Age and the Resurrection from the dead. 1
The Messiah warned that many would seek
to enter in (to a reward in the First Resurrection)
and would not be able.2
Evidently, the apostle Shaul was so sobered by these words of the Messiah that, in
his letter to the Philippians, the emissary noted that even he3 might not be
accounted worthy to enter with reward as an overcomer.4 And Shaul likewise
posited the possibility of being rejected (cast out) in his letter to the Corinthians.5
In short, no one is a shoo-in for obtaining reward in the Kingdom and no
automatically qualifies to partake in the First Resurrection:
Only those who overcome will qualify,
and only they will be rewarded with the
Great Reward of the Resurrection of the body.
So while we are saved by grace/favor,6 we will be rewarded through obedience.
And, we are warned, there will be those who lose their reward for failing to
overcome.7 Yet eSwhy not only warned His followers of being disqualified during
His short time ministering on earth,8 but the Splendor of Yisrael would later issue
that same warning from the Heavens:
Believers who do not overcome will be
rejected for lawlessness,9 and they will fail to inherit
reward/greatness in the First Resurrection.10

Luke 20:35
Luke 13:24-28
(who had even healed the sick and raised the dead)
Philippians 3:7-14
1Corinthians 9:24-27. Compare Matthew 22:11-14.
Ephesians 2:8-9
1 Corinthians 3:11-15, Hebrews 6:7-9; Matthew 5:17-20
Luke 13:24-28
Matthew 5:17-20, 7:21-23 (in vs. 23, iniquity = lawlessness); Revelation 3:15-16
Revelation 20:4-6. The First Resurrection is a resurrection for which believers must qualify. And several warnings
are seen in the New Covenant writings that many will be disqualified.

Since the present work proves there is a direct relationship between upholding the
Shabbat and being accounted a faithful son or daughter of the Most High, this is a
matter which all those who are seeking to enter in (thus, qualifying to reign in the
Kingdom) should seriously ponder. Observing the Shabbat in spirit and truth is
directly related to overcoming.

Yet even beyond establishing the great importance of upholding the Shabbat for
those who desire to overcome, there are other solemn warnings in the pages that
follow. One such warning relates to the Elohim-breathed Word of hwhy. Many well
meaning believers who hold to the inspiration of Scripture are on the borderline of
blaspheming the Spirit by their unfounded claims that gematria and numerology
are of the Devil. We will establish that such reckless statements are made by
those who are looming quite close to blasphemy of the Spirit.11
When the Word that created all things came forth from the
mouth of Elohim, it was so full of life, power, and order that when
penned by men to compose the Scriptures, that Word manifestly
contained infinite mathematical patterns and relationships
that are so phenomenal they absolutely defy description.
Those who study the matter for themselves will soon see this to be the case. And the
present article will show much clear evidence of these things as well. And of
significant relevance, we note two, well-known and highly accomplished
mathematicians who spent their latter years studying these inspired mathematical
patterns and the phenomenal spiritual implications which they so often yield.
Both Isaac Newton (1642-1727) and Ivan Panin (1855-1942) were believers in the
resurrected Messiah, and both men were so taken by the overwhelming inspiration
of the number values behind Hebrew words and letters that they devoted the latter
part of their lives to studying Scriptures and understanding the Bible from this
numerically encoded standpoint. Yet Newton is considered by many to have been
one of the greatest mathematicians and scientists of all time! In his search for a
fuller understanding, Isaac Newton studied the number values of Hebrew letters,
words, and phrases in the Tanakh (Torah/Nevi'im/Ketuvim)what many refer to
as the Old Testament.
Gematria and other number systems related to the Bible are inspired beyond
measure and Newton (and Panin) drew spiritual implications and deductions from
these remarkable, crystal clear, number relationships. If such things had not been

Please note: This is not a statement to defend the abusive application of gematria and numerology commonly
seen in our days. There are certainly widespread abuses of gematria and numerology, and these false, counterfeit
abuses are not defensible! While we cannot defend the falsehood which those things exemplify, we also cannot
allow the unrighteous abuse of gematria and numerology to be employed as proof against the originally inspired
use of the Hebrew numbers which hwhy Himself has encoded into His awesome and eternal Word.

so obviously inspired, being a mathematical genius, Newton would have quickly

seen through it, declared it to be a hoax, and dispensed with it altogether. Yet
Newton did not do so because (as those who study will readily see) the number
values, thus derived, are marvelously inspiredoverwhelmingly inspired
inspired beyond description.
It is riveting to think the man thought by many to have
been the greatest scientist and mathematician of all time fully
embraced the Hebrew language and the infinitely inspired,
numerically encoded truth of the Scriptures.
If the Numerical Inspiration of Scripture was a mere hoax or happenstance, would
it not have been the case that Newtonthe inventor of Calculusshould have
quickly seen through the faade and dispensed with any further work leading down
a dead-end trail? Yet this was not the case; Newton knew he had found such an
immense and infinite treasure that he devoted his final years to seeking hwhy via
these inspired number relationships relationships which came forth directly from
the Mind of the Most High and which are encoded right into His infinitely inspired

The Hebrew misparim/numbersas given in the inspired ALEF-BEITprovide us

with the Most Highs very own Commentary over His Eternal Word. It is a blessing
of untold importance that the Sovereign Creator would place within His Word a
built-in Commentaryavailable to all and untarnished by the opinions and
commentaries of men. We pray readers will not ignore this great and inspired
Signpostset in place by the Providence and Sovereignty of an All-Wise and AllKnowing Creator. And we pray you will see and receive this aspect of revelation
for the stunning miracle it comprises. We now proceed to the main study.

The Torah and the Creation

I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,
that you shall soon utterly perish from off the Land whereunto
you pass over the Yarden/Jordan to possess it: you shall not
prolong your days on it, but shall be utterly destroyed.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 4:26
How was it that Mosheh could stand before all Yisrael and tell our forefathers that
heaven and earth would be a witness against them if they forsook hwhy and walked
in lawless opposition to His Torah/Teaching? It is of such profound and farreaching importance that one can scarcely give expression to the matter. Yet the
very same Word that created the heavens and the earth is the same Word which is

spoken throughout the Torah.12 In short, the Creation and the Torah (the written
Word of hwhy) are inseparable. While some of our Jewish sages believe the very
Hebrew letters were used to form all things created throughout the immense span
of the Universe, this present work will endeavor to stay within the realm of
revealed Scripture to establish the clear link between the Word of hwhy and His
The Five Books of the Torah open with the account of Creation in Breshit/Genesis
chapter 1. The Creator and His Creation are the first subjects of the Torah. Since
the first subject in the first book of the Torah is the Creation, this establishes an
immediate link between the Word of Elohim and all that He made. This immutable
link between Torah-Heavens-and-Earth is seen in many places in the Scriptures. In
Tehillim/Psalm 19, David begins by proclaiming the splendor of El seen in the
The heavens declare the splendor of El, and the firmament shows
His handiwork. 2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto
night shows knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language; their
voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a
tabernacle for the sun, 5 which is as a bridegroom coming out of
his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run his course. 6
His going forth is from the end of the heavens, and his circuit
unto the ends of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
Tehillim/Psalm 19:1-6
Then, with no explanation needed, the psalmist ends his thoughts on the heavens
and seemingly changes the subject by abruptly proceeding right into the
excellencies of the Torah/Word of hwhy:
7 The Torah of hwhy is perfect, restoring the soul: the testimony
of hwhy is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of hwhy
are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of hwhy is pure,
enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of hwhy is clean, enduring for
ever; the ordinances of hwhy are true, and righteous together. 10
More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey and the droppings of the honeycomb. 11
Moreover by them is Your servant warned: in keeping them there
is great reward. Tehillim/Psalm 19:7-11
Notice we said the psalmist seemingly changes the subject in an abrupt manner:


Tehillim/Psalm 33:6

In one instant, he is speaking of the Heavens

and the great splendor of the Most High; in the next
moment, we are reading his intimate description
of the Word of hwhy.
But when we realize that Hebrew thought makes an inseparable link between the
Word of hwhy and the Heavens and Earth which the very same Word created, there
is really no abrupt change in the subject matter at all. The Heavens and Earth bear
witness to the Word of Elohim that created them! And in the Companion Bible,
E.W. Bullinger has noted in the margins around Psalm 19 that hwhy uses literary
terms to describe the heavens while He uses heavenly terms to describe the Torah.
Of course, this further intertwines the Torah-Heavens-and-Earth as Scripture has
already done in so many other places. This also explains why one of the psalmists
could write about the Word of hwhy being settled in/set in the heavens:
For ever, hwhy, Your word is
settled in (set in) the heavens.
Tehillim/Psalm 119:89
And all of these things further explain how Mosheh could stand before all Yisrael
and tell our forefathers that heaven and earth would be a witness against them, if
they walked in violation of the Torah:
Since the Torah will remain as long as the heavens
and the earth (and since the Torah will actually outlast the heavens
and the earth13), the heavens and the earth will abide as age-enduring
witnesses to the immutable and unchanging Word of hwhy.
Leading into the Song of Mosheh,14 the prophet, once more,15 called heaven and
earth to witness against Yisrael:
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,
that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse:
therefore, choose life, that you may live, you and your seed.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 30:19
Then, at the very outset of the Song of Mosheh, the prophet again calls heaven and
earth to witness against Yisrael:
Give ear, you heavens, and I will speak;
and let the earth hear the words of my mouth.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 32:1


Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33. (Yet even this passing away will not be until all 1000 generations
have lived out their days on planet Earth. Debarim/Deuteronomy 7:9)
See Debarim/Deuteronomy 31:30-32:44
(much like what was seen in the Debarim/Deuteronomy 4:26 text that opened this section of the study)

Why did the prophet call the heavens and the earth to witness the Words of the
Torah? Because there was (and is) nothing more perpetual in all the Creation than
the heavens and the earth! In keeping with the Torah, the Messiah likewise
indicated the Word of hwhy would remain across the immense span of time that
will see the completion of the thousand generations prophesied.16 And like
Mosheh,17 eSwhy also indicated the heavens and the earth would be age-abiding
witnesses against those who broke the Torah of hwhy:
17 Think not that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets: I
came not to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For verily I say to you, Till
heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
pass away from the Torah, till all things be accomplished. 19
Therefore, whosoever shall break one of these least
commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in
the Kingdom of Heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them,
he shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I say
to you, that except your righteousness shall exceed that of the
scribes and Pharisees, you will in no wise enter into the Kingdom
of Heaven. Matthew 5:17-20
And how long will the present heavens and earth remain? What does the prophetic
word given in the Torah indicate? The Word of hwhy informs us that all things
will not be fulfilled until 1000 literal generations (beginning with Abraham18) have
been fulfilled upon the Earth:
Know, therefore, that hwhy your Elohim,
He is Elohim, the faithful El, who keeps the Covenant
and the Chesed19 with them that love Him and keep His
commandments to a thousand generations.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 7:9
Since 1000 generations of literal, physical human beings will span the many eons
of time yet to unfold across the Earths history,20 it will be thousands of years past
the Millennium21 before all things have been fulfilled. This means the Torah of
hwhy not only remains the Constitution of His Kingdom, at the present time, but it
will remain so during the Millennium (being seen in greater fullness still); and it
will continue as such for many, many centuries (if not many millennia) beyond the
1000-Year Reign of the Messiah on the earth. The approaching Millennium is only
the beginning of the Messianic Age. Thus, did all the prophets of old know: the

Debarim/Deuteronomy 7:9
Debarim/Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Tehillim 105:8-11
(i.e., kindness, or lovingkindness)
(we are likely only around 120 generations since Abraham, thus, leaving some 880 generations to go)
(the 1000-Year Reign of the Mashiach, Revelation 20:4-6)

Torah of hwhy is immutable, and of this immutability the heavens and earth will
ever remain to bear witness.

The Light of the Shabbat

House of Yaacov, come, and we walk in the light of hwhy.
Yeshayahu/Isaiah 2:5
The Shabbat is a day of worship filled with the Light of His Presence. And the
Seventh Day is another profound evidence of the great connection between the
Word of hwhy and all that He created. The Seventh Day is the enduring Memorial
of His Creation,22 and on the Shabbat, those who worship hwhy as the Creator are
directed to worship Him for the works of His hands.23 The Seventh Day is a weekly
celebration of the great Creation set in place by the loving Hand and sovereign
foreknowledge of the Almighty. So we will briefly ponder the great light
associated with the Shabbat of Creation.
This immense light of hwhy is present within the Qadosh Shabbat because He
placed it there by setting apart the Day. The Shabbat is set apart time. And the
Shabbat is a Moedan Appointment with hwhy. And how did hwhy set it apart
this Day? The Day of the Shabbat is set apart with the Light of His
Spirit/Presence. Because hwhy placed within the Shabbat the Light of His
Presence, the Seventh Day is set apart as a Moed/Appointment to meet with Him.
As one might expect, the light associated with the Shabbat is also seen within the
Hebrew numbers. The Creation of the Six Days began with the formation of light:
And He said, Elohim, Let there be light: and there was light.
Breshit/Genesis 1:3
The Hebrew word for light is rwa/ohr. And the light created by Elohim on the
First Day is seen to have a misparim value of 207:24

(mv) 207 = (200) r + (6) w + (1) a = rwa = ohr/light

Yet on the Seventh Day, this light/207 culminated in a still greater Lightthe
Light of His Presence which Elohim placed within the Set Apart Day; this is the


Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Revelation 14:6-7

See Tehillim 92, which has the inspired title: A Psalm, a Song for the Shabbat. In verses 4-5, Mosheh (if you
believe he wrote this psalm) speaks of rejoicing in hwhy over the works of His hands (i.e., the works of His hands
seen throughout the Creation). In contrast, when Yisrael began to worship the works of their hands (i.e., idols: Psalm
115:4, 135:15, Jeremiah 25:4-7, Revelation 9:20), they turned aside from hwhy and, as promised, they were
eventually cast forth from Eretz Yisrael.
The charts for the Hebrew Number Systems referred to in this paper are seen at the very end of the document.
Smaller versions of the charts are seen in the Appendix: An Overview of Three Hebrew Number Systems. Larger
versions of the charts are seen at the very end of the document (the last three pages).

Day which He calls the Shabbat. So it is rather amazing to see the Hebrew word
tbS/Shabbat has a misparim value of 702:

(mv) 702 = (400) t + (2) b + (300) S = tbS = Shabbat

It is not a coincidence that when the number for light (207) is reversed, we get the
number for Shabbat (702):
The light/207 of the First Day culminated
in the Light of the Shabbat/702 on the Seventh Day.
In creating the light, Elohim declared the end from the beginning: the light of the
First Day was prophetic of the Light that would shine forth on the Seventh Day.
This is part of the reason that 207 reversed gives 702. It displays the order, unity,
and sovereign foreknowledge of hwhy. Of course, it also shows us that light is in
the Shabbat and the Shabbat is in the light. And this further explains why those
who honor hwhy and uphold His Word are blessed with such a surpassing greatness
of light and understanding from the Scriptures:
Those who walk in the light of hwhy, by upholding
the Shabbat and honoring Him, will see a harvest of light;25
their understanding of the will and ways of the Most High will
abound far beyond all that a person could ask or think.26
One of greatest statements of promise seen in the Scriptures is the Word of hwhy
that He will most certainly honor those who honor Him:
for those that honor Me I will honor (dbka),
and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.
1Shmuel/Samuel 2:30
The Hebrew for I will honor is just one word:

I (will) honor

On the word seen above, the ALEF (a) prefix means I. This is placed on the word
dbk/cabeyd which means honor.27 Interestingly, this word (dbka / ee-cabeyd / I will honor) has a misparim value of 27:


27 = (4) d + (2) b + (20) k + (1) a = dbka = ee-cabeyd/I honor

And what might all this mean? While we just saw the misparim value for
rwa/ohr/light is 207, the place value for that same Hebrew word is 27:

Tehillim/Psalms 36:9, 97:11

Ephesians 3:20
dbk/cabeyd/honor is the Hebrew word that is seen in the Fifth Commandment to honor father and our mother.

(pv) 27 = (20) r + (6) w + (1) a =

rwa = ohr/light28

The Ruach haQodesh indicating that hwhy will honor those who honor Him by
bestowing more light upon their path to the Kingdom. We will be blessed with the
light and splendor of hwhy that He shines upon us from His Presence,29 and we will
be empowered to impart that light to others as well.30 This is an immense honor
and one which we should walk in with all humilitytoward those who believe as
well toward those who do not.

Did the Patriarchs Keep the Shabbat?

And What was the Immense Price to be Paid As
Their Descendants Were Spewed Out of the Land?
Behold, I have set the Land before you: go in and possess
the Land which hwhy swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Yitschak,
and to Yaacov, to give to them and to their seed after them.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 1:8
Some people make much of their claim that the patriarchsAbraham, Yitschak,
and Yaacovdid not keep the Seventh Day. Please note this is only a claima
claim over which we fully dissent (and one which we will also clearly disprove).
We will see such claims are set forth by those who may be well-meaning in their
intent, but who are also uninformed, if not swayed by denominational bias. And
the hope of such an argument seems to be to alleviate its adherents from any moral
obligation to uphold the Seventh Day. Theirs is a perceptive stance, in one sense,
since we are clearly taught it is only those who are of the faith of Abraham who are
heirs according to the promise.31 If Abraham kept the Shabbat, then so should
those who claim to be his sons32especially since hwhy stated that Abraham kept
His charge: His commandments, His statutes, and His teachings/Torot33:
And I will make your seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will
give to your seed all these countries; and in your seed shall all the nations
of the earth be blessed; 5 because that Abraham obeyed My Voice, and
kept My charge: My commandments, My statutes, and My teachings.
Breshit/Genesis 26:4-5

We believe David knew/understood these number values, and so he was inspired in the Spirit to make the opening
subject matter of Psalm 27 the light of hwhy:
hwhy is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear?
Psalm 27:1
Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 60:1-2, 2Corinthians 3:17-18
1Timothy 4:16
Romans 4:16
John 8:39, Romans 2:13, 3:31, Galatians 3:29
(the feminine plural of Torah)


We will see that Abrahamoperating within the Melchizedek Priesthooddid

keep/uphold the Shabbat long before it was officially codified at Sinai. And at
least one text directly reveals the patriarchs kept the Shabbat; but before we ponder
that Scripture, a look at the obedience of the forefathers (and the disobedience of
their progeny) will be highly instructive.
Why were the patriarchsAbraham, Yitschak,
and Yaacovpromised Eretz Yisrael?

Why Were They Promised the Land?

How could hwhy promise the patriarchs the Land of Canaan? Perhaps a better
question might be: Why did hwhy promise the patriarchs that both they and their
descendants would inherit the Land of Yisrael? The answer is simple:
The forefathers exemplified love-derived
obedience34or as Shaul would later write:
faith working through love.35
In addition to the text cited above,36 this is what hwhy spoke concerning Abraham
and his descendants:
17 And hwhy said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I
will do; 18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and
mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in
him? 19 For I know him, that he will command his sons and his
household after him, and they will keep the way of hwhy, to do
righteousness and judgment; that hwhy may bring upon Abraham
that which He has spoken of him. Breshit/Genesis 18:17-19
Abraham, Yitschak, and Yaacov are the forefathers of all those who love hwhy
and keep His commandments. While hwhy promises to visit the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Him,
in these, our forefathers, we see the exact opposite: The first four generations of
those who loved hwhy are seen in Abraham, Yitschak, Yaacov, and Yoseph.37
And do we see the fulfillment of the Word of hwhy
across these four generations of righteous menbeginning from
Abraham (Generation 1), progressing to Yitschak (Generation 2)
and Yaacov (Generation 3), and culminating
in Yoseph (Generation 4)?


Genesis 18:17-19, 26:4-5

Galatians 5:6, Exodus 20:6
(i.e., the text showing the obedience of Abraham: Genesis 26:4-5)
Recall Yoseph inherited the birthright from Yaacov. 1Chronicles 5:1-2


We do. In the third and fourth generation, the descendants of Abraham were
becoming a nation38 and the blessings of hwhy culminated in the leader of the
fourth generation as Yoseph became a world-renowned ruler.39 Considering the
covenant-promise of hwhy and His chesed/kindness to a thousand generations,40 we
pause to ponder the Hebrew word for covenant: tyrb/berit. The Hebrew word
for covenant has a misparim value41 of 612:

(mv) 612 = (400) t + (10) y + (200) r + (2) b = tyrb/berit/covenant

Yet look at the number which results when we add up the ages to which each of
the first four patriarchs lived, as given in the Scriptures:

Died at 175
Died at 180
Died at 147
Died at 110


Total Years:


That hwhy would write His Hebrew word for covenant (tyrb/berit) right into
the life-span of the first four patriarchsthe first four leaders of the 1000
generationsis a stunning and miraculous evidence He provides His chosen ones
regarding the Covenant and the Chesed/Kindness.46 This is an example of
inspired numerology! And this is a profound evidence of the high regard which
hwhy has for keeping/upholding His promise:
The evidence of the Covenantwhich hwhy has
promised to uphold across 1000 generations of those who
love Him and keep His commandments47was written right
into the total lifespan of the patriarchs!48
And this is only one of the many ways in which hwhy is showing us that the love
He bestowed upon our forefathers is the same love He will bestow upon our
generationalong with the nearly 880 generations since Abraham that still remain
in the prophetic timetable of Elohim and the largely untold history of this world.

Genesis 18:18, 46:3

Yosephs exaltation and rule over Egypt was certainly a partial fulfillment of the word that kings would come
forth from the loins of Abraham.
(those 1000 generations beginning with Abraham: Tehillim/Psalm105:8-11)
(what many might call the gematria value)
Genesis 25:7
Genesis 35:28
Genesis 47:28
Genesis 50:22,26
Debarim/Deuteronomy 7:9
Shemot/Exodus 20:6, John 14:15, 15:10
Debarim/Deuteronomy 7:9, Tehillim/Psalm105:8-11


Why Was Yisrael Dispossessed of the Land?

We have seen why the forefathers were promised Eretz Yisrael (the Land of
Yisrael). Yet this brings us to another question:
Just why was the nation of Yisrael (those who
descended from Abraham, Yitschak, Yaacov, and Yoseph)
dispossessed of the Land of Promise some centuries
after they had entered into their inheritance?
Why was the majority of Yisrael spewed out of the Land in the days of Jeremiah,
Daniel, and Ezekiel? Why were they carried off captive to the lands of Greece49
and Babylon50 and also scattered to the four winds?51 Why did Nebuchadnezzar
and his armies prevail to siege the city of Yerushalayim / Jerusalem and to burn her
Why Yisrael was cast out of the Land is also directly related to why our forefathers
were promised this Land in the first place. The very reason that Yisrael was cast
out reveals that Abraham, Yitschak, and Yaacov upheld the Torah and sanctified
the Shabbat. So we now ponder the many warnings which the prophets of old gave
to Yisrael concerning the Shabbat. Yisrael was effectively told on numerous
occasions something that amounted to this most serious warning:
Refuse to uphold the Shabbat and you
will be expelled from the Land which I
have promised to your forefathers.
We will see this was the simple warning given to Yisrael time and time again.

Uphold the Shabbat or Be Cast Out of the Land

It is verifiable fact that many of the prophets subsequent to Mosheh/Moses had one
mission: to cause Yisrael to turn back to hwhy (i.e., to repent of violating the
Torah), so they could be fully blessed and so they could be allowed to remain in
the Land which had been promised to our forefathersAbraham, Yitschak, and
Yaacov. We read the words of prophet after prophet who was sent to correct
Yisrael for profaning the Shabbat.
Through Yeshayahu/Isaiah, hwhy warned the nation that they had forsaken the
righteous ordinance52 of the Shabbat.53 And without the light of Shabbat, the
darkness of apostasy was already descending upon the nation. Apart from true
repentance, accompanied as it is with fasting-derived humility, Isaiah warned

John 7:35
Jeremiah 25:8-14, 29:10-14
Notice how the letter of Yaacov (James) was addressednot to the ten tribes, but to the twelve tribes scattered
abroad. James 1:1
Isaiah 58:1-2
Isaiah 58:13-14


Yisrael the light of hwhylost through rejecting the Shabbat ordinancewould

not be restored.54 Of course, all this adds new meaning to the warning of the
Messiah over individuals and congregations who reject the simple truths of
Shabbat and who subsequently have their lampstand removed.55
Through Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah, hwhy clearly warned the nation that refusal to
uphold the Shabbat would result in the gates of Yerushalayim / Jerusalem being
burned with fire and the people being delivered up to captivity:
19 Thus said hwhy to me: Go and stand in the gate of the
children of the people, whereby the kings of Yahudah come in,
and by the which they go out, and in all the gates of
Yerushalayim; 20 and say to them, Hear you the Word of hwhy,
you kings of Yahudah, and all Yahudah, and all the inhabitants
of Yerushalayim, that enter in by these gates: 21 Thus says hwhy,
Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the Shabbat day,
nor bring it in by the gates of Yerushalayim; 22 neither carry
forth a burden out of your houses on the Shabbat day, neither do
you any work, but you hallow the Shabbat day, as I commanded
your fathers. 23 But they obeyed not, neither inclined their ear,
but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, nor receive
instruction. 24 And it shall come to pass, if you diligently
hearken to Me, says hwhy, to bring in no burden through the
gates of this city on the Shabbat day, but hallow the Shabbat day,
to do no work therein;25 then shall there enter into the gates of
this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David,
riding in chariots and on horses, they, and their princes, the men
of Yahudah, and the inhabitants of Yerushalayim: and this city
shall remain to the Age. 26 And they shall come from the cities of
Yahudah, and from the places about Yerushalayim, and from the
land of Binyamin, and from the plain, and from the mountains,
and from the south, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and
meat offerings, and incense, and bringing sacrifices of praise
unto the House of hwhy. 27 But if you will not hearken to Me to
set apart the Shabbat day, and not to bear a burden, even
entering in at the gates of Yerushalayim on the Shabbat day; then
will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the
palaces of Yerushalayim, and it shall not be quenched. Jeremiah


Isaiah 58:6-12
Revelation 2:4-5


For their refusal to uphold the Shabbat, hwhy warned, Yisrael would be defeated
and Yerushalayim would cease to be a stronghold and refuge of safety. hwhy had
long since warned the nation not to kindle a fire on His Shabbat;56 and now he was
warning about kindling His own fire of judgment. It is almost as if the Most High
was saying, If you continue to kindle fires of disobedience on My Shabbat, then I
will kindle one of My own; and this fire will burn in the gates of the city and it will
not be quenched.
Through Ezekiel (and after many in Yisrael had already been already been carried
away as captives to Babel/Babylon57), hwhy clearly indicated that their refusal to
uphold the Shabbat was a major indictment against them. And the indication was
that even the priests did not uphold or honor the Seventh Day:
23 And the word of hwhy came to me, saying, 24 Son of man, say
to her, You are the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in
the day of indignation. 25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets
in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion, ravening the prey: they
have devoured souls, they have taken the treasure and precious
things, they have made (for) her many widows in the midst
thereof. 26 Her priests have violated My Torah, and have
profaned My set apart things: they have put no difference
between the set apart and profane, neither have they shown the
difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hidden
their eyes from My Shabbats, and I am profaned among them.
Ezekiel 22:23-26

The Terrible Judgment of Defeat and Captivity

Since this section58 of the study has many subsections, we review the question
asked at the outset of the present meditation (though slightly reworded):
What was the immense price to be paid
as Yisrael was cast out of the Land?
hwhy had long-warned severe punishment would be visited upon His people if they
continued to profane His Shabbat, and consequently rejected the other
commandments of His Torah as well. We have read those solemn warnings
given by hwhy through Jeremiah and Amosalong with the rebuke which came
after the fact from Ezekiel. But let us turn our thoughts to that which occurred as
defeat and captivity were setting in upon the disobedient:


Exodus 35:3
(Yisrael had already been delivered into captivity when this was uttered; nevertheless, it shows us why hwhy
punished His people so severely.)
(i.e., Did the Patriarchs Keep the Shabbat?)


That which befell many Israelites in

the siege and captivity is, perhaps, the
most lamentable and telling of all.
In his Torah prophecies, even Mosheh had warned of the terrible wrath and
punishment that would come upon the nation if our forefathers profaned the
Shabbat and turned away from hwhy as they sank into the darkness of apostasy:
Because you served not hwhy your Elohim with rejoicing and
with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things, 48
therefore, you will serve your enemies, whom hwhy will send
against you, with hunger, and with thirst, and with nakedness,
and with want of all things. And He will put a yoke of iron upon
your neck until He has destroyed you ... 52 And he (i.e., the
enemy) shall lay siege to you in all your gates until your high
and fortified walls come down, wherein you were trusting, in all
your land. Yes, he will lay siege to you in all your gates, in all
your land which hwhy your Elohim has given to you. 53 And you
will eat the fruit of your body, the flesh of your sons and of your
daughters, whom hwhy your Elohim has given to youin the
siege and in the distress wherewith your enemy will distress you.
54 The man that is tender among you, and exceedingly delicate,
his eye will be jealous of his brother, and of the wife of his
bosom, and of the remnant of his sons, whom he might leave
behind, 55 so that he will not give to any one of them of the flesh
of his sons which he will eat, because he hath nothing at all left
him in the siege and in the distress wherewith your enemy will
distress you within all your gates. 56 The tender and delicate
woman among you, who has never adventured the sole of her
foot, to set it upon the ground, through delicateness and through
tenderness, her eye shall be jealous of the husband of her bosom,
and of her own son, and of her own daughter; 57 both as to her
afterbirth that comes forth from between her feet, and as to her
children which she shall bear: for she will eat them in secret for
lack of all things in the siege and in the distress wherewith your
enemy will distress you within your own gates.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 28:47-48, 52-57
So terrible would be these judgments upon Yisrael for profaning the Shabbat that,
as the enemy descended upon the nation, the fathers and mothers would cook and
eat the flesh of their own children due to the extreme starvation that had overtaken
them. And it would be so terrible that the one eating such remains would do so
secretlyavoiding the possibility of having to share it with anyone else. The
prophecies of Jeremiah show that this is precisely what occurred. Yet before it did

occur, hwhy once again warned the nation (through the prophet Jeremiah), that this
time of judgment had now drawn much closer to becoming a sad reality:
And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons
and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one
the flesh of his friend in the siege and distress, wherewith their
enemies and they that seek their lives shall distress them.
Jeremiah 19:9
Then, as recorded in Ekah/Lamentations, Jeremiah spoke in retrospect of the
judgment that had come upon Yisrael; and it was just as hwhy had warned:
The hands of the tenderhearted women have boiled their own children:
they were their food in the destruction of the daughter of My people.
Ekah/Lamentations 4:10
So was the prediction made, and so it came to pass. Do we need to ponder anything
further to see how serious it is, in the eyes of hwhy, to violate the Seventh Day

The Double Shame for Violating the Shabbat

Nearly seventy years later, as the days of captivity were drawing to a close, Daniel
fasted, prayed, and repented before hwhy over all the sins of lawlessness that
Yisrael had committed and that had led to their defeat and captivity. In his
authentic prayer, coupled with fasting-derived humility and repentance, Daniel
made confession before hwhy over all that had befallen Yisrael. No less than two
times, Daniel spoke of the shame of face59 that had come upon the nation due to
their lawlessness:
7 Sovereign, the righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame
(tSb/bo-shet) of face, as at this day; to the men of Yahudah, and
to the inhabitants of Yerushalayim, and to all Yisrael, that are
near, and that are far off, through all the countries where You
have driven them, because of their trespass that they have
trespassed against You. 8 Sovereign, to us belongs shame
(tSb/bo-shet) of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our
fathers, because we have sinned against You. 9 To hwhy our
Elohim belong mercies and forgiveness; for we have rebelled
against Him; 10 neither have we obeyed the voice of hwhy our
Elohim, to walk in His Torah, which He set before us by His
servants the prophets. Daniel 9:7-9


Note: this phrase is erroneously translated as confusion of face in many versions.


In his prayer, Daniel pronounces upon Yisrael double shame;60 and they did suffer
two things: defeat before their enemies and captivity in a foreign land. But in light
of this studys subject matter, the Hebrew word for shame seen in Daniels
prayer is of special interest. The Hebrew word for shame is tSb/bo-shet. And
this particular word is of marked significance since our forefathers had been
warned that their refusal to honor the Shabbat would lead to those terrible things
that accompanied defeat and captivity. One cannot help but notice the Hebrew for
shame and the Hebrew word for Shabbat both contain the same, three letters
(BEIT, SHIN, and TAV), only in a different arrangement:

tbS = Shabbat
tSb = bo-shet/shame
All Yisrael had been warned: Continue to violate and dishonor the Shabbat/tbS,
and the shame/tSb of defeat and captivity will come upon you. Yet it is no
different today. hwhy would not terribly and severely punish His people of old for
profaning the Shabbat and then, somehow, change His mind so that it is okay to
spurn the Light of Shabbat in our days. The New Covenant writers warned that
some believers will recoil with shame at the Messiahs appearing.61 Could it be so
simple as overcoming in this life because we honor the Light of His Presence
which hwhy has placed within the Shabbat? We think so; especially since hwhy has
promised to set apart/sanctify62 those who keep His Shabbat across all generations
of the sons of Yisrael.63 By walking in His Light through honoring the Shabbat, we
are set apart; and we become partakers in the Elohim-nature.64 In His light, we see
light.65 In His light, we become light.66 But those who refuse the Shabbat will bear
their shame.

After the Return: The Warning Given by Nechemyah/Nehemiah

Terrible things had befallen Yisrael as the captivity in Babel/Babylon was
descending upon our forefathers. Nor were times always pleasant as our nation
lived for seventy years in a foreign land. Yet the Word of hwhy had prevailed and
Yisrael was granted a return to the Land. hwhy honored the repentance of Daniel
and perhaps many others whom the prophet represented.67 But now that Yisrael
was back in the Land, had the mind of hwhy changed 70 years later? Was it now,
somehow, okay to violate, ignore, or reject the Seventh Day? Evidently not (nor

Isaiah 40:2
Hebrews 10:35-39, 1John 2:28
2Kepha/Peter 1:4
Shemot/Exodus 31:12-17 ( especially note verse 13 )
2Kepha/Peter 1:4
Psalm 36:9
2Corinthians 3:17-18, 4:6, Ephesians 5:14, Isaiah 60:1-3
Compare Jeremiah 29:4-14 and Daniel 9:1-23


will it ever be68). Upon their return from Babel some 70 years later, as he rebuked
the men of Yahudah / Judah for the Canaanite commerce by which they were
profaning the Shabbat, Nechemyah (Nehemiah) would utter a severe rebuke upon
some of the men of Yahudah:
15 In those days, I saw in Yahudah treading wine presses on
the Shabbat, and bringing in sheaves, and lading donkeys; as
also wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which
they brought into Yerushalayim on the Shabbat day: and I
testified against them in the day wherein they sold food. 16
There dwelt men of Tyre also therein, which brought fish, and
all manner of ware, and sold on the Shabbat to the children of
Yahudah, and in Yerushalayim. 17 Then I contended with the
nobles of Yahudah, and said to them, What evil thing is this
that you do, and profane the Shabbat day? 18 Did not your
fathers thus, and did not our Elohim bring all this evil upon us,
and upon this city? Yet you bring more wrath upon Yisrael by
profaning the Shabbat? Nechemyah / Nehemiah 13:15-18
Nechemyah remembered the terrible wrath and judgment that had fallen on Yisrael
70 years prior. And Nechemyah also knew hwhy does not change. The moral
standards of Elohim and His concern for upholding the Qadosh Shabbat would
never change. (And those morals will never change, even in our days.) This is why
Nechemyah could warn the people that their actions in profaning the Shabbat
would bring yet more wrath upon Yisrael!
Given the evidence pondered above, it is quite apparent the forefathers (Abraham,
Yitschak, and Yaacov) upheld the Shabbat: While they were promised the Land
for their obedience, their unfaithful descendants were later spewed out of the Land
for hard-hearted disobedience. And as the record has shown:
Central to Yisraels disobedience was
their rejection of the set apart Shabbat.
And as we have pondered: the judgment which came upon Yisrael for their
obstinate lawlessness was simply terrible beyond imagination.

Direct Evidence the Patriarchs Upheld the Shabbat

Based on all of the above, we do not really need direct evidence the patriarchs
upheld the Shabbat:


Malachi 3:6


The obedience of our forefathers surrounding

the Shabbat was inseparable from the great promise that they
would inherit the Land, while the disobedience of their descendants
regarding the Shabbat led to judgment and captivity upon
our nation as they were expelled from Eretz Yisrael.
So having seen and pondered the (perhaps) indirect evidence the patriarchs upheld
the Shabbat, we now turn to evidence which is yet more direct. We give thanks to
hwhy that He has not left Himself without a clear witness on this matter.
Why/how was Yaacov / Jacob so greatly blessed with
the wisdom and ability to overcome through his
difficult time in Labans household?69
The evidence indicates the prosperity of Yaacov was due to his upholding the
Seventh Day. We are directly informed the patriarch prospered with great blessings
as a result of his obedience relative to the Shabbat. This is not opinion since, many
centuries later, hwhy spoke through the prophet Yeshayahu/Isaiah and showed
Yisrael (and the entire world) this very thing: Yaacov, our forefather, was so
richly blessed because he honored the Shabbat. And in showing forth the example
of Yaacov in this regard, hwhy promises the same blessings upon all those who
uphold the sanctity of the Seventh Day:
If you turn away your foot from the Shabbat, from doing
your pleasure on My set apart Day; and call the Shabbat a delight,
the set apart of hwhy honorableand shall honor it, not doing your
own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words
14 then you will delight yourself in hwhy; and I will make you to ride upon
the high places of the earth; and I will feed you with the heritage of
Yaacov, your father: for the mouth of hwhy has spoken it.
Isaiah 58:12-13
So here we have direct evidence as to why and how hwhy blessed Yaacov:
hwhy made Yaacov to ride on the high
places of the Earth because the patriarch
upheld and honored the Shabbat.
This promisegiven through Isaiahwas much like the one made through
Mosheh many centuries earlier: For their obedience, hwhy promised Yisrael that
He would make them to be the head and not the tail.70 It is significant beyond
measure that this promise of prosperity was linked to upholding the Shabbat; and
honoring the Shabbat will, in turn, lead to those walking in the light both guarding
and fulfilling the weightier aspects of the Torah.

Genesis 31:5-13, 37-42

Debarim/Deuteronomy 28:13. We will consider more on this subject in just a moment.


Upon seeing this, we suppose there will be those who reason as follows: Well,
this text was only referring to Yaacov. But we would remind them of the Word
of hwhy as He spoke over the life and walk of Abraham:
19 For I know him,71 that he will command his sons
and his household after him, and they will keep the way
of hwhy, to do righteousness and judgment; that hwhy may
bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him.
Breshit/Genesis 18:19
Based on this, we can state with certainty the reason Yaacov upheld the Shabbat
was because he and Yitschak had learned to do so from Abraham, their fatherthe
one who hwhy asserted would surely teach righteousness to his sons after him. The
patriarchs kept the Shabbat and all those matters in the Torah which the Messiah
would later classify as the weightier.72

The Shabbat and the Revelation of the Sons of Elohim

We now ponder the amazing and profound revelation73 which formed the basis for
the present study. And we will see the Hebrew numbers confirm the following:
Shabbat observance is critical for those
who desire to number among the authentic
sons or daughters of the Most High.
Those who uphold the Shabbat are walking in the light74the light of His
Torahthe Light of His Presence which He placed within the Day and by which
He set apart this special time. The Hebrew numbers confirm this connection in a
way which is profound beyond description. Using the Sofeet 1000 System,75 the
Hebrew word for Shabbat adds to 702 (as we have already seen):


702 = (400) t + (2) b + (300) S = tbS = Shabbat

Yet within the Sofeet 1000 System, the Hebrew word for sonNb / benhas this
very same value:


702 = (700) N + (2) b = Nb = ben/son

So the Spirit of hwhy uses the Hebrew numbers to give us a profound and direct
connection between being a faithful son of the Most High and upholding His

(i.e., Abraham)
Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42
(of 8 / 1 / 2015)
Psalm 27:1, 119:105, Mishle/Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 2:1-5, 66:22-23, 1John 1:9
For an explanation of the Sofeet 1000 System, see the Appendix: An Overview of Three Hebrew Number


Shabbat. This remarkable number connection shows us that anyone who desires to
be accounted as a faithful son of Elohim cannot do so apart from honoring hwhy
and imitating Him through setting apart the Seventh Day.76 Nor are the daughters
of the Most High omitted from this remarkable connection. The Hebrew word for
daughter is tb/batt, and the two letters composing this word appear within the
word for Shabbat (and in that very order):

tbS = Shabbat
That the Hebrew words for son and daughter would both have such a profound
connection with the set apart Shabbat is amazing beyond description. Ruach
haQodesh indicating that upholding the Shabbat will be a critical element for
being accounted a faithful son or daughter worthy to attain to the First

A Promise to be Made the Head and Not the Tail

For those who love the Name of hwhy, who do righteousness, and who uphold His
Shabbat,77 the promise to be made the head and not the tail will not fail. In the
physical realm, that promise may or may not be realized on this side of the
resurrection, but it will most certainly be fulfilled beyond all that we could ask or
think in the Age to come. In either case, this promise of headship must be fulfilled,
spiritually, in this present life as believers learn to rule in the midst of [their]
enemies.78 Shaul wrote of this most important and ultimate form of rule as he
spoke of those who will reign in life through eSwhy the Messiah.79 Regardless
of ones financial status, ones societal position, or even ones level of
fame/notoriety in this present life, it is only those who rule over sin who will also
be accounted as those who have overcome; and it is only those believers who will
be accounted worthy to reign with the Messiah in the First Resurrection.
The Hebrew ALEF-BEIT (and vocabulary) contains a remarkable revelation
regarding the connection between being made the head (a Hebraism for blessings
of prosperity) and upholding the Shabbat. A text in the book of Bemidbar/Numbers
speaks of Mosheh taking the sum of the sons Yisrael.80 A literal translation of this
text is seen below:
You lift up the Swr/rosh/head of all the
congregation of the sons of Yisrael
Bemidbar/Numbers 1:2
For readers who may not realize, lifting up the head is a Hebraism for
exaltation. This exaltation can be either good or bad. In a positive light, David

Hebrews 4:10
Isaiah 56:1-7
Psalm 110:2
Romans 5:17
(i.e., a census)


indicated hwhy was his cabode/splendor and the lifter of his head.81 In saying this,
David was acknowledging that his exaltation came from hwhy.82 In the example
seen above, the head of each Israelite was lifted up/exalted in the simple sense of
being counted/recognized when a census was taken. In a negative light, we read of
those who lift up their heads (i.e., exalt themselves in hateful pride) against the
Most High and His people.83
Based on the text in Bemidbar/Numbers, past Jewish sages derived an inspired and
amazing result from the Hebrew ALEF-BEITthe letters of which we now list in
their inspired order/sequence:

















In larger font, the Hebrew word for head is rosh and we show this word

Based on the texts in Bemidbar/Numbers (and elsewhere),84 Hebrew sages lifted
up the head by lifting up the word Swr/rosh/head. This was done by advancing
each of its three letters to the next position in the ALEF-BEIT. As we lift up the
word Swr/rosh/head within the ALEF-BEIT (by lifting up/advancing each of its
three letters), notice what occurs:
RESH becomes SHIN

ALEF becomes BEIT

SHIN becomes TAV

When the above is seen/done all at once, the Hebrew word Swr/rosh/head
becomes the Hebrew word tbS/Shabbat:






Tehillim/Psalm 3:3. (Also see: Genesis 40:13, 2Kings 25:27)

For more texts in this vein, see the following: Tehillim/Psalm 18:43, 75:6-7, 1Samuel 2:7-8 > Tehillim/Psalm
Tehillim/Psalm 83:2-3
Bemidbar/Numbers 1:2, 26:2, and Shemot/Exodus 30:12


So when Swr/rosh, the head, is lifted up, the result is the Shabbat. This Inspired
result is profound, instructive, and edifying beyond description. And we see this
marvelous connection is confirmed throughout the Word of hwhy in many different
The head of Yisrael was expressly lifted up/exalted out of the house of bondage
in Mitsrayim/Egypt that our nation might keep the Shabbat.85 The Word is clear:
hwhy lifted our nations head (exalted us out of bondage) to the end that we would
observe His Shabbat.
Should they continue in their obediencecentral to which was the Shabbat (with
its covenant of promise86 to be set apart87)hwhy promised Yisrael of old that He
would make them to be the head and not the tail over all other nations.88 They
would be set apart and would be exalted above all the nations of the earthnot for
their own purposes, but to bring worldwide acclaim to the Name and greatness of
hwhy.89 This promise remained, even in the days of Isaiah. Through the prophet,
hwhy promised Yisrael that, if they turned from profaning the Shabbat and upheld
its sanctity, they would surely ride on the high places of the earth and be fed with
the heritage of Yaacov our father.90 The promise to be made the head and not the
tail still remained. But Yisrael of old failed to obey, so they were cast out instead
of being exalted. Once more, we see a strong connection between the head and the
The Shabbat itself is the head of all festivals, being foremost and preeminent in
its position.91 [This does not make any of the other Feasts to be inconsequential.
And actually, in keeping with the analogy we are given, those who seek to uphold
the Shabbat, while rejecting the other festivals, are seeking to establish a head
without a body. That is a physical and spiritual impossibility.]
The Messiah declared Himself to be the unchanging92 Sovereign of the
Shabbat,93 and He has been exalted as the Head over all things.94 So the Word
made Flesh is Eternal, Living proof of the Shabbat-Head connection!
Those who uphold the Shabbat are promised to be made the head in this lifeto
rule in the midst of their spiritual enemies95to be set apart by hwhy 96 and to
prevail over sin and the world.97

Debarim/Deuteronomy 5:12-15
Ephesians 2:12 > 2Peter 1:4
Shemot/Exodus 31:12-17. This text shows the Shabbat to be a covenant of promise: Yisrael is promised to be
set apart by hwhy, if they uphold the Shabbat.
Debarim/Deuteronomy 28:13
Debarim/Deuteronomy 4:1-6, 1Kings 10:1-9, Psalm 67, Bemidbar/Numbers 14:21
Yeshayahu / Isaiah 58:1-14
Yayyikra/Leviticus 23:1-44
Hebrews 13:8
Matthew 12:7-8, Mark 2:27-28, Luke 6:5
Ephesians 1:22, Colossians 1:18


Those who uphold the Shabbat are promised to be made the head over cities98
and nations,99 as a kingdom of priests100 in the First Resurrection.
In short, the Torah promise to be made the head and not the tail is/will be
ultimately and supremely fulfilled in all those who honor hwhy by upholding His
Shabbat. Regardless of any real or apparent exaltation in this present age, and
regardless of otherwise lowly circumstances at this time, those who uphold the
Shabbat will be made the head and they will bear rule over the nations in the
resurrection morning.101

The Mashiach, the Son of Elohim

Recalling the Shabbat-son connection, we close this study with thoughts of eSwhy
the Messiah and His walk with Elohim. As our Example, the Mashiach/Messiah
was the Epitome of a true Son of Elohim.102 And He who was called the Son of
the Most High,103 also called Himself the Sovereign of the Shabbat. 104 The
Ultimate Son is the Sovereign of the Shabbat; and so He will always be.105 Hence,
the Shabbat-and-son connectionso marvelously revealed in the Hebrew
numbersis only strengthened by what we have seen in our Messiah. And this
inspired connection is further confirmed by the facts we see surrounding the
Melchizedek Priesthood:
1. Abraham (and the patriarchs) were subject to the Melchizedek Priesthood.106
And it was within this priesthood that they kept/upheld the Shabbat.107
2. Tehillim/Psalm 110 features the Melchizedek Priesthood. Not only has our
Messiah been exalted as the HaCohen HaGadol, the High Priest of the
Melchizedek Priesthood,108 but we find many Hebrew words/phrases which are
related to this priesthood that have a number value equal to 110.109 One of those
phrases is NwtbS tbS / Shabbat Shabbaton. This phrase refers to the strict
physical rest which we should enjoy on the Shabbat. Such rest was mandated for
our own health and well being. After all, Elohim loves us and wants us to be truly
rested / rejuvenated so that we can maintain health and wholeness. Further, hwhy is

Tehillim 110:2
Shemot/Exodus 31:12-17, 2Peter 1:4
Romans 5:17, 1John 5:1-5
Luke 19:15-19
Psalm 18:43, Revelation 2:26-28, 20:4-6
Revelation 1:6
Tehillim/Psalm 49:14, Daniel 7:18, 22, 27 > Matthew 5:5
Hebrews 1:1-3
(by the messenger Gabriel, Luke 1:32)
Matthew 12:7-8, Mark 2:27-28, Luke 6:5
Hebrew 13:8
Breshit / Genesis 14:19-20 > Hebrews 7:2,4, Genesis 28:20-22
Romans 3:31
Tehillim/Psalm 110, Hebrews 5:5-6, 6:17-20, 7:15-28
See the study, Psalm 110 and the Melchizedek Priesthood.


jealous to spend time with His people: He wishes for us to spend the day
communing with Him and resting in His love and goodness. So the Spirit uses this
phraseNwtbS tbS / Shabbat Shabbatonto refer to the Seventh Day
Shabbat.110 And it further links the Son of the Most High to the Shabbat within
His Melchizedek Priesthood:

= NwtbS tbS = Shabbat Shabbaton = Complete Sabbath

(pv) 110 = (14) N + (6) w + (22) t + (2) b + (21) S + (22) t + (2) b + (21) S

The Son of Man is Sovereign of the Shabbat

What does it mean that eSwhy the Messiah is the Sovereign of the Shabbat? A
significant part of the Messiahs sovereignty relates to the fact that, by Him,
Elohim created all things. As the Word of Elohim, this is His special distinction,
and one which has been noted by several New Covenant believers/writers:
The beloved emissary wrote the moving lines:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim,
and the Word was Elohim. 2 The same was in the beginning with Elohim.
3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made
that was made ... 14 And the Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His splendorthe splendor as of the only begotten
of the Father, full of favor and truth.
John 1:1-3,14
And Shaul wrote this of the matter:
15 Who is the image of the invisible Elohim, the Firstborn
of every creature: 16 For by Him were all things created, that are
in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones,
or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created
by Him, and for Him: 17 And He is before all things,
and by Him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:15-17
And again:
1 Elohim, having of old spoken in many portions
and many ways to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these
last days spoken to us by the Son, whom He has appointed
heir of all, through whom also He made the ages
Hebrews 1:1-2, ISRV
The Word not only created things visible and invisible, according to the writer of
Hebrews, He also created the Ages of time. Since eSwhy was/is/remains the Word

(This same phrase is also used in reference to Yom HaKippurim, the 10th day of the Seventh Month.)


of Elohim made flesh, and since we are told this is the Word by which hwhy
created the heavens and the earth, the above Scriptures may the be closest we can
come to saying the Most High used all the letters of the ALEF-BEIT to create those
things which are both seen and unseen. And our Messiah is the Hebrew ALEF-BEIT
made flesh. But we must not miss the point, since we are pondering the Sovereign
of the Shabbat:
The Creator has sovereignty over
all that He created.
The Shabbat is a Day that was set forth as being specifically created for mankind;
and we are told this by the Messiah Himself:
27 And He said to them, The Shabbat was made
for man, and not man for the Shabbat. 28 So the Son
of Adam is also Sovereign of the Shabbat.
Mark 2:27-28
So the Shabbat is a very part of the Creation. While many in our days defend the
Creator and His Creation against evolution, we feel that many of these same dear
souls contradict themselves by teaching the Shabbat has somehow evolved into
Sunday observance. Of course, they do not say it quite like that; but we must know
that nothing of the Creation can be changed111 as all was set in motion from the
beginning.112 Because it a very part of the Creation, the Shabbat cannot evolve
into Sunday worship any more than an ape can evolve into a man. So when the
Messiah stated He was the Sovereign of the Shabbat, we must all realize that He
was showing Himself to be the One who made/set apart that Day from the
beginning for our spiritual benefit. In Him we live, and move, and have our
being,113 and the Shabbat is a Day supremely designated to rest in hwhy, to abide in
Him while we enjoy having extended times in prayer,114 worship, study, and
rejoicing in the works of His hands.115
The Messiah is the Sovereign of the Shabbat
and we must know He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 116
He will always be the Sovereign of the Shabbat and the Shabbat will
always be a time set apart by the Spirit and Presence of hwhy.


Ecclesiastes 3:14
Breshit/Genesis 1:14
Acts 17:28
Acts 16:13
Tehillim/Psalm 92:4-5 (Note: the title of this psalm is A Psalm, a Song for the Day of Shabbat). On the Shabbat
we are to remember/memorialize His handiwork as the Creator. Breshit/Genesis 2:1-3, Shemot/Exodus 20:8-11,
Revelation 14:6-7
Hebrew 13:8


You are All Sons of Elohim Through the Faith in the Messiah eSwhy
The connection between son and Shabbat is inviolable. And this brings new
light to the words of the apostle (that through the faith which is in the Messiah, we
are all sons of Elohim):
for you are all sons of Elohim through
the faith in the Messiah eSwhy.
Galatians 3:26
If we wish to stand approved before the One who died for our sins, then our faith
in the Messiah cannot be a lawless or Torah-violating faith. Not only did eSwhy
state those who both keep and teach the Torah commands will be called great in
the Kingdom of Heaven,117 but He warned that even miracle workers would be cast
out of His Presence for their lawlessness.118 And was Yisrael of old cast out of His
Presence/sight for profaning the Shabbat?119 They were; and hwhy does not change
His moral standards to conform to the whims of man.120
eSwhy warns that not even the least commandment of the Torah has been
abolished.121 In the Melchizedek Priesthood (of which our Messiah is the haCohen
haGadolthe Great(est) Priest), we must seek to uphold His commandments and
to walk as He walked.122 Much damage has been done by would-be ministers who
propound that the Torah has been abolished. Yet no such teaching (of an
abolished Torah) can be found in all the Scriptures. On the contrary, eSwhy the
Messiah warns the Torah and the Prophets will remain in full force as the
Constitution of the Kingdom, and He indicates that they will outlast the heavens
and the earth across the 1000 generations it will take to fulfill the Word of hwhy.123
And there are, as of yet, many great eons of time which still lie before us as the
history of this world unfolds.124

Final Thoughts
In this study, we began by showing how the Creation of Elohim and His Torah are
absolutely inseparable. We then sojourned onward and pondered how the
forefathersAbraham, Yitschak, and Yaacovupheld Shabbat and were
promised the Land of Yisrael. And one day soon, these three will sit at the
Mashiachs table in Eretz Yisrael,125 rejoicing in hwhy and His Kingdom. We have

Matthew 5:17-20
Matthew 7:21-23 (note: iniquity = lawlessness)
2Kings 17:20, 23:27, Jeremiah 7:15, 15:1
Malachi 3:6
Matthew 5:19
John 14:15, 15:10, Acts 24:14, Romans 2:13, 3:31, James 1:22-25 > 4:11, 1John 5:2-3, 2John 1:6, Revelation
12:17, 14:12, 22:14
Matthew 5:17-20
Ephesians 2:7, Debarim/Deuteronomy 7:9
Matthew 8:11-12, Luke 13:28 > 12:37


been assured the patriarchs will most certainly inherit the Land which was
promised them. But while the forefathers loved hwhy and kept His commandments,
Yisrael failed to uphold the sanctity of the Shabbat and, subsequently, they were
severely punishedsuffering such starvation in the siege of Nebuchadnezzars
armies they cooked and ate their own children. They were cast out of the Land and
bore double shame (tSb/boshet) in 70 years of captivity for profaning the qadosh
Shabbat/tbS. Leaving that sad story, we journeyed onward and saw how the
Hebrew words for Shabbat/tbS and son/Nb both have a misparim value of 702. A
true son will shine forth with the light of his Father. Recall the Hebrew word for
light is rwa/ohr. And we have already seen how the light created by Elohim on
the First Day has a misparim value of 207 (and that light culminated in the Light of
Shabbat/702). But we have not yet pondered place value (of 27) of rwa/ohr/light:

(pv) 27 = (20) r + (6) w + (1) a = rwa = ohr/light

Yet within the Sofeet 1000 System, the Hebrew word for sonNb/benhas this
very same place value:


27 = (25) N + (2) b = Nb = ben/son

We take this moment to exalt eSwhy the Messiah as the Ultimate Son and recall
how He shone forth with the splendor of hwhy in that blinding light of the
Transfiguration.126 Every true son is a reflection of the Light of Elohim. And the
Messiah shines this Light without flaw as He enjoins us to uphold His Fathers
Shabbatover which He will ever abide as the Sovereign Ruler.

All those who desire the Presence of the Most High will not want to miss the Light
of His splendor which hwhy has placed within the Shabbat. While Ruach
haQodesh will grant us revelation any day of the week, there is a special
impartation of His Light and Presence within the Shabbat which hwhy has not
placed within any other day. And those who honor this Appointed Time to meet
with hwhy will be granted a marvelous understanding127 of His Eternal Word as the
Light of His Presence shines upon them increasingly. t
The author of this study is a Messianic pastor/author
who ministers the Word of hwhy, in part, through free articles
provided to feed the Messiahs sheep worldwide. He believes
the Spirit reveals the Hebrew misparim/numbersas given in
the inspired ALEF-BEITprovide us with the Most Highs
very own Commentary over His Eternal Word.
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a


Matthew 17:1-2 > Revelation 1:16

Tehillim/Psalm 25:14


An Overview of Three Hebrew Number Systems
We will briefly highlight the number systems which this writer has proven, through
use, to be Inspired by hwhy. Larger versions of these charts appear at the very end
of the study.
The first system features the place value (pv) and the misparim value (mv) of the
Hebrew letters. The misparim value is what many people call the gematria value.
The second system features the place value milui (pvm) and the misparim value
milui (mvm) of the Hebrew letters. These values are obtained by adding the letters
which compose the names of each of the Hebrew letters.
The third system features the Sofeet 1000 System. This system not only forms a
complete cyclefrom Aleph (1) to Eleph (1000), but it was the system which led
to the revelation that formed the basis for this present study.
The three charts/systems described above now follow.
Place Value (pv) and Misparim Value (mv) Charts

Misparim Value (mv)

Place Value (pv)
1 . 1
2 . 2
3 . 3
4 . 4
5 . 5
6 . 6
7 . 7
8 . 8
9 . 9
10 . 10
20 . 11
30 . 12
40 . 13
50 . 14
60 . 15
70 . 16
80 . 17
90 . 18
100 . 19
200 . 20
300 . 21
400 . 22

HE h
CAPH K / k
MEM M / m
NUN N / n
AYIN . e
PE P / p
TZADE .. U / u
KOF .. q

A letters place value, or what some people call the ordinal value, is simply
obtained by finding its numerical order, or position number, within the ALEPHBEIT. So in the Place Value column, we have ALEPH = 1 ranging to TAV = 22.

Notice this about the place value and it will help you to learn the misparim values
1. For letters 1 to 10, the place value and misparim value is identical for each
2. For letters 11 to 22, the sum of the place value digits forms a number seen in the
misparim value. Here are a few examples:
The letter CAPH (K / k ) has a place value of 11 and by adding the digits we get
1+ 1 = 2. Putting a zero on the 2, we get 20, the misparim value of CAPH.
The letter TZADE ( U / u ) has a place value of 18 and by adding the digits we get
1+ 8 = 9. Putting a zero on the 9, we get 90, the misparim value of TZADE.
The letter SHIN ( s / S ) has a place value of 21 and by adding the digits we get 2
+ 1 = 3. Putting a two zeros on the 3, we get 300, the misparim value of SHIN.
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

Place Value Milui (pvm) and Misparim Value Milui (mvm) Charts

Misparim Value
Place Value
Milui (mvm)
Milui (mvm)
111 30
412 34
73 28
434 38
6 6
13 13
67 31
408 30
409 31
20 20
100 28
74 29
80 26
106 34
120 39
130 40
90 27
104 32
186 42
510 51
360 45
416 38



tyb/BEIT b
lmg/GIMEL g
tld/DALET d
ah/HE h
waw/VAV w
tx/CHET x
tj/TET j
dwy/YOD y
Pk/CAPH K / k
dml/LAMED l
Mm/MEM m / M
Nwn/NUN N / n
Nye/AYIN e
yp/PE/FE P / p
ydu/TSADE U / u
Pwq/QOPH q
Syr/RESH r
wyt/TAV t

The above milui values are obtained using the numbers on the first chart for place
value and misparim value. Here is one example using the letter a/ALEPH and its
name, Pla/ALEPH:

(pvm) 30 = (17) P + (12) l + (1) a = Pla / ALEPH

(mvm) 111 = (80) P + (30) l + (1) a = Pla / ALEPH

Note: The Place Value Milui (pvm) and Misparim Value Milui (mvm) for the
Qadosh Name are both 45:
(pvm) 45 = (6) h + (13) w + (6) h + (20) y = hwhy/YHWH
(mvm) 45 = (6) h + (13) w + (6) h + (20) y = hwhy/YHWH
(fvm) 90 =hwhy/YHWH
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

The Sofeet 1000 Number System

Misparim Value (mv)
Place Value (pv)
Name / Letter
1 . 1 ALEPH / a
2 . 2 BEIT / b
3 . 3 GIMEL / g
4 . 4 DALET / d
5 . 5 HE / h
6 . 6 VAV / w
7 . 7 ZAYIN / z
8 . 8 CHET / x
9 . 9 TET / j
10 . 10 YOD / y
20 . 11 CAPH / k
30 . 12 LAMED / l
40 . 13 MEM / m
50 . 14 NUN / n
60 . 15 SAMECH / o
70 . 16 AYIN / e
80 . 17 PE / p
90 . 18 TZADE / u
100 . 19 KOF / q
200 . 20 RESH / r
300 . 21 SHIN, SEEN / s/S
400 . 22 TAV / t
500 . 23 CAPH SOFET / K
600 . 24 MEM SOFEET / M
700 . 25 NUN SOFEET / N
800 . 26 FE SOFEET / P
900 . 27 TZADE SOFEET / U
1000 . 28 ELEPH / a

This system forms a complete cyclefrom ALEPH (1) to ELEPH (1000). While
Pla/ALEPH/a is the first letter in the Hebrew ALEPH-BEIT, the word Pla/ELEPH

means thousand in Hebrew. Note: Both the words Pla/ALEPH and Pla/ELEPH
are translated thousand in Ezekiel chapter 48. The two words have the same
letters, but different vowel pointing in Hebrew.
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

Personal Copyright 2015-2016, by the author.

Version 2.0, 12/25/2015
Initial Printing: 11/28/2015

This document may be freely copied and distributed, if it is left unaltered and in its
entirety. It must also be given away without cost to recipients, and it may not be
included in any publication without the authors written permission.

hwhy El Shaddai will rebuke anyone who

copies these truths for republication and/or who
subsequently attempts to reproduce and sell them.
Isaiah 55:1-2, Micah 3:11, 1Peter 5:2
We believe most copyrights have been abused worldwide in religious circles as
false shepherds and other merchants feed on the sin of the people. These many
abuses have filled the worship house of hwhy with money changers who hinder
True Worship by robbing and oppressing the poor.128 Many have turned reverence
and the worship of hwhy into a means of great, personal gain.129 We assert such
things were never meant to be.130 Hence, this copyright is intended to allow for
free distribution of the Word of hwhy with the following, minimal limitations:
This document may be copied and distributed (or freely printed in its pdf format
after being downloaded from the Internet):
1. If it is left unaltered.
2. If it is left in its entirety.
3. And if it is given away at absolutely no cost. Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians
Neither this article, nor any portion of this article, may be included in any
publication which is sold. This stipulation applies regardless of the nature of the
organization or the nature of its sales, meaning: profit or nonprofit. Further,
whether an organizations publication is of a religious nature, or otherwise, this
stipulation still applies.
With the exception of our first stipulation (i.e., the one specified under the first
bullet point giving permission to photocopy the work in its entirety), publishing any
portion of this work without the authors written permission is strictly prohibited.

Zechariah 7:10
Micah 3:11, 1Timothy 6:5-10, 1Peter 5:2
Isaiah 55:1,2, Mark 11:15-17


For other free documents which are offered to provide encouragement and
edification from the Word of hwhy, please refer to the following website:
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

The Gospel of Shalom

To obtain a free copy of the book, The Gospel of Shalom, as well as many
spiritual songs of immense edification by Renalee Colon, see the following
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

Living Messiah Ministries

To read significant information about the prophetic, blood red moons and to see a
video presentation on the New Moon of hwhy setting the Calendar in the Heavens,
see the teachings of Mark Webb at these Internet pages:
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

An Excellent Translation of the Scriptures

This acronym has been used in the current document to indicate we have quoted a
Scripture text from the excellent translation produced by the INSTITUTE FOR
SCRIPTURE RESEARCH. These believers have published a most helpful and edifying
version of the Word of hwhy which is entitled The Scriptures. For those wishing
to make further inquiry, the ISR website address is:
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

On the Following Pages >>

The Various ALEPH-BEIT Number Systems (in large font).


Place Value (pv) and Misparim Value (mv) Charts

Misparim Value (mv) Place Value (pv)

1 . 1
2 . 2
3 . 3
4 . 4
5 . 5
6 . 6
7 . 7
8 . 8
9 . 9
10 . 10
20 . 11
30 . 12
40 . 13
50 . 14
60 . 15
70 . 16
80 . 17
90 . 18
100 . 19
200 . 20
300 . 21
400 . 22

CAPH K / k
MEM M / m
NUN N / n
AYIN . e
PE P / p
TZADE .. U / u
KOF .. q

A letters place value, or what some people call the ordinal value,
is simply obtained by finding its numerical order, or position number, within
the ALEPH-BEIT. So in the Place Value column,
we have ALEPH = 1 ranging to TAV = 22.


Place Value Milui (pvm) and Misparim Value Milui (mvm) Charts

Misparim Value
Milui (mvm)

Place Value
Milui (mvm)





tyb/BEIT b
lmg/GIMEL g
tld/DALET d
ah/HE h
waw/VAV w
tx/CHET x
tj/TET j
dwy/YOD y
Pk/CAPH K / k
dml/LAMED l
Mm/MEM m / M
Nwn/NUN N / n
Nye/AYIN e
yp/PE/FE P / p
ydu/TSADE U / u
Pwq/QOPH q
Syr/RESH r
wyt/TAV t

Note: The Place Value Milui (pvm) and Misparim Value Milui (mvm) for
the Qadosh Name are both 45:
(pvm) 45 = (6) h + (13) w + (6) h + (20) y = hwhy/YHWH
(mvm) 45 = (6) h + (13) w + (6) h + (20) y = hwhy/YHWH
(fvm) 90 =hwhy/YHWH


Sofeet 1000 Number System

Misparim Value (mv) Place Value (pv)

1 . 1
2 . 2
3 . 3
4 . 4
5 . 5
6 . 6
7 . 7
8 . 8
9 . 9
10 . 10
20 . 11
30 . 12
40 . 13
50 . 14
60 . 15
70 . 16
80 . 17
90 . 18
100 . 19
200 . 20
300 . 21
400 . 22
500 . 23
600 . 24
700 . 25
800 . 26
900 . 27
1000 . 28


HE h
AYIN . e
PE p
KOF .. q
ELEPH .. a

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