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Mr. Michael Steiner, Special Represent ative of the UN SG,


1. Dr. Bajram Rexhepi, Prim e Minister of Kosova

2. Mr. Andy Berpark, Deputy Spec ial Representative of the UN SG

3. Juergen Mendritzki, Head, KTA

4. Alexander Borg Olivier, The Legal Adviser, UNMIK
Dated: 06/06 2003
Subject: Contract with Mon aco Tele com
De ar Sir,
I am writ ing to you to once again kindl y request your personal interventi on to find a
solution for putt ing to an end the notori ously imm oral contract with Monaco Telecom.
Recentl y we have recei ved an interpretation of the UN MIK ' s Legal Ad visor about the
expir y date the contract with Monac o Telecom . Basicall y the Legal Adviso r is of the
opinion that the termination date of the contract is to be determined by a Co-ordination
Committee consisting of two representatives of eac h contr actu al party, by cons ensus
(!!! !).
Sir, PTK has no possibilit y to deal with this kind of contract. I respectfull y submit that
the solution is entirely in your hand s. And it is not complicated. All you nee d to do , Sir, is
to arrange for one of the assistants of the UN Sec retary General to sig n the attac hed letter
and send it to ITU. Th is signature can address the key issue of the intern ational acc ess
code for telecommunication services in Kosova and can save Kosova milli ons of Euro s.
Thi s so lution is based on the followin g:
(1) There is an Agreement between UN and ITU. Article XVI of thi s Agreement
give s the UN the same rights reserved for a full member ofITU. This implicitly
impli es, amo ng other s, that UN has the right to have a "country code ". If a request
is made, ITU would assign such a code to UN . The Agreement is attached for
your ready reference.
(2) Once the UN has received a "co untry code", then it can use for its needs

worldwi de.

(3) Part of that code wou ld be ass igned to "UNMIK Telecom" for as long as Kosova
is administered by UN . For examp le if the UN code is "XXX", "UNMIK
Te lecom" could be assigned the code "XXX 1", another similar operation in the
worl d "XXX 2", etc.
(4) It is imp ortant to note that we are not talking here about the country code for
Kosova, but rather for a UN country code, temporarily assigned to "UNMIK
Telecom ". We have the same arrangements UPU for the postal service under the
name of"UNMIK Post" .
Only this approach can give PTK (or " UNMIK Telecom ") the leverage it needs to
discontinue the imm oral contract with Monaco Telecom . To put it in more concrete

terms, one signature of one of the assistants of the UN Secretary General in the attached
letter can save Kosova millions of Euros.
Finally, there may be people who would wish to politicise this issue. They are wrong.
This is a purely business issue. I am sure that you share my view that more than half of
the profits from mobile communications, currently going to Monaco Telecom, would be
put to a better use in Kosova.
Accept, sir, assurances of my highest considerations.

Bedri Rama,


Director of Telecormunications, PTK


Mr. Yoshio Utsumi

Secretary General
International Telecommunications Union
Place des Nation

From: (name of the one of the Assistants of the UN SG)


Subject: Request for the assignment of a country code to the UN system

Dear Mr. Utsumi,

With reference to the Article XVI of the Agreement between the United Nations and
ITU, I wish to request assignment of a "country code" to be used by the UN system, for
international access. The code will be assigned by the UN Secretary General to various
operations under the mandate of United Nations, and will be used strictly in accordance
with LTU rules and regulations.
Thank you for your collaboration in this matter.
Yours sincerely,

(N arne and signature)

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