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The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. left many legacies.

He was a crusader for civil rights, voting rights, religious

harmony, peace and economic justice. AND although Dr. King was not officially affiliated with any political party, from
his writings and speeches - we can conclude how hed respond to Americas issues.
If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were running for President of the United States this year, what would he say?
Standing upon the mountaintop of progress, Dr. King would look over and see that though the Jim Crow laws of
yesteryear are long gone, the trickle down economics of the recent past has created a massive divide between the rich
and the poor.
Dr. King would remind us to regard the poor - but not through more government handouts- or other failed social
policies, but by jumpstarting low and stagnant wages, giving the sluggish American economy a boost.
AMERICA, it is time for a new way.

This new way CAN and MUST include a common sense approach to solving the immigration issue. By the year 2040, the
total population will reflect a more diverse, multicultural society. Dr. King would remind us to deal kindly with strangers
for we too were once strangers in this land. You see, it doesnt help to build walls, we need to build opportunity on both
sides of the border.
AMERICA, it is time for a new way.
This new way CAN and MUST take on a new approach to foreign affairs. The fiery darts thrown by terrorist groups such
as ISIS will not soften Americas resolve. As a proponent for peace and religious harmony, Dr. King would insist on
diplomatic solutions to the complex issues in the Middle East including the refugee crisis in Syria and other places
around the world. Every nation must overcome tribal, racial, sectional, and ecumenical loyalties for the benefit of all
AMERICA, it is time for a new way
This new way CAN and MUST address a common sense approach to holding our police accountable. We must sit down
side by side, in constructive dialogue about the needs of our communities remembering that ALL lives matter white,
brown, yellow and black.
AMERICA, it is time for a new way.
It is time for a new way because the old way is broken. It is time for a new way because the old way alienates,
imprisons, and traps us in an archaic way of living, moving, and having our being. In order to solve the problems of our
era, we must set our MORAL compass high and let our actions typify the Son of Man and do the right thing regardless of
the earthly ramifications.
SO as we stand upon the mountaintop of progress
Let merit be our guiding light in every human resource office.
Let compassion be our guiding light on every border and on every coast.
Let diplomacy be our guiding light when we choose allies from around the world.
Let service be our guiding light in the minds of every doctor, teacher and police officer.
Through EVERY walk of life, let morality be our guiding light! When we let morality be our guiding light, we will be able
to speed up that day when all children, black/white, poor/rich, fatherless/fathered, citizen and immigrant will be able to
join hands and solve humanitys problems, juntos, together.
Some called him a preacher and a prophet, a minister and a militant; a rabble-rouser and a radical but what Dr. King
would remind every presidential candidate and every citizen is that AMERICA is STILL THE PROMISED LAND!
Thank you!

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