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Zonca 1

Glen Zonca
Mr. Salow
English 11
12 January 2016

Technologies affect on education

I propose a rhetorical analysis about how technology affects education. The purpose of
this proposal is to clearly lay-out the the different aspects of education that have resulted from
technology through my research. Some people argue that technology is useful for education
because of the faster broad range of access that is made available. Yet, others argue that only
distractions and off-topic inquiry results from technology.
Articles use persuasion to distinguish themselves in what they are trying to convey about
education and technology. It is important and necessary for my research to take place so that one
can be informed about the different angles technology introduces that are relevant to the world of
education. My end goal in this paper is to examine the different forms of persuasion I have
discovered from my articles so that I can group them together and then compare how they are
trying to persuade technologies effects on education.


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