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CEEDLEEEIOLESS ENGLISH READING Starter @ » (EQ0E off Zo}? KE2K)S English to Kids’ He! Be O}OISOLN SoH ha noel 7} Hal HA OHH aIEO| 0! OFLC, ‘S22 O1IS2) ieROlOLM Bo} BH OS ME YOKE 2 Ae 9157] Hal oFe| Zee eFpsio| EDK HO MEL eo} HS! az a1 91 a4 8 WBC IAI BeLICE E2k Mitel] SBE! Ofelo| BNIES= (ASS IB! let Bojalel Fh wlelsi, BASS eet OAS Roja] PA wielsi7D, Cet 88 He! Sojolg $229 cie170, (Can Use Grammar 1, 2, 329, (1 Can Listen to English), (| Can Write English), (25 #12 S20) S149) Ago WSU, 0] Mol 2418 Clerk SPIES ANSI ALi2| Hae, IBA Masel T2Im QO} 248 BOA! Brian J. Stuart MAKEO| AAIRLIC Of 258i aN BS English Reading - Starter 1 English Reading trom American Elementary Textbook - Starter t 2B 9M We 20108 98 271 iGo E2k weal ole wed gag BA: MEA\ ODF ME 467-9 gare} -02)392-0931 / MA 02922-9895 ‘E8{0/x| www Ot 7i8l 52 MEIER - 2245 ( / CIN 222 / A a WAS «501g / mB BL BAY. Set TPIo}/ AAI Sole! WERE CS BEM / COMAY- SAIS / G1 DION / ML ARIE ‘Bae Re PEO Af uP ESIC 0] Me 2 8, CR OI SEL RRR SARA REO SHALE, Yo] RSL Ce i ot NB > BiBLICh ISBN 978-89-6222-119-0 64740 ISBN 978-80-6222-118-3 (=) (stg Ae 0000) | AAS BL I a A ‘UNAM 52. te /ofkoma BaD Lee of20itg 22 oe! / oor ORE, wt / IBOINRO| 89, HOA hve 12, EA, Be, O12, Re, LE / SAE EE ‘BDO OME. o18S / uOONR a, HAN, AR, EAL EL, OE ZA / BE ‘BO 5/6, RAC, 2m, ZOE, ea OE / ABIL. ze, a, we / MELA ‘BENIN -2O17 / AN UNE, Soh M-oIBS, ee / MAME SIH OB oa we sa ae (SAGE UH |IT28, 8 ANZ wr gibcokr ROR | Sor BOIORM, 2RIAO| wrwezIeK oe RAM fete, 01281 FAOISEIOY ww gbutschootco ke ‘Bef OIG Oe] OIA aon 1811 ZA AUD] MAGLI, ary Tard Tht) Pe Oa) Ty Ty Te) bd Te Tee UNIT 12 Desert Rock Star Lizard Tornado River Fish Snow Wings Light Bulb Ocean Shark 6p Track 01 orth oF The desert is a very hot and dry place. Where is the biggest desert in the world? Africa has the biggest desert in the world, and the name of the desert is the Sahara. About 4 million people live near the Sahara, but it has only 5 inches of rain every year. What a dry place it is! Adesert 69 Trnc 02 @ There is no water in the desert. (T/F) @ The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. (T/F) © No one lives near a desert. (T/F) + A desert is a dry place. sis'2 228 Zod, + Ajungle is a wet place. 822 44é 20(ct. 10 wore Pence * Write the meaning of the following words. @ desert desert ALS} © biggest @ hot ® world © dry @ name @ place ® million 3 (69 Track 03 » Read and circle the best answer. © What's the weather like in the desert? a. It’s snowy. b. It’s rainy. c. It’s hot. @ Which continent has the biggest desert in the world? a. Asia b. Africa c. Europe * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © About people live near the Sahara. a. 4 million b. 5 million c. 6 million © The Sahara has only 5 inches of every year. a. snow b. sand c. rain * Circle the correct sentence. @ The desert is a cool and snowy place. @ The desert is a hot and dry place. © The desert is a hot and wet place. 11 ey Track 04 ont o2 If you look around you, you can find some rocks very easily. Rocks are minerals and they are all from the earth. What colors of rocks can you see? You can see silver, white, brown, gold, orange, blue, red, pink, black, and even rainbow-colored rocks. There are many different colors of rocks on the earth. Why don’t you find those colors of ; 4 Rocks __I rocks right now? ° 6p Trac 05 Baar @ Rocks are all from space. (T/F) @ Rocks are minerals. (T/F) © Rocks vary in color. (T/F) =, rock = "ha Earth oe 4 1 TAlaL 204.8. BHU 1: mineral 3H carth = 714) 58 7231 Nola, she 2-217 SIRE eas eae Sle A Sesh CHE ae 32 2 gold a wa rainbow = 217i, #2|71442] . : E diferent “the oarth ot 8 theearth ace Fore Pracmice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ rock rock = up 9] ® gold @ easily © rainbow © mineral @ different @ silver © the earth g 6 Track 06 * Read and circle the best answer. @ What are rocks made of? a. the earth b. minerals c. water @ Are there many different colors of rocks on the earth? a. Yes, there are. b. No, there aren’t. c. Don’t know. * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © You can find some rocks very iS a. hardly b. difficulty c. easily @ There are many colors of rocks on the earth. a. different b. same c. silver * Circle the correct sentence. @ There are the same colors of rocks. @ There are different colors of rocks. © There are the same sizes of rocks. 13 (+9 Track 07 If you look up at the night sky, you can see plenty of stars. Stars are large balls of burning gas in space. Don’t you wonder how hot those stars are? Some stars are very hot, and some stars are cool. Believe it or not, a blue or white star is hotter than a red or yellow star. stars 6) Trac 08 Esa ar @ A blue star is hotter than a red star. (T/F) @ Stars are sometimes hot and sometimes cool. (T/F) © There are many stars in the sky. (T/F) = look up ae hotter a r ay Tel 17} SH} F] 2.5} 1 plenty ae “=AICF hotell -er& eld sete On} wlayel burning galetex eri homer7F MH, honerés “YS 2A space Se a oa CHPHSASI Ais hotter than B. 47} Buc} cs) believe at ~Fworo Pexcnice * Write the meaning of the following words. ® look up lookup 93 2 © space @ sky © wonder © plenty @ cool @ burning gas © believe ¢ 9 Track o9 * Read and circle the best answer. @ What is a star made of? a. water b. dirt c. gas @ What color stars are hotter than a red or yellow star? a. a blue or yellow star b.a blue or white star —_c. a red or white star » Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Stars are large balls of in space. a. burning gas b. cooling gas c. hot gas © Some stars are very hot, and some stars are a. hot b. big c. cool Pdescrawe rwe Prcrore + Circle the correct sentence. @® The girl sees plenty of stars. @ The girl sees a star. © The girl sees plenty of birds. 15 69 Trac 10 A lizard is a reptile and it has scaly skin and a short neck. Also, they usually have a small head and a long tail. Mostly they live ina warm place. There are more than 3,700 kinds | of lizards on the Earth. \ Some lizards grow up to six feet, and some lizards change their skin color. Some lizards don’t have legs. PAtizard rd 6) Trance 11 Sa a @ A lizard has a long neck and tail. (T/P) @ A lizard has scaly skin. (T/F) @ A lizard is a reptile and some lizards change their color. (T/F) = lizard sepa MAE SAKE SSAt reptile ae scaly wso] Ql short 2, long 2, small 442, big neck = tail He] +I have short hair. Ue oi2/7/#10) at, a UES « [have long legs. Us cl2\7} zit more than ~¥c} go} + have a small head. Us oj2\7} act change ic} | -Thave a big face. He 201 act wore Prrcnice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ lizard lizard eupa 6 tail @ reptile © warm ® scaly © more than @ neck © change Peco * Read and circle the best answer. @ What is a lizard’s skin like? a. silky b. scaly c. black @ How many kinds of lizards live on the Earth? a. more than 1,700 b. less than 3,700 c. more than 3,700 * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Mostly they live ina place. a. cold b. dirty c. warm, @ Some lizards don’t have a.a head b. legs c. ears @desciwe re Prcrore + Circle the correct sentence. @ Some lizards change their legs. @ Some lizards change their tail. © Some lizards change their skin color. 17 ny TRACK 13 A tornado is a funnel-shaped strong wind. It never stops whirling and keeps sucking up dust, houses, cars, trees and everything. It can pull up things into the air and make them fly. Also, it moves very fast at speeds up to 483 km per hour. It is one of the strongest kinds of storms. There are more than 800 tornados in the United States each year. Tornado op Track 14 ar © Tornados are one of the strongest storms. (T/F) ® Tornados move very slowly. (T/F) © Tornados don’t exist in the United States. (T/F) = 4(io funnel-shaped Zi«7| =¢F2) BUS BAe SSAt wind ugh whirling qy ee funnel shape 27] 5%, round shape 2% 2, ‘suck up WoHgo]c} star shape ‘1 ©, triangle shape 4!2}8 22 ose | + Ithas a funnel shape. 222 zi7/ 220 pull up Boleelct +Ithas a round shape. 222 2 22oic, strongest 7 aR + Ithas a star shape. 222 ¥ 22)1¢ a ae + Ithas a triangle shape. 2242 4218 22i0(c. 18 Foro Pracrice + Write the meaning of the following words. @ funnel-shaped funnel-shaped 2x}7| 2¢ro] @ dust @ wind © pull up © whirling @ strongest @ suck up © storm Pon * Read and circle the best answer. @ How does a tornado suck up houses and trees? a. by whirling a wind —_b. by hittinga wind _c. by stopping a wind @ How many tornados come to the United States each year? a. more than 400 b. more than 600 c. more than 800 * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Itcan pull up things into the and make them fly. a. air b. house c. cloud © It moves very fast at speeds up to per hour. a. 483 km b. 648 km c. 843 km + Circle the correct sentence. @ A tornado is a round-shaped wind. @ A tornado is a funnel-shaped wind. © A tornado is a triangle-shaped wind. 19 (op Track 16 A river is usually fresh water and it flows toward an ocean or a lake. The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and it is about 4,170 miles long. - Also, it flows through nine — different countries. \ ~ The Nile River helped the people of Egypt in ancient times and even today. 95 percent of Egypt’s population . =. pi PA river lives on the bank of the Nile River. " 69 Trac 17 CaaS @ The Nile River flows through different countries. (T/F) @ The Nile River is the longest river in the world. (T/F) © The Nile River is fresh water. (T/F) =a fresh ARE longest toward ~ #22 io seu 9} longo -est$ Bole aAhsel 78 fect e se

isa reptile with scaly skin and a short neck. SOME ISHS deat WS SS 7iAla act @ are the top of the food chain in the sea. AONE. UIC SO] ASO! 7H Soll BECP @ Each bird has different shaped |. 2249] ARE CHE 9949} 7H 7X ICC, 1. Rocks 2.Snow 3.desert 4.0cean S.tiver 6.Stars T.light bulb 8.tomado 10. lizard 11. Sharks 12. wings Tee) Chey Cet) Pe Cy UNIT 17 The) et ety LU esy vied ees) Te Family Friend Transportation School Rule Map City Farm Water Recycling The United States Neighbor Money (ey Trac 37 or 13 A family is a group of people. They live in a house together. Each family has their customs, events, and rules. Most families consist of mother, father, and children. Family members love each other, and they help each other. What is the biggest family in the world? It has 19 members. . r There are parents and 17 children. = 6) TrAcK 38 Src © Parents are not members of a family. (T/F) @ There are people in a family. (T/F) © A family lives together and loves each other. (T/F) = group ad, 2a parents live art eStore eee parents‘ h42)9} oo}. ta) Boke lee EAUEH. obey), o}mU} Gol et | Poe ee parent2}a1 3] -sH Wl] gore, rule tl, a consist = d8}t} + I'm living with my parents. each other “|= Ue Etat ol a2 Lol member 3% 36 Poro Prncrice * Write the meaning of the following words. © group group 4th © rule @ live © consist © custom @ each other @ event © member 6) Teac 39 | * Read and circle the best answer. @ What does each family have of their own? a. their customs b. their clothes c. their neighbors @ How many members are in the biggest family in the world? a.l7 b.19 ¢. 21 + Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Most families have their a. love , events, and rules. b. children c. customs each other. © Family members love each other, and they a. study b. help @descewe tue Prerure + Circle the correct sentence. @ There are three members in the family. @ There are four members in the family. © There are five members in the family. 37 9 Track 40 Do you have a lot of friends? Friends play together, and study together. \ Also, friends share their thoughts and la do things together. | There are many kinds of friendships \ such as pen pals, internet friendships | and classmates. Friendship is a relationship between friends. Trust and honesty are the most Friends important things in a friendship. Gop Trac at ra ao @ Friends play together but don’t study together. @ Friendship is between friends. © Classmates can not be friends. = ta (T/F) (T/F) (T/F) friendship #4, 215+ 244 together together @°), #7] i Telationshiatat together: “o), WA CH= Oe cee ApolUy Sa sith Ps one 3} a ee bs a SUCH share upett : thought #2 +1 cook with my mom, Ut 2i0i9} a) 2218 2c 1 Als + They walk together. 252 emi 2c honesty aA 38 F wloro Pracrice « Write the meaning of the following words. @ friendship _ friendship 24 © share @ together @ thought © relationship @ trust @ study © honesty ¢ 6p Trac 42 = Read and circle the best answer. @ What do friends usually NOT do together? a. share their thoughts b. grow plants c. play together @ What are the most important things in a friendship? a. money and happiness b. lies and fun c. trust and honesty = Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Friendship is a between friends. a. relationship b. love c. honesty @ There are pen internet friendships and classmates. a. teachers b. pals c. students Poescewe me Prcrore * Circle the correct sentence. @ Friends eat together. @ Friends play together. © Friends study together. 39 6p Track 43 ‘Types of transportation are trains, buses, cars, airplanes, and so on. They are for people or goods to move from one place to another. What is the most popular transportation for students? It is a school bus. \ Why do you think school buses are yellow? It is because people can see yellow very fast. 5 A 7 | bus, So this can prevent an accident. ae 9 Track 44 aa © Trains and airplanes are not types of transportation. (T/F) @ People can’t see yellow very fast. (T/F) © School buses are for businessmen. (T/F) =a transportation 32 +-¢b for train 7\7} goods AE, HE & *at0f 2H ole, “eH for people’. ‘another the at aoe HstoF o]31, for me= “US Fsof eh SE popular Wl hk ee ee, “This gift is for you. o| 82 ¥ 98 70} a : - These books are for everyone. accident at 0| MES SE ANRIES 98 lok Jor Pracmice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ transportation transportation == +s} © popular @ train ® school bus © goods @ prevent © another © accident ¢ ep Track 45 * Read and circle the best answer. @ What is transportation for? a. sleep in b. go to school c. move from one place to another @ Why are school buses yellow? a. Yellow can prevent an accident. b. Yellow can move fast. c. Yellow is kids’ favorite color. * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Itis because people can see yellow very a. slow b. fast c. far @ School buses are the most transportation for students. a. beautiful b. comfortable c. popular @Dodescawe re Prcrore * Circle the correct sentence. © There are a train, an airplane, and a ship. @ There are a bicycle, an airplane, and a car. © There are a train, a bicycle, and a car. 4 6p Trac 46 ins 16 Every school has school rules. Students should try hard not to break them. Students should be at school on time. Students should not fight at school. ly Students have to take off their hats during class. Students should not run in the hallways. There are a lot of school rules in \ school. students Loa 9 Trace 47 ra @ Not every school has school rules. (T/F) @ There is only one school rule at school. (T/F) © Students don’t have to follow the school rules. (T/F) = school rule #32 34) on time es et Jo], Alzto] Wal Bhs ROS Aa ae etal on timee “A2o}, Alto] Sat eRe OS Bay Re fener ef Ano} 2g Baht, tant tte Ni during ~ $2, ooh sole aa + Please come on time. xz! 22/0) 2112. hallway SE 42 Foro Pracmice + Write the meaning of the following words. @ school rule schoolrule 22742] = @ fight @ ty © take off ® hard @ during @ break ® hallway g 6 Track 48 » Read and circle the best answer. @ What does every school have? a. school rules b. baseball teams c. swimming pool @ What should students take off during class? a. jacket b. glasses c. hat * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Students should be at school a. in time b. on time c. by time @ Students should not run in the a. playground b. gym c. hallways. @ descawe we Prcrore + Circle the correct sentence. @ Students walk in the park. @ Students walk in the hallway. © Students walk in the water. 43 ep Track 49 rik 17 A map shows what the earth looks like. People use a map in many ways. Some people use a map to study the earth. Some people need a map to find some places. Do you know when people first started making maps? People started making maps thousands of years ago. Also, maps were first made on animal skins, clay, or wood. 6 Track 50 Ta arc @ Maps were first only made on animal skins. (T/F) @ People don’t use maps in many ways. (CTE) © A map is for finding places. (T/F) J wow] map AS some look like ~A@ Molty eqnizio}, water ek oa 14 Abgalth some®: “@rHzbo}, BS) BH= olojs, LeHA| some oa ae i peopleole}a! a} "H o] AKG ojzH2 so] wa | find Bt 7 animal skin $37} “Gorse lenceria saeniepatiety clay aS : i: oto} Zo] was +I need some money. L= 222! £0] wis wood ore 44 F wore Pracrice *« Write the meaning of the following words. © map map 2% @ find @ look like ® animal skin © use @ clay @ way © wood ¢ 6p Track 51 * Read and circle the best answer. @ Why do we need a map? a. to draw a picture b.tosingasong _c. to find some places @ When was the first map made? a. thousands of years ago —_—-b. 400 years ago c. 500 years ago * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Some people use a map to study a. water b. the earth c. houses © The first map was made on clay, or wood. a. animal skins b. paper c. leaves * Circle the correct sentence. @ The map is made on a piece of metal. @ The map is made on a rock. © The map is made on an animal skin. 45 hy Trac 52 Many people live in a city. Also, many cars and buildings are in a city. Cities have a long history. But, no one knows exactly how old | a city is. \ What is the biggest city in the world? Tokyo is the biggest city in the world. There are more than 34 million rAcity people in Tokyo. 6p Trac 53 Bra @ Many people live in a city. (T/F) @ People knows exactly how old a city is. (T/F) © Cities have a short history. (T/F) = iid city A] but many ae es bacingnaee Ta op Sed Oe Sot oct ot 3 = the dress: lout i too short. sate cathe AE «She's pretty, but Not nice. 214 owxiet ateix] ech 46 ~Fworo Pracrice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ city city Al © history @ many © exactly ®© people @ old @ building © Tokyo ¢ 9 Track 54 Read and circle the best answer. @ Which sentence does NOT describe a city? a. It has many cars and buildings. b. It has many animals and trees. c. It has many people. @ Do we know how old cities are? a. No, we don’t. b. Yes, we do. c. No, it isn’t. « Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Tokyo is the city in the world. a. smallest b. longest c. biggest © There are more than people in Tokyo. a. 34 million b. 43 million c. 53 million @Doescewe re Picrore »« Circle the correct sentence. © There are many cars in the city. @ There are many animals in the city. © There are many cows in the city. 47 oy Trac 55 Farmers grow plants, and raise animals on a farm. What are farm animals? They are horses, cows, ducks, sheep, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, dogs, pigs, | goats, geese, and donkeys. Most milk comes from cows. Horses run very fast. Sheep provide thick fur for people. Chickens lay eggs. 7 rAfarm Farmers raise pigs for meat. 6) Trac 56 Select True or False @ Farms produce many canned goods. (T/F) @ There are a lot of kinds of farm animals. (T/F) © Farmers raise sheep for fur. (T/F) farm 38 goose/sheep a i Aa &, BB. Tt. 3 goose: A$] 2, 38S geese7} HUT}, es rele sheep® YF Oe HAYS Hve. ehola, raise AEC . There are many geese on the farm. Ca ney seo: 19101 OFF BC, provide mer + Sheep are running on the mountain. thick FAL B01 Akg Horch, 48 FP voro Prncrice + Write the meaning of the following words. @ farm farm = @ raise @ farmer © turkey ® grow @ provide @ plant © thick g (9 Track 57 * Read and circle the best answer. @ What do farmers do on the farm? a. They make machines. _b. They build buildings. c. They grow plants. @ What are the animals that farmers raise? a. chickens and pigs b. lions and elephants c. zebras and giraffes = Complete the sentence with the right answer. @ Sheep provide thick for people. a. egg b. fur c. milk © Farmers raise pigs for . a. farm b. horse c. meat * Circle the correct sentence. © Sheep are on the farm. @ Ducks are on the farm. © Pigs are on the farm. 49 op Track 58 ih 20 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water and most of the water on the Earth is in the ocean. Only | percent of water on the Earth is drinking water. Why are the oceans salty? Water flows from rivers to oceans. It picks up some salt from the rocks in the river. So, the salty water flows into the oceans. The water in the oceans gets saltier and saltier. Water 6p Trac 59 ACT a a y @ Salty water flows into the lake. (T/F) @ As water flows to the ocean in rivers, it picks up salt from rocks. ( T / F ) © Fresh water is not for drinking. (T/F) = cover wat ‘salty most ae ; srcrene Ns: ah waa i A), 223 salty salt@l 23 4 dole AG 9 dining Saeed LE Kolo A, WHE sweets, sours, | salty a Sa71 Ge bitter@3) 0] QU tt. pickup #2x} f= if iE if 2, This soup is salty. 0} 32 mc}, fowinto S2)-gertct + Lemons are sour. #22 Alct. “Ptoro Pricice + Write the meaning of the following words. @ cover cover aact © salty @ most © pick up © only @ salt @ drinking © flow into g 6p Track 60 » Read and circle the best answer. @ What percentage of the Earth is covered with water? a. 70% b. 80% @ What does the ocean water taste like? a. sweet b. bitter * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Only | percent of water on the Earth is a. ocean b. drinking water @ Water picks up some salt from the a. ground b. water @ descrme re Picture » Circle the correct sentence. @ Water stops in the river. @ Water dries in the ocean. © Water flows over rocks. c. 90% c. salty c. river in the river. c. rocks. 51 6p Track 61 People make old things into new things. This is called recycling. People can recycle only some materials, such as paper, glass, plastics, clothing, computers, cell phones, and metal. | Food cannot be recycled. How do students recycle at school? Students make recycling boxes for cans, glass bottles, and paper. They try to use recycled things. »Arrecycling box aeons 6p Trac 62 SaaS @ There are a lot of food that can be recycled. (T/F) ® People can recycle everything. (T/F) © Students don’t care about recycling. (T/F) = recycling 43h new new AES call Bed, Batt newts “AE o]eNs Solos, weeHoH= old(eateva.2, material = 2], Ale glass eal + got a new book bag. Us AI #788 esc plastic = Se}Ae} + My sister gave me an old skirt. | Fei ae SIL LOW ef RICKS HC bottle 8 Foro Pracmice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ recycling recycling she © glass @ new @ plastic ® call @ metal @ material ® bottle 9 Tene 63 * Read and circle the best answer. © What is recycling? a. making new things into old things b. making old things into new things c. making new things @ What can be recycled? a. metal b. food c. fruit * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Students make for cans, glass bottles, and paper. a. recycling clue b. recycling paper c. recycling boxes e cannot be recycled. a. Plastics b. Food c. Paper @Dvescewe rue Prcrore * Circle the correct sentence. © The boy is recycling metal. ®@ The boy is recycling plastics. ccna) © The boy is recycling paper. on 53 (op Trac 64 nih 22 The United States is a country closest to Canada. It has 50 different states. The capital city of the United States is Washington D.C. Who was the first president of the Unites States? | It was George Washington. What is the biggest state in America? Alaska is the biggest state in America. Rhode Island is the smallest state in America. The stars and stripes 6p Tancn 65 ia © The smallest state in the United States is Alaska (T/F) @ New York is the capital of the United States. (T/F) © The United States is a country next to Canada. (T/F) = country =e} state Ce ae a Si | He} OAL UE UCH, LeyAL Canada Auth UIAS. 507K} statesE osto}4l Ure eUch, Ley ‘ ujabS fe} 72] 47+ Bel Yeh a4 the United fers States?}it 3}12, | state E ee ia + live in the United States. Ut olzola sc Alaska weary “Fron Pracmice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ country country Ue} @ state @ closest © capital ® Canada @ president @ different @ Alaska ¢ 69 Track 66 * Read and circle the best answer. @ Which country is next to the United States? a. Brazil b. England c. Canada @ What is the capital of the United States? a. Washington D.C. b. California c. Alaska * Complete the sentence with the right answer. © The first president of the United States was a a. Thomas Jefferson b. George Washington — c. Bill Clinton @ Rhode Island is the state in America. a. smallest b. shortest c. biggest @ descrawe re Picture * Circle the correct sentence. @ There are 50 states in Canada. @ There are 50 states in Korea. © There are 50 states in the USA. 55 (op Trac 67 nih ee) Who are neighbors? They live near each other. They live in the same town or city. They can meet each other when they walk out their door. What is a bad neighbor? Bad neighbors make a lot of noise. They complain about everything. If you want to have a good neighbor, ; . Neighbors \ you have to be a good neighbor first. at - 69 Trac 68 Era © Neighbors usually are work together in the same place. (T/F) @ Neighbors live close together. (T/F) @ You have to be a bad neighbor first. (T/F) J sete neighbor | each other near 77) town ube each other? 2}4F @l each?} THE 4] other7} Bd ee “2! eH Seo] UC} door =z < fen ut + They love each other. 282 A& Alzeici. nolse: ae + We know each other. 92l= 428 2c complain 2¥e}e} 56 Fworo Pencnice *« Write the meaning of the following words. @ neighbor neighbor 1k © door @ near @ bad © town @ noise © meet © complain ; 9 Teacx 9 + Read and circle the best answer. @ Who are neighbors? a. They write letters together. c. They talk to each other. b. They live near each other. @ What kind of neighbors are bad neighbors? a. People who complain about everything. b. People who clean their front yards. c. People who think about others. = Complete the sentence with the right answer. © They live in the town or city. a. different b. big c. same @ They can each other when they walk out their door. a, meet b. fight c. watch + Circle the correct sentence. @ There are many students. @ There are many doctors. © There are many neighbors 57 9 Track 70 Everybody wants more money and works for money. People can get most of the things if they have money. How can children earn money? Some of them clean up their houses and earn money. Some of them feed and walk their neighbor’s dogs and earn money. Also, some of them wash their father’s car and earn money. 6) Tene 71 Bas eS @ People need money and work for money. (T/F) @ If you have money, you can get many things. (T/F) © Children never earn money. (T/F) = money = everybody everybody =, 2S Abt a etc everybodys “2, HEA) BE ANP oleh SEele| | ee BS HPO LS ABS ae rs eines eh « Everybody has his duty. | ie tea! 25 A aHOF 8 197} ct ll aaaina + Come here, everybody. 28 0j2| 242. 58 wore Pracice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ money money = © earn @ everybody @ clean up © want @ feed @ work ® walk ¢ 69 Trac 72 * Read and circle the best answer. @ What do people do with money? a. They feed the dog. b. They buy things. c. They clean up their houses. @ How do children earn money? a. They watch TV. b. They wash their father’s car. c. They do their homework. + Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Everybody more money. a. wants b. buys c. hates @ Some of them feed and their neighbor’s dogs. a. sleep b. read c. walk + Circle the correct sentence. e Var @ She buys a CD with money. @ She buys a CD with a smile. © She buys a CD with food. 18) saw 59 » Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the box. school rules family city transportation map neighbors farm money recycling friends water the United States @ 1S live near each other. 022 Mz 7}7}0) 4, @ |) members love each other. 715 7822 Mz ABI © Many people live ina SE. ge xztso| SAlouy Act. @ Everybody works for 90). Se Ase Eg Sst este, @ Food cannot be I. sie nego gt etch © Do you have a lot of 9)? ye ey aU? @ 70 percent of the Earth is covered with |). AlHS| TOMAIE7| BE SO} QI © The capital city of | is Washington D.C. O}F9] HEE SNE D.CoIR, © Students should try hard not to break the |). SSS Sha FBS 7A] SS LeleHoF sch @ Types of © are trains, buses, cars, and so on. WS FEO] BEHME 71K, HA APSAt SO! VUCt. @ People need a to find some places. ARISE O1F BAS 27| Sal XIE7} Batch, @ Farmers grow plants, and raise animals on a |. SPEC SAM ASS mis SBSS 7c EB -Noicndors 2.Family 4. money §.recyeling 6. trends 7, water the United States 8. school ules 10. vansportation 12. farm Calendar Number Shape Measure 9 Track 73 The calendar shows days, weeks, months, and years. There are 24 hours in a day and there are seven days in a week. Also, there are 365 days and 12 months in a year. Did you know that the old version of the Roman calendar had 304 days and 10 months in a year? The new year started with March. But Julius Caesar made the calendar 5 c yAcalendar = start with the month of January. ne = 6 Trac 74 Sar oS @ The calendar shows only days and weeks. (T/F) @ The calendar starts with March now. (TAF): © The calendar was made a long time ago. (T/F) calendar a 24 hours in a day 2 a | Uk S Bole Bee best month “OPS 244/210] QC S Gols SHA in aS Abst | year at | 24 hours in a day7} $131 “1Glo}= 7Qlo] gey et Rot ah wal 51 @t}Ri seven days in a week7} Ut}, fea ae + There are 24 hours in a day, sot 244/01 3, nh + There are 365 days in a year. 1i0li 26520 2c. 62 “Fron Pracnice * Write the meaning of the following words. @ calendar calendar ge ® version @ show © Roman calendar © month @ March @ year © January g 9 Trac 75, = Read and circle the best answer. @ What can you see in the calendar? a. time b. map c. months @ How many days were there in the old version of the Roman calendar? a. 304 days b. 314 days c. 340 days * Complete the sentence with the right answer, © There are 365 days and in a year. a. 10 months b. 12 months c. 51 weeks @ Julius Caesar made the calendar start with the month of a. January b. March c. July @ descewe rue Prcrore * Circle the correct sentence. © There are seven days in a week. @ There are 31 days in each month. a faa [os Par ar [ae [a © There are 56 weeks in a year. — OTP oer 7/819 |elu late 63 ey Trac 76 We need numbers for counting and measuring. Numbers are zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and so on. Students learn how to add and subtract with numbers at school. There was a young boy in China. He was really good at math. He went to a university and studied math when he was nine. : Numbers: 6) Trace 77 a ae © Students learn numbers at school. (T/F) @ People don’t need numbers. (T/F) © Zero is not a number. (T/F) = count = ble be good at measure 4 8tc} “a 0 be good at® ~& 4 She} BH: ojos, so 2h ap soon 718% Belles learn wee are add det + lam good at sports. Wi AZAB ¥ dict A cel each + She is good at math. 245 +818 2 atc university 2} 64 “Foro Pence * Write the meaning of the following words. @ count count vice @ learn @ measure @ add ® zero @ subtract @ soon © university ¢ RACK 78 * Read and circle the best answer. © Why do we need numbers? a. for counting and measuring b. for washing and cleaning c. for eating and sleeping @ What do students learn at school about numbers? a. how to cook and eat _b. how to add and subtract c. how to sing and play = Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Numbers are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and so on. a. zero. b. eleven c. hundred @ In China, a young boy was really numbers. a. bad at b. good at c. hate + Circle the correct sentence. @ We learn how to subtract at school. @ We learn how to add at school. © We learn how to measure at school. ey Trac 79 There are many kinds of shapes. They are circles, rectangles, triangles, squares, ovals, and stars. Look around you now. You can find many things in different shapes. Televisions have rectangular shapes. Dice have square shapes. \ Pyramids have triangular shapes. Eggs have oval shapes. Which object has no shape at all? Water has no shape. ee — 9 Trac 80 Sac © Different things are different shapes. (T/F) @ Water has different shapes. (T/F) © Pyramids are sometimes round. (T/F) [ naeiowon circle a dice rectangle = 441218 triangle zi dicet= FAH9T Ql die] BYE die7t 7H }4J0] W diceett Buc}, stalet +419] Mt 7S WE SL square mee Fdicev}a1 8.2. | oval Bas rectangular )4|2}39] ie. Sus & | triangular 424449) + Please throw a die. #498 S12, +T have two dice. Us SAH = 74 7Hx12 20 object Ate, Bl 66 Fivoro Pencnice » Write the meaning of the following words. @ circle circle a © oval @ rectangle @ rectangular © triangle @ triangular @ square © object ; 6 Trace st » Read and circle the best answer. @ What has no shape? a.TV b. ball c. water @ What kind of shape does a pyramid have? a. triangular shape b. oval shape c. round shape ~ Complete the sentence with the right answer. © Televisions are shapes. a. heart b. star c. rectangular © Eggs are shapes. a. round b. oval c. square Pdescewe re Prcrure » Circle the correct sentence. @ Ithas a round shape. @ Ithas an oval shape. © Ithas a heart shape. 67 6-p Track 82 ni 28 People measure length, height, and weight. They measure these with some rulers or scales. In the United States, people use inches, feet, and yards for length and height. They use ounces and pounds for | weight. The heaviest person in history was 976 pounds. The tallest person in history was 8 >Aruler feet 11 inches. 7 : 9 Trac 83 aaa @ People use inches for weight in the United States. (T/F) @ People don’t know how to use inches or feet. (T/F) © People use rulers or scales to measure. (T/F) measure 44, 443}c+ aac length Zo} ee height 0! Da} BS. Zo], AI, eo] SR AR eeI7h eho. sat at aie Bboy 921% 1S2emehat apAIgh olate- 5 feeteh igI a 1 be, ER SHAE 3Skgole+D SH ulRe 77 ruler fs pounds#3! @Fs}4c}, scale Ae | heaviest 7h 77% + My height is 5 feet. uf 7: sulenia tallest = 7 77h «He weighs 77 pounds, 2 3927} 7m2 never stopped making music and playing the piano. HIEYIS SHS HST WOKS AF AS AH IA] etch, EB 1-sound 2 diack key 3.musician 4.ForEise 5.piano 6.Besthoven, UNIT 01 ABE ADIL ofS Gi AEH ROjO| PAOLA 7H8S 2 ABS Of L2H0H S72? olze|7P MIAO 7H & APES 7IRL QL, 3 AP 219] oe AstaIOL2, Cfe} Aker Bo} Atz}FO] Aste} ROH] Ala. glalet Et | ltl Sez 7 & SOIOLS, Olt ARS! ROVER! Select True or False @F (Astol= 20! Bich) T (tse Alziold 2Ft AtStOICt) @F (Alot Deon OE Az] AECL) WORD PRACTICE © desert Ait © biggest 74 2 @hot 212 © world 11 © dry UA @ name 1S @ place 24 © million “2! READING COMPREHENSION @c @b Oa Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE @ Nee HUD URE! RIC UNIT 02 & SUS Se Si OF Gl SSS LS + lois. ‘SS BHOol Pol PSoiwoig Olt Alto! SES = + VSI? SAH SIA ZH A OBIIXIA eH ZH SA YSMA AX|Oo] PAPI Be S + O12, ‘Bol BE CHE 49] SHO! Lois. Ae Te Aizle| SS Rors72? Select True or False OF (Se 25 PFOIA SHBOHCH) OT (se Bz0c) OT (32 420) Cifsic) WORD PRACTICE @ rock &, tit} easily 27i © mineral 22 @silver 2, 24) Ogold 2, 242) © rainbow #X17, x/H$2 O different C= Othe earth & READING COMPREHENSION @b @a Oc @a DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © CSS NZS] SSO! Act. UNIT 03 Woes Secs, US BES S + Log, SSS PFO ELT Ste ACHE 7ASONNL 850] SOW} H7427| Sasi] YLT? OG WS OFF EAT OF BSE spe, ‘SU7ILE BI7ILt MRIZILt Sige Meteo] Waal et eet che ele Select True or False OT (aiet we wz wesc} zch) OF (#52 He en we xc) OT (sto YE WHO! 2c.) WORD PRACTICE @ look up 35 Et Osky a5 © plenty 82 © burning gas E2=2= 74 © space $= © wonder ~0} ofei7} 2t6c} @ cool * © believe 2c} READING COMPREHENSION @c @b Oa Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE @ ALE ‘gg vitect UNIT 04 Sop SOME TSHOOY visa} WS SE 7D VOIR 29 BE AS Ofelst 21 weHS 7A YOIR CHE CHEE! ROA OFS XIPOKE 37008 ols SnFo] gio}, OF ORME GUIETIA] AED, OF SOMME ORAS HEPTIS ate OF SOME Chel7} St= ZE QH2 Select True or False OF (conse 2! 83} mals 1x12 sich) OT (cove ules 7bxim ict) OT (SOMME WSROD, OF SORYS OY BS Bf zc) WORD PRACTICE @ lizard Sop tail Be) @ reptile WS warm G8 © scaly His0| k= @ more than ~Ct #0) Oneck = © change 4H} READING COMPREHENSION @b @c @c @b DESCRIBE THE PICTURE OOF Sone MEARS BEECH, UNIT 05 Eulol= EXONS BaH7| S230] of 2st vHetolos, Bey ASBOS BFA) Yoo AS OM, A ASA, Lt FS SE 2S sosol2, B)| 422 BUSS S0gei Sal co, Est Gt Al2Ol 4B3ZZ0|e12] SES ofS her) SA) og, SWE 7S Bet BBOl St SHOUD DOIOHE OHA 80004 749] SUIO\sE7} 742. Select True or False OT (GHOSE 73 Bet SS Sol Stolk) OF (Sule HF Lela Sxpeict) ©F (OROME Sui0E7} west] SEC) WORD PRACTICE @funnel-shaped 20}7| 229) © dust 217) wind viet © pull up S0igeict ©whirling 32S= @ strongest 713 Ze! O suck up BIS} © storm BS READING COMPREHENSION @c @a Oa DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © EUIOlEt ZMH] 2x9) wlztolch, UNIT 06 2 Be SS Goloj wlcjo} S42 Salo. Ue BE MPloW 7HE 2! Bola. Bow 4.170001 42, E8t S719] CHE Lies 714 S212, UG BS Test Ax} SeeNi= OWE ASS oT2 EAL. OME 20] OSTHMIET} LIS! BRO] AOL, Select True or False OT (Ue Je cee Hele AA SBct) @T (Ue Ze MADIA 748 2! BoIct) OT (Ua Be Sorc) ‘WORD PRACTICE O fresh “St © through ~8 S610 @toward ~S22 — @ ancient 21421 © flow 2c} © population 27 Olongest 72! @ bank Hie! S READING COMPREHENSION Oc @a Oa Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © OMESISO| LS! ASO AT Sch UNIT 07 227] Sle S04 YD OFHS| Ble Oph eB Hog, Bie ALAle HS, & Y SS 7D Yoie A215 Se 59) 7/20] Woe OAS SBoleT a2, Ole S SM AA1 SOL, APOE 40S OS] SANE LICK 2S OWI? aRIE oF 1001 120 BES Yt + ool BE a FILAOlS 7a og, Select True or False OF (SE S177} BBS AUT She HE ojUlch) © F (chcHs BI7IE ALatOl 7haLa ict) OT (Bile 201M AD Aas SB + Ut) WORD PRACTICE @breathe Sic} — @ lateral line 8 @ gill 01710) © sound 421 © fin xiLz40] @ fying fish 23) Oscale His larger 4 = READING COMPREHENSION @a @c Ga Ob DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 2x7} HolgeT atc, UNIT 08 = EE THOMA Uiela, ESOS OFFOVA 21012, PHO S07} BS an Sigil Gos Soinig, BE SOE 6S 7H! BS +8012, SOE SF Cer Hole, O}01S0| EMSS ot7| Halt= S712] Sat UF BH OfxIDI OF SH BIE AS HP 20] Me St Sehex! Yois Select True or False OT (eS ESOS OFOM LICL) @F (=S0le 448 7H US HHI) ©F (ce @l getsrl Sect) WORD PRACTICE snow = ground S @cloud 78 Oside & snowflake =40| @ice crystal US +2 Oheavier 1 F712 @ stick Zolct READING COMPREHENSION @a @b Ob Ga DESCRIBE THE PICTURE @ SE Eso HEA welct, UNIT 09 ‘7H MES ‘hi7t 2171 wkBoll t+ gloig. 21219] MES CHE S20} eH 7 Vole, ANSE BOW} wel SF + QtS7L? MES SEE Clefet2, BIB7IE & AIZIdl| 35014 6001S] S— ea Of St Alziol 1e0ntle| Az sole, aL} OF ARES 4 S71 Rah, MSS Bz} E-ESOlOQ, Select True or False @F (2E Me YE Seo] BH 7D Bich) OT (SE ME S7HB 71m Ich) OT (A#E Ma S + SIC) WORD PRACTICE Owing 27H © pigeon ¥Ia7| @ shape 22 rate sis © fast t= hawk of Qvary CBC @ ostrich EE READING COMPREHENSION @c @a Oc Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © Baia} ERE et 471 Bic. UNIT 10 247 7} WAI Holt WE vSiH Ex] OEM: aizto12, OKRIU 1B7OLIOl SOLA olciso| AAS wets, RM TE DAL GARE BS ASSIA! FH) ONC] EE 1880404 1,200AZIO|L} ASH MS NAS 7H ‘wRoig, Select True or False @T (Eni oiclde We7I2ACt) OF (E04 ofciae 2 weietct) OT (En oicleS BS WAH) WORD PRACTICE @ light bulb 2 @ invent weieic} only 2X) 24) @candle 3 © light up Holzer finally clo} o}guy Olast X18 © develope 73i¢t READING COMPREHENSION @b @c Oc Ob DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 220| 82 Hela Veh UNIT 11 ate ASS AeSolll ol Saks, ABBA Ba7|8t 204 Sat WE WE SAS Mgat2, ES BAAS APS MBSE SRS! OL4A!BO|OID, SHES] ZOE 5,00001M 15,00001E Atle cietks ‘Bz HOE 4 125000012, 7P8 YE HIS 36 000UES BY SHOLL, Select True or False OF VS AZo IS wewsls| Zech) OF (tee ax> ect) OT (VS AHASolal ote wWesict,) WORD PRACTICE O important S28 @ natural gas 2214 @ provide HZ3IC| ~ @deep YS © shellfish 274 @ depth 20) source 22! average BZ READING COMPREHENSION @a @b Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © BE DHSO! Let. UNIT 12 40} 1 MALE 400SF O12] 4010! SoIg. ‘SOS 2 SD7/S 7] CHO! BICHOAY 0] Ate S 7b A Hol UH MOIS a7/7t Cioteke. PRE AIS MO BelRlOI 7H MOH GOMIELt She, OF AOS MIS Bsc sie, Ole! SAO! AOE SA Malo} Efo|7+Ah01 BAAojoa, Select True or False OT (oie 2 gm718 2 BECH) @F (SE Soke Altea ae FSAI0IC}) ©F (PE AIS Mole LOVE eomeC) WORD PRACTICE © shark 401 © food chain %0] Ais @ kind 35 attack S2ict allover =x) @ human Alt top BY, B47] @ bull BA READING COMPREHENSION @c @b Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © S07} MBS SABC. UNIT 13 7 TRE NBS Fella, ASe Bt Lot By] Sore, 2249] 7S AWISO| Bhs, BAL PAIS 7k Qik HES RBS Sot, Olt, OSE Passio} Voie 7RPSHE Mee Asin E22, AAI 7PS 2 7S B BIL? IKE 19340012, ASE ¥29} 178} O'S0|ol2, Select True or False OF (Ese 759 UH] Och) OT (715 Oe APSO! ICL) OT (7152 Bl Aa Me AleIBICE) WORD PRACTICE Ogroup 2,25 rule 74, 73 Olive 2c} © consist 75ICt @ custom 2s, Sz event Ai21, SAr @each other A= © member 78H READING COMPREHENSION @a @b Oc Ob DESCRIBE THE PICTURE @ 429} 710] 2ct. UNIT 14 8 OES ASO] BE71L? ABE Bal Bu, SA Sais, IFES MES| 2S LHeal BS ZO! sh, BHO BF BA} VEU WHS EGY CIEIWOS At UF, tt 8 SO! oie, PBS BAel2| Biol2, PAOl= USA SAO] 7H Rate. Select True or False OF (75S Bl wrlet SHE Hal Sil Ect) OT (P82 UF Ajo Antic) ©F (et aint 77} B+ act) WORD PRACTICE O friendship 28, 217 21 © share Lic} @ together 201, © thought 2! © relationship 24 © study BY2ICt @trust 12) @honesty 3% READING COMPREHENSION @b @c @a Ob DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 2750] Sil BSB sich, UNIT 15 BE et BS E19] SHON: 7, WA, AIBA, HIB] B01 Sh og. AWES ARI BUS et BAO CHE BAS Bri Ag SHABOIr] 7H 7] Si BE FES PotEINIR? seo, H StHASS Ley? THES ARABO| 2M OFF Wal BE + 71 OIL TAH ADE BS 4 VOIR Select True or False @F (71a1} Hiei ms HCHO) BeH7h OCH) OF (WSS SEMIS wel S + ect) OF (SetiAS YSVS HE tAolct) WORD PRACTICE © transportation 28 +£! © popular 2171 2t= @train 715+ @ school bus S24 © goods 43, #5 @ prevent ofsseict @ another = 2 accident A12 READING COMPREHENSION @c @a Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE @ 7a, BIH], HE ut. UNIT 16 8fa2 74] BE SMSO) Si 7S 71D Voie SHSBS OS 01714] OAL BS| S-StsHOF ah, SYSSS MAMZIOH S004] Qo} sh2, SHYSS SmnO|Af MSO OF SHO SSS +8 Sd] OAS Hojof SHES SSO Ae Ot ste, S{MOE WE Shia 740] Voie Select True or False OF (BE sino} Sr AIO] B= WE ojLfch) QF (Smo st}2} Stan HAYeH0| guct.) OF (S852 Sta AS OS 27H SIC) WORD PRACTICE @ school rule *a1 74] @ fight 44°C} Otry 4st @ take off “ct @hard S26] @ during ~ 52101, AiO} break mci, o17Ic+ ~~ @ hallway S= READING COMPREHENSION @a @c Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 2980] SSo1At 27 ech UNIT 17 ALE AiS= GO| OBA AZEA| MO} A, A@SS BE slow xcs ASaig. OM ARISE BS ASH] Hah ASS Aaa, Offt ABIES Of 245 417] SHOHAY IES Boks, ABO] Cl ASS ASS CMB7| AKEA| OMIA? 8 18 MO XESS OHS7| AOLS. ES ASE HBO SS HOLY YE, UF Sol) chs ORO, Select True or False OF (ist MBO] 24] SS 7ROwP! SHSOpAct) OF WSS Ales BE YHOe ASS HEC) OT (IEE BAS 271 Hel BRSICL) WORD PRACTICE © map 21 @ find 2} © look like ~A124 201¢} © animal skin 3B 75 use Ageict @ clay 2 Oway 2 © wood Li? READING COMPREHENSION @c @a @b @a DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © AAISE S22 71 Holl BOLE, UNIT 18 =A] ‘BE ASO] SA\oi| Hoe, £8t BE ASA Wo] SA)ol Vos SANE 2! SAS 7IALT 210182, TRL OFFS BSS] VOL} Sal SIVEAE Seg, AVAOIA JRE SALE Ofc? ESV} MIAOIA 2H 2 SAO, SOK 3M auot B Oso] OFA7} AD Vlog, Select True or False @T (2S ASO] Slo} Act) OF WESE SAV} Sok} Sah SIgt=x! Cth) OF (SAS2 82 SAB xIUZ atch) WORD PRACTICE O city Ai @ history 2A! @ many we © exactly Sais) people AS old D2He! @ building 23 @ Tokyo ==, WHEo| HE READING COMPREHENSION @b @a Oc Ga DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © =Alol BE +1B0! gtch. UNIT 19 SS SHE SAO ABS Able”, SBSS 71212, 8 Bee 2001 87127 B.A, 92), SS, UA S71, 7H, SARL BA, 71¢, ala SUH So] 201g, THEO] PR AOL Li2}2, SSS oS Bel gee USS ARIS SHE 8S ABEL He we won, SPE IIS 201 8A SITE Igo, Select True or False OF (Sao woe Hl Ye HESS YNEICt) OT (BE SHA SS SHH! Uc) OT (S¥He Hs 271 Het Ys IEC) WORD PRACTICE O farm 58 @ raise 712¢} @ farmer 5 turkey 22 © grow ‘iisic} ——@ provide HBS O plant 42,2 O thick SHE READING COMPREHENSION Oc @a Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © SHx{B0| Szol| ct. UNIT 20 & AFH] 7OMHHEE: Be Boi a AFFOH QE CHES! BE vicjol 2012 APO QH= EA] IIS] Belo] OH= Bojole, 4 HICK BER? ge Zo vice Baie Zl UE HIP ABS 2K ay A717} Qe Bo] vce Bel SoV7IA, UICHOl St BS A CH MIAH Hol, Select True or False OF (# 30] 342 Bei Soizic}) @T (B0| BOW vice sev ie UIP ABS 2 ect) ©F (ae of 471 atch) WORD PRACTICE @ cover sic} @ salty # Aa7] UE © most “i221 pick up Zr} only 2x, 22%] salt Aa drinking A= —-@ flow into Sei Boi7ic+ READING COMPREHENSION @a @c Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 20] bis He SET ech UNIT 21 MBS ABSS Sais AS MES Wow oSo1g, OAS BZD sei ASSES AA] Olt ANS MBSE + VEC SO), 2), BAS, & SHE, HEE SS So] A7Holoile, SAE MESO! Six) ore SES SHOWA O1BAl HSS B72? SMES UH Hele, SOS Het MHS Arise eSo1e, ASS WISE SUES ANBotein ae, Select True or False @F (BSE + Sl BE SABO! etch) OF WHEE SE 2S MESS + ICL) OF (452 Ego We BNSF Al el) WORD PRACTICE @ recycling WBE © glass 921 @new Hee Oplastic B24 0 call ¥2C), Sic} @ metal 3% © material 44, = © bottle READING COMPREHENSION Ob @a Oc @b DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © AYO] BAS eSstD ect, UNIT 22 OF ORS AHLICISE 7B TPS Lata, ORS 507H0} CHE FH 71 Glo1g, ORO] AEE HME D.Colg, ORO] Ach HERS FRR? BX] SNE}, Diol 7HS & = (CIRM? WASP ORO 7H S FOL, BEO/SE7t O}ROM 7H AHS Fag, Select True or False QF (GIRONA 7PI AS FE VAAPIOICL) @F (#2 0129 SE0ICh) ©T (AIRS AALICIO} 01 LAHOICt) WORD PRACTICE Ocountry iz — @state = @ closest 712! 71% © capital += © Canada 7iLic} —_@ president ci2i Odifferent — @ Alaska 2H} READING COMPREHENSION @c @a @b Oa DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © DIROH 5072] 74 ICL UNIT 23 O1% $7} O1ReI7127 AS2 Mz 7}7)0| soz, ABS WE OBOIL+ SAlol stoKz, 280] 2 42 LI Mee ote 4 Boje, 7} Lite O}REINIR? Ui RE WE ASS Ug, ASS SE Holl Het SBS sha, St BS OVS SHA HSIcHet Bix BS O1LO| Slo} OF at Select True or False OF (RSS YE YS rol Bini eich) OT (RSS sl 7H710] Act) OF (Sol Stat LHe OFRO| Siojor Bic) WORD PRACTICE @neighbor | — @door & @ near 71710) @ bad Lt @ town oS @noise 4S © meet giuict © complain #26\ct READING COMPREHENSION @b @a Oc Oa DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © BE 0/2B0! 2tct. UNIT 24 = SE NBB0 CG GE Ee Bel ES 27] Sol IS ate, ARES [0] LICH HHO] BAS a+ Voie OWES OFA EB WIR? Off OS HS SAsta Es eoig, Of O}ISES ORO} 7Holal HOKE 4a AHS Alz lot AES Hole Et OF OWES OMmo| 7ISAES HD ES wo1g, Select True or False OT WHEE £0] Ls Es w7| Hal YS ict) OT (Ss0| Ee 77 LICH WE SS 2+ act) OF (0! ofolge aa ES BA) BEC) WORD PRACTICE O money = eam Ct dsI04 2c} everybody 25, SE Ale} @ clean up Bei} ‘want 25} @ feed "01s ct work wsict walk “44A/7IC READING COMPREHENSION Ob @b a Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © Ae ES 22 CDE Act UNIT 25 BS Bue Fg, US Ho} Ag, SIRE 24AI2IO[T UECO= THO] Qos, SES THORS 365UPt 12210] Blois, ZOf9| Sate! SEIS 140 BO4Ra} 10SS 7D ACHE AS OM? ASHE SBE APHEIZIO2. AIL HAA AM} BH Aloe Sew chee og, Select True or False @F (SAS 24 Sa} Ft Lepech) @F (Baz SH 3BHE ARIS) OT (SAE Day Mol S07 WORD PRACTICE @ calendar 23 ‘version # HS @ show #014Ct — @ Roman calendar =u! month 2,2 = @March 38 year ‘4, a @January 13 READING COMPREHENSION @c @a Ob Oa DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 8 FOHE 7LO} Ch, UNIT 26 At PAhe PE MD SSS 8b] HOH +71 Bake, FE 0,1,2,3, 4,5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10 50! 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ZOlst SOK Sesi7| Sal zl, HIE, OE SS ASAI, PAE A7| Hots SAS Opes iaH2, CUPIOR 7H S712 MBE g7eMIeCOIg, AACE 718 77} BABS BOE Nelalola, Select True or False OF WlROME ABS0| SA eich) OF WHS CRI Te SB Sse BUS Sect) OT WSS 58st! Sal AL MBS olgsich) Oh IRIS AS WORD PRACTICE @ measure 24, 2Xsic¢} @ ruler x} @ length 20} Oscale x12 @ height 0) @heaviest 2 FAL Qweight £71 tallest 243 97} 2 READING COMPREHENSION @b Ob Ob Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE OA ARS SHA! omS=0/c}, UNIT 29 Alt BE CE NAS0| slog, ANBSS Lo] AMES! wo HE ES SS OB7ISE S24, SS WSS 7 SVs Ae azjate, ABIES S7MHS 0 Zick] SE 7is0] S012, Tein SBMS WO Bele LT, Et BIBS LEMS UP aS Lae, Select True or False OF (WSS ceHis wo} BSS LIC) OT WEEE wo] AMEROe ole MAS S + QC) ©F (MORE SA} Al 71x] ANB sich) WORD PRACTICE Ocolor 4 © important S2¢+ @because sitisie! @ feel L7Ic} © spectrum Axe @ strong 2st Qartist 127} © peaceful Baz2e READING COMPREHENSION @c @a @b Oc DESCRIBE THE PICTURE @ AL} HBS sn eich. UNIT 30 BIE HES BME BSE Ses Oe71012, 22] TES AIAlOWM 7S SeiskD HIM AHBOIOLS AS Uh Olasoizioig, Al Ol 2= 200001 ¥ OW) Tel ay AAS at og, 29] Aol YE! SHel, Bo! siviois, RIL Je 38uol] SHOR, ons: Select True or False OF (GIMME ¥ EE oF Not QC) OF (GME t TSE wee uf Matoleict) OT (PME Ut ase 3 tee 7H0IC}) WORD PRACTICE @famous 328 @art dealer aaa @painting 12) @ sketch Ar] expensive uj! — @imagination a4 piece 45 @emotion 23 READING COMPREHENSION @a @c @b Ob DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © 2 ABE oF HPC. UNIT 31 Dobe pHi 217/012 pj 3642] BE 2AeHat 527K Big! ZO] gloig. ARIEO| Zig 27OR AICI A2}7} note CtOHAl ute. TPprE FACS SOL? Tpke HBUPS SHB OED Ue Ue Se, BUSS Zug SEC, Select True or False @F (Moe 79] BSOICt) OT WHSS 2S AM MOK OSHC) ©F (More Ae PHSORICh) WORD PRACTICE instrument 7-7 — @ maple wood GEUF @ black 22 O steel 22 @keyboard 2s! @string & O finger 2712 @ basswood 2a} READING COMPREHENSION @b @a Oc Ob DESCRIBE THE PICTURE © Toe AHS AEs} soe slo} gc, UNIT 32 HE! 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