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Stop motion Pioneers

Patrick sadd

Joseph Plateau

He was the first person to create the illusion of separate images moving
as one with the Phenakistoscope (spindle viewer). Invented in
1832.joseph plateau was a Belgian physasist but in the same year as his
invention and Austrian inventor, Simon von stampfer.

It uses the principle of persistence of motion which was first

established by a Greek mathematician

It works with two disks mounted on an axis. One disk has slots on and
the other drawings and as they spin coherently it shows the pictures
through the gaps and makes it seem like a moving image.

William Horner

It is a wheel with slots where the light shines through onto a line of
consecutive photos that make it look like its moving. The pictures are
the same but with slight movements so when your head processes it it
makes it look like it moving. This is because its going fast than you
retinas can see.

A british mathematician,born in 1786,he invented the zoetrope for the

students at his school to study. As word got out about his invention it
pushed the idea of stop motion. It inspired people to develop the idea of
moving images fast than the human eye can procces.

It is the pre-deseor to the praxinoscope

Emile reynaud

Emile Renaud was a French science teach and was the man who
invented animation. His first project was displayed publicly at the
mussee grevilin in paris. With more animations he later opened his
own theatre to shows is cartoons (this is the first cinema)

He inventer the praxiniscope.instead of having narrow slits on the

zoetrope it has small mirrors on which reflected the pictures making it a
lot easier to watch because it looked faster and brighter because of the
added light which helped project the animations on the screen.

Edweard muybridge

Edward muybridge was a professional photographer that was hired by

an American race horse owner to photograph how one of his horses.
These pictures proved that in a horses gallop all four hooves were off
the ground which proved the human eye doesnt process movment at
the spped of light and that it misses things.


It was the first film projector, it was made by placing a piece of film
between a lens and a light bulb and the viewer would peer out of the
peephole. Behind that was a spinning wheel with narrow slits in it and
that acted as a shitter so when you viewed it the spinning wheel would
make the illusion that you were seeing a continuous motion.

Lumiere Brothers

Two French borthers in the 1800s.They were the first people to create a
motion picture. The first movie ever was a silent film of people getting
off and on a train. It was first publicly shown in theatres in 1895 had
been privately screened seven months before the public premier.

They invented the first cinematic camera and also auto chrome colour
which means the camera would fix brightness's to get a better picture
instead of it fading where it was really bright.

George pal

A science fiction, Hungarian animator in the 20th century . Once he

moved to berlin with his girlfriend h got a job at UFA studios and within
60 days became manager of the studios cartoon production line but in
1933 he had flea because of the gestapo and eventually he made

He had his own simple take on animation, hed make everything in stop was mostly all inanimate objects he made move because he
found it wa more worthy of art if it were more surreal. He did cigarette
adverts. He would put faces and limbs on the cigarettes and these ads
were to be singing and dancing a Hollywood film but drawn

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