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Comprehensive 2017 - BTEST-7 [Student Canct's Hane (RST NAME + LAST NAME) (0 CAPITAL LETTERS) Ta] [Mfofsye 10600000006) 1 0000000000) | 0080090006) 000900000 10000000000) 0900090000 0089000000) 0080000800) 19080000908 0000990000) 0000008 90900000 inate) nike a oe) 90008000 9000 © 00000000 e000 fo" oo 0) ie ® o ® * ® @ Coe lo: lo: lo: 10’ io F]OOO80000@6) 10000008000) 5|O9@0000000) =]9008000000) 2 Secon ope Type) ®OOeDO00000 a 00000000 90000000 Secor (Single Corea Opt) ° ° Qe ° 9 © ° e ° 9 9 Qo 9 e 9 9 9 9 ° 9 g ° 9 9 e ° ° 9 8 . 9 4 Q ® 9 o Q Q 9 Q ° 9 a ‘Seo (Uae or Me Cae & 2 @90090500 RS 9069890000) 5 8600000006) ih ii 128Q6000086] 00000000 £19099000096) ©O90OOOO09G0O9EHH090080000 9890900O909000C00000000000) 99900009090000E09000000000) 99909009O99009C00000000000) 909909900E9009C0909000000 00900090000000E00900080000 9090000000000EO000000008 98900000000000690000000009 9999009O990000CH09090H9000 90990090900000E90900000000 Pererrry merererere 90990090990009EH0009000000 €090000000000600000000000 00000000 209090900O0000E0000000000 ©0009090000000EO0000000000 9090909O000000E90000000000 9090909O99O900E90999000000 90909O90990090E90090000000)|8 99990999900999690990000000||E Phe ye Te ]2 Tele Ty] dagded | leteseees PAPER SET @Q@o© 00000 [Mobile Number (PARENTS) 90800000 290000000 iq 00000000 |3]90000000 ‘Secon (Single Corect Open) Seton tmnger Type] @9OOO0S000]|n. 40000008 [s,90000000 Secon (Ora or ga Corea COCOCOLOOHH|H {© sm oezan ering Chonpn 6.18.86) {© tit Dean shaming Chalo 7-10) SttnPenec (.159.15pm) G tin aunen-Champions (8 pm) im A-crampions (3 pm) © HinLe-Champion (615-156) {© tii Vinan fe (6.15:9.150m) (Os wanoari (6.159.159) © Hn B-champions (7-10 am) Git atains 8 pm) © tit Paud Ra 10am) Preferred Champion Genter |Mobile Number (STUDENT)| 9000000 $55) 00000000 |Re0000008 Sl" NMA 00000000 |s}9000008 QO99OOHOO9H00H890000900000 0O09OH0OSOO8OGO9OOHOHO9OO 009OHOOOSOOLOGOOOOOOOOOOO Q909909EO9H0OH6OO0OHOHOHOHO 9999900009 0000600000000000 segaeesa | legeseae? ‘Secor roger Type) ©0@0O00000|». m% COOCSOOOOO|® 00000008 |§00000000 © HBLM-COC 7.00- 10.00) (© tm ta006 (00-6.00 pm) O mimanercoc es Secon (Gig Core Op). Scien One or ie Carey (applicable only if qualified for higher merit batch) (Qin Fe-coc 6.15-8.15 pm) @ = wonarcn cHance Preferred GOG Genter 2. PQQOOQOGHOG|" ODOO@OOOO |». torials-IT BT Bakliwal [team's Wane PRET AME + AST ANE) (NCAPTAL LETTERS] [EET SROSEOORIERST Use only blue(black ball pen f = bubbling the circle. ‘Answer Sheet - Comprehensi. 2017 - BTEST-7 5 22 ye Sedahar bette aha Chon Reese a ented lo lor lo le: lo: io: io" io: lo’ lo lo: 101 io lo: (0! 2080090000) 0899000000) 0000080000 0080090000 0008690000 908000000 9080000000 iE A 00000000 00000000 ©0000000 00000000 CHEMISTRY ‘Secor (Single Cort Open) See Oe oy MTs CHET \0e00800 |oe0esce 20000008 909000000 Seton eperType) ®OOOOO00O DVOVWGVOGVO®, 9@00900000) 19890000000) 9008090000 10000900000 2000000008 2000000000 9000000000) 00000009806) 0008000000] 0009000000 S71 Sta)9 i QOE9000000 aes 0600008000 8000000080! 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A. er Sheet - Comprehensive 2017 - BTEST-7 staset Canaat's Name - (FIRST WAME LAST WAME)(N CAPITAL inPad R44) nC an) sm rane raves rNPOKC in) than CO | [0 ttn vos | KO nouncoc (ta) JOmanacen) (0; 0 lo: le: lo: lo: lo: lo} lo: 10: ley ie © |Onmezanecces 5 [Oumecis 88900000 288000) ols lio ntsc 9006000000 9000098000 8009000000) Q0000000 oe 000 90000000 ‘CHEMISTRY ‘Seton (Single Corel Open) e00e0ee8 gdgggagud Sie [Oh a Ma CaTEA 00000008 oee00e08 06008880 90080086 ‘Secon rege" Type) @QOOEOOOO Coe ®QOOOOOO® -|9€000000060) 2100090000@6) ~|00809008000) 9/@000000006) 210008090000) —|9€00000006) +|0000000000) 2/0080000060) 1310000000006) F]Q009900006} 9609099000) 9609009000) PAPER SET ®BOO falafrfo[e [Mobile Number (PARENTS) 9609090008) '0O9OHHOH99HOOOGHHOOOOOOOSS 8O90990090HH0HH90H9HOOOOOO 8O90900O90999H090999900099 809009000999OH090099900009 8O90999O0990OH099090000009 8O309O000O90HO0000HH000008 Q99990000O9OLH090O8HO00009 00909900909O09990089000008 999999OO9EHOO9G9HOONOOOOOS 9099990O9090098990999O0099 8099000009900H099099900009 0999€90O0O900H090H9H000009 9O99990009900999HON9O00009 99990900008009899009000009 €9990909909009999099O90009 9O999990999O9989H099O90099 9090090O909909899H99OO0099 9090090O909909099090000009 0990090000900H09O009980008 €9900000000000000000000000, 0990099O099OOOO9HO0NH0009 9990OH0O099O0H099O0H9O00OO €9999900990090090999009009, 00000000 60000000 00000000 00000000 MATHEMATICS Sections (Single Comet Open) Edgars SETS One Ms COE @ 20 ° © ° ° © © 90900080 90000000 90000000 Secon ringer Te) el200000|" COvCV@C Preferred Champion Center Mobile Number (STUDENT)| (Oth dexan ate Cronos (7-10 on (© sn aun Champion (8 pm) G tin A-champlons (6 pm) © tam ataine 8 pm). (© tm dean rein Charpn 6.8.0 Hin Lkcnanpions (10 am) Stim Peue (6.189.150) Q tin LE Champions 6.159.156) © 1th Paua Ra (08m) (© iin Viman Ne (6.159.155) © rnin wanowri(6.15-.15pm) 00000800 0000000 00000008 00000000 "Sesion (Single Cec Open) 299O9O0O9H99O0090980000000 sdeeeeud ‘Sec (One oF Maile Corea) eo0esoe 90000008 ‘Sesion Oroger Type) vow . ©QOOSOOOGO|1. ©QHOOSOOGO|". © & ©QOOOSOOOO|™ ©OOOOSOBGO|» GQOOODOGO: ®% QODHOOOQOOOO|#s. ©OOOTOOSOOO| = (© Nosarcn cuance (applicable only if qualified (Q ttm Fe-coc (6.15-9.15 pm © HM LMCoC (7.00. 10.00 am) © titvaunah-c0c (6.15-9.18 pm) (© tmta-coc (00-00 pm) for higher merit batch) Preferred COG Genter |O#€OHN000000) 90€D900000) 90090090008) 9089000000 0009000086} 1O90@9000000 2009080000 8000800000 0909000000 9009000008) 00600000 | o0eee0'o Lewontin 00000000 eeeeecoe 3. 9900900000] 90000000 |,|)00008000 0900009000 0000000500 0000000000) 0009000000 oS Fy =| | 0000090000) | = (cs ‘CHEWSTRY ‘Secon! 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(Sng Corot Opon) ‘Sesion (Oe or Waiple Coe © sn beczanEveng arin (8189.50) OHM LE-champions (6.15880) One Pouc (6.158:159m) ‘© tit Decamoing Champion (7-10) ‘tim Aunan Champions (8 pm) Gre LA-crampions G8 pm) tre mans oo pm © sim vinan Ne (6.152-159m) Grim wanowie (6.158155) © tit Paud Ra 7-108m). Om Literampions (0.9m) Preferred Champion Genter |Mobik 15 pm) AR Teal Ui Tubolel Q929OO9O9OOOHEODOO9OOOOOOO| eececece €9090000000000090000000009 9000000000000090000000000 9€090909999008090900000000 99000900009009090000800000 99000908099009090000000000 90000009000400090080090909 sudieeed |e Sedo rege Type) . QQOO@OOOOO|. & POCOHOOOOO|# OODOOS000|# 00000000 |} 08000000 00000008 joooc@ece A 1h LCOC (.00- 10.00 am) © tHtvaundh-coc 615: (© tmmvacoc (200-600 pm) ‘Q ttm Fc-coc 6:15-2:15 pm) H : poscccece | @ woparch cHance (applicable only if qualified Tor higher merit batch) lol BIH 1A} Preferred COC Genter % QDODEOQOQOOO|" ©DOSOOQHGO|» QOOOQO@OGO 2% DDOOOLOOGO|z ©DHCOOOOGO|». 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We ik PAPER SET OX XO) ‘Sear Star ano cha res Bakliwal Tutor. i aba bei iTV: Sram 3 e ° e 2 ° ° [noble Number (PARENTS) ©0909009900000098580000009 99909000000000000000000000 09900900009000000000000000 0©990909009909000000000000 9O90090990O000000000000000 99900909O09009000000000000 99990909O09909090000000000 99900909000000090000000000 99900000000000090900000000 9999090O00O009000000000000 Eddigess 9990090990O009000000000000 99900909909009090000000000 oooeecce 99990909099009000000000000 29900909009000090000000000 90900900009000090000000000 €9900000000000000000000000 909909009H0909090900800000 2O900909O0H9H9000900900000 9O909090989000090000000000 €9900000000000690000000000 9O90909O090000690000000000 90990000060008090000000000 00990060000000800000000009 9090900O000000600090000000 dddsdasd 0@000000 Coovve|™ BT [Suen Candie’ Name (FIRST NAME + LAST NAME) ON CAPITAL LETTERS} PAA @0000000 ® 00080000 Secon oper Type) OO 00000000 |n. 90000000 MATHEMATICS Seon (Snge Conc OpBEN) SESS TO oF MT CE {© se cen Een Chapin 8.8.89) {© 11 dexn tering Chane (7-10 on Ori pene .180.15pm) {© #10 Aunen-Crampions (3 pm) Q tim LA-champions (8 pm) (Otie Lktcnampens (10 0m) G ttmataina 5 pm. {© 1m Viman Nr (6.189.156) © tit Le Champion (6.16-.150m) © 1m Wanowo(6.18.159m) ‘© ier Pau Re 7-100) Preferred Champion Center |Mobile Number (STUDENT)| @0000000 Wales 00000000 ‘Secor oper Typ) . 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O18 Viman Nr (6.15-.356m) Oe wanowie (615.159) ‘© sit Pau Ra (7-10am) © Hits Lik Crampons (7-10 am Proforred Champion Center |Mobile Number (STUDENZ) [81316 5pm) ® 8 e 8 8 au 8 8 Q ® ® ® 8 8 8 ® 8 8 e 6 e¢ 20 90 50 8 e 8 9 8 8 ® 9 9 8 Q Q O 9 e ° 9 a ° 9 ° ° e e 9 9 Qo Q a Q 9 9 8 9 Q e Q © 8 a 00008000 Wigs Coa) 00000008 j i i ° ° 9 ° Q e 9 8 ° 8 e 90009000 ° er Single Core OF] O wosarcn crance {applicable only if qualified Torhigher merit batch) Q 11m Fe-coc (615-915 pm) © Hmtmcoc 7.00: 1000am) © tinvintcoc es O Mth LA-COC (2.00 - 6.00 pm) Sector Preferred GOG Genter Z [0 rua rine eM mrt 05a) ts en vn aPC Pp) tha LAC n). ieee se bee nai 5 koe pn heh OC ojaema lo: lo: lor lo: lo: ‘eke Swi escheat ros Es Bakliv “| Tutorials-lIT a beak O|" ol}o 3S! 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