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Conhecendo a Bain um pouco melhor

Nosso processo de seleo
Como funciona o teste GMAT?
As entrevistas de caso


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 1

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

H dois grandes grupos de questes no GMAT

Prova da Bain
Problem solving

Testa capacidade de resoluo de problemas

matemticos envolvendo geometria elementar,
lgebra bsica e aritmtica (i.e mais fcil que o
vestibular da 1 etapa da UFMG)

Data sufficiency

Testa capacidade lgica de raciocnio do candidato,

que deve analisar dois argumentos apresentados e
avaliar se eles so suficientes para responder a uma
pergunta determinada


Testa capacidade de analisar argumentos e identificar

hipteses que possam suport-los ou derrub-los


Testa capacidade de identificao de formas

corretas/mais adequadas de acordo com ingls formal


Testa capacidade de interpretao de textos e

inferncias/concluses do candidato a partir dos


Verbal skills


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 2

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

H dois grandes grupos de questes no GMAT

Prova da Bain
Problem solving

Testa capacidade de resoluo de problemas

matemticos envolvendo geometria elementar,
lgebra bsica e aritmtica (i.e mais fcil que o
vestibular da 1 etapa da UFMG)

Data sufficiency

Testa capacidade lgica de raciocnio do candidato,

que deve analisar dois argumentos apresentados e
avaliar se eles so suficientes para responder a uma
pergunta determinada


Testa capacidade de analisar argumentos e identificar

hipteses que possam suport-los ou derrub-los


Testa capacidade de identificao de formas

corretas/mais adequadas de acordo com ingls formal


Testa capacidade de interpretao de textos e

inferncias/concluses do candidato a partir dos


Verbal skills


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 3

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Problem solving: Exemplo 1

A certain culture of bacteria quadruples every hour. If a
container with these bacteria was half full at 10:00 a.m., at
what time was it one-eighth
eighth full?
(A) 9:00 a.m.
(B) 7:00 a.m.
(C) 6:00 a.m.
(D) 4:00 a.m.
(E) 2:00 a.m.


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 4

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Problem solving: Exemplo 2

Lucy invested $10,000 in a new mutual fund account exactly
three years ago. The value of the account increased by 10
percent during the first year, increased by 5 percent during
the second year, and decreased by 10 percent during the
third year. What is the value of the account today?
(A) $10,350
(B) $10,395
(C) $10,500
(D) $11,500
(E) $12,705

Achou fcil, n? Mas lembre que

voc ter uma mdia de 1,5 min
por questo


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 5

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

H dois grandes grupos de questes no GMAT

Prova da Bain
Problem solving

Testa capacidade de resoluo de problemas

matemticos envolvendo geometria elementar,
lgebra bsica e aritmtica (i.e mais fcil que o
vestibular da 1 etapa da UFMG)

Data sufficiency

Testa capacidade lgica de raciocnio do candidato,

que deve analisar dois argumentos apresentados e
avaliar se eles so suficientes para responder a uma
pergunta determinada


Testa capacidade de analisar argumentos e identificar

hipteses que possam suport-los ou derrub-los


Testa capacidade de identificao de formas

corretas/mais adequadas de acordo com ingls formal


Testa capacidade de interpretao de textos e

inferncias/concluses do candidato a partir dos


Verbal skills


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 6

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Data sufficiency costuma ser vista como parte

de maior dificuldade pelos candidatos
As instrues e a dinmica so sempre iguais, estude para no
perder tempo durante a prova

O enunciado do problema sempre ser em forma de pergunta, que

nunca pode ser respondida sem informaes adicionais

Abaixo, havero duas opes marcadas com (1) e (2), com

informaes adicionais

Voc precisar responder se:

-A informao 1 isoladamente suficiente para responder a questo, mas a
2 isoladamente no

-A informao 2 isoladamente suficiente para responder a questo, mas a

1 isoladamente no

-Ambas informaes so necessrias para responder a questo

-Qualquer uma das informaes adicionais suficiente para responder a

-No possvel responder a questo, mesmo com as informaes adicionais


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 7

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Data sufficiency: Exemplo 1

If a rope is cut into three pieces of unequal length, what
is the length of the shortest of these pieces of rope?
(1) The combined length of the longer two pieces of rope
is 12 meters.
(2) The combined length of the shorter two pieces of rope
is 11 meters.
Choose the options based on the following instructions
(A) If statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 2
alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 1
alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are needed to answer the question, but neither
statement alone is sufficient.
(D) If either statement by itself is sufficient to answer the question.
(E) If not enough facts are given to answer the question.


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 8

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Para facilitar, tente seguir trs passos durante a

A afirmao 1 , isoladamente, suficiente para responder a pergunta?
A afirmao 2 , isoladamente, suficiente para responder a pergunta?
O conjunto das afirmaes suficiente para responder a pergunta?

n Questo a analisar


x Opo correta






Palestra IME - 1sem2011 9

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Data sufficiency: Exemplo 2

k2 + k 6 > 0?
(1) k<1
(2) k>-1
Choose the options based on the following instructions
(A) If statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 2
alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 1
alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are needed to answer the question, but neither
statement alone is sufficient.
(D) If either statement by itself is sufficient to answer the question.
(E) If not enough facts are given to answer the question.


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 10

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Data sufficiency: Exemplo 3

A certain company paid bonuses of $125 to each of its executive employees and $75
to each of its nonexecutive employees. If 100 of the employees were
nonexecutives, how many were executives?
(1) The company has a total of 120 employees.
(2) The total amount that the company paid in bonuses to its employees was
Choose the options based on the following instructions
(A) If statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 2
alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 1
alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are needed to answer the question, but neither
statement alone is sufficient.
(D) If either statement by itself is sufficient to answer the question.
(E) If not enough facts are given to answer the question.


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 11

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

H dois grandes grupos de questes no GMAT

Prova da Bain
Problem solving

Testa capacidade de resoluo de problemas

matemticos envolvendo geometria elementar,
lgebra bsica e aritmtica (i.e mais fcil que o
vestibular da 1 etapa da UFMG)

Data sufficiency

Testa capacidade lgica de raciocnio do candidato,

que deve analisar dois argumentos apresentados e
avaliar se eles so suficientes para responder a uma
pergunta determinada


Testa capacidade de analisar argumentos e identificar

hipteses que possam suport-los ou derrub-los


Testa capacidade de identificao de formas

corretas/mais adequadas de acordo com ingls formal


Testa capacidade de interpretao de textos e

inferncias/concluses do candidato a partir dos


Verbal skills


Palestra IME - 1sem2011 12

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Critical reasoning: Exemplo 1

Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a millionaire, and over
half are in top management. Shouldnt you subscribe to Financial Forecaster
A reader who is neither a millionaire nor in top management would be most likely
to act in accordance with the advertisements suggestion if he or she drew which
of the following questionable conclusions invited by the advertisement?

(A) Among finance-related

related periodicals, Financial Forecaster provides the most
detailed financial information.
(B) Top managers cannot do their jobs properly without reading Financial
(C) The advertisement is placed where those who will be likely to read it are
(D) The subscribers mentioned were helped to become millionaires or join top
management by reading Financial Forecaster.
(E) Only those who will in fact become millionaires, or at least top managers, will
read the advertisement.

Palestra IME - 1sem2011 13

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

Critical reasoning: Exemplo 2

Neighboring landholders: Air pollution from the giant aluminum refinery that has
been built next to our land is killing our plants.
Company spokesperson: The refinery is not to blame, since our study shows that
the damage is due to insects and fungi.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion drawn by
the company spokesperson?

(A) The study did not measure the quantity of pollutants emitted into the
surrounding air by the aluminum refinery.
(B) The neighboring landholders have made no change in the way they take care
of their plants.
(C) Air pollution from the refinery has changed the chemical balance in the plants
environment, allowing the harmful insects and fungi to thrive.
(D) Pollutants that are invisible and odorless are emitted into the surrounding air
by the refinery.
(E) The various species of insects and fungi mentioned in the study have been
occasionally found in the locality during the past hundred years.

Palestra IME - 1sem2011 14

This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent

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