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Prince Vano

Spenser Landis
Period 7
Stephen Colbert once sarcastically said, If our Founding Fathers wanted us to care about
the rest of the world, they wouldnt have declared their independence from it., he actually
proposed an interesting points. Isolationism is a foreign policy which combines a noninterventionist military policy and a political policy of economic nationalism. The United States
holds the responsibility of being the global system operator. By holding this position, we are
burdened to influence the world in multiple ways and that puts us in a difficult position to turn
into an isolationist country.
First, the United States would be able to survive using isolationist policies due to its
strong economy and mineral rich lands. Trade would still be open with other countries, so there
would be plenty of income through imports and exports. Also, this would influence companies to
produce their products inside of the United States, thus providing Americans with new jobs.
These new jobs would bolster the American economy as domestic development increases. This
would easily provide trade to other countries and satisfy our own needs. Along with this,
America has become the number one exporter of crude oil in the world surpassing major oil
countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Russia. What this means is that the United States would
no longer have to rely on foreign countries to import gasoline and that would act as a very solid
source of income. Every day the United States is getting closer to reaching its pinnacle of
producing and providing energy for the entire country without having to bring energy from any
other foreign country.
Secondly, our country has always been burdened with expectations to give more than we
can offer. Why is it that the United States is referred to as the Police of the World? The United

States is expected to be involved in every crisis around the world. We are expected to be on the
frontlines of every non-domestic fight but then the very same people of that country who cry to
us for help, condemn us in the media and the public for how it's done. Its true that there are
many countries that rely on the United States for protection and guidance, but we have invested
enough time and money into them for our efforts to be worthwhile now. Many countries plead
for our support for many years, but when will they learn to stand up for their country and fight
back against the obstacles that troubles them? The countries that dont take the initiative to
sustain their own needs causes them to not have a sustainable military because they expect us to
be their watchdog. There is zero reason why we need to have our military stationed across the
world protecting interests that are not our own. We give to aid to countries that shun us and decry
our way of life, yet beg for our money.
Third, the United States of America would have avoidance of any world war conflicts
which in turn would save us trillions of US dollars. The money could be used to support or create
new domestic programs inside the United States that would help the American people. This
would help fund our military and supplies to strengthen our barracks and people within our
borders. Along with this funding, we would strengthen our borders due to powerful leaders that
would reinforce our units. A rise in prosperity and wealth would multiply due to our utilization of
resources within our boundaries. By providing more exports than imports, the economy would
begin to flourish. America could begin to practice mercantilism so that more taxes would be
placed on foreign goods. This may cause manufacturers to create factories here providing jobs
for Americans. With American culture becoming a new focus, a freshened sense of pride would
sweep over the American people and bring back the sense of glory that the United States once
held over the rest of the world.

As you can see, America is on the verge of being an independent country without having
any international affairs with other countries. America can suffice and manage its own economy
as well as benefit from isolationism policies. Surviving as an independent country is a possible
great feat to accomplish.

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