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HERE shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying; where is the promise of His coming? for-since the fathers. fell asleep, all things continue a Pet. sis4 If that e0il servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth His coming, the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for Him, and in an hour that he is not aware of and shall appoint hits his portion with the hypocrites. ‘Mt, 24:48.51 SEPTEMBER 1919 THE KING’S BUSINESS ‘MOTTO: “I, the Lord, do keep it, I will water it every moment, lest ang. hurt it, I will keep it night and day. ssa, 27:3 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Rev. T.C. HORTON, Editor in Chief Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor Entered as Second-Cless Matter NoYember 17, 1910, at the Pen Office at Los Angeles, Califor é cpt fr mall spat ETT emer Sr 1108, Act of October 3, 1917 fh cirborced Ocicber 11918. ee Volume X Septeunbat, gig Number 9 Editorials: Its Settled in Héaven (795) The Soul League (796) Enemies, Not Friends (797) A Little Serap (798) Improving On God’s Plans (798) Will Rome Dominate? (799) Can In- spiration be Scientifically Proven (800) Pharaoh is But a Noise (801) Sentence Sermons (803) A New Bible For An Apostate Age, by T. C. Horton (804) What to Do With the Bible, by Dr. R. A. Torrey (807) Bible Institute Notes (812) Evangelistic Stories frém Real Experience (816) Thoughts for Unsaved People (824) Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God, by Rev. Jonathan Edwards (827) Notes On the Jews (835) Homiletical Helps (837) International Sunday School Lessons (839) Daily Devotional Home Readings, by Dr. F. W. Farr (864) Good Books (875) Claims of the Critics, by Dr. L. W. Munhall (877) A Word Confidential (880) Our Fund for Sending This Magazine Free to Missionaries and Worthy Christian Workers, is Low. Would You Like to Invest? Whep/ sending subscriptions, address correspondence to Fee ane Fee ete inatitate of Tos Angeles Sab bee South Hope Street... Checks may be made payable to Bible « Institute of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to individuals connected with the Bible Institute. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE— In the United States and Its Possessions and Mexico, and points ii Central American Postal Union, $1.00 per year. In all other foreign countries, including Canad (sc. ad.) Single copies 10 cents. ‘See expiration date on the wrapper, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hove Street - - Los Angeles, Colifornie >a re weucum ee e s at home or till large a life investment in a ai equipped for service GRADUATING CLASS, 1919 a worth-while investment? YOU can have Do you not think these eighty-two splendid young men and women, thoroughly them, are as the Lord shall | class next year. Write abroad, M.S NT A IT’S SETTLED in Heaven There has never been any let-up in the attacks upon the Bible from the time the devil said to Eve, ‘‘Yea, hath God said?’’, and every attack upon its verity has been of the Devil. Satan has had and used all kinds of agents during the centuries, but He has never worked a more dangerous or dastardly scheme than the one he is putting over now. He has entrenched himself inside the professing church, and with subtilty sows the seed of sedition among the saints. The great majority of the people in the church know but little, if anything, about the text of the Scriptures. Most of the sermons preached are textual, and while the matter of the sermon may be as good as any lecture or literary production, there is nothing of exposition of the Word of God; no arraying of the great truths by which and through which only can be produecd strong, virile Christian life. The text is often but a mild sop to the people, and is used for the propaganda of any fad or fancy desired. What. the preacher says is taken to be the teaching of the Bible. Israel suffered because the shepherds failed to feed the sheep, and false shepherds— wolves in sheep’s clothing—did the devil’s work among the people. We need have no fear concerning the Werd of God, for it is written: “Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven.”’ The minds of the people may be unsettled by the wily, wicked agents of Satan, but not a jot or tittle shall pass until all shall be fulfilled. We are not afraid for the Word of God, but we could earnestly desire that God’s people everywhere would give themselves to reading and studying the Bible for themselves. A man or woman with the Bible in hand, with some knowledge of its teaching, is always a terror to these plausible, pitiful pulpitteers who, when confronted witha passage of Scripture hem and-haw-and-stutter and-inwardly-eurse the teachers who are teaching the Word and arming the people with a ‘‘Thus saith the Lord,”’ An evangelist was recently preaching upon the theme of Christ’s visible and personal return, and quoted the text: ‘His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives.’” On the following Sunday the pastor of one of the local churehes made light of the statement as an absurd teaching. A business man, calling on a business matter in one of the homes, was questioned by a good woman of the pastor’s ehureh concerning this statement, whereupon the’ business man took her Bible and opening to Zech. 14:4 asked her to read it. The good woman said, ‘‘Is that in the Bible? I didn’t know that was in the Bible.’’ Of course, how would she know! Is it not the business of the chureh to teach the Word? And if the people are not instructed, do they not become an easy prey to the Devil’s agents in the pulpit and school? We know that the Word of God cannot 796 THE KING'S BUSINESS be broken, but the hearts of the people can be broken, and are being broken and their lives despoiled, from lack of knowledge. We appeal to every reader of this magazine: Give yourself to the study of the Word; be ready at all times, and in all places, to give a reason for your hope. Do everything within your power; get a little band of people together for the study of God’s precious Word. We will be glad to help you in any way within our power, and to suggest some simple, practical outlines for you to use—T. C, H. THE “SOUL LEAGUE” “With the League of Nations in working order and the leavening processes now going on as a result of the war service it is predicted that the next three years will bring a League of Churches—a Federation of Faiths—so near as to pass for an actual accomplishment. Of course, it will take a long time to round up the stragglers, but it is believed there will be at least a Big Five under the tent within that time. Then there won't be much. lost motion in the work of world betterment.” The above editorial is taken from the ‘‘Los Angeles Times’’ of July 17th, and it has a nice smooth sound, and no doubt is in a measure pro- phetic. The ‘‘Times” is an ardent Republican paper, but there is no probability or possibility of its ever forming a league with its Democratic friends. in fact, it is quite pronounced in its judgment upon some Repub- lieans whom it accuses of selling out the Republican party in the last election for President. Now what would the good editor think of an alliance of Christ's people who believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, with those who deny its inspiration? Of an alliance of people who believe in the sacrificial atonement of Jesus Christ by the shedding of His blood for sinners, and those who repudiate this doctrine? Would not this editor despise such ecclesiastical juggling? Well, there is One, sitting upon the cirele of the heavens, who would. There may he, and probably will be, a Confederacy of Churehes— __but_rest_assured that there will be men and women of red blood, whose forefathers made possible this nation, who will never confederate with the deniers of God’s Word and God’s Son, and who will, if necessary, pay the price with their own blood in defense of the faith once for all delivered to the saints. That the spirit of confederacy is already in the air is evident, and the lump is being leavened all right. A British Prophetic Association, through its magazine, issues an appeal to the faithful Christians. Read and meditate upon it: “Tt would seem that there is a confederacy of evil forees marshaling under the leadership of the wise statesmen of the world, and of rulers of great ecclesias- tical bodies, who are uneonseiously working to prepare the way for the reception of the Anti-christ. People are easily turned about by leaders and tossed about by every wind of doctrine. The federation of nations, so desirable from the human standpoint, is evidently to be the condition of things when the great world-ruler, the Antichrist, comes; and the federation of all the evangelical churches, so apparently approaching the oneness for which our Lord prayed, (and would be blessed indeed if the oneness was ‘IN CHRIST’), is but preparing the Church to be deceived by the Antichrist. The ungodly that are found in our churches THE KING'S BUSINESS 797 are always pleased to follow along the popular and pleasant broadway, and refuse to be warned that it is the way to destruction. The pleasure-loving people are easily drawn into the net cast for their wayward feet. Oh, what an age of pleasure- lovers!"” —T. C. H. a £ ENEMIES, Not Friends "The Holy Ghost, speaking through the prophet Zechariah, refers to the wounds in Christ’s hands that He received in the house of His friends; and we know that when the Word was made flesh and. dwelt among men in the person of Jesus, His bitterest enemies were of His own house- hold. There are a great many persons whose names are on the church rolls today that are professedly the friends of Christ and His Word, who are really at heart His greatest enemies. Among them are some really good minds and intelligent people, who ate carried away with the scientific sound of higher criticism, and to them seemingly more merciful idea of God in the doctrines of restoration, annihilation, ete. But there are a greater number of little 2 by 4 men, who think it sounds well and looks big to ape these men. They are all persons who have never had much conception of the awfulness of sin or Christ’s atonement for it; nor do they give much weight to the literal and plain rendering of God’s Word, when it goes contrary to their views. They are really trying to make a saviour of their (imaginary) great intellects. With them it is a big MAN and little christ. We are sad but not surprised to see them. Paul in his epistle to Timothy speaks of this very thing, saying, that in the last days perilous times shall come; men shall be lovers of their own selves, boasters, SAY, OLD FELLOW , FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR FUTURE HEALTH, EAT SOMETHING STANTIAL! 798 THE KING'S BUSINESS proud, heady, highminded, will not endure sound doctrine and having itching ears. The man who does not stand squarely upon the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures, substitutional atonement and salvation by faith only, may be classed with these professed friends, but enemies of Christ—T. C. H. ge ge a x __A LITTLE SCRAP _ but Nothing to It The Christian Scientists do believe in matter after au—eaa behold how great a fire a little financial fire hath kindled! The estate of Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy is reported to have been robbed of from $25,000 to $30,000 a year by some of her followers. There has been a scrap among the trustees, so says a Boston dispatch. The poor lady, by dint of strict economy, the sale of spoons and books, and the conduct of classes in advaneed scientific word-juggling, seraped together about two and one-half millions, and now some of the naughty boys who were appointed to look after her interests after she passed over (or under) are fighting in the courts. Shame on you, naughty boys; didn’t Mother tell you that money was only an error of mortal mind and now you have gone and spoiled it all by scrapping like other people do who have never been taught that “there is no matter and God neyer created matter’’. It is enough to cause Mother Eddy to rise up from her so-called grave and come back to spank some of you directors for directing attention to this matter which does not exist. Well, never mind, boys, you know what she said—‘‘The noth- ingness of nothing is nothing’’ and maybe there is just nothing the matter with the matter after all!—T. C. H. IMPROVING on God's Plans We have noticed a recent review of Arthur W, Pink's late book, ‘The Redeemer’s Return”’, published in the Record of Christian Work, and we believe the opinion expressed by the writer concerning the whole teaching of the imminent return of Christ gives us a key to the opposition now so prevalent against this doctrine. The reviewer says: “The program as unfolded does not have the merit of attractiveness. There is too much of judgment. It has much to say of the incurable evil of the human heart which is yet to be finally demonstrated. There are rivers of blood and awful battles coming. The Christ who is to return is not the Christ of the Gospels. He is somebody else who has fallen far below standard.” : Similar thoughts were undoubtedly expressed in all the past dispensa- tions when God through His prophets gave warning that all man’s programs would be brought low in judgment. It is to be admitted that if the making of the program were left to men, it would be changed. It is true that it might be made more attractive than it seems to be from a study of the New Testament. Naturally man Kates to admit that the human heart apart from God's plan is ineurably evil and that all human schemes for world THE KING'S BUSINESS 799 betterment will at last be set aside as worthless. But is God’s program going to be changed? Will anything be gained in the end by trying to make ourselves believe all is well when God’s Word plainly says all is not well? A secular magazine, which during the war had great visions of the new world brotherhood to be born through the associations of men in the many nations fighting shoulder to shoulder for a common cause, has come to the __ following conclusion: ‘Things in this world are not perfect and they are not going to be perfect for some time to come, no matter what government or social plan is adopted.’’ They might have learned that long ago from the Scriptures. When facts are squarely faced and Bible statements con- cerning the end of the age are taken at their face value, can there be any better optimism than to believe that in the dark hours of the age, the “Morning Star’’ will arise—that an omnipotent hand will take the helm of things and solve all the humanly impossible problems of earth? In spite of the fact that the pre-millennarian is repeatedly charged by writers, like the reviewer mentioned above, with being a pessimist and a slacker, it is a matter of record that there are no more optimistic and enthusiastic workers on earth than those who hold to the ‘‘blessed hope’’. In all the history of the church, they are found to have been the people who have devoted them- selves to soul winning work in accordance with the divine program for the age as expressed by our Lord before He left the earth and as defined in Acts 15:14—‘‘the taking out of a people for His name’’, the completion of the Body of Christ. We are inclined to believe that in the end it will be shown that those who have devoted themselves to-this program were the only ones who did a work that will stand the test.—K. L. B. 96 te a & WILL Rome Again Dominate the World? Many are asking the question ‘‘ Will the Church of Rome again dominate the world?’’ Some interesting figures are before us. During the past one hundred years, in England, the subjects of Rome have inereased about half aJunillion, the protestants have inereased about 20 million. But on the other hand the machinery of Rome has greatly increased. For instance, 75 years ago in Great Britain there were only 500 Roman priests—today there are 4346 ; seventy-five years ago only 500 chapels—now 2150 churches; seventy- five years ago only 16 convents—now 836 convents and religious houses for women. In our own United States 15% of the population and 75% of the offices are filled by Catholics. In New York State 30% of the population and 90% of the offices are Catholic according to the Bulletin issued by the Sons of Washington. In the wide world over there are about 250 million disciples of the Church of Rome. It is not the figures that alarm us so much as the influence and prestige of Rome’s power over gevernments and institutions that are not Catholic. Especially is this true in the United States and Great Britain, Now that the League of Nations is binding the Latin countries and non-Latin countries together it gives Rome an authority far beyond any- thing she has had since the days of the inquisition. Senator Sherman of 800 THE KING'S BUSINESS Illinois said of this ecclesiastical power in the League of Nations: ‘*Catholic nations outnumber those of the Protestant faith, the influence of the Vatican will dominate and control the league. He said that of the original 32 members of the Le Ss are Christian nations and four are of other faith, and of the 28 Christian nations, 17 are Catholic and 11 are Protes- tant.’’ Including the other nations which are invited to join the League, Senator Sherman said, ‘* Twenty-four of the 40 votes of the Christians are __ spiritually dominated by the Vatican,”” “Although there has been separation of Chureh and State,’” he said, “the divorce of spiritual affairs of mankind from the temporal has never met with the approbation of the papal authority.’’ The visit of President Wilson to the Pope, and the statement issued from the Vatican praising the League of Nations, after the President's visit, was referred to by the Senator as having a ‘‘preconeeived purpose.” The Trium controversy, in the Senator’s opinion, showed that the Vatican was not in sympathy with the eivil government of Italy, and ‘tended to connect President Wilson with influence unfriendly to the temporal (power of Italy and inimieal to the future welfare of the United State: In ‘the light of these facts and figures well to remind ourselves of the condition of the people in any country, past or present, where Rome holds sway; from the pri ‘idden mining town to the South American countries and Europe. The following figures ought always to be kept hefore statesinen lest they put the authority again into papal hands. “Between the years 1481 and 1808 A. D. over 341,000 persons were con- demned by the Inquisition, of whom 31,912 were burned al and nearly 300,000 were tortured and condemned to severe penances. Gigantic enter- prises for the extermination of Christian confessors were from time to time undertaken by the Pope of Rome. Witness the bloody ‘ gainst the Alhigenses, described by Sismondi, and the religious against the Waldenses, narrated by Monasticr and others. . . . The fierce and blood- thirsty cruelty with which these were carried on has added to history one of its very darkest chapters.”’ The motto written over Rome down through the centuries has always been ‘Rome never changes’’. ‘‘And T.saw the woman drunken with the blood of saints. and with the blood of the martyrs —of Jesus’ is the testimony of Scriptnre—W. TE Ps CAN Inspiration be Proven Scientifically? irowing out of the article by Rev. Ivan Panin published several months ago in this magazine, a mumber of inquiries have been received. Prominent ministers were interested in the study and wrote to ask if the system of numerics as set forth in the article was authentic and if other Bible scholars had made the same discovery regarding the mysterious construction of the Bible. The discovery seems to have been made by several thorough Bible students at about the same time a comparatively few years ago. Mr. Panin seems to have made the most exhaustive study of the subject, counting back- wards and forwards many times, every Hebrew and Greek character in the THE KING'S BUSINESS 801 whole Bible. Having discovered the strange construction on the plan of sevens, he set to work to produce a translation in the English which would accurately follow this plan. The New Testament edition of *‘The Numerical Bible’’ ean be procured of the Bible Numerics Company, New Haven, Conn., and also a 200 page book by the same writer, entitled, “The Structure of the Bible’’. Not only is the verbal inspiration of the Bible demonstrated, but it is shown that many passages which critics had sought to eliminate from the Bible as having been an after-thought. and not in the original, are essential-_tothe aumerieal_plan—which would be-completely—upset avithout them, Other books in which the same plan is set forth are he Numerical Strneture of the Seriptures’’ by F. W. Grant and ‘Bible Numerics’? by Bullinger. Many short articles along this line have appeared in recent years in magazines and in tract form. One inquirer asks, ‘‘Has the numerical plan ever been disproven?” A Bible scholar who is thoroughly familiar with the subject tells us that it has not been disproven and cannot be disproven. The matter has been called to the attention of many scholars and those who have taken_ the trouble to investigate know that the Bible has this strange construction from cover to cover. However, it is not an easy matter to get Greek and Hebrew scholars of the higher eritic school to take up the subject as it involves a tremendous task. Mr. Panin himself a seholar when it comes to Bible languages. He is a Harvard man and an intimate friend of Dr. Chas. W. Eliot, former president of that college. Dr. Eliot and other prominent rationalists were challenged to refute Mr. Panin, but merely made reply that they were not interested in these arithmetical doings. While life is too short for the ordinary Bible student to attempt to go into details in following up this nat least take a great deal of comfort in the discovery and can safely rest assured that it cannot be disproven.—K. L. B. : rs PHARAOH Is but a Noise, Jer. 46:17 —Hseems-a pity that a-Gospel minister or evangelist with an-opportunity— of addressing an audienee of hundreds of people, should utterly throw it away by getting off a noisy play to the galleries and an appeal to the popular applause. There are at the present time certain tendencies that are carrying away ministers (and some evangelists) all over the country. There is a great play on such expressions as “the new chureh’’, ‘‘the new age’’, ‘the social vospel’’, ete. We are being told that now that the world has been made safe for democracy, and John Barleycorn is dead and buried, it only remains for the church to smash the tobaceo business, reform the movies and theatres, clean out the pool rooms (and possibly do away with the chewing gum habit) and Christ will be made King of Kings and Lord of Lords (prolonged applause). The Kaiser will soon be in the pit, tyranny will be a thing of the past, war is now impossible and the desert will soon be made to blossom as the rose (wild cheering). The church of the new age is to devote itself to the cleaning up of society, the educating of the 802 THE KING'S BUSINESS heathen, and it is to be a church one hundred percent American (more applause. ) Every preacher is sooner or later tempted to forget the element of durableness in his preaching. “immense”? all into a cocked hat. There is a kind of sermon that sounds today, but tomorrow God sends something along that knocks it It is ‘‘eut down and cast into the oven”’, said of some sermons, ‘‘all these things shall shortly be dissolved’’. It ean be Human nature is once more shown to be the same old kaiser and Pharaoh’s big -words- are shown-to have been nothing but noise, a mere-spasm-of momentary. excitement. There is but one way for the preacher to do business for etern’ that is to preach the Enduring Word. not be obliged to eat his words tomorrow. and He is the only preacher who will There are times when we want the trumpet and thunder—when truth needs to be crowned with adequate pomp, but let’s be sure it is the Truth according to the Word of 8 God, for the promise that kind of preaching —K. L, B, a THE FEDERATION MOVEMENT BE. A. Corey, writing in the Alliance Weekly, says some pointed things con- cerning the church federation move- ment: “The root of this proposed federation is the post-millennarian doctrine that the chureh is to convert the world and bring it into a state of righteousness and peace before Christ comes back to reign over it, and in the minds of many of its projectors there seems to be very little faith that He is coming back at all-except-in-some-dim_spiritual sense. From such a viewpoint and upon such promises it would seem to be quite rea- sonable for the church to consolidate all of its resources of men and property for a great campaign of reformation, a drive ae it shall not return unto me yoid’’ applies only to a for civic righteousness and social re- form. A federated church that expects to es- tablish righteousness and peace on earth with Satan enthroned and the Prince of Peace absent from it, is simply tangled up in mental hallucination and lost in the fog of that kind of ‘worldly wis- dom’ which is declared in I Cor. 3:19 to be ‘foolishness with God,’ The church's relation to the consummation of peace and righteousness on earth is not a mat- ter for speculative theorizing, but of clearly defined instruction.” Se Ste All Christians like all Scripture should be God-breathed. Don’t wait 'till a man puts on his wooden overcoat before you give him a kind word. FORM OF BEQUEST To Bible Institute of Los Angeles I give and bequeath to the Bible Institute o; f Los Angeles, incorpovated under the laws of the State of California, dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. SENTENCE SERMONS REMARKABLE REMARKS GATHERED FOR BUSY READERS The great _benefactors-are the great lovers and their coin is not that of material money but the wealth of the heart. Only the lips that have been purified with the flame from the holy altar of God can offer words that are pleasing unto Him. 2 There is one way of keeping heresy out; that is by being filled with the Holy Ghost. Jesus came into the world through a barn door and went out on a rugged cross for YOU. ‘The wise physician always looks at his patient’s tongue. The great Search- er of hearts has told us that by our words we shall be justified or con- demned. Many crowd to get into the church, but make no room for the sermon to get into them. Some people can talk Christianity by the yard, but they cannot walk it by the inch, Refuse the burden and thou declin- est the strength. How foolish,O heart of mine, to avoid and evade the cross. Many lustily sing “Crown Him Lord of All” while they do not recognize His rights on a single square foot of the soil of their inheritance. ‘The first essential in all moral refor- mation is to call sin “sin”. It requires a better ear to detect the voice of God amid our joys than amid our sorrows. Unconfessed sin breeds in its lurking place and multiplies its hateful off- spring. God will never alter His terms to please you. Every command has a promise for its kernel. There is no difference in_quality_be- tween sins of omission and sins of com- mission; either is fatal. The prayer closets of God's people are where the roots of the church grow. The silence of the tongue is often- times the eloquence of the heart. Knock down a hypocrite in the chureh and you'll upset a dozen outsid- ers who are leaning against him, Few people have a lower opinion of themselves than they deserve. The humblest individual exerts some influence, either for good or evil, upon others. God's sword has been sharpening upon the revolving stone of our daily wickedness, and if we will not repent, it will speedily cut us in pieces. Lies are the covert of the coward and weakling. To have suffered much is like know- ing many languages—it gives the sut- ferer access to so many more people. A perverse tongue is never allied with @ sanctified heart, Live the life instead of merely talking the talk. - He who learns from God and so gets the seed, will soon find wisdom within himself, growing in the garden of his soul, A week filled up with selfishness, and a Sabbath full of religious exercises, will make a good Pharisee, but a poor Christian. The boundaries of life are not the cradle and the grave. Purposes that take into consideration only that brief span are never worth while. Don't offer people sentimental con- fections or intellectual shavings. Some men are only brothers-in-law to the church. A New Bible For An Apostate Age An Examination of “The Shorter Bible” gotten out by Prof, Kent and endorsed by Y. M. C. A. and Y. W.C. A. BY RE E have it. It is called “The Shorter Bible”._ It is real short; man-made; made to order by the compilers; made, also, to fit into their opinions of what they think their readers ought to have. They have evi- dently had their instructions from some source other than the Holy Spirit who Himself is the author of the Word of God, The name of the translator is Charles Foster Kent. He is from Yale, as is also one of his aides, Charles Cut- ler Torrey, besides whom he was as- sisted by Henry A. Sherman, of the Scribner Publishing Co., Frederick Har- ris, of the Publication Department of the Y. M. G. A. and Ethel Cutler, a Religious Work Director of the Y. W. CLA. The editors in the preface modestly state that ‘if they have in any measure succeeded in doing for the present gener- tion what the earlier translators did so admirably for their own, it will be due to the generous and enthusiastic coop- eration of hundreds of scholars and lay- men who have joined in this labor of love.” ‘They also state in the pretace: “The Shorter Bible does not aim to take the place of the complete text or of the time-honored versions, but simply to single out and set in logical and as far as possible in chronological order those parts of the Bible which are of vital interest and practical value to the present age. * * * In the Bible, ac- counts of the same events or teachings are frequently repeated. The Book of T. C. HORTON Genesis alone contains between thirty and forty sueh repetitions. Seven- eighths of Mark is quoted in Matthew and three-fourths in Luke. ‘The reader is often confused by these different yer- sions of the same incidents and teach- ings. It is quite natural that Paul, even with his astounding versatility, should repeat certain teachings in his letters. About one-third of the Old Testament and about two-thirds of the New, represent what is most frequently read or used by the average Bible stu- dent. These passages contain the true heart of the Bible that has proved the inspiration of past generations and will prove in increasing measure the guide of those to come.” They do not like the chapter and verse divisions, but the dear people do. No revised version has ever taken the place of the King James’ version (al- though it was prophesied that it would do so), and we do not think that any version ever will take its place. We felt sure that there must be some special reason for this, and at once looked for the evidence, whieh we easily found. Turning to the Epistles we discovered that the second and third Epistles of John were missing, and were sure we were on the right track. Then we found that the first three verses of Revelation were omitted: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John. Who bare the record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and. cf all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep. those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.” THE KING'S BUSINESS Verses 7 and 8 are also omitted: “Behold, he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindréds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” Only 127 of the 414 verses of this book are given. ‘They print only three verses in Chap- ter 4 of 1 Timothy, and only nineteen verses of Chapter 6, containing instruc- tions from Paul regarding church life and guidance for the officials of the church, and warning against false and new-fangled teachers. Read this epistle and ask yourself WHY these verses were omitted, In 2 Timothy they give us 25 verses leaving out all of the second and third chapters, and the first three verses of Chapter 4, thus getting rid of all the warnings against false teachers and the picture of the last days. WHY? They do not think it necessary to print 1 Timothy 1:12, 13, 12 And T thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faith- ful, putting me ‘into the ministry; 18 Who was before a blasphemer, and a per- secutor, and injurious; but T obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. nor 1 Timothy 3:16, 17, and have omit- ted Titus altogether. WHY? And es- pecially why they omit Titus 2:11- 15: For the grace of God that bringeth salvation he appeared to all m aching us that Wenying ungodiiness and worldly lusts, we should live_ soberly, right- eously and. godly. in. this. present. worl Looking for that blessed hope, and rious appearing of the great G: jour Jesus Christ; ho gave himself for us that he us from all da and purify unto Peculiar people, zealous of good works, These things. speak and exhort rebuke with all authority, Let no man despise thee.” (Not even a Yale professor!) In Romans, they have omitted the 1ith to 18th verses of the third chap- ter: 11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are foucther become unprofitable; there is none that Goeth good, no, not one. . 13 Their ‘throat ig an open, sepulehre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of gps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitter- ness; 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: the glo- and our Sav 805 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes. WHY? Also, they have omitted the entire fourth chapter with the exception of the 13th verse, all of the ninth chapter, all of the eleventh chapter excepting the last five verses, and 16:24-27, an allu- sion to the mystery of the church (which they also omit from Ephesians). Space will not permit of our specify- ing all the omissions which include 4023 VERSES and portions of many others. In the Gospels they omit mention of Jesus as the Lamb of God, and in the Gospel of John, twelve miracles, Lot's wife, Jonah and the whale, and the warning to “beware of false proph- ets". WHY? They omit the verse “The Scripture cannot be broken", WHY? The incident of the cursing of the fig tree is omitted, as is also the whole 24th chapter of Matthew, which con- cerns the apostacy and the tribulation. In Acts, ten miracles are omitted; also the calling of the chureh and the coming of Christ, (Aets 15:13-18): 13 And after they had held their peace, James answered, -saying, Men and brethren, hearken 14 Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name, 15 And to this agree the words of the proph- cts; ag it is written, 16 Alter this T will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is. fallen d low! and I will build again the ruins thereof, and-i will set it_up: i7 That the residue of men might seck after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is “called, saith the Lord, who docth ‘ail these, things. 18 Known Unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world, The doctrines which these eminent scholars have eliminated are, chiefly, — ‘The Inspiration and Authority of the Word of God: The Atonement: False Teachers: Miracles: The Depravity of Human Nature: The Apostacy of the Chureh: The Second Coming of Our Lord. The word “grace” is used but once. It is significant that the word “Lord” is seldom applied to Jesus. Now, these gentlemen tell us that they are giving the dear people the pas- sages which contain the true heart, of 806 the Bible, and which are of Vital inter- est and practical value to the present age. We are not questioning the right of any set of men to print portions of Scripture, but the title of this volume is deceiving. It is not the “Shorter Bible”, but extracts from the Bible; and it does not give in logical order those parts which are of the most practical value to the present age. The Bible was designed for all ages, and the omit- ted parts of the New Testament are those which are most vital for this age. The solemn warnings were designed of God for this age, and the passages con- cerning the Lord's return are the words of hope and eomfort for the church. Why leave out 1 Thess. 4:13-18. “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, ‘concerning. them which are asleep Uist ye sorrow not as others which have ‘no Vor if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the Word of the Tord that we which are alive and remaia unto {heVcaming'of Whe Lord shall not prevent them For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with shout, with the voice of the arch: angel and with the tramp of God; and the dead in Christ. shall rise frst. ‘rhea we which ave olive and semsin shall ‘be caught up together with them to mect the Lord in thelr air, and so’ shall we ever be with the Lord, Wherefore comfort one another with these words: Ts not this passage one of the sweet- est and most comforting in the New Testament for those whose loved ones in Christ have departed to be with Him? The writer has used these verses hun- dreds of times to bring solace and com- fort to mourning souls, The most blasphemous omission is the 18th and 19th verses of the 22nd chap- ter of Revelatio “Por I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add Unto him the plagues that are written in this book "And if any man shall take away words of the book of this prophe take away his part out of the book out of the holy city, are written in this This omission is so presumptuous that we marvel that even in this apos- tate age men would dare to say to the Lora Jesus Christ: “We do not care from the THE KING'S BUSINESS for your testimony; we take issue with you as to the value of the Book of Rey- elation; go on, and take away our part out of the Book of Life, and out of the Holy City!" Do these men remember that not one word of our Lord has ever been broken, and that not one jot or tit- tle shall pass-until-all-shall-be-fulfilied? Are we to understand that this is a challenge from these editors and these Christian Associations to the church of God, and a notice of their affiliation with those who tell us that the sayings of Jesus and of the apostles are no long- er of vital import to the church? If so we accept the challenge and we call upon the Most High to vindicate Hi own word and put these saeriligious audacious, presumptious critics to shame. This “Shorter Bible”,—this emaseu- lated Bible, this Higher Critie Bible, this aspostate Bible,—should be relegat- ed to the ash heap, where we trust it will die as speedy a death as it de- serves. ‘We lift our voice im warning and urge our readers to use all possible means to meet this new Satanic effort of the enemy, more subtle than any other yet propagated, by which they hope to lead astray from the truth of God our young people. The Pocket Testament. League We have had the pleasure of putting into circulation during the last few weeks, in Los Angeles, 25,000 real New Testaments, and we plead with our readers to see that every boy and girl and young man and woman has a New ‘Testament to carry with them, and read a chapter every day. We shall be glad to send to any address a leaflet showing how this can be done, and how it will bring to pass a real revival in any chureh in whieh it is properly handled. ie a Will you help the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to take the Gospel to the people? What To Do With The Bible Baccalaureate Sermon Del ered to Bible Institute Class of roto, in which They were Told to Believe, Study, Preach, Teach and Live the Word of God. — BY-DR.R.A.TORREY, Deon Text: 2 Tim. 3:1, and 12-17: “But know this, that in the Jast days griev- ous times shall come... . Yea, and all that would live godly in Christ Jesus’ shall. suffer persecution, But evil men and imposters shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and. being de- ceived, But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a babe thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee unto salvation through faith which isin Chris Jesus. Every scripture is imspired of God and ig profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correc- vm, for instruction which is in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.” AUL tells Timothy of the difficult times that are coming, times of great peril and testing. He tells him of the certainty of per- secution for those who are faithful to Jesus Christ, then he tells of the great increase of evil men and of subtle error- ists, both deceived themselves and de- ceiving others. It is an exceedingly dark picture, and one to fill one with apprehension and dismay were Paul to stop here; But Paul does not stop here. He goes on to say in substance, “But, ‘Timothy, even with these exceedingly dark days ahead, there is nothing to be airaid of, there is a path of perfect safe- ty though perils lie on every side. ‘That path of safety is found in the Holy Scriptures inspired of God (God breathed), and in the right use of them. However many and however subtle false teachers may be, the Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salva- tion through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Furthermore, Timothy, you can put perfect confidence in these Serip- tures, for they are God-breathed, and are profitable for every needed use, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, and through the study of these, no matter how the night darkens and the perils increase, the man of God will be com- plete, provided completely unto every good work.” We are living in the days that Paul so accurately pictured beforehand. The evil men, the spiritual jugglers and im- postors are increasing at an appalling rate, and they are becoming more and more cunningly and more and more shamelessly worse and worse. You will find them wherever you go, in the coun- try as well as the city, and on the for- eign field as well as at home, How shall one who sincerely desires to serve God, and to accomplish the very best results for Him, find safety? What shall he do? Our text answers the ques- tion. You will find safety in The Book, the book of God, “the Sacred Writings,” the -writings--“inspired—of--God"—the Bible. Paul of course had the Old Tes- tament books in view when he wrote these words. It was these Timothy had “known from a babe.” But if what Paul says in these words is true of the thirty- nine books of the Old Testament, and it is, it. is certainly true of the twenty- seven books of the New Testament. The Bible, if a man use it right, will make a mén perfectly safe no matter how error abounds, and will make him thor- oughly equipped for God’s service. But how must we use this book to be safe in these times of increasing darkness and peril, and to be completely equipped 808 in a time when so many workers, even ministers and theological professors, are making an utter shipwreck of their use- fulness? This exceedingly important question is answered in the book itself, indeed it is very largely answered in my text. I. Believe the Bible, ———-First-ef-allif_we-are_to-find safety in the Bible from the multiplying errors and moral perils and other perils of the day, and if we are to have complete furnishment through the Bible for every good-"work, we must believe the Bible. The Bible exercises its unique and won- drous power in those who put unhesitat- ing and unwavering confidence in it, and in them alone! The Gospel is “The power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth” (Rom. 1:16), that is, every one who believes the Gospel, and the book in which that Gospel is set forth, the Bible, displays power unto salvation, salvation not only from the guilt and power of sin, but salvation from soul-destroying error, and salvation from uselessness or comparative uselessness, only in those who believe it, believe it absolutely. When you allow yourself to entertain doubt as to the absolute reliability of any statement in the Bible, the Bible loses its power to save you from that error which it exposes. The Unitarian understands that, and so he seeks to undermine our faith in the Gospel of John, ‘The Universalist understands. that, and so he seeks to undermine our faith in those passages which clearly set forth the doom of the impenitent. ‘The Christian Scientist understands it, and so he seeks to undermine our faith in those parts of the Bible which lay bare the folly of the many glaring false- hoods of Christian Science. The Spir- itualist and the Theosophist understand il, and so they seek to undermine our faith in these passages that lay bare the Satanic origin of those thoroughly dev- jlish creeds. Prof. Kent and his col- leagues who hate the precious doctrine THE KING'S BUSINESS of the substitutionary character of the death of Christ, and the atoning value of shed blood, and the allied doc- trines, understand it also, and so they bring out their “Shorter Bible” that calmly eliminates the passages that con- tain these doctrines, eliminates them without one particle of manuscript evi- ‘denee, without one-particie—of-textual or any other sanely critical reason for such elimination. Believe the Bible, that is the first thing to do with the Bible. Believe the whole Bible. Believe not a man-made “Shorter Bible” but a God-made full Bible. Listen to the text again, “Every Scripture is inspired of God, and is prof- itable for teaching, for reproof, for cor- rection, for instruction in righteous- ness."" The Revisers tried to tinker up that verse and make it read differently, but without a particle of reason, indeed against all reason, by changing the posi- tion of the word “is” in the verse. But even admitting the correctness of their change, even they have failed to accom- plish their object, for there can be no doubt that by “every Scripture inspired ot God", if Paul had used that phrase, he would have meant every scripture of the Old Testament. Believe the whole Bible. The proof that the whole Bible is the Word of God is unanswerable, and therefore the whole Bible is worthy of your absolute confidence, When you be- gin to doubt any part of it, look out. Doubt of that kind is a “leaven'’ that grows with surprising rapidity, until it has “leavened the whole lump.” When the destructive critics began their work, they began with portions of the Bible that did not seem so vital, but they went on and on until now they do not hesitate to discredit everything that is most fundamental, yes, to discredit the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself, and not only to discredit the teaching, but the conduct ef our glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself, And they do not hesitate to demand ‘that we ac- cept their authority and inerraney in- THE KING'S BUSINESS stead of the authority and inerrancy of Jesus Christ. Twenty-five years or so ago I was talking with a good man and a sound man, but not a very clear and far-seeing thinker, about the destruetive criticism as_it-stood then. He said, in talking of some of the more mildly destructive theories, ““Phey-tell-me it-does-not-touch any vital point any way, and what dif- ference does it make whether Isaiah wrote the later chapters of the book, or whether some one else wrote them?” I told him that this was only the enter- ing wedge. I urged him to look to where it would lead and where it would end. It has led to, and ended where, I then pre- dicted it would, Any smallest insect of destructive criticism is like the little borer ant which gets into the underpin- ning of Hawaiian houses, and bores and bores away unseen, until suddenly the whole house collapses. Believe the Bible, believe the whole Bible. It will prove in the ultimate outcome every time, that it is either the whole Bible or else no Bible at all. Today it is Prof. Kent as he was fifteen years or so ago, tomor- row it is Prof. Kent as he is today, next day it is @ critic who puts Bob Ingersoll all in the shade, and the next day it will be the Devil himself, laughing and jab- bering and mocking, saying, “Yea, hath God said?” TL. Study the Bible. In the second place, Study the Bible. There is in the Bible the truth that will safeguard you against every error of these times or any times, but this truth, though it is there, will not safe- guard you unless you see it and know it, and you will not see it and know it unless you study long and earnestly the book in which it is found. ‘The Bible has no hoeus-pocus power. It has power only by the truth it eon- tains. And to see that truth and feel its power, you must study, study, study the Bible. You have been studying it very hard for two long years, and many of 809 you had studied it very hard for years before you came here. Do you think you know all there is in it? Ah me, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest thinker of his time along the lines of natural science, was once congratulated by a friend on the wide extent of his knowl- edge. But Sir Isaac Newton humbly and wisely-replied, “I-am-only-a-child_walk- ing on the sea shore, picking up a peb- ble here and a shell there, and the great occan of truth lies unexplored before me." Every wise student of the Bible would say the same thing, “I am only a child, walking on the sea shore, pick- ing up a pebble here and a shell there, but the great ocean of God's infinite truth lies before me in this book.” I have studied that book every day for fifty years, 18,263 days. There has not been a single day in fifty years, 18,263 days in all, that I have not read several chapters in that book. For forty-four years I have studied it in English, Hebrew and Greek. Do I know it all? No, no, no, I am still digging, digging, digging. A few suggestions as to how to study it. 1. First of all, Study it daily. There isa deeper significance than most of us see in the words in Acts 17:11, “Now these were more honorable than those in Thessalonica, in that they received_ the Word with all-readiness~of-mind; examining the scriptures daily, whether these things were so.” Never let a day pass without digging into that book. I have read the whole book through I do not know how many times. I have read the New Testament through in Greek many, many times. I have committed whole chapters and whole books to memory, have hid it in my heart; never- theless, not a day would I dare let pass that I did not dig into it again, not one single day. If you could arrange, and you can arrange if you determine to, to give a solid hour every day to Bible study, it would be well. 810 2. In the second place, let me say, Study hard. Many do what they call Bible study, but it is only lolling over the Bible, wool gathering, instead of gathering the nuggets of gold for which one must dig, dig, dig. Oh, give your whole mind and heart to your Bible study. When you do study, concentrate —on_that-one thing.—Roll up_the sleeves of your intellect and pitch in. Let me give you a passage of Scripture for that. You will find it in Proy, 2:1-5: “My son, if thou wilt receive my words, And lay up my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou cry after discernment, and lift up thy voice for understanding; If thou seek her as silver, And search for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand. the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.” %. In the third place, Follow the best method or methods of Bible study that you have learned at the Bible Th tute, or discover better methods and fol- low them. My own opinion as to the best method for studying the Bible, is that it is the method of close, analytical study of book by book. I do not mean that you shall study the Bible in no other way, but I do mean that I would put more time into this method of study than into any other. sti- 4>—Do-Eneed to add; Study it prayer= ? I fear I do need to add it; for even active work for Christ often erowds out prayer. The key to the Bible study that really illumines the soul and safe- guards us against error, and completely furnishes us unto every good work, is found in Ps. 119:18: “Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” Thousands and tens of thousands of men, hard Bible students, deeply versed many of them in the original languages in which the Bible was written, miss the real meaning of the Word of God be- cause they come to the study of the book THE KING'S BUSINESS without the illumination of the Holy Spirit that is found in answer to in- tense, believing prayer. Ill. Preach and Teach the Bible, In the third place, preach and teach the Bible. The Bible completely tur- nishes the man of God unto every good work because “it is profitable for doc- trine, for_reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” This, therefore, is the one thing you must teach and preach, if the people to whom you minister are to get the teaching, reproof, correction, and instruetion in righteousness which they sorely need. Teach and preach the Bible in public and from house to house (Acts 20:20), to crowds and to individuals, and teach and preach nothing but the Bible. There is nothing else as good as the Bible to teach and preach. It “is the sword of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17), and as David said of the sword of Goliath, “There is none like it” (1 Sam. 21:9). I received a letter last Monday from a Methodist pastor who is forty-five years of age. In that letter he asked me if I thought he better take up the study of the History of Philosophy, as some of his friends were advising him to do. Listen, compared with the incompara- ble Word of God, Philosophy is Fool- osophy 1. No other teaching and preaching draws like the teaching and preaching of the Word. Why have we built up in the brief history of this great congrega- tion that gathers every Lord’s Day in this place? ‘The answer is plain, be- cause we have taught and preached nothing but the Bible. The Bible is what people are hungry for, and when they find where they can get it they will flock there as bees will crowd where there is honey. Why the vast crowds that gathered in London when we were there? The day we began our five months’ campaign in London, the first two months in the Royal Albert Hall, that seated 10,000 people and accom- modated 2000 more in the dome, and THE KING'S BUSINESS where we had two meetings a day, after- noon and evening for two straight months, I went around that opening morning to the Royal Albert Hall to look the building over, the meeting was to begin that night at half past seven o'clock, at 11 o’elock in the morning when I reached the place, the people had already begun to gather, and when ~ the meeting was opened at night the place was packed to its utmost capacity and thousands turned away, and that went on for two straight months. One of the London papers commenting on the meetings said, “What a pity that Dr. Torrey wastes his magnificent abil- ities in preaching this worn-out theol- ogy of the past.” As to this I would say, that I do not take much stock in the “magnificent abilities”, but I would like to ask, if I had preached anything but the Bible what kind of a crowd would T have had, and how long would it have held together? It was because I preached and taught the Bible and noth- ing but the Bible that those crowds gathered through all those weeks and months. ‘The men who are drawing and hold- ing the crowds today, especially the crowds of men, are the men who are preaching and teaching the Bible. Be not deceived, the men who are firing off all Kinds of pulpit pyrotechnics may get a great deal of notice in the papers, but you go to the places where they — preach day after day and month after month, and you will find that the men who draw the crowds and hold the crowds continuously, are the men who believe and preach the Bible. 2. But not only does the Bible teaching and preaching draw as no other preaching and teaching, far more important than that, nothing else blesses like Bible teaching and preach- ing. The Bible is, as God says it is, “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous- ness”. You may interest people with all Shakespeare, and Tennyson and Brown- ing and Tagore, and the rest, but with the Bible you will feed the starving, build up the young converts, reprove, correct, and instruct in righteousness all who need it, save the perishing, com- fort the sorrowing, gladden the sad, cheer the despairing, hearten the sol- diers who are growing weary in the fight, and "be completely furnished unto every good work.” IV. Live the Bible. ‘There is one more thing we inust do with the Bible if we are to be safe in these days of increasing darkness and peril, and if we are to be completely furnished in this time when so many are making shipwreck of their useful- ness, We must live the Bible. © young man and woman, as you go out to the work to which God has called you, be a personal incarnation of the Word of God. Preach it by your life as much as, or more than, by your lips “How can I do this", some will ask. 1. First of all, by believing and ap- propriating every promise that you dis- cover in the Word. Study the Bible for promises to believe and promises to appropriate to yourself. 2. By heeding every warning. 3. By obeying every commandment. Never say that one commandment is important and another unimportant. Everything God commands is imp: simply because He commands it. is no commandment in the Bible of such small value that you have a right to ignore it. Of course there are some commandments addressed to some and some to others, but you can always tell which are addressed to you, and when- ever you find anything that God com- mands you to do, do it at once, and thus make God’s commandments a part of your own life, “Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (Jas. 5:22,) 4. One more thing as to the way to live the Bible, that is by watching for 812 THE KING'S BUSINESS the fulfillment of its predictions, espe-. carry out in your daily conduct what I cially by watching for the fulfillment of —have said today, our highest hopes will its wonderfully precious predictions that be more than realized. the day is hastening on when our Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven and xB take the reins of government and set straight all the things that man by his COMFORT OF SPIRITUALISM government has made wrong. Writing to the editor of an exchange, Mr. D. Fraser says: “Some days ago I ‘Conclusion. stood by the grave of a loved one re- cently buried. With power and sweet- est comfort the words of our blessed Redeemer came to me: ‘I am the résur- rection and the life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” I thought of the body we had laid in that grave as that sown in cor- ruption which shall rise in incorruption; that sown in weakness which shall rise in power, ete, and the message, sent direct from heaven to my soul, bore with it a sense of comfort and peace which nothing short of God’s Word could afford. “Will any Spiritualist point out to me wherein the inane recorded messages sent from supposed spirits in the other world can even faintly compare with the glorious message I have already quoted—my Saviour's own assurance of resurrection and immortality? I feel it is sacrilege to ask anyone who dabbles in Spiritualism to compare the results of his or her trafficking with the powers of darkness with the influence of God's previous” Word—ot—Truth; -but~-sadly enough the occasion for so doing has arisen in the Christian land of ours!” Young men and young women of the graduating class of 1919, let these words that I have spoken to you today sink deep into your hearts. Never for- get them. You have finished your course at the Bible Institute, day after tomor~ row you will receive your diplomas, but you have not finished your education, and you are just beginning your life work. For two years I have faced you morning after morning in the lecture room. I was interested in you the first time that you appeared in the lecture room, and as I looked over the new faces, I wondered what would be your history here at the Institute, and what would be your history when you left the Institute, and now you are leaving. This is the largest class that has ever left the Institute at any one time, and among vou are some of the most gifted men and gifted women who have ever been within these walls, and some of you who have been the most obseure and_seemed the Jeast_gifted, the God who delights to use the weak things to confound the mighty will very likely use beyond some whom we have re- garded as the most talented. Some of se Me you have already arranged to go to the a four corners of the earth to preach that oo Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has HERETIC RARTHOUARE: brought such unutterable blessing into A circular announeing a grand bazaar your own lives. You go forth with the for the rebuilding of the Catholic interest, love and prayers of the Fae- Church at Bayamon, Porto Rico, after ulty, I have a deeper personal interest describing the various attractions— in you than most of you, probably any masses, balls and much else—declares of you, realize. My hopes for you are that the destruction of the church was high. If you will lay to heart the mes- due to an heretic earthquake at the sage which I have given you today, and end of last year. reeenvedtte re rae i TE aE BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students TEESE ATCT TTT A great Bible Conference is being ar- ranged to be held at the Bible Institute auditorium the latter half of the month of September. “Among the speakers who are expected to be present are Dr. A. C. Dixon, late pastor of Metropolitan Tab- ernacle, London, and now of the Bible Institute faculty; Dr. J. ©. Massee of Dayton, ©.; Dr. Chas. Blanchard, pres- ident of Wheaton College; Dr. W. B. Riley, dean of Northwestern Bible In- stitute, Minneapolis; Dr. Mark Matth- ews of Seattle, Wash., and others. The musie will be in charge of A. W. Mc- Kee, Panl Rader's noted soloist, and his associate, Lanse Latham, will be the pianist Write to Rev. T, C. Horton, superin- tendent of Bible Institute, for informa- tion about the program and accommo- dations, and make early arrangements. A quartette of young men, students of the Bible Institute, are doing excel- lent work this summer in holding short campaigns’ for young people in Pacific Coast towns. They are emphasizing es- pecially salvation and service and are presenting the work of the Bible Insti- tute. The Pocket Testament League work is also being pressed with splen- did results. The young men are Edgar Williamson, first’ tenor; Hugh An- drews, second tenor; A. N, Willems, first bass, and Peter Kitzen, second bass. Rev. Vernon Morgan accompanies-them as the preacher of the party. ‘They re- port conversions daily and are bringing many young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord's service. ‘The Commencement exercises of the Bible Institute were held June 22-24, The Baccalaureate sermon which ap- pears in this issue was preached by Dr. ‘Torrey, Sunday, June 22. Monday aft- ernoon and evening occurred the Alumni home-coming at which there was a large representation. Tuesday, June 24, fol- lowing the annual students’ banquet, the elass exercises were held. ‘The final ‘exercises of the graduating class took place Tuesday evening, Dr. W: H. Grif- fith-Thomas giving the address. The picture of the graduating class will be found in the front of this magazine. A brief summary of the work done by both Evangelistic-departments.and_stu- dent body for the year 1918, is as fol- lows: Total meetings held, 3053. Classes taught, 7672. Bibles, ‘Testa- ments and Gospels given, 11,054. Tracts distributed, 270,924. | Books _ given, 4481. Special interviews, 35,554. Pro- fessed conversions, 2529. Married, July 14, Allan 8. Pearce and Miss Pearl Woodmansee, at LaVerne, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce have ac- cepted positions with a school conducted by the Brethren Chureh, at Lost Creek, y., and have gone there to assume ir duties. Mrs. Katherine Wood- mansee, mother of Mrs. Pearce, has ac- cepted a position as matron of the same school. A subscriber in Oklahoma: writes that he has been greatly inspired by the monthly accounts given by the workers of the evangelistic departments of the Institute, and ends his letter by saying, “T have some of the Lord's money I want to invest where it will bear fruit for the Kingdom, and enclose check for $100 which I know will be used for the glory of God.” R. Scoville, 1918, who went to China with the Saunders party, writes that he is located 500 miles from a railroad on the borders of Tibet in North China and “happy in the Lord”. Out-of-ten-missionaries laboring with the American Sunday School Union in the lower Pacific Coast District, com- prising California, Arizona and Nevada, seven are from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Dr, Rush E, Crissman, superintendent, writes in particular at this time of the work of Arthur F. Witt, 1916. Mr. Witt, soon after his graduation, was installed at Red Bluff, Calif, where he had a territory larger than ancient Palestine, all to himself. Mr. Witt found that three-fourths of his field was not cared for by any Christian organization. In the short space of 18 months, he had organized 43 Sunday Schools, visited and aided 65 schools, traveled 8082 miles, visited 1144 homes, brought 130 to Christ and had given out much Gospel literature. When the 814 United States entered the war Mr. Witt responded to the call to arms, and in an intense battle in France was wounded After months in the hospitals Mr. Witt was returned home and after his m riage (o Miss Myrl Hess, he was 3 located in Ss. cerville, Cal was taken by B. 1. student. Joel Soderburg, a Aba, Congo Belge, nday School work at Pla- Mr. Witt's former field Richard C. Hart, another student at Afviea, writes that, although in poor health, he has been for several months in sole charge of the sion station where he is, He adds that he started taking The King’s Busi- ness with its first number in 1910 and has never missed a number, taking (he entire set with him to af A friend has just informed as of the joyous conversion of four persons as the result of his leaving at their several copies of The King's Business, Their hearts were reached by the ele: salvation messages contained in the es, and several Bible questions being raised in their minds as the re- sult of what they read, they asked him to call and explain their ditticulties, after which he found they were in readin to xecept Christ as a personal Do you pass on your copies o ing’s Business? Do it by and ask God to bless. all means THE KING’ BUSINESS ©. J. Kirk, 1919, of Bellota, Calif., is leaving for Aba, Congo Belge, Africa, as a missionary’ under the Africa In- land Mission. Miss Margaret Wyman writes, item in your June number regardin; being ut the Sanitarium as a patient was a mistake, owing to the fact that Miss Margaret Lepp, whom the item really concerned, neglected signing her mame afte tie meeps, And en in mediately below gave my name as a subscriber to The King's Busi M. Knudsen, one of the Club boys with the A.B. F writes of interestin heard in his travels, shermen in Siberia, sermons he hax “Once L heard 2 preacher mention Jonah and the whale,” he says, Whether the story is true or not, does not matter," contin- ued the preacher, “but we want to draw a lesson, Jonah had a great big yellow streak up his back and was beating duty and had to suffer for it. This is the principal lesson to be drawn from the book A subscriber has called to show us a 1 concerning a young man who recently died. He had formerly been a Christian Scientist but through litera: ture from the B. Land copies of The King's Business had come clearly out into the truth, The same letter also told of a man eighty years of age, who had Recent Picture of Fishermen's Club of Bible Institute THE KING'S BUSINESS willingly received copies of the mag- azine from a friend, but since has come to love its message and resulting trom the inspiration for service he has re- ceived he has organized a class ba in the hills, miles from any church and is faithfully teaching the Word. Does it pay to pass on your copies of the K. B.? Floyd Pierson writes from Dungu, Congo Belge, Africa, “I am on the farth- est trench on the line of advance of the A. I. M. toward Lake Chad and on into the Cameroun. I have made an ad- vance of 150 kilometers into the devil territory sinee I left Gangara, and now Tam on the outpost duty trying to hold the fort until more troops can come up from the rear. For 1000 miles to the west and northwest there is not a single witnéss of the cross, just beeause you and T have been so slow to answer the call. And to think that the soldiers of the colors when they were told to go over the top, went in the face of almost certain death and did it for their coun- try and their lead 1 why not we, the soldiers of the Great Leader who, has never lost a single fight” J. W. Johnston, a former student Dungu, Congo Belge, writes, “Plea pray the cvil one away from the 1 of the native evangelists. ‘The power of Satan is fearful in this land and noth- ing but. the power of Jesus is victori- ons." Martha C. Pohnert, a former student at Mi Yang Hsien, China, says, “Tam most happy in the thought that Dr. Tor- going to be in China this summer. Tt will seem so good to talk with him again.” ve EB LEAGUE OF NATIO: Dr. James M. Gray, dean of Moody Rible Institute, probably voices the posi- tion of Bible Institutes in general in what he says concerning the League of Nations issue, He says: "We have no position to maintain and we are not taking sides, for this is a political more than a religious question, but we are urging our readers to reflect, to read the covenant, to listen atten- tively and without prejudice to the cur- rent debates in the United States Sen- ate, and above all, to pray that the God of nations, who is as well the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, may 815 rule and overrule in the hearts of our political leaders so that no harm may come to onr nation and that His will may be done in the world. No matter how wise and disinterested the diplomats may be who have framed the proposed covenant of the League of Nations, the people of the United States must do some independent thinking on this sub- ject or forfeit their right to call this government a democracy. Have we not reason to urge our read- ers to make this great matter the sub- ject of their prayers? IBLE schools should be strengthened and sustained. — At the very time when most of the theological seminaries of the eountry are refusing the in- sistent demand that they declare | their faith, the faith of the Bible schools is not only formulated, but freely and fully stated on all fit oceasions. Without exception they stand for the authority of the Book; without exception they stand for the deity of Christ; without exception they teach the — sufficiency of Christ's atonement — by the shedding of His blood; without exception they believe in — His actual resurrection from the grave, in the reality of His ascen- = sion to the right hand of God, in His present priestly office as our = intercessor, and in His promised return to reign as King. 2 In all this they present a strange contrast to, the majority of our modern theological semina- - ries, a contrast so evident that one of the most widely known the- = ological seminary men on the American continent, Dr. Augustus H. Strong, has felt compelled to say: “The theological seminaries _ of almost all our denominations are becoming so infected with this grievous error (skepticism) that they are not so much organs of Christ as they are organs of Anti- christ. This accounts for the rise all over the land of Bible schools, to take the place of seminaries.” Dr. W, B. Riley, overcome no am a | Evangelistic Department ren | | SYC| INTERESTING STORIES from REAL EXPERIENCE |SYC} | AS TOLD BY BIBLE INSTITUTE WORKERS | arrineeeeeies Peee eae Pene ran a Teer eeeTe zs _____Great_ Widening of Opportunity men, worker_and inquirer, are alone, Day after day answers to prayers the sailor will ‘open up his heart”; but have come and in many instanees big if the sailor thinks the Gospel bearer problems have been solved in that ef- fective way. The work is growing and even now while you read this, a great fleet, perhaps half of the modern fleet of the United States, is on its way to this coast. While many are busy preparing to welcome the fleet, entertain the men, etc, this worker is praying that wisdom may be given him to present the Gospel to the thousands of men. In eternity only things of God which have been done amongst these men will stand. What should be the attitude of every Chris- tian in this but to realize that ours is a remarkable opportunity and responsi- bility? In speaking to a group of men one can “read” faces and tell how the mes- sage is received. Seamen, as a rule, how- ever, can hide their emotion better than any other people excepting, perhaps, the Indians. The life, where one is shut up to one’s self so much of the time, makes a sailor a better thinker and reader than a talker. To conceal one's real feeling is almost an art with the sailor and it is very refreshing in the course of conversation with a “salt” to see him shed his outer shell and “warm up” to the Gospel message. Time after time we had the privilege of having men bare their innermost secrets. Working with sailors one learns to know what their first questioning glance means, followed perhaps by jests and laughs and ridicule. They only want to find out whether or not the bearer of the message is real. If so, and both HARBOR WORK is a “professional” he will continue to jest and make fun and “shut up like a clam". Judging from many who openly talk of their life we feel that even if no real result of salvation has as yet come to pass, God is working, and will He not finish the work begun by Him- self? It was our joy to see a man in an open meeting drink in the message and then finally put up his hand to say he was ready to accept Christ aud that, right in public—an open confession which must give joy to Christ. A Chinese boy, one of many we meet, was homeward bound to his native land, He was to leave in a short time. The hour for sailing of the vessel was fast approaching, A few more minutes, and the heavy ropes or “lines” holding the vessel would be released, leaving the ship free to obey the commands of the master to sail out of port. He was look- ing back to his sojourn here, and for- ward to the future before him and he had nothing of Christ to look back to nor Christ in glory to look forward to, A stranger he was ina strange land, and no one seemed to care for his soul; yet, guided by the Holy Spirit, the worker approached this fellow and at once raised the issue of eternity. Before the ship left, after a good conversation and pointing the soul to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, yes, even the sin of a Chinese boy— this fellow accepted Christ. Work aboard ship is fascinating, Faney yourself placed all of a sudden in a Japanese home and hearing the man sitting beside you in the cabin tell you THE KING'S BUSINESS of scenes enacted many years ago in his own family in Japan. Hear him tell the story of his wife, who according to his word, was an earnest, devoted Christian woman who asked him often to go to chureh with her. In answer to your query if he was a Christian, opening his heart, he wonld tell you of his inability to—find—help—in his heathen teachings. and then in sad tones, “My wife doesn't know much of the Bible,” revealing that while she was earnest and devoted she apparently was unable to lead him to Christ or to make the way plain to him. How could he become a Christian? Is this perhaps your own story?. If so, it is your duty to know how, else you will be a stumbling block to those you ought to point to Christ. ‘Then imagine the interest of this hun- gry Chief Engineer when you open the Scriptures and ‘preach Jesus unto him". We read John 5:24 to him and he listened eagerly. We made it plain and saw him sitting there in deep thought, then jumping up, he pulled the ‘Testament out of our hand and wanted to read it himself, slowly and reaching for a red pencil, marking the passage in red, so he would know where it was. Would you not rejoice to see this man accept Christ as his Saviour and see him 0 back to his home “to tell what Jesus had done unto him.”—Oscar Zimmer- man, Supt. ae x “Great Things God Hath Wrought” We do have blessed times, being “made all things to all men in order to win some;” watching, bringing up the opportunities, praying, ploughing, water- ing and even now some reap- ing amid the deepening apostacy. Constant rubbing shoulders with all sorts and conditions of men is a great experience, for contact is opportunity and, opportu- nity is responsibility. The night com- eth when no man can work. So, breth- SHOP WORK 817 ren, pray for us so that we all may re- Joice together in that day. We were talking recently to a mining man, a keen, intelligent fellow, but all he could see was the eccentricities of some folks who professed to love our Lord. “Now look at that poor, drivel- ing kid. You've worked on his emo- tions to such a degree that he-doesn't know what he is doing.” The lad had just received the Lord Jesus as his own personal Saviour and with broken words and faltering tongue was trying to con- fess Him before the crowd. “It's a downright shame to have him act like that.” In the many experiences of the fol- lowing week we had entirely forgotten this incident, but a few nights ago at the close of the Fishermen's Club meet- ing, a quiet, clean-cut lad stood up and told how after leaving his home in the far west he had drifted out to Los An- geles, arriving just a week previous, and wandered into a place where some fel- lows were holding a Gospel meeting and how, when approached, he had received the Lord and at once had thrown away his cigarettes. He told how real Christ had become to him and the complete vietory over this especial sin contracted over five years ago and constantly in- dulged in without any let up, roiling and smoking them one quickly following another. The lad gave a ringing testi mony to the saving and keeping power of Christ and was so changed in his appearance that although we shook hands with him and he told of his hopes of entering the School to prepare him- self for Christian service, we completely failed to recognize in him our dirty, un- kempt, stammering, sobbing convert of just one week before until one of the boys assured us he was the very same lad who had incurred the indignation of the skeptic miner! With the note of praise in our hearts over this marvelous change there was also a note of real regret that we couldn't rush out and discover that sneering skeptic and point 818 exultingly to our lad and say, “See what great things God hath wrought!” Hal- lelujah! What a Saviour! — David it. x Cant, Sup’ x& Biola Hall Closes ‘The work at Biola Hall, 338 S. Spring treet, closed the middle of last month, put it is needless to Say that its influ- ence will continue until the Lord Jesus comes. Things were WORK AT accomplished there BIOLA HALL which will stand the test of ages; foun- dations were there built which will never crumble, and all because God, in - His wonderful grace, laid it upon the hearts of His people to pray, work and give, that the Word might be preached there night and day, and hundreds thereby find salvation, Looking back over the past four years, we find nothing in our experi- ence which has paid as well, or has brought the results, as has this work this past year. God was behind it; the people were behind it; and the men and women who passed up and down Spring Street and heard the Gospel as it was there proclaimed, are without excuse and will be when they stand before the Judge. We are glad to say that we are look- ing forward to opening the work in a new location,-providing God opens the way, this fall. Will you not join us in praying that He will select the right place for us and Jay it upon the hearts of His people to back up the work when- ever and wherever He shall open it? ‘This summer we hope to keep up the evangelistic effort which was begun at that location, by correspondence. The writer is looking forward to an evan- gelistic trip through the San Joaquin Valley and the Bay District, with the Fishermen’s Club Quartet. Pray with us that we may be channels through which He may be able to speak to the many with whom we will come in cor- tact—Marion H. Reynolds, Supt. THE KING'S BUSINESS “Salted Money" ‘The prophet of old said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” but this was wilful ignorance on the part of Israel. Not so in regard to those who are adherents SPANISH of the Roman Cath DEPARTMENT __olic system (for_it cannot be called a chureh ). Their ignorance is not wilful because they have no knowledge concerning the Truth of God's Word and in the per- sonal interviews with men and women we find they are unable to give a reason for their belief except to say that it is the religion they were taught by their Parents and in it they shall die, But we desire to praise God that so often after they have heard some teaching from God’s Word they become enlight- ened and gladly accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. For example one of the recent converts related the following incident: When he was think- ing of coming to the United States some years ago, his parents urged him to go to confession and in obedience to his parents he went to the priest, who in the course of his admonition told the young man that if he went to the United States he no doubt would earn plenty of money but, thinking to intimidate him, said it was salted money (an expression used among Latin Romanists intimating that it was money that would damn him). But the young man would not turn from his purpose and came in spite of parents and priest. After remaining a few years he thought he would make a visit to his parents and, still a devoted Catholic, went to confess to the same priest and said to him, “Well, I have some of that money you said was salted and I would like to pay my contribu- tion, Will you accept it?” “On, yes,” said the priest, and took it and put it in his pocket. Then he put him to do some works of penance for having gone to the United States. These works of THE KING'S BUSINESS penance they call “spiritual exercises” but in reality they are ‘corporal exer- which Paul He said he had to beat himself cises profit. till the blood flowed down his back. Why did he submit himself to such a voluntary punishment? Was it because he had knowledge? No, indeed, it was ignorance, and can you not see how the Romanists are destroyed (lost) for lack of knowledge? After relating to me the “Praise God I do not have to shed my blood any more. Christ shed His for me and carried all my sins away.” We wish you could see the joy depicted in his face. standing by and hearing his testimony then and there confessed Christ by ac- cepting Him as His Saviour. In another Camp a woman accepted Christ as her Saviour. At first her hus- band was not, interested but recently he with eight others gladly accepted Christ. As there were other women in the Camp we asked this woman why they did not come to the meeting and she said she was looked down upon and they called her a heretic and would have nothing to do with her, but, thank God, neither she nor her husband were dis- couraged and both asked for baptism. On-returning-at another time to this Camp to instruct the new converts while some were testifying to their new-found joy, three other men accepted the Lord on the spot. Thus we have a goodly number for a Bible Class which we have already organized. says are of little above he said, Another Mexican Let me beg your prayers that God would thrust out more laborers and also provide the means for such as He may call. Will any who are interested in the Spanish work communicate with Rev. T. C. Horton, and thus help us to reach some of the 150,000 Mexicans of Southern California.—Robert H. Bend- er, Supt. 819 Blessing in Personal Work ‘The past six weeks we have been do- ing considerable personal work on the outside, ing Lost Hills, Belridge, and other destitute places THE OL where the Gospel is never FIELDS heard unless we take it to them. God has greatly blessed us in personal work. To knock at the door and give out the Word affords the greatest op- portunity to learn the condition of the people and to give them God's Word, and often one can see the Holy Spirit bless the word spoken. We found a lady some time ago in making a house to house canvass who had been led to consider her condition before God through reading a little tract previously left at her house, and the Holy Spirit had led her to see her- self as a lost sinner without Christ. There in her own room with no other person present, she had wrestled with her doubts and had finally taken the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, yet she had not “peace with God". We read to her Romans 4:25: “Who was delivered for our offenses, and was: raised again for our justification.” Ephesians 2:8. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast.” Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is deathy but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” and other Sci avail. Finally we made her read Ro- mans 5:1 for herself personally and she read it slowly and prayerfully: “There- fore being justified by faith, ‘I’ have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” ‘The Holy Spirit applied the Word ana she saw that the peace Christ had made through the blood of His cross was hers’ now and forever. ‘The entrance of Thy Word giveth light.” We left her trust- ing in the never failing Word of our God.” 820 At another house we found one who had kriown the Lord, but who had through family troubles “ceased to serve Him’ and the moment we com- menced to speak the tears commenced to fall. They related a story of great sorrow and bitterness in trying to find comfort-in-the world. Before we lett that house we had a prayer meeting and the wanderers came back to the Lord and promised they would give up the worldly life they had been living and serve the Lord. Not only the parents but the two young people, son and daughter, alsa formerly professors, one a Sunday School teacher, came back to the Lord and we trust they will be faithiul, We have used the Pocket Testaments with good results. One lady from Los Angeles who had lost her husband with the “flu” listened to the Word and “signed up,” and we intend to follow up this evidence of Gad’s dealing and hope to know that she is really and truly saved. We hope next month to hold some meetings in whe Toltec School in the Kern River Fields Sunday evenings, and ask your prayers that God will bless the Word, give us an open door, and save the lost.—Frank J. Shelley, Supt. China Welcoming the Gospel Changsha, Hunan, China, June 7, 1919 Dear Friends: The reports that come in from our workers in the six parties are full of praise, they encourage us and make us grateful that God has committed this truly fruitful work to us. One thing that stands out prom- inently in the reports of the work is its abiding character. There is not merely an enthusiastic campaign in a district for a few weeks with a few converts, BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA THE KING'S BUSINESS but after the men leave, they keep in touch with the district by correspon- dence, by an occasional visit, and above all by definite, persistent, believing prayer. While in the district the indi- vidual men of the party have made per- sonal friends of certain picked in viduals in that community, they have learned all they can about the men and their families, and when they press on to a new field they keep these men on their hearts. ‘The result is, by God's Dlessing, little growing and working churches in communities which only a short time ago were wholly without the light of the Gospel. A letter from Mr. Cheng, leader of party No. 1, which has just come to hand brings this out strik- ingly. Mr. Cheng is writing about the village of Liu-Gia-Chiao, where party No. 1 was working some months ago. The mis- sionary in whose district Liu-Gia-Chiao is located had paid a visit to the little newly founded chureh and reported con- ditions to Mr. Cheng. When our men went there the place was “wholly given up to idols’. They knew absolutely nothing of the true God, but were most enthusiastic in their idolatry. They had a strong society for the promotion of worship. (‘Phat is, of course, idol wor- ship.) "This society had charge of all the heathen festivals, collected funds for all the expenses of the same, and~ other expenses connected with idola- trous practices. ‘The leading men of the village heard and believed the Gospel and became as earnest in their service of the true God as they had been in the service of idols, and so the old idol society has been put completely out of business, yes even out of existence in that community. Mr. Cheng writes: “We have had a report from Mr. S——— of Paoking ° that gives us great joy. It is regarding the work at Liu-Gia-Chiao. First, that society for the promotion of idolatry has been disbanded and put out of existence. THE KING'S BUSINESS ‘Then the new society for Bible study and prayer has followed our example in the matter of giving for the Lord’s work and every Lord’s Day they make their contributions. Thirdly, they have pre- pared a little record book in which they have entered the names of all members, so that if any member becomes cold or careless they will exhort him, and unitedly seek to help him and stir him up to fresh activity. And finally, they are full of enthusiasm in testimony in their own homes and in the homes of their neighbors, seeking to lead their own relatives, and their fellow villagers to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.” One can hardly grasp the fact that this is a description of a church in a community where the Gospel had never been preached previous to this year of grace 1919, And yet, it is a descrip- tion not merely of this one commun. but of the work now going on in many villages of Hunan, where, but for the Colportage Work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, the blessed Gospel would still be utterly unknown. May God help us to realize more and more the wonders of this work, and make us truly faithful to Him in the carrying on of the task He has committed to us During the past month we have been much encouraged also by the direct tes- timony-of--missionaries-ot various Mis- sion Boards in whose districts our men have been or are now working. A week ago the Rev, Mr. Parker, of the Chureh Missionary Society, spent a night with us as he passed through Changsha en route to his station, and it was fine to be able to talk and pray with him about the work in his district where Mr. Kang and the men of party No. 3 have been at work for the past year, and will con- tinue to work if God wills for a year or two more, for it is a vast and needy field, Mr. Parker said: ‘The character of the whole district in whieh your men have worked has been changed entirely. ‘The people have a changed attitude to 82 us and to the Gospel, we now find a welcome and a hearing everywhere. We have tried for years to start a work among the Miao (aboriginal mountain dwellers) but have not suceeeded, but your men have obtained a fine opening and have a splendid work started which we hope to push and develop.” As you read between the lines, this testimony will bring out many features of this work that we cannot stop to write about in detail, Has this letter suggested any new subjects for prayer? If so it has not been written in vain. Please pray for our six leaders, and six assistant lead- ers, Pray for the little working church at Liu-Gia-Chiao. Pray for the 47 newly baptized ones in the China Inland Mis- sion district. Pray that war conditions may soon be over so that our men may g0 freely to all parts of Hunan, Pray for our eighty workers, and the thirty- eight students of our Bible school who will be home on summer vacation when this letter reaches you. Pray for us, please, the work is most strenuous and we need your help. By all means do not fail to join with us in praise to God, and to God alone be all the glory— Frank A, Keller, Supt. Me Results of Bible Classes A young woman presented her mother for prayer several weeks in a Bible class and then had the joy of leading her to the Lord in ker own home one day. The mother testified that she had felt something working in or with her for several weeks and had been wondering about it, We can hardly realize it that right in our midst are those who know noth- ing of our Bible or that one can talk directly to God other than in set pray- ers out of a book. A young mother, brought up a Catholic, came to an even- WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN 822 ing Bible Class and for the first time heard the Bible explained so she could understand and it was so new to her that one could pray right out of their hearts instead of a prayer book. When the teacher called on her she was easily led to take Jesus as her Saviour and the —tears-ran-dewn-her-face-with_joy that she could understand and pray out of her heart. She said, “I have often wanted to but didn’t know I dare do it.” Her next thought was now, “‘I can teach the children and my husband will listen too, I am sure.” We left her holding tight the little Gospel of John in which she had seen the light that afternoon for the first time. A young business woman came as a stranger to the city seeking work. She was invited to attend a Bible Class. Lonely, and glad of anything to pass the time and give her an opportunity of meeting other young women who might become friends to her, she ac- cepted the invitation. She had never had time for the things pg God, she Knew absolutely nothing about the Bible. She heard for the first time the testimonies of what great things Jesus Christ could do in the lives of those who gave their hearts to Him. The Word of God was given her and she saw her great need of a Saviour, and accepted —Fesus-Christ. It was the close of a class where the teacher had touched on the need of a lost world and God's call to service that @ young woman came to the Bible wom- an for counsel. She was a Christian but the thought of her obligation had never come to her and she was making her own plans for her life. The Bible wom- an showed her she was a purchased possession, bought by the blood of Christ, and that His commission of “Go ye, and preach the Gospel” was not to a few but to all Christians. She caught the truths of the Scripture and thanking God that she might have some part in the great work of bringing in His King- THE KING'S BUSINESS dom, dedicated her life to His service. One day a boy came home to his mother and said, “Mother, have you a Pocket Testament you can give me? I never felt so cheap in my life as I did today. In our office the boys began a discussion on something in the Bible, and to my surprise three brought Testa- ments out of their pockets to prove the point. I was so ashamed that I could nat do the same, especially as they all know that I profess to be a Christian. Well, after today I will never be caught without my Testament. If fellows who are not Christians can carry them, surely I ought to carry one.”—Mrs. 'T. C. Horton, Supt. Campaign at San Pedro All the evangelical churches of San Pedro united for an evangelistic cam- paign under the leadership of Rev. Wm. P. Nicholson beginning May 25, With a population of NICHOLSON twenty thousand of MEETINGS which sixty-five per cent were Roman Catholic, a harder field for evangelistic work could not be found. Much time and prayer were spent in preparation, a large tent was erected in the heart of the residential district, the leading business men of the city were inter- ested, and-when-the-campaign-closed-or June 29 it was pronounced the greatest piece of work ever attempted by the Protestant churches of the city. So Powerful was the preaching of Rev, Nicholson that the great audiences time and again were trembling under convic- tion of sin. Few evangelists preach the Word of God in such power. His won- derful experiences before conversion, his magnetic personality and’ powerful delivery coupled with a remarkable grasp of the Scriptures, make him one of the greatest preachers of this coun- try. It is a great satisfaction to receive the converts of the meeting into the church, they have such a clear. knowl- THE KING'S BUSINESS edge of the finished work of Christ and their testimony is so strikingly clear. Scores of church members who were cold and indifferent have been stirred and the evangelistic spirit of the churches will continue the work begun. REY. STEWART P. MAC LENNAN, Presbyterian Pastor. THE DIVORCE RATE Los Angeles is rapidly becoming the lub of the nation with respect to di- vorce litigation, according to Superior Judge Charles 8. Crail, presiding in one of the divorce departments. Basing this statement om the latest report of the bureau of the United States census, Judge Crail added that responsibility for the conditions must be attributed to the climate of the Southland. The latest report shows that ina year there were 6910 marriages and 1319 The way Satan fools the very elect. 823 divorces in Los Angeles county, or oné divorce to every five marriages. But during the same year there were ap- proximately 2460 divorce cases filed, every one of which indicated a marriage failure, or one divorce for every three marriages. The number of divorces granted at Reno, Nev., the same year was only-440,-or one-third the number granted in Los Angeles. ge a x THE WORTH OF TRIALS Horatio Seymour, once governor of New York State said, “If I were per- mitted to live my life over again and to put into the mew life whatever I would of the old one, I would leave out some of its pleasures but not one of its trials, difficulties or hard places.” As we look back over our lives in later years we will see that some things that dragged us down to defeat, were strong wings lifting us up to victory. @ Fool trick ‘cause She wont do well | on it if she does PEELE IT TEETETSCEEEIEEOI LE | DE SIN FOR US He hath madé him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Cor. 5:21. ‘The idea of atonement is a difficulty to many. ‘They see no need for a sacri- fice. If “God is love,” if He be a Father, He can forgive upon repentance without any atonement. But God can not deal so lightly with sin. Sin is too deep, too terrible, too tragic, to be dis- missed with a word, a stroke of the pen. To make forgiveness possible, God Him- self had to suffer in the person of His Son,—sweat, pain, wounds, blood and death. To vindicate His holy law, God Himself, through His Son, gathered to His own heart the pain, sname and curse of sin—-gur shame and curse—and yore them for us, offering in our stead the sacrifice of a perfect obedience to God's haly law. Those who unite them- selves to Christ by a living faith share in the saving benefits of Christ's atoning death.—J. D. Jones. & Where No Christians Are Found A young man in Switzerland, son of a Christian mother, was expressing nim- self as “sick and tired of Christians," or hearing them or talking to them. So he decided to take the train to a lake where he could be out of their way. No sooner had the train started than two passengers began an earnest con- versation about the Bible. ‘Oh, dear!” thought the young man, “I'm not going to stay here.” As soon as the train stopped, he jumped out and got in with some old jadies. To his dismay he found that aa THOUGHTS FOR UNSAVED PEOPLE summers z PEEL Fenernenenrmrrennma ae? rere 2200 a their conversation was about the coming of the Lord—Jesus> He —was~ greatly annoyed, and on reaching the next sta tion, he could see the boat. “An, there is the boat,” said he; and on looking again, he saw, gomg on board, a number of happy young men and women. “At last,” said he, “I have found what I want.” But as soon as the steamer had started he found that it was a Christian school treat. He wandered downstairs to the saloon, where he saw the Captain sit- ting writing, “Good morning, Captain,” said the young man. “Where can I go to get rid of these cursed Christians?" The Captain, who was a worldly man, looked up with a laugh and said, “To Hell!" The answer so struck the young man that he could not forget it, and God used it, not only to nim, but to the Captain atso, and now they are bath Christians themselves, _ ee The Scoffer's Text ~~ ~ In the days of Whitefield, a man named Thorpe, one of nis most violent opponents, and three others, laid a wager as to who could best imitate and ridicule Whitefield’s . preaching. Each man was to open the Bible at random and preach a sermon from the first verse that presented itself. Thorpe's three competitors each went through the game with impious buffoonery. Then, stepping upon the table, Thorpe exclaimed, “I shall beat you all.” They gave him a Bible, and, by God's inscrutable providence, his eye fell first upon this verse: THE KING'S BUSINESS “EXCEPT YE REPENT, YE SHALL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH" (Luke 13:3) He read the words, but tne Sword of the Spirit went through his soul in a moment, and he preacned as one who scarce knew what he said. The hand of God laid hold upon him, and, intending to mock, lie could_only fear and tremble. When he descended from the table, a profound silence reigned in the com- pany, and not one word was said about the wager. 825 Thorpe instantly withdrew, and after a season of the deepest distress, passed into the full light of the Gospel, and became a preacher of the grace of God, that had met him, a sinner in Dis sins, on the way to hell, which he felt he richly deserved, and had revealed to him a Saviour, whose precious Blood could cleanse him, and make nim nt for the very glory of God that the His message work of Christ was so perfect and complete that the vilest sinner might be saved, who came to Him in repentance and faith. aM EE, net AY THING. 826 THE KING'S BUSINESS Remember his text. It 1s true for © WHERE REAL PRAYER BEGINS me: All prayer begins in the heart of “Exeept ye repent, ye shall all Ifke- God. It comes into our hearts, Every- wise perish.” thing you ever ask for He was planning But God wants to bless you, and is to give before you thought about it, calling_you to come in all your sin to. ang He put into your heart the desire Him. He can righteously save yon even 4, that thing, and the prayer spirit to — tow. _His grace fant = . a ie Y is going_out after the a4 for it, Tt all begins yonder in God's lost today. Repent them and be con- oar, qt swings down to the human verted now. The day of grace is swiftly heart, and if it have only sway there, running ‘to :1ts close, it swings back again, having done its It the Bible becomes irksome, inquire work down on the circle of this world, whether you have not been spoiling which is intersected by the circle of your appetite by sweet-meats. prayer—Selected. inn nc 21 uc fm A THE NAMELESS BOOK T is now some eighteen hundréd years since there came into the world a book under auspices modest enough. No prospectus was sent forth months ahead to announce the forthcoming sensation; no posters were urging the passer by to read the book, since every one else was reading it. It was not thrown into the lap of passengers in the railway coaches, nor were pictuwes of its author displayed in the shop windows. The Gladstones of those days wrote no lengthy reviews thereof. It was not dramatized for the stage, and was talked of neither at reception nor at club. So little stir did it make at its entrance into the world of letters that the popular dry goods seller of the day did not deem it worthy of being made a premium-for every dollar of hose disposed of. Softly, silently it came; like all that is great, like every true gift from the heavens, like the falling snow, like the rays of the sun; yea, like the voice of Him that speaketh unto the heart of man neither in the thunder nor yet in the earthquake, but in the still small voice. So softly indeed did this Book glide in that even unto this day, some eighteen centuries thereafter, no adequate name has yet been found therefor at the hands of men. As in its highest moments, the soul confesses before God that He is the Great Unspeakable, the Great Unnamable, so have men in their highest wisdom had to confess that this Book cannot be named, and it has ever since remained simply ‘‘The Book’’—The Bible. And yet this nameless Book somehow gets itself translated into every tongue, circulated in every clime; and read and studied, and lived by every age, every rank, and condition of life. —Ivan Panin. isn Re A A The Chasen People, The Land arid the Book Notes Concerning the Jews and Prophecy The signs-amid-the Jews are-of an astounding and prophetic accent. ——There—are—more—Jews- in--Palestine now than when they returned from Babylon to rebuilt Jerusalem. Zionism has passed from sentimental theory to dynamic reality. The cry is “On to Jerusalem!” “Jerusalem for the Jews!" “The Jewish State.” After nearly four centuries of treading down Jerusalem has been delivered from the Turk.. England as one of the future ten king- doms drove out the Turk and has prom- ised to use all her power to enable the Jews to set up the “State of Judah.” Where not so long ago the proposition that the Jews according to page after page of Scripture and the covenant faithfulness of God must return to their own land was either openly mocked, treated with contempt,,or at best with complacent indifference, now that idea is in every mind, every tongue is busy with it and the whole world is looking forward expectantly to the national re- turn of the Jews to their own land. The Jewish State is publicly advocated as the necessary link between the West and the Hast. Editorial writers declare it will be the harmonious political center of the world; that it will put an end to the ambition of nations to over-reach each other for the possession of Asia Minor, Palestine and Mesopotamia or Persia. Thousands of Jews have enrolled themselves in the “legion of Judah” and have already gone forth under the blue and white flag of David to fight for the- Jewish State. Five millions of dollars have been subscribed, the ground bought, surveyed and the corner-stone laid for a great Jewish university upon the mount of Olives. The purpose is to turn to the people ‘a pure language,” no- longer Yiddish and Spanish mixtures, but orig- inal Hebrew;-so-that-Jews henceforth — in their own land may speak to each other in the old Hebraic tongue. They do not realize they are moving steadily forward to fulfil the prophecy of Zeph- aniah; as it is written: “For then I will _turn to the people a pure language that (they may all call upon the name of the Lord”; a name which they have forgot- ten. and like Jacob when he returned from Padan-Aram cannot pronounce without stuttering. They are getting ready to proclaim the law and expound their own Scriptures; getting ready and all unconsciously for the fulfillment of that Scripture wherein it is said: “The law shall go forth from Sion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” And they are doing all this even as their own Seriptures foretold in a state of unbelief more marked than ever, re- pudiating the hand of the Lord in it and giving the credit to science, to philos- ophy and the nature of things.—I, M. Haldeman, D.D. Many persons use the words Hebrew and Jew interchangeably. Joseph Sil- _ yerman, pastor the Temple Emanu-El, thus gives the present Jewish feeling in regard to the matter as quoted by the Christian Advocate: “Hebrew, Israelite and Jew are used interchangeably today, and they desig- nate the same person—that is, a devotee of the Mosaic faith. Originally ‘He- brew’ was applied to Abraham and his immediate descendants, because they came from the ‘region beyond,’ which the word ‘Eber'—not of Hebron—sig- nifies. From the fact that twelve tribes descended from the twelve sons of Is- rael, the name ‘Israelite’ became more popular, than ‘Hebrew.’ Later, how- 836 ever, when the ten tribes were lost, and what was left of them, including the tribe of Benjamin, became assimilated with the tribe of Judah, that part of Palestine inhabited by Israelites became known as Judea and the people as ‘Ju- deans,’ of Which ‘Jew’ is a correct con- traction. Technically it is correct to THE KING'S BUSINESS order a “job sermon.” And so the tiresome appeals come pouring in. The church is treated as the national mes- senger boy whose mission in life is to fetch and carry for any little murtinet that an appointment or an election has temporarily given charge of a desk with the added service of a stenographer. speak of the Hebrew language, the Jew- ish people or the Jewish religion.” Thoughtful men have realized that immense preparation will be needed to get the Holy Land ready for any great influx of immigrant Jews. While there can be no doubt that returning Jews face great labors and trials, it may be hoped that the way will be prepared for a more rapid settlement of Jews in Pal- estine than the writer anticipates. Oth- erwise there will be terrible disappoint- ment to the hordes of Jews in Europe who are even now buying tickets on the instalment plan for a speedy journey to the Land of Israel so soon as peace is signed and the way opens.—Thos. Chal- mers. A NATIONAL MESSENGER BOY The North West Lutheran has the courage to say what many pastors have been thinking. ‘The surest way for a state to coerce the church into political conflict _is to infringe on its liberties. There has been a growing tendency to assume offhand that the church is an agency which stands at the beck and call of any government commission. Is there a Liberty Loan? Assign the churches their task and order them to preach a Liberty Loan sermon. Is there a War Stamp sale? Order a stamp ser- mon and give directions for organiza- tion. Is there a social evil and vice campaign? Let some clerk get out a circular letter to the greachers with directions for sermons and lectures be- fore the church organizations. How about jobs for the enlisted men return- ing from service? Nothing simpler, Tt is but natural that some churches begin to feel that they are as such an essential adjunct of government.” ae DR. SNOWDEN'S LOGIC Dr. J. H. Ralston of the Moody Bible Institute, in reviewing the recent book of Dr. Snowden on the Second Coming of Christ (or rather “against” the Sec- ond Coming of Christ) gives Dr. Snow- den a taste of his own logic. Dr. Rals- ton says: “Dr. Snowden stresses ‘logic’ and ‘tendencies’ in opposing premillennial- ism. On page 196, he says: ‘All through this book we are not dealing with the personal motives of premillennarians, much less are we imputing to them unworthy motives; but we are dealing with the logic and spirit of their sys- tem.’ It is well for Dr. Snowden to decline to deal with conerete cases of individ- uals as to the effects and results of premillennial views. His argument as a whole intimates that logically the adop- tion and practice of premillennialism would cheek, or entirely stop, the great work of giving the gospel to the world; or, probably, as he would prefer to put it, to stop the winning of the world to God. He would probably insist that he is a pragmatist, and it is to that point we would like to draw his attention. The world needs, and the church is calling for, Christian beliefs that work. The great body of evangelists are, almost to a man, premillenarians, Three-fourths of all the missionaries are pre-millenarians,” HOMILETICAL HELPS Suggestive Bible Readings PREACHING “NEW —THENGS" PREACHING OLD THINGS IN ANEW Some young preachers have a horror of stating any truth that is old. They itch to preach new things. Remember the wise man said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Much of the preaching of “new things” is tickling the hearers’ ears and not persuading the hearts. For this reason some who have a superficial knowledge of salva- tion and are not thorough Bible stu- dents feel, after preaching once or twice on Salvation, that they must have some new theme. So they turn to current events, sociology, the lives of great men (past and present). Some have learned in their seminary course the hair-split- ting views of theologians and because these are not known to many of their audience, they seem to think this Is the only soul food their flocks need. If we fed our chickens upon the advertis- ing literature of the poultry firms in- stead of the pure grain, we would soon have no chickens. Just so after a man has preached a few weeks on criticism (destructive or constructive) he has no congregation. Let the preacher who is always seeking to preach something new begin to make a systematic study of one Epistle or Book of the Bible, reading it and rereading it until he can see the arrangement of truth in it; then classify its truths concerning God, sin, man, the chureh, ete. Let him go further and analyze each verse, each phrase and each word. Let him make this a three hour study daily. It will not be six months before he has sermons in his soul just clamoring for utter- ance, But he must be careful to believe all the statements of truth revealed to him, And more important still, he OR must begin to practice them in his own life lest he arrest the revelation of —more-truth-to-his-soul—-A-sermon-after all is not the arrangement of truth in a convenient, beautiful literary form; but truth uttered from one’s own heart. The truth has made the preacher what he is, and he speaks his own being, his character, his faith, his love, his cour- age, out to his audience. No man is largeythan the truth he has actually practiced and is living daily. He may have all the adornments of culture and education but if he have no governing principles of truth in his life, he is weak, The prophets of the Old Testa- ment were men who not only knew the truth; they lived it. They spoke it without fear or favor. They died for it If you wish to know to a certainty that you are preaching the truth test ‘what you preach, or write, by your own attitude toward God. John 7:17 reads, “If any man willeth to do His will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it be of God, or whether 1 speak of myself." R. V. A heart will- ing to learn, willing to be; willing to do, shall know the truth. Again, test your _ preaching by the Bible, not by the standards of the magazines, religious papers, your church session, or the rich man in your congregation. “To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this Word, there is no light in them.” Isa. 8:20. Is what you preach taught throughout the whole Bible; and not merely some isolated passage pulled out of its context? Re- member the promise says, ‘Ye need not that any one teach you, but as His anointing teacheth you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, ye abide in Him.” 1 John 9-27. Here is surety of knowl 838 edge if you seek the Great Teacher, the Holy Spirit. Look not then for a new doctrine to preach, but proclaim the Bible in the power of the Spirit and it will always be new. Thousands will be anxious to hear you and multitudes will be refreshed by your messages. W. H. P. 6 A Trio of Consolation 1. Covered. Ps. 32:1. 2, Comforted. Ps, 23:4. 3. Crowned. Ps. 108:4. R. 8. Beal. Three Sacred Spots Gethsemane, place of suffering, Mk. 14:32. Gabatha, 19:13. Golgotha, 15:22. place of judgment, Jn. place of crucifixion, Mk. K. L. B. x Cross, My Glory Gal. 6e14 the sin problem, 1 Pet. ‘The 1, Settles 2:24 2. Settles Heb. 7:25. 3. Settles the sanctification lem, Heb. 10:14. 4, Settles the service problem, Col. 1:24, R, 8S. Beal. the salvation problem, prob- ae ‘The Old Gospel Tim, 1 Gal. ...-Eph, -Rom. 12:18 Col. 1:23 Tnov 3:16 Sel. Glorious 1:13 Peaceful... Encompassing.. Loving... Justification Free—Rom, 3:24, Tit. 8:7, 8:28. Rom. THE KING'S BUSINESS Full—Acts 13:39. Forever—Rom. §:33-39. R, 8. Beal, The Salvation Story God thought it ~Aets 15:18 Jesus bought it Bible taught i Soul sought it.. Faith brought it Spirit wrought it Devil fought it..... K. L. B. x The Friend Worth Having Prov, 18:24 (R. V.) 1, He reveals faults—Proy. Mk. 7:21-22. 2. He seeks the company of his friends—Prov. 21:10, Lk. 19:10, Mt. 14:19. 3. He constantly loves—Prov. 17: 17, Lk. 23:34. 4. He seeks to promote the inter- ests of his iriends—Prov. 27:9, Jn. 10:10, 27:6, He gave his life for his friends, Jn. 15:13. R. 8. Beal. x Love in 1 Cor. 13 Indispensable... Invincible..... Indestructible... Incomparable............ a ae ehind the Blood-Marked Door Exo. 12 Safety. Strength : Suffering with Christ (bitter herbs) v. 8 Separation (unleavened bread) Service (girded)... ; POINTS of the LESSON,-T.G; Horton: ILLUSTRATIONS = -_ W.-H. Pike INTERNATIONAL | SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS age | EXPOSITION AND PRACTICAL COMMENT - Keith L. Brooks LESSON PICTURE, GC. AKilwinki-') ELEMENTARY fabel L. Merrill \ THE KINGDOM OF GOD. SEPTEMBER 7, 1919 Golden Text: 6:33. Mat. Mat. 13:31-33, 44-50. 2 Cor. 10:3-5.) (31) Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom. of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed In his held: (32) Which “indeed is the least of all ‘seeds; but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. (33) Another par- able spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto ‘leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three mea- sures of meal, till the whole was leavened. (44) Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid ina field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buy- (Read Mat. 943 Outline— (1) The World Field. (2)-The Wheat and-the-Tares. (3) The Woman and the Leaven, (4) The Wealth of the Field. (5) The Winnowing Drag Net. There are seven parables here. The first four,—The Sower, The Wheat and Tares, The Mustard Seed and The Leaven,—were given to the multitude to show the human aspect; the three fol- lowing,—The Hid Treasure, The Pearl of Great Price and the Winnowing Drag Net,—were spoken to the disciples, and give the Divine aspect. The first two parables can be viewed together; the third and fourth also teach similar truth; the fifth and sixth “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.” LESSON TEXT 3 13:31-33, 44-50; 18:2, 3; Lu, 17:20, eth that field. (45) Again, the kin dom of heaven is like unto a mer- chant man seeking goodly pearls: (46) Whe, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it, (47) Again, the kingdom of heaven js like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gath: ered of every kind: (48) Which, when it was full, they drew to shore and sat down, and'gathered the good into ves- sels, but cast the bad away. (49) So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, (50) And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. also go together, and are seen in -con- trast; the seventh stands alone. There are contrasts and comparisons through- out them all. The lesson given us is fragmentary —a few verses taken from the chapter which should always be considered as a whole. We have endeavored to select an outliné which will enable us to cover the main teaching of these parables. It is important to understand what the word “kingdom” means, “King- dom,—the house or dominion of a king; the realm where he rules.” Wherever God sways a community, or even an individual, there is His king- dom, as every flag that floats over a sailor on the sea, and every uniform

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