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Even upon first glance one gets the idea that there aren't many groups where this

would belong. Her face is still almost more girlish then womanly. She's pretty leaning more
towards cute then anything. Her face is oval, her cheeks are rounded and dimpled, her nose a
pert little button, and her chin is just slightly cleft. Her eyes are covered at nearly all
times by a pair of flat, blue tinted goggles that make it somewhat difficult to track her
gaze. Her expression2 does little to bridge the distance of those goggles being at best
aloof and sometimes downright disdainful, Her full cupids bow mouth nearly always
emotionally flat or in a cocksure smirk. Her hair is mostly midnight black save for the
electric blue streaks at her temples and her bangs. Most of that fine hair is pulled back
into a wrist thick and waist length braid. She one of those sort of girls that often gets
labeled Ice Queen upon first glance. %r %T Girlish however ends at her chin her long neck
made to seem shorter by the impressive musculature of her shoulders. To put it simply the
bitch is built, more then a little, in fact she has the physique of a dedicated gym rat.
Traps, lats, bis, tris, thighs, abs, and calves, her muscles are sculpted, cut, shredded
and, covered with large snaking veins. Only her long limbed height, perhaps a little bit
under six and a half feet in boots, keeps her from looking musclebound. Unlike most people
built like her she sports nothing resembling a tan, her cream pale complexion actually
smoothing out some of the look of her muscularity. Her breasts are bigger then on most girls
built like her but still far to small and unspherical to be implants. She has that straight
backed relaxed rigidity to her baring that screams military training. %R %T Her clothing
both further emphasizes and derails the idea that she was ever part of the armed forces. Her
BDU pants are always in colors that could only hide someone in the viscera remaining should
someone toss a hand grenade into a pile of 'Care Bears' or My Little Pony. An unending
cavalcade of combinations designed to lovingly inflict ocular hemorrhaging. Maybe the plan
is that the enemy cant see her if her color palette has him bleeding from the eyes. Her
shirt is usually a wife beater in a color matching the primary color of her pants and cut
short enough to reveal all of her stomach and clearly display that she's braless when her
arms lift. About her neck are a set of dog tags on the standard ball chain. Should one get
close enough to read them the name reads 'Screaming Mimi' On her upper body under her arms
are a pair of holsters rigged for a cross draw on a 50 Cal. Desert Eagle. On her hands are a
pair of fingerless leather gloves with chain mail and riveted steel plates. On her feet she
wears a pair of simple black laceless steel toed tanker boots. Various tattoos cover her
pale skin where clothing isn't covering %R %T <Her tattoos and a few other notes are set up
as +views.>
On her right shoulder/arm is a tattoo of a Horned bulldog with 'USMC' above it and 'Hte
dich vor dem TeufelHund.' written below. It looks like more information was below the German
at one point but the ink has been to badly damaged to make out. %R %T On her left shoulder
is a more tattooed punky version of the classic Rockwell Rosie the Riveter. %r %T Above her
navel is Semper and below it is Fi in half in tall letters.
HEIGHT 6'4 %r %T WEIGHT 210 LBS %r %T CHEST 45 in %r %T BICEP 20 %r %T WAIST 33 in %r %T
HIPS 41 in %r %T THIGH 29 in %r %T CALF 22 in
Immortals are the reincarnated souls of the inhabitants of Atlantis. They start life much
like anybody else. It is not until the Change takes place that their true nature becomes
apparent. The Change occurs sometime between an Immortals nineteenth and fortieth birthday.
It is a physical and psychic shock to his system; he appears to have suffered a seizure of
some sort, and collapse for several hours. During this time, his mind is flooded by images
of his previous existence in Atlantis, although most of the images are forgotten as soon as
the fit is over. When he recovers, his body shows no ill effects. The following are
abilities that all True Immortals possess: %R %T Immortals are almost impossible to kill;
diseases are shaken off in a matter of days, even a terminal disease will disappear in less
than a month; never suffer from cancer or genetically inherited diseases, and can endure
lethal levels of radiation; to kill an Immortal through conventional means, the body must be
completely dismembered and the pieces burned to ashes and scattered. %R %T Somewhat more
resistant to the effects of magic %R %T Regeneration heals an immortals wounds in minutes
and hours rather then days and weeks %R %T Supernatural beings can try to kill the Immortal
through the Severing, a mystical attack that cuts the connection between the Immortals soul
and his body; the Immortal must be reduced to what would be death for a mortal via wounds or
other means; then the supernatural expend a good deal of its personal energy and best the
immortal in a test of wills %R %T Supernatural Senses by spending a moment of concentration
the Immortal can sense the presence of magic, the relative strength of a human beings soul,
and the presence of supernatural beings; other Immortals can be recognized by making eye
contact, an Immortal can also sense the presence of another of his kind within 30

yards/meters away %r %T The Shetarri are a warrior sub-breed of the Atlantean True Immortals
who were exiled from Athal long before that kingdom's destruction. The Shetarri were not
very popular, as they were only created for a brief period, and their kind was exiled from
the city centuries before the Flood. When a reincarnated Shetarri undergoes the Change, his
body gradually becomes heavily muscled, until the character appears to be a dedicated body
builder. The characters skin also becomes tougher and more resilient than normal. The
Shetarri transformation effects the Immortals Essence matrix even more than the norm,
however. The character is unable to learn most other more esotaric Immortal powers since his
energy has all gone to making him supernaturally strong and durable. and most other
Immortals and even humans feel an instinctive fear and distrust towards him.

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