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724-938-4140 I 724-938-1590 FAX

January 11th, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:
I strongly recommend Tyler John for mathematic teaching position at your high school. I have worked with Tyler
in my position as his instructor for EDU 350 Supporting English language learners at California University of
Pennsylvania. Additionally, I worked with Tyler to design and produce technology enhanced presentations for both
my face to face and online courses.
Tyler was always on time and highly prepared to participate in our class. Tyler consistently rose to the challenges
posed by this course as I seek to break down preconceived notions about English language, while simultaneously
developing candidates knowledge, skills, and dispositions in language development, learning, and acquisition.
Tyler effectively applied his background in Mathematics to plan for detailed and effective instruction and advocacy
for English language learners that aligned NCTM standards, content objectives, assessment and activities for
ELLs. Tyler has a much better idea of how language works in mathematics and now has a better understanding,
knowledge, and skill set when it comes to working with ELLs as it applies to his future role as a mathematics
teacher in a school-wide setting. Thus, he demonstrated a strong ability and a desire for social justice and an
inclusive community.
Tyler is creative as well as collaborative. While enrolled in EDU 350, he was assigned to do a group project
concerning the intersection of language and mathematics with respect to ELL services and needs. This was a final
culminating project that required him to work with other mathematics majors in the class. While researching the
language demands of mathematics with respect to ELL services and needs was a challenge for this group, it was
readily apparent during in class project work days that Tyler came prepared to discuss his portion of the research
for this project. It was also apparent that the group explored new technologies in order to present their information
in a professional development type manner, so that others could learn from their research. Thus, Tyler not only
demonstrated a strong ability to be creative, but he also demonstrated his ability to value the creative, reflective
process that this project entailed.
Finally, Tyler has concrete skills and knowledge in technology use and its application in a school wide setting. He
helped me design several powtoon videos to instruct English language learner issues in both my undergraduate and
graduate classes. He took direction well, updated and improved information when asked to, and produced
powtoon videos on ELL case law and Language vocabulary classroom teachers need to know. Students
viewed and used these videos really enjoyed them! It was a great pleasure to get to know Tyler while he was
enrolled in EDU 350. He has a great sense of humor, does not hesitate to ask questions and give responses, and is
willing to be collaborative which are all concrete skill sets to have and to actually use!! He truly is a genuinely
caring person who would work well with others. I strongly recommend Tyler to you without reservation.
If you have any further questions with regard to his background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact

Susan Lynn Rutledge
Susan Morris-Rutledge, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Secondary Education and Administrative Leadership
California University of California, Pennsylvania
Keystone Hall #433
Box #75, 250 University Avenue
California, PA 15419

A proud member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

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