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1. Introduction.
We at first proposed about that it is existed the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside
human body, which started from release of proton and electron from food (first stage) ended by
final accumulation of free protons in the form of HbH (O2-Hb) inside of erythrocytes, allowing to
promotion of uptake oxygen by human body and remove of carbon dioxide from human body (end 9
stage). Hydrogen ion, strictly, the nucleus of a hydrogen atom separated from its accompanying
electron. The hydrogen nucleus is made up of a particle carrying a unit positive electric charge, called
a proton. The isolated hydrogen ion, represented by the symbol H+, is therefore customarily used to
represent a proton.
The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga,
including the Donators + membrane-redox potentials three-state line system + O2 + DP + Pi + H+
+ nH + memb. space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction medium.

9. Formation of free protons from

metabolic water again by reaction as H2CO3
=H+HCO3 (H2CO3 formed from metabolic
water), proton combine with hemoglobin
(generation of HbH) which promotes the
release of oxygen from hemoglobin, oxygen
diffusion to cells, proton released from
hemoglobin promotes uptake of oxygen by
hemoglobin. Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes
the formation of CO2 from H2CO3 and CO2
diffuse out in the alveoli.

1. Release of proton,
electron from food
aminoacids, fatty acids)
2. Transfer of proton,
electron to NADH as
hydrogen atom

8. Diffusion of metabolic
water through plasms
membrane of red blood
cells with participation of
aquaporin protein channels

3. Transfer of proton,
electron to KoQ as
hydrogen atom

7. Formation of metabolic
water in the
mitochondrian matrix by
oxidation of proton by
molecular oxygens i.e, by
protonation of molecular
oxygen by matrix proton

4.Transfer of elecctron
to cytochrom C without
accompanying proton

6. Creation of proton
gradient in the
intermembrane space of
mitochondria and following
transfer of proton to matrix
through ATP synthase

5.Translocation of
proton to
intermembrane space
of mitochondria
without accompanying

The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga would
include such well known metabolic pathways as glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, Krebs
cycle, betta oxidation of fatty acids, amino acid oxidation.
The formation of free protons from metabolic water again by reaction as H2CO3=H+HCO3
(H2CO3 formed from metabolic water), proton combine with hemoglobin (generation of HbH) which
promotes the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, oxygen diffusion to cells, proton released from
hemoglobin promotes uptake of oxygen by hemoglobin, the formation of CO2 from H2CO3 under
action of carbonic anhydrase, diffusion of CO2 in the alveoli in the end 9 stage eventually lead to the
release of proton and electron from food substrates as carbohydrate, amino acids, fatty acids at first
stage. In such way end 9 stage of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body
is connected with first 1 stage.
This is reason why we use thermin as full closed 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance
inside human body, started from food substrates as carbohydrate, amino acids, fatty acids and
ended by oxygen and carbon dioxide i.e. a set of events or actions in the full closed 9 stepped cycle
of proton conductance inside human body happened again and again in the same order, repeating
series of events.
The evolutional and biological significance of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton
conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga would be explained by following facts:
A.1. All these processes conducted in the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human
body proposed by M.Ambaga regulated by the membrane-redox potentials three-state line system
of Donators + membrane-redox potentials three-state line system + O2 + DP + Pi + H+ + nH +
memb. space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction medium located in 14 trillion
cells of human body.
A.2. All these processes conducted in the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human
body proposed by M.Ambaga under regulation of the membrane-redox potentials three-state line
system of Donators + membrane-redox potentials three-state line system + O2 + DP + Pi + H+ + nH
+ memb. space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction medium located in 14
trillion cells of human body coded by abstract thermin rlung, mkhris, badgan.
A.3. Free protons and ATP, NADPH, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water molecules, heat energy formed
during functioning of this full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by
M.Ambaga served the role of normal maintaining of all kinds of life process of every cells.
Without these absolutely impossible to continue any form of life process.
Participation of free protons and ATP, NADPH, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water molecules, heat
energy formed during functioning of this full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human
body proposed by M.Ambaga in every cells may be divided in following parts:
1. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
general antioxidant protection system, which functioned with participation of glutathione,
tocopherol, ascorbat and NADPH.
2. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and all
regulations, which functioned with participation of ATP.
3. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and all
regulations, which functioned with participation of heat energy.

4. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and all
regulations, which functioned with participation of CO2, H2O and H2CO3, HCO3.
5. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and all
biosynthesis process, which functioned with participation of NADPH.
6. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
brain function (keton body associated metabolism, action potential).
7. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
heart function (action potential, myocardial contraction).
8. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
gastric function (free proton dependent formation of HCL).
9. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
renal function (urine H/Na exchange).
10. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
liver function (ornithine cycle, NADPH dependent biotransformation, NADPH dependent
11. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
liver function (ornithine cycle, NADPH dependent biotransformation, NADPH dependent
12. The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
lung function (oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange mechanism).
How would make the influence a basic members of the full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance
inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga to reaction intensity of this cycle.
1. Quantity of hydrogen atom (proton, electron together) existed in the donator in the first
stage of this cycle would make the remarkable influence to reaction intensity, because more
hydrogen atoms, more proton gradients, more ATP in sixth stage of cycle,more free proton inside
of erythrocyte membrane surroundings (palmitic acid CH3(CH2)14COOH, glucose C6H12O6).
2. Quantity of free protons inside of erythrocyte membrane surroundings at 9 stage of
cycle would make the remarkable influence to diffusion of oxygen to 14 trillion cells i.e. more free
protons inside of erythrocyte membrane surroundings more oxygen delivery to body cells.
3. Quantity of free protons inside of erythrocyte membrane surroundings would make the
remarkable influence to exhalation of carbon dioxide from body i.e. more free protons inside of
erythrocyte membrane surroundings more carbon dioxide from human body.
4. Intensity of diffusion of oxygen to 14 trillion cells would make the remarkable influence
to release the hydrogen atom (proton, electron together) from donators existed in the first stage
of this cycle i.e.more oxygen more release of hydrogen from donators.
5. Increase of intensity of process at last 9 step of this cycle in the form of rise of uptake
oxygen by human body are accompanied with rise of intensity of release of proton and electron
from donators at first 1 step of this cycle.
6. The prevailence of fluid alpha state with high oxidation potentials in the membraneredox potentials three-state line system leads to intensification of diffusion of oxygen to 14 trillion
cells and to rise of intensity of release of proton and electron from donators at first 1 step of this
cycle and more conversion of proton gradients to heat energy at 6 stage of this cycle.
7. The prevailence of solid betta state with high reductive potentials in the membraneredox potentials three-state line system leads to lowering the diffusion of oxygen to 14 trillion
cells and to lowering the intensity of release of proton and electron from donators at first 1 step of
this cycle and more conversion of proton gradients to ATP at 6 stage of this cycle.

8. The prevailence of gamma state with low redoxpotentials potentials in the membraneredox potentials three-state line system leads to less high protonized donators at first 1 stage of
this cycle and to lowering the diffusion of oxygen to 14 trillion cells and to lowering the intensity
of release of proton and electron from donators at first 1 step of this cycle and less conversion of
proton gradients to ATP and heat energy at 6 stage of this cycle.
9. Ratio of reduced HADH:oxidized CoQ, reduced CoQ:oxidized cytochrome C at 3, 4 stages
of this cycle would make the remarkable influence to conductance speed of proton,electrons by
this cycle i.e. more reduced HADH, more oxidized CoQ, more reduced CoQ, more oxidized
cytochrome C, more oxygen equal to more intensity of proton conductance, more reduced HADH,
less oxidized CoQ, more reduced CoQ, less oxidized cytochrome C, less oxygen equal to less
intensity of proton conductance, less reduced HADH, less oxidized CoQ, less reduced CoQ, less
oxidized cytochrome C equal to less generation of proton gradients at 6-stage of this cycle.
The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by M.Ambaga and
rlung, mkhris, badgan code Traditional medicine.
Increase of intensity of process at last 9 step of this cycle in the form of rise of uptake
oxygen by human body are accompanied with rise of intensity of release of proton and electron
from food at first 1 step of this cycle, this process in Traditional medicine coded by fire element and
abstract mkhris thermin.
All these processes are connected with prevailence of fluid alpha state with high oxidation
potentials in the membrane-redox potentials three-state line system of Donators + membraneredox potentials three-state line system + O2 + DP + Pi + H+ + nH + memb. space = (ATP + heat
energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction medium of human body.
Decrease of intensity of process at last 9 step of this cycle in the form of decline of uptake
oxygen by human body are accompanied with decline of intensity of release of proton and electron
from food first 1 step of this cycle, this process in Traditional medicine coded by water, earth
element and abstract badgan thermin.
All these processes are connected with prevailence of solid betta state with high reductive
potentials in the membrane-redox potentials three-state line system of Donators + membraneredox potentials three-state line system + O2 + DP + Pi + H+ + nH + memb. space = (ATP + heat
energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction medium of human body.
Decrease of uptake oxygen by human body at last 9 step of this cycle and decline of quantity
of food at first 1 step of this cycle are accompanied with decline of intensity of formation of proton
gradient with following decrease of ATP formation and heat energy generation at sixth step of this
cycle, this process in Traditional medicine coded by rlung element and abstract rlung thermin.
The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body proposed by
M.Ambaga, including the Donators + membrane-redox potentials three-state line system + O2 +
DP + Pi + H+ + nH + memb. space = (ATP + heat energy ) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction
All these processes are connected with prevailence of gamma state with low oxidation and
reductive potentials in the membrane-redox potentials three-state line system of Donators +
membrane-redox potentials three-state line system + O2 + DP + Pi + H+ + nH + memb. space = (ATP
+ heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 reaction medium of human body.
1. Protonation capacity of erythrocyte represent the capacity of this cell to form Hb-H with
participation of free protons, generated by reaction as H2CO3=H+HCO3 (Seeley Anatomy, Physiology,

p.851, fig.23.19) allowing to release of oxygen from Hb-O2, released in such way oxygen diffused to
all cells.
2. Protonation capacity of erythrocyte also represent the capacity of this cell to form H2CO3
by reaction as H2CO3=H+HCO3 (Seeley Anatomy, Physiology, p.851, fig.23.19) with participation of
free protons, allowing to form CO2 (H2CO3=H2O+CO2) released in such way carbon dioxide exhalated
from body.
3. Proton and electron releasing capacity of serum represent the capacity of serum enzymes,
which appeared as uptake of proton and electron from food at first stage, existed in the full 9
stepped cycle of proton conductance inside human body.
4. The quantity of protonized compund represent the quantity level of energetic substrates
accumulated inside human body ready to give proton and electron to the full 9 stepped cycle of
proton conductance inside human body i.e. high level, medium optimal level, low level (no enough
to ensure organism need).
5. In case of our investigation HCO3 and Hb-O2 of erythrocyte was substitued by nitroblue
tetrazolim and diphenyl picril hydrazil (DPPH).
The life history process of conversion of the simple membrane-based mechanism for making ATP
to more complex membrane - redoxy potential three state line system for making ATP (existed
between donator of electrons as food and acceptor of electrons as air, oxygen in all cells) during
last 3,6 billion years.
The membrane-based mechanism for making ATP formed very early in life history and its
essential features retained in the long evolutionary journey from early procaryotes to modern cells
during last 3,6 billion years converted to membrane - redoxy potential three state (alpha state with
high oxidation potential, betta state with high reduction potential, gamma state with low redox
potential) line system (existed between food and air - oxygen) as very important member of reaction
Donators + membrane-redox potentials three-state line system + O2 + ADP + Pi + H+ + nH + memb.
space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2 existed in 14 trillion cells of human body
and coded by abstract thermin as rlung, mkhris, badgan in Traditional Tibetan Medicine.
Fluid alpha state of MS consisting of unsaturated fatty acids with high levels of oxy potentials
conducting the flow of protons and electrons existed in membrane - redoxy potential three state
line system (between food and airoxygen) are associated with abstract theory of Mkhris of
Traditional medicine (TM), which is distinguished by hot, hot oil, acute external characteristics.
Solid betta state of MS consisting of mainly saturated fatty acids conditioning a high levels of
red potentials conducting the flow of protons and electrons existed in membrane - redoxy potential
three state line system (between food and airoxygen) are associated with abstract theory of
Badgan of TM, which is distinguished by cool, cold oil, stupid external characteristics.
Gamma state of MS, consisting of decreased contents of saturated - unsaturated fatty acids,
conditioning a decreased levels of redoxy potentials conducting the flow of protons and electrons
existed in membrane - redoxy potential three state line system ( between food and air - oxygen) are
associated with abstract theory of rlung of TM, which is distinguished by light, mobile, nonoil, cool
external characteristics.
The membrane-based mechanism for making ATP arose very early in life history and was so
successful that its essential features have been retained in the long evolutionary journey from early
procaryotes to modern cells. In photosynthetic bacteria, plants, and algae, related membrane-based
process produces ATP during photosynthesis. The mechanism by which the bulk of ATP is generated
in the mitochondria differs from the way in which ATP produced by glycolysis in that it involves
membrane:oxidative phosphorylation depends in electron transport within mitochondria membrane
and the transport of ions across it.

The membrane-based mechanism for making ATP consists of two linked stages, both are
carried out by protein complexes in the membrane.
Stage 1.
Electrons derived from oxidation of food molecules or from other sources are transferred along a
electron carriers called an electron-transport chain - embedded in the membrane. These electron
transfers release energy that is used to pump protons (H+) derived from foods.
Stage 2.
Protons (H+) flows back down its electrochemical gradient through protein complex called ATP
synthase, which catalyses the energy requiring synthesis ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.
This ubiqutious enzyme serves the role of turbine, permitting the proton gradient to drive the
production of ATP.
Chemiosmotic coupling (osmotic from the Greek - to push) first evolved in bacteria.
Aerobic eucaryotic cells appear to have adopted the bacterial chemiosmotic mechanisms intact, first
by engulfing aerobic bacteria to form mitochondria and somewhat later - in the lineages leading to
algae and plants by engulfing cyanabacteria to form chloroplasts.
By examining the lifestyles of variety of single celled organisms - including those that resemble our
early ancestors we can began to see the role that chemiosmotic coupling has played in the rise of
complex eucaryotes and in the development of all life on Earth.
Life on earth has evolved over billion years. With the evolution of the membrane-based process of
photosynthesis more than 3 billion years ago, organism were no longer dependent on performed
organic chemicals.

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