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Shadow and Breeze

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Thank you
Shadow and Breeze

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Making Herbal Cuppa Tea

more interesting.
Posted by Goshawk Tree Speaker

To All those who love a Herbal Cuppa. Below are a few magickal brews to make your
herbal cuppa a different experience all togethor.
All teas need to be made with springwater.
Chines bamboo or wooden tea infusers are the best.
Crockery or stone teapots preferable.
3 Parts Rose Petals
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Nutmeg
1 Part Bay
1 Part Mugwort
Place in Teapot, fill with boiling water,let steep. Place in crockery mug or cup smell
and sip slowly.
Visualize the scent opening your psychic awareness, lie down and prophesize.

2 Parts Rose Petals
1 Part Mugwort
1 Part Peppermint
1 Part Jasmine Flowers
1/2 Part Cinnamon
Mix add one teaspoon to a cup. Pour boiling water over this and let steep, covered for a
few minutes. Drink before going to bed to promote psychic dreams.
3 Parts Rose Petal
2 Parts Yarrow
1 Part Cinnamon
Brew as per dream tea. Drink a cup before or during divination and psychic work to
enhance your psychic powers.
3 Parts Rose Petals
2 Parts Spearmint
1 Part Peppermint
1 Part Fennel (not seeds)
1 Part Lemongrass
Brew as per psychic tea. Drink a cup a day to cure all manner of health problems.
Goshawk Tree Speaker

Walking The Path

As A Public Witch
Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

I am a public Witch. The phrase means different things to different people but
generally it means I am one who has come out of the broom closet. That has come to
mean different things to me as the years have gone by.
I never was really in the broom closet. From the time I was introduced to The Craft by
way of The Tarot at age eighteen, I was very open about it. Sometimes the openness
was just for shock value. Sometimes it was just to be different. More often than not
my openness was just a part of my personality. Like a puppy, I gleefully and playfully
was just me all over the place.
Now, at the age of forty-seven (can I really be that old?) and High Priestess in my
tradition, I am still open about it, yet in very different ways. I rarely go for shock
value anymore (there are, however, those occasions when I cannot seem to help
myself) . I have been a professional Nurse for twenty plus years and have learned in
some instances the less said, the better. This learned, of course, the hard way. In many,
many areas of my life I am much more tolerant and not so quick to take offense. I
cannot attribute this to age or wisdom, as in many ways I am very immature and like it
that way. It is a by-product of the path in which I have chosen to walk. One of the
many, many gifts I receive.
I no longer feel the need to flash a Pentacle ring or necklace every chance I get. Most
jewelry associated with the Craft and my religion are worn in private or under my
clothes, close to my heart, as they should be. Yet, if I choose to wear such things in
public (or forget to take them off) I make no effort to hide them, give no explanations,
and make no apologies. My car is no longer adorned with bumper stickers proclaiming
me Witch or Happy Heathen. I didnt take them off, but simply quit feeling the need
to replace them each time I had to replace a vehicle. Yet I would not refrain from
putting one on my bumper if it caught my fancy.

These days when I find it necessary or appropriate to speak of the Divine in general
company I am as apt to say God as Goddess or The Gods. I have seen that getting
caught up in nomenclature or schematics lessons somehow the sacredness of what one
speaks of. If I am asked what Church I go to (a common question here in the South) I
tell them. I dont use flowery or holier- than -thou phrases such as Nature is my
I say I am Pagan, if need be I say I am Witch, but more than that, I say I am a person of
faith. And in some eyes I see the flash of recognition and in others I see distrust and
incomprehension. These things no longer bother me. I am not meant to crusade.
Neither am I, or my life, meant to be perfect. I can lapse in my old ways from time to
time without being lost. I can make mistakes.
These days my Pentacle hangs on the lamppost in my yard. It hangs there for protection
of my home and property as well as a nod to The Craft. It matters not who sees it and
who does not. My home is Pagan and I call it a Temple House. It is where our rituals
are mostly held. Where our classes are held.
Where I sit and work on my computer on things that are important to the Temple. It is
filled with altars which range from very simple to elaborate. Like all things, they
change as they should, and I understand one does not need the trappings of religion to
walk ones faith. The house is lived in.
It is welcoming to The Gods and Spirits I call, to my blood family and my Temple
family and to visitors who come and go. It is meant to be welcoming to visitors of all
faith and I believe for the most part it is. It is a work in progress, like the Temple itself.
Like all things which grow and change. Like me.
I returned to the place I was born and raised after a twenty-year hiatus. It is a rural area
in the Wilds of Tennessee, deep in the Bible Belt. It is a wonderful and beautiful place
and the people are wonderful and beautiful too. Yet suspicions and prejudices linger
along side traditions that smack of the Old Religion. I am known as a Witch and there
is no mistake I am the Real Thing. At first I was humored, seen as a local girl who
went Out West and got some very strange ideas.
There is often surprise when it is learned I was first introduced to the Craft in good ol
Nashville, Tennessee. But here in the Wilds, Nashville, too, is a long way and there are
many strange ideas to be found there. Maybe not as strange as Out West, but still

When the realization came that this is not a passing fad for me, and that not only did I
practice what I believed but preached what I practiced the attitudes began to change.
Family members and childhood friends, some I loved dearly and had missed for a long
time, began to avoid me. Their attempts to save my soul fell on deaf ears, and I took
offense to being prayed for in Churches that I would find my way and be saved. They
could not convert me, could not understand when I asked saved from what? or said
Im already saved.
And so I became a lost cause and to some a threat. There is no brand of persecution as
scorching as that of those we know and love. My invitations to my home were
unanswered by some. It became clear there were homes in which I was no longer
The Goddess does not demand sacrifice though at times it may seem so. I eventually
came to understand that in order to have the things I found important in my life there
were some things that by nature had to go. There is always grief, but as all things it
passes and is, if not understood, accepted.
There were those who came and went. And there are those who stayed. Rituals of one
became rituals of two and then three and then as many as fifteen at any given time.
Others want card readings or advice or a little magick to help out a situation.
Sometimes they are open about it and do not care who knows or what is thought of
their association with me.
Sometimes they come on the sly. I have learned to recognize those who come for a
reason, such as the Goddess may have, and those who want what I can give and firmly
believe me to be going to a Christian hell.
There are those who do not care what becomes of me, but care about what it is I can do.
Sometimes I still grow angry, usually out of hurt from the fall of one who I may have at
some point respected. Mostly I do what I feel to be right and it has become very easy.
Inevitably the question will come from somewhere: How did you get into that? that, of
course, being Paganism or Witchcraft and sometimes thinly veiled in league with The
Devil. I no longer feel the need to explain how Christianity never felt right for me,
implying of course I was somehow superior to that particular belief.
These days I usually shrug and say Like anyone of faith, I was called to it. This leaves
little to argue about.

In my tradition today we celebrate Lenaia at the time of Imbolc, yet like so many
things, the lines are blurred and the messages are the same. This Imbolc season I find
myself taking stock and reflecting on many things about my life and the Path I walk.
They, this life and this path, have somewhere along the line become one and the same.
Perhaps it is the knowledge of having achieved this very thing, without setting out to
do so or even hoping that I could, which is causing me to reflect. Perhaps it is my age,
and the realization that, though I am not so old, I have most certainly lived longer in
this life than I am going to live. It could be the weathering of so many changes over the
last several years, some devastating enough to make me question my faith. Having
come to terms with myself I have accepted many things I thought I could not. I can do
this; accept these things, because at some point I began to trust that my Gods know
what they are doing.
In January of 2001, I performed a solitary ritual outside in the yard at the old house my
brother and I shared, divorced siblings clinging together in the changes of life. This
was many years after I had picked up my first Tarot deck and felt the power of
Otherworlds and the promise of mysteries revealed in them. It was cold and the Full
Winter Moon rose high in a dark and starless sky. The moon was the color of ecru and
its light brightened and dimmed with my incantation and my song. I had felt and
witnessed the Power of the presence of the Divine before. I had seen first hand the
workings of magick. Yet this was different. It was as if I were tapped on the shoulder. I
had the feeling that Someone had finally gotten my attention. She had been waiting
patiently for me to notice She wanted my attention. The voice I heard on the Wind,
though the night was Windless, was real even though I could not make out the words.
It was as if there was one voice, no, a thousand voices, and though the words were
unintelligible I knew they said Follow Me.
I did not call the God and Goddess by name then, a last holdout of my Pentecost
upbringing. They were to me The Lord and Lady. Yet I knew there were names, many
names, and I would come to know Them. Although I became a Priestess of Hekate, it
was Diana, the Huntress Mother, who called to me that night. I now know Her feel and
Her smell and I recognize Her voice. When I hear Her name mentioned I see in my
minds eye the silver disk floating in the Winter Sky. I often thank Her for calling me.
It wasnt long after that I held my first private Imbolc ritual, as I have ever since, as I
will continue to do. The day was sunny, bright, and cold. The kind of day that often
depressed me. With stick incense in hand (patchouli because that is all I had) and the
instructions from Scott Cunninghams Wicca in my head I picked my way through the
thickets behind our rental house. I found a clearing and sat down, my nose running
and the frozen ground pressing against my too thin pants for the weather.

I meditated in silence, one thing I was only beginning to get good at. I sat there a long
while, sometimes registering the sound of small animals in the thickets. Somehow
understanding the sounds of the animals were gifts. I then told the Gods the things I
have told them many times since:
I am Your daughter and Your lover. I give myself to You in this life and in any others to
come. Set my feet upon the path You wish for me. Teach me the things I need to know.
Give me the strength to learn them. I honor You and I love You. So Mote it be.
I meant those words the day I said them. And many times after, even as I wondered
how hard this life has to get. I mean them now. The Gods listened and they knew I
meant them and they have granted me the very things I asked for.
I love this life. It is at times messy and ugly, often chaotic, and on occasion extremely
painful. It is equally interesting, comforting, and fun. And so there is balance. And so I
am very, very blessed.
I love being Pagan. It is a wonderful thing to know what ones path is and to be
allowed to walk it. The Buddhist say do the dishes for the sake of doing the dishes.
The clean dishes are only a result of doing the dishes correctly and wholeheartedly.
Clean dishes are not the goal, doing the task well is the goal, everything else is, well,
gravy. They say the same about the journey we call life. The journey is the point, the
destination only the result of taking the journey well and wholeheartedly. Take the
journey for the sake of taking the journey, walk the path for the sake of walking the
path. Every now and then cast your eyes to the top of the mountain for a moment, but
only a moment, focus on your goal, reassess your progress, make the proper
adjustments, and get back to the task at hand.
In giving true love for the sake of giving true love, I have been given the truest of love.
In giving friendship for the sake of giving friendship, I have received friendship. In
being faithful for the sake of being faithful, I am given faithfulness. In giving mercy
and kindness and justice for the sake of giving mercy and kindness and justice, I have
received mercy and kindness and justice far beyond that I ever expected. In teaching
the things I know for the sake of teaching the things I know I have been taught. And
such fine teachers I have.
I walk the Pagan Path and the Path of the Priestess (and yes, Witch) for many reasons
but mainly because it is my journey, what is put before me to do. It is an awesome task,
an honor, and a door to many fleeting moments of happiness, which add up to a joyful
life when all is said and done. Sometimes this path of mine is walked on nothing but
faith because all else seems to elude me. Yet that which eludes me becomes mine if it is
meant to be, and though I question and rail against the way, I am committed.

Along the way I catch the most peaceful sunrises, beautiful sunsets, healing breezes,
and mighty storms. I am taught humility; I am reprimanded, led gently back when
astray, and kicked hard when I need it. I am loved unconditionally and I know this
without a doubt. I neither fear Death nor look for it, waiting for the rewards that I
think might be my due. My rewards are many, and they are now. I may at times dread
the act of dying and wonder if I will be granted a merciful death or if suffering at the
end of this life is part of my lesson and task. Yet I trust that I will have what is needed
for me and what is in the end the best. And I will not make that journey alone.
Those who have gone before will welcome me. The Gods will guide me and the Lady
Hekate will walk with me as She always has. Cunningham pointed out that there is a
difference in believing in something and knowing something. Many of the things I
thought I believed I have come to know. To know a thing to be true is to accept it
without having to understand it. There are many things I do understand and many
things I will someday understand. But knowing, that is something that is not given
lightly. It cannot be earned or bought; it can only come from walking the journey and
walking it with an open heart and a willing soul.
I am one of many who aid this Phoenix we call Paganism to rise. My voice is among the
silent ones who roar their presence into this world in this time. Our books and our
Temples were burned and like so many things, though the way could have been easier,
it had to be. Our Temples stand in our hearts and in our souls, in our country homes,
and our suburban yards, in our small apartments in sprawling cities. This wonderful
thing we call the Internet weaves us together across many, many miles. We have new
books with words from Powerful hearts. We have remnants from the past which
survive and which are important yet unimportant and therefore kept in perspective. We
have the new and the old in which to learn and to build from. Balance. As it should be.
I am parched with thirst, and perishing,
But drink of me, the ever-flowing spring on the right (where) there is a fair cypress.
Who are you? Where are you from?
I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven, but my race is of Heaven (alone)
-- Orphic Lamella from Thessaly

Tips for Solitary Witches

Posted by Whispr

There are a lot more self-initiated Witches out there than practically any other variety.
While it is a valid and legitimate spiritual path, self-initiation also poses a few unique
challenges to those who would seek the Old Gods on their own. If you are
contempating self-initiation and the building of your own version of spiritual practice
based on the Wiccan model, here are some tips to help make the process go a bit more
1. You have every right to initiate yourself and to follow your own, unique path to the
gods. - No one has a monopoly on wisdom, nor on the Mysteries. Anyone who
approaches the gods with sincerity, respect, and integrity can and will discover their
own way to commune with these essential forces of nature. It requires creativity,
persistence, and determination--it is a challenging path to take.
2. Clarify your intent. - Ask yourself "Why am I doing this?" It is wise that you examine
your motivations--pursuing such an intensive path as solitary Wicca is not something
to do on a whim, nor is it a "fun" hobby. It's work, and plenty of it. You don't get to
take advantage of someone else's previous efforts, except for what you can get out of
books. You have to build your own foundation, and establish a mythos and context
within which to work. You can just declare yourself a member of your own tadition,
but what will it mean?
3. Gather your resources. - You need to establish a set of ground rules--guidelines for
what you want and what you plan to do. This will require reading everything you can
get. Try to read a diversity of authors, and don't read just about Witchcraft--broaden
your horizons as much as possible.
4. If you find something that you like, adapt it. - Don't just lift it out of its context.
Once you have basic framework within/upon which to work, rewrite everything to fit
your emerging vision. Don't be worried about perfection--you will re-write things
many times as you develop and grow. The more you learn, the more you'll be enhance,
refine, and desire to modify your first attempts at ritual. When members of a tradition
refer to basic things such as their oaths, the creed of their sect, whatever degree they
may have been initiated into or whatever, these things all mean something within that
tradition. When you are self-initiated, it's all up to you what it all means to you--in as
far as it applies to you and you alone.

Develop your own unique versions of those elements of the Craft that you choose to
adopt. It's perfectly fine to toss out all the old stuff and start out on your own path. If
you do, there's a lot of baggage to deal with, and you might not want to toss the baby
out with the bath water. Take some time and reflect upon these things. Make no hasty
decisions. Seek to understand your impetus and motivation for removing or including
the various bits and pieces of Craft material. Personal creativity is a vital part of the
Craft. There's not much room for dogma in an ecstatic, experiential religion.
5. Draft a statement of your core beliefs. - Sign it, date it, and place it in your journal or
Book of Shadows (BOS). Choose a time each year to re-examine it, meditate upon it,
and amend it if desired. Sometimes this is a good thing to do during the winter
months, perhaps at Candlemas or Imbolc. You decide.
6. Document all of your sources wherever possible. - Give credit where credit is due.
You have nothing to gain by trying to pretend that you wrote Gerald Gardner's books.
Keep yourself honest and avoid the ego-inflation that comes with plagiarism. Given
time, and effort, you will develop your own rites. When you do, you don't want to
dilute the meaningfulness of the moment by that nagging little voice that reminds you
that you didn't really do it. Respect your creativity, maintain personal integrity, and let
things develop naturally. You'll be glad you did.
7. Remember that degrees refer to experiences, and not rank. - Too many readers of
books assume that the various degree systems refer to the rank and level of power of
an individual, and so they strive to get to the top of the ladder as fast as possible.
Don't. The degrees are a system of landmarks to allow us all to identify those who
have also undergone similar experiences. When you are working alone, there's little to
be gained by initiating yourself into the third degree, assuming the title of elder, or
even calling yourself a Witch queen or magus. These things all have very real
meanings, and claiming what is not rightfully yours is the surest way to bar your ever
attaining it for real. Take your time. Learn all you can, and work with the gods and
mighty ones.
8. One big advantage you have as a solitary practitioner is the lack of politics and
disagreement. - You decide what to do and just do it. This is impossible in group
situations where you must deliver cues, explain what you are doing, and accommodate
multiple interpretations and viewpoints. As a solitary you know exactly what you are
attempting to do, how you want to do it, and you are free to do whatever you will--it's
just you and the gods.

9. Solitary work is ideal for self-transformation and healing. - You can focus on
building up your self esteem, creating new habits, and modifying your lifestyle to suit
your spiritual outlook. As a solitary practitioner, you can build your sabbat and esbat
rituals around your goals and needs in ways that a group could never do. As you
progress, as healing occurs, as changes take place, you will find your practice likewise
changing. Consider this a form of sympathetic magic. As you become more fully
integrated and whole, your rituals will become more balanced and holistic as well. The
Craft is a healing path, so why not approach it as such?
10. We all learn at different rates and in different styles. - Working alone makes it
possible to modify everything to suit your schedule, circumstances, and requirements.
Creativity and sincerity can guide you in making your Craft practice a viable and vital
part of your life. No matter what disabilities, hindrances, or restrictions you may have
in your life, you can practice Wicca--if you truly, honestly desire to do so.
11. Be yourself. - Don't try to be something you're not. Remember the words of the
"Charge of the Goddess", "...if you do not find it within you, you shall never find it at
all." The established traditions--Gardnerians, Alexandrians, Algards, Sheba, Georgian,
and so on--have specific rites they have developed. Established traditions have
stuctures, essential teachings, practices, customs, and shared history that provides a
collective context that cannot be accessed by the power of your will, no matter how hard
you try. You can access many of the same truths, learn the same secrets, celebrate the
same rituals, and experience the same mysteries, but you cannot initiate yourself as a
Gardnerian or Mason. Think about it. Why on earth waste your time trying to be
something you're not? There's precious little room on the path of spiritual development
for self-deceit. Those who truly are drawn to the Craft value honesty. It is absolutely
required of you if you have any spiritual aspirations whatsoever. You can lie to
yourself, but you'll never fool the gods.
All information was taken from Llewellyn's Witches' Calendar

Goddess Scent
Posted by Cynthia

Cynthia Rodeawald-Grove
Incensed air fulfills the night
Shredding threads of pale moonlight
Transient stars caught in flight
The chants enthrall with sweet delight.
Blessed shadows of Imbolc Eve,
Combined with past and present weave
All the secrets yet untold
The oil of freedom embalms the soul.
Candles burn as spirits spark,
The fire surrounds accepting hearts
And rampant auras mystify
As the sweetened scents of Goddess abide.
Dancing madly in sheer delight,
You sacrifice your fear of night
Now the sacred Spirit sent
Now the night of Bridget spent.
Embracing all, rejecting none,
The moon encompasses the sun
And life is sweet mid winters eve
Yielding promise of spring ecstasy.
Wishing you all a Blessed Imbolc and Brigid Blessings

Imbolc Magic
for the Kitchen Witch
Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Imbolc is a festival of fire, change, purification and feasting, so what better place to
celebrate than in the sacred space of the kitchen witch's kitchen?
Imbolc is celebrated at the beginning of February. A pagan fire festival, it is the sacred
day of Brighid, Celtic sun and fire goddess.
Honouring Brighid
The kitchen witch will already be familiar with Brighid, for she is one of the many
goddesses of hearth and home. Her sacred flame of purification is represented in the
roaring log fire or merry stove. Those not already working with Brighid can benefit
from her healing and wisdom at Imbolc, the pagan sabbat that marks the receding of
the Crone's winter to welcome in the coming of the Maiden's spring.
The season of change is the perfect time to freshen up the kitchen altar with a shrine to
Brighid. Place upon it a Brighid's cross or doll, spring flowers such as daffodils,
snowdrops or crocuses, red and white ribbons, and candles, particularly in white or
orange-red to invoke Brighid's presence. It is tradition to light candles on the eve of
February 1st to welcome Brighid into the home, and also to leave a piece of cloth or
ribbon outside the front door for Brighid to bless when she passes.
Spring Cleaning the House with Imbolc Blessings
Imbolc is the key time for a good spring clean, and with the kitchen being the sacred
heart of the home; this is the perfect place to start. If nothing else, the kitchen altar
should be cleaned, and the oven should be gleaming, as this is Brighid's sacred place in
the kitchen.
Performing a House Blessing at Imbolc
As well as physical cleaning, bless the home, cleansing it of unwanted spirits and
energies that have lingered and stuck during the cold of winter.

Faeries relish a clean and uncluttered home, so ask them for blessings and assistance
with the housekeeping. Leave offerings of wool, milk, or a rhyming verse to repay their
Imbolc Crafts
Faeries are busy coaxing out the first buds of spring, so it makes sense to make use of
Brighid's wellspring of inspiration and get creative with fresh ideas, through the act of
knitting, painting, writing or other crafts. Craft poem for Brighid, a hearth goddess
sculpted from salt dough, or make a Brighid's Cross from reeds, straw or ribbon.
Cooking for Imbolc
Foods sacred to Brighid include bread, clover, milk and corn. Traditional Imbolc fare
encompasses food that honours hearth and home; bread, grains, and vegetables stored
from winter, such as potatoes and onions. Dairy is also important, as Imbolc marks the
start of ewes lactating milk. This provided valuable foodstuffs to the pagans of old, and
often meant the difference between life and death for the very young and old in the
community. A common ritual is to pour milk into the earth, as a tribute to Mother Earth
in return for fertility for the coming growing season, and to represent spiritual
Another perfect way to honour Brighid and Imbolc is to bake the sacred loaf, by
making Irish soda bread or traditional braided bread.
Imbolc Rituals
With around six weeks of wintry weather still to endure, it is important to keep the
promise of spring alive. Create rituals that represent the thawing of Mother Earth, such
as bringing some snow or ice inside and watching it thaw in a bowl on the stove. Or
awaken a personal spring, by melting ice cubes in a heat-proof bowl of milk, and
focusing on what energies need shifting in the coming year as the mixture is stirred.
Imbolc is a perfect festival for kitchen witches, bringing fire, hearth, home and food
together as a powerful, transformative force for positive change.
Eason, Cassandra. The Modern Day Druidess. Piatkus,
Johnson, Cait. Witch in the Kitchen: Magical Cooking for all Seasons. Destiny Books

Posted by


So the skies rumbled and the snows came,
And everywhere down through the centuries of this gray night,
Came women gathering to pray,
And to sink their hands into the dark earth.
They gathered seeds and prepared them for planting,
They meditated in the icy darkness,
And they celebrated the lambing of the first ewe,
To hasten spring.
And when through the earth they felt the stirring,
They sang songs encouraging the tiny seeds to grow.
In the dark, wet soil you can smell their work still;
They are digging along beside us. Listen!
The north wind carries their song across the snow,
This Imbolc night.
As the Earth prepares for Spring,
Wise women gather in circles to await the promise of new life,
And to sing praises for the green earth.
And so do we, here now,
This year, and every year.
Welcome Imbolc!

Imbolc Incense
Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Dill Seeds, Chamomile, Rosemary, Basil, Cinnamon

This incense is fairly easy to make. Unlike most incense there isn't going to be a lot of
grinding with the mortar and pestle, most of it will be mixed by hand. Plus the herbs
you'll be using are most likely available in your kitchen cabinet, and if not you can
easily find them at your local grocery store.
To start off, grind 2 TSP of dill seeds in the mortar as finely as you can.
It doesn't have to be completely powdered, but it has to be as close as you can get it.
Next mix 3 Tablespoons of Chamomile, 2 Tablespoons of Rosemary, and 3 Teaspoons of
Basil in a bowl with only your hands. Then add the Dill and mix it with your hands
Throw in 1/2 Teaspoon of Cinnamon and mix once again with your hands. Pack it up
and you're done!
Other things you can do with this besides using it as an incense:
- Put in a pouch and hang in your home to bring in the energies of Imbolc.
- Grind up to a fine powder and sprinkle on your doorstep to welcome in the energies
of renewal and spring.

How to Create a Full Moon Altar

Posted by Madame Butterfly

(I've never created a full moon altar - or any moon-phase altar for that matter- so when I
came across this article by Robin Mastro and Michael Mastro, I found it very interesting
and thought I might give it a try. Please feel free to comment with any additions or
changes you would make to a full moon altar, as that will add to our learning. Also, I
tried my hand at finding out what the mantra "Om Chandraye Namaha" means, with no
luck. If anyone knows what that mantra means, please comment below. Enjoy the
The night of the full moon holds great significance in Vedic teachings. Whatever good
intention is initiated as the moon grows into its fullness will be auspicious and provide
beneficial results.
There is a powerful technique you can do each month on the night or day leading up to
when the moon reaches its fullest point that enhances positive change and ensures your
days will be filled with grace and ease. The technique, called the Full Moon Altar, is
based on the principles of Vastu, the Vedic science of building in harmony with nature.
An altar created in the tradition of Vastu balances the five elements within the
environment and the physical body. Altars bring beauty into your surroundings. Once
created, they have power to call forth change and the support youve longed for. You can
create altars alone or with a larger group to connect more deeply with the potent
energies available at the time of the full moon.
How to Create Your Full Moon Altar
Prepare the area of your altar outside, weather permitting. If youre creating an inside
altar, it can be created on a table, windowsill, or even your kitchen counter. Follow these
tips for inside or outside altars:
The colors gold and green should be represented in some of the items you place on the
The water element in the northeast can be a bowl of water and/or a vase of fresh cut
flowers in colors that correspond to the altar. You can also use silk flowers. Your bowl or
vase can be clear or lightly colored. If using fresh flowers, make sure you keep them
alive and as beautiful as you wish your dreams to become.

Use a green or gold candle in the southeast to represent the fire element.
Incense can also be used in this area.Use stones or crystals in the southwest in green or
golden colors to represent the earth element. You may also use a small statue or symbol
that represents abundance to you. In the Vedic tradition, Lakshmi is the goddess of
abundance. You may also use a potted, blooming plant to represent this element.
For the air element in the northwest, use a standing wind chime, a fan, or feather.
Incense can also be used in this area.
Place a dish or plate that is gold-colored metal, a gold or green colored glass dish, or a
small clear glass plate at the center of your altar to represent your offering tray and the
space element.
You can add items to your offering tray that represent abundance to you such as paper
money, coins, gems, or pieces of jewelry. On a small, unlined piece of paper describe in
three words the feelings you would like to experience. Words like peace, healing, love,
abundance, success, or grace have greater power in this circumstance than a laundry list
of what you believe is wrong and needs attending. Your offering tray is the place to
connect to and offer your dreams and deepest longings to All That Is.
Include a personal symbol that you place in the center of your altar in back of the
offering. This can be a statue, photograph, collage, or picture that inspires feelings of
abundance, joy, fulfillment, and/or happiness.
Health AltarThe Full Moon Altar is created and the activation ceremony offered below
should be done during the day or evening leading up to when the moon is at its fullest.
You can go online to find the exact time. The altar can either be disassembled a day or
two after the full moon or it can be kept up throughout the month. If you decide to keep
your altar up throughout the month, perform this ceremony anew before each full moon.
Activation Ceremony for Your Full Moon Altar

Follow these steps (in order) to activate your Full Moon Altar.
Stand or kneel in front of your altar.
Light the candle or incense if you have them on your altar.
If you included bells or chimes on your altar, ring them to purify the energy in the
environment. The sound brings focused awareness to the present moment.
In your right hand, hold the unlined piece of paper written that contains your three
words and take 10 to 12 long, slow, deep breaths in and out through the nose.
Experience the feeling of having what you desire, not any specifics, but feelings like
happiness, peace, and love.
Place the paper in the offering tray.

Using your right hand, extend your pinky finger and your index finger, folding in the
other two fingers against your palm, placing your thumb over the top of these two
fingers to hold them in place. This is a Vedic hand position called a mudra. This specific
mudra moves energy towards your intention.
With your hand in this mudra, facing the altar, move your arm forward and back nine
Each time you extend your arm toward your altar, say the moon mantra with passion
and intensity:
Mantra: Om Chandraye Namaha
Phonetic Pronunciation: Om Chon-dra-yay Na-ma-ha
Once you have completed this process, your altar is ignited. Take time each day to
acknowledge and admire your altar because this helps stimulate it and keeps it

Parrot Medicine
Posted by SunKat

The parrot family of birds ranges from the mighty and majestic king of the jungle
airways to the tiny budgie; all from the collection of birds known as "hookbills". They
have very long lifespans, and often outlive their owners. If you have a member of the
parrot family as a pet, better plan on someone to leave him to in your will. :)
Parrot brings you messages about the power of the sun, and the healing energy of color
therapy. If you're attracted to the parrot, you feel energized and motivated on bright,
sunny days, and grey/rainy/overcast days drag you down if they linger too long. You are
also sensitive to color: tones, hues, harmony, blends and the moods that can be created
with the use of color. You probably have a touch of bright color on your clothing or in
your hair no matter what you may be wearing. You may be intrigued with interior
decorating, fashion design, costuming, special effects and lighting, the visual arts, and
all those magical endeavors which rely upon the creative use of light and color.
Parrot also has the unique ability of understanding and communicating with both the
animal world and the human world. You have been given the gift of language both
spoken and written and fully understand the power of words. Parrot people are the
master communicators. Here we find actors, politicians, ambassadors, orators, great
writers, and even advertising and marketing experts. Chances are that clever commercial
that keeps running in your head was designed by a "parrot" person.
If you carry parrot medicine, always be mindful that you have the power of words that
can influence others with a lasting impact. Combine those words with the effective use
of color, and your message will not be forgotten. Take care to choose those words
carefully so that they are supportive, encouraging and positive. To use your gifts in a
negative way can have a devastating and destructive effect. Speak with careful thought.
Your words are a reflection of your inner spirit.

Used Coffee Grounds

for Beauty Treatments
Posted by Madame Butterfly
1. Exfoliate Skin - Coffee grounds make an excellent exfoliating body scrub! Just add
used grounds to a bit of warm water or your favorite all-natural oil (coconut works
great!) Then scrub your skin from head to foot to remove all of those icky dead skin
2. Rejuvenating Facial - Just as it works as a body scrub, coffee makes an excellent
facial. Mix two tablespoons of used coffee grounds with an equal amount of organic
cocoa powder. Add three tablespoons of whole milk or heavy cream and top it off with
a heaping tablespoon of honey for the perfect all-natural alpha-hydroxy and antioxidant
3. Caffeinated Soap - Did you know that you can actually absorb caffeine through your
skin? You can and the multitude of caffeinated soaps available around the internet are
testament to how well it works. For an all-natural alternative, why not turn your old
coffee grounds into homemade soap so you can get one more good caffeine kick in the
morning before work?
4. Coffee for Your Hair - If you use a lot of hair styling products, or if youve recently
switched to a natural shampoo and conditioner, your hair is probably weighted down
by residue. Remove that build-up using old coffee grounds to give your hair a lift and
restore its natural healthy shine. Before you shampoo, simply grab a handful of used
grounds and massage them into your hair. The coarse texture is enough to break apart
the product residue, but its also gentle enough that it wont damage your locks.
5. Cellulite Treatment - Poor diet, frequent or extended periods of sitting, smoking, or
genetic predisposition cellulite has many causes and for every cause there are at least a
dozen cures which may or may not actually work. Well, heres one that does: used
coffee grounds.
There are probably hundreds of recipes on Pinterest alone for cellulite-reducing coffee
scrubs. However, a simple mix of used coffee grounds and warm water will also do the
trick. Use this scrub for ten minutes twice per week on any areas affected by cellulite.
Results should start to become apparent within four weeks of steady treatment.

Posted by Charlene 'White Deer' Heathwood

from Dr. Judith Orloff

Emotional freedom means learning how to stay centered in a stressful, highly
emotionally charged world. Since emotions such as fear, anger, and frustration are
energies, you can potentially catch them from people without realizing it. If you tend
to be an emotional sponge, its vital to know how to avoid taking on an individuals
negative emotions or the free-floating kind in crowds. Another twist is that chronic
anxiety, depression, or stress can turn you into an emotional sponge by wearing down
your defenses. Suddenly, you become hyper-attuned to others, especially those with
similar pain. Thats how empathy works; we zero in on hot-button issues that are
unresolved in ourselves. From an energetic standpoint, negative emotions can originate
from several sources. What youre feeling may be your own; it may be someone elses; or
it may be a combination. Ill explain how to tell the difference and strategically bolster
positive emotions so you dont shoulder negativity that doesnt belong to you.
This wasnt something I always knew how to do. Growing up, my girlfriends couldn't
wait to hit the shopping malls and go to parties, the bigger the better--but I didn't share
their excitement. I always felt overwhelmed, exhausted around large groups of people,
though I was clueless why. "What's the matter with you?" friends would say, shooting
me the weirdest looks. All I knew was that crowded places and I just didn't mix. I'd go
there feeling just fine but leave nervous, depressed, or with some horrible new ache or
pain. Unsuspectingly, I was a gigantic sponge, absorbing the emotions of people around
With my patients, Ive also seen how absorbing other peoples emotions can trigger
panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical
symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention report that more than two million Americans suffer from chronic fatigue. Its
likely that many of them are emotional sponges.
Here are some strategies from Emotional Freedom to practice. They will help you to stop
absorbing other peoples emotions.

Emotional Action Step: How To Stay Centered In A Stressful World

To detach from other peoples negative emotions:
First, ask yourself: Is the feeling mine or someone elses? It could be both. If the
emotion such as fear or anger is yours, gently confront whats causing it on your own
or with professional help. If not, try to pinpoint the obvious generator. For instance, if
youve just watched a comedy, yet you came home from the movie theater feeling blue,
you may have incorporated the depression of the people sitting beside you; in close
proximity, energy fields overlap. The same is true with going to a mall or packed
When possible, distance yourself from the suspected source. Move at least twenty feet
away; see if you feel relief. Dont err on the side of not wanting to offend strangers. In
a public place, dont hesitate to change seats if you feel a sense of depression imposing
on you.
For a few minutes, center yourself by concentrating on your breath: This connects you
to your essence. Keep exhaling negativity, inhaling calm. This helps to ground yourself
and purify fear or other difficult emotions Visualize negativity as gray fog lifting from
your body, and hope as golden light entering. This can yield quick results.
Negative emotions such as fear frequently lodge in your emotional center at the solar
plexus. Place your palm there as you keep sending loving-kindness to that area to flush
stress out. For longstanding depression or anxiety, use this method daily to strengthen
this center. Its comforting and builds a sense of safety and optimism.
Shield yourself. A handy form of protection many people use, including healers with
trying patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light (or any color you feel
imparts power) around your entire body. Think of it as a shield that blocks out
negativity or physical discomfort but allows what's positive to filter in.
Look for positive people and situations. Call a friend who sees the good in others.
Spend time with a colleague who affirms the bright side of things. Listen to hopeful
people. Hear the faith they have in themselves and others. Also relish hopeful words,
songs, and art forms. Hope is contagious and it will lift your mood.

Keep practicing these strategies. You dont have to reinvent the wheel each time youre
on emotional overload. With strategies to cope, you can have quicker retorts to
stressful situations, feel safer, and your sensitivities can blossom.

Self-Help and Coping Tips to

Overcome Depression
Posted by Madame Butterfly

Depression drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to do what you
need to feel better. But while overcoming depression isnt quick or easy, its far from
You cant just will yourself to snap out of it, but you do have some controleven if
your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent. The key is to start small and build
from there. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make positive
choices for yourself each day.
The road to depression recovery:
Recovering from depression requires action, but taking action when youre depressed
is hard. In fact, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like going
for a walk or spending time with friends, can be exhausting.
Its the Catch-22 of depression recovery: The things that help the most are the things
that are the most difficult to do. Theres a difference, however, between something
that's difficult and something that's impossible.
Start small and stay focused:
The key to depression recovery is to start with a few small goals and slowly build from
there. Draw upon whatever resources you have. You may not have much energy, but
you probably have enough to take a short walk around the block or pick up the phone
to call a loved one.
Take things one day at a time and reward yourself for each accomplishment. The steps
may seem small, but theyll quickly add up. And for all the energy you put into your
depression recovery, youll get back much more in return.
Depression self-help tip 1: Cultivate supportive relationships:

Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and
keeping it away. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain perspective and sustain
the effort required to beat depression, but the very nature of depression makes it
difficult to reach out for help. While isolation and loneliness can trigger or worsen
depression, maintaining emotionally close relationships can be instrumental in
overcoming it.
The thought of reaching out to even close family members and friends can seem
overwhelming. You may feel ashamed, too exhausted to talk, or guilty for neglecting
the relationship. Remind yourself that this is the depression talking. Reaching out is
not a sign of weakness and it wont mean youre a burden to others. Your loved ones
care about you and want to help. And remember, its never too late to build new
friendships and improve your support network.
Turn to friends and family members who make you feel loved and cared for. Spend
time talking and listening face-to-face with trusted people and share what youre
going through. The people you talk to dont have to be able to fix you; they just need
to be good listeners. Ask for the help and support you need. You may have retreated
from your most treasured relationships, but emotional connection can get you through
this tough time.
Try to keep up with social activities even if you dont feel like it. Often when youre
depressed, it feels more comfortable to retreat into your shell, but being around other
people will make you feel less depressed.
Join a support group for depression. Being with others dealing with depression can go
a long way in reducing your sense of isolation. You can also encourage each other,
give and receive advice on how to cope, and share your experiences.
Depression self-help tip 2: Get moving:
When youre depressed, just getting out of bed can seem like a daunting task, let
alone exercising. But exercise is a powerful tool for dealing with depression. In fact,
major studies show that regular exercise can be as effective as antidepressant
medication at increasing energy levels and decreasing feelings of fatigue.
Evidence suggests that physical activity triggers new cell growth in the brain,
increases mood-enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces stress, and
relieves muscle tensionall things that can have a positive effect on depression.

While the most benefits come from exercising 30 minutes or more per day, you can
start small. Short, 10-minute bursts of activity can have a positive effect on your mood.
You dont need to train at the gym, sweat buckets, or run mile after mile, either. Even
very small activities that get your arms and legs moving can add up over the course of
a day. Try incorporating walking, running, swimming, dancing or another rhythmic
exercisethat requires moving both your arms and legsinto your daily routine. The
key is to pick an activity you enjoy, so youre more likely to stick with it. Even very
small activities can add up over the course of a day. Here are a few easy ways to get
Put on some music and dance around
Take your dog for a walk
Use the stairs rather than an elevator
Park your car in the farthest spot in the lot
Pair up with an exercise partner
Depression self-help tip 3: Challenge negative thinking:
Depression puts a negative spin on everything, including the way you see yourself,
the situations you encounter, and your expectations for the future.
But you cant break out of this pessimistic mind frame by just thinking positive.
Happy thoughts or wishful thinking wont cut it. Rather, the trick is to replace
negative thoughts with more balanced thoughts.
Ways to challenge negative thinking:
Think outside yourself. Ask yourself if youd say what youre thinking about
yourself to someone else. If not, stop being so hard on yourself. Think about less
harsh statements that offer more realistic descriptions.
Allow yourself to be less than perfect. Many depressed people are perfectionists,
holding themselves to impossibly high standards and then beating themselves up
when they fail to meet them. Battle this source of self-imposed stress by challenging
your negative ways of thinking
Socialize with positive people. Notice how people who always look on the bright side
deal with challenges, even minor ones, like not being able to find a parking space.
Then consider how you would react in the same situation. Even if you have to pretend,
try to adopt their optimism and persistence in the face of difficulty.

Keep a "negative thought log." Whenever you experience a negative thought, jot
down the thought and what triggered it in a notebook. Review your log when youre
in a good mood. Consider if the negativity was truly warranted. Ask yourself if
theres another way to view the situation. For example, lets say your boyfriend was
short with you and you automatically assumed that the relationship was in trouble.
It's possible, though, hes just having a bad day.
Depression self-help tip 4: Do things that make you feel good:
In order to overcome depression, you have to do things that relax and energize you.
This includes following a healthy lifestyle, learning how to better manage stress,
setting limits on what youre able to do, adopting healthy habits, and scheduling fun
activities into your day.
Aim for eight hours of sleep. Depression typically involves sleep problems.
Whether youre sleeping too little or too much, your mood suffers. Get on a better
sleep schedule by learning healthy sleep habits.
Expose yourself to a little sunlight every day. Lack of sunlight can make depression
worse. Make sure youre getting enough. Take a short walk outdoors, have your
coffee outside, enjoy an al fresco meal, people-watch on a park bench, or sit out in the
garden. Aim for at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day to boost your mood. If you live
somewhere with little winter sunshine, try using a light therapy box.
Practice relaxation techniques. A daily relaxation practice can help relieve symptoms
of depression, reduce stress, and boost feelings of joy and well-being. Try yoga, deep
breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.
Care for a pet. While nothing can replace the human connection, pets can bring joy
and companionship into your life and help you feel less isolated. Caring for a pet can
also get you outside of yourself and give you a sense of being neededboth
powerful antidotes to depression.
Do things you enjoy (or used to)
While you cant force yourself to have fun or experience pleasure, you can choose to
do things that you used to enjoy. Pick up a former hobby or a sport you used to like.
Express yourself creatively through music, art, or writing. Go out with friends. Take a
day trip to a museum, the mountains, or the ballpark.

Push yourself to do things, even when you dont feel like it. You might be surprised at
how much better you feel once youre out in the world. Even if your depression
doesnt lift immediately, youll gradually feel more upbeat and energetic as you make
time for fun activities.
Depression self-help tip 5: Eat a healthy, mood-boosting diet:
What you eat has a direct impact on the way you feel. Aim for a balanced diet of lowfat protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Reduce your intake of foods
that can adversely affect your brain and mood, such as caffeine, alcohol, trans fats,
saturated fats, and foods with high levels of chemical preservatives or hormones (such
as certain meats).
Dont skip meals. Going too long between meals can make you feel irritable and
tired, so aim to eat something at least every three to four hours.
Minimize sugar and refined carbs. You may crave sugary snacks, baked goods, or
comfort foods such as pasta or French fries, but these feel-good foods quickly lead
to a crash in mood and energy.
Focus on complex carbohydrates. Foods such as baked potatoes, whole-wheat pasta,
oatmeal, and whole grain breads can boost serotonin levels without a crash.
Boost your B vitamins. Deficiencies in B vitamins such as folic acid and B-12 can
trigger depression. To get more, take a B-complex vitamin supplement or eat more
citrus fruit, leafy greens, beans, chicken, and eggs.
Try super-foods rich in nutrients that can boost mood, such as bananas (magnesium
to decrease anxiety, vitamin B6 to promote alertness, tryptophan to boost feel-good
serotonin levels), brown rice (serotonin, thiamine to support sociability), and spinach
(magnesium, folate to reduce agitation and improve sleep).
Consider taking a chromium supplement. Some depression studies show that
chromium picolinate reduces carbohydrate cravings, eases mood swings, and boosts
energy. Supplementing with chromium picolinate is especially effective for people
who tend to overeat and oversleep when depressed.
When to get professional help:
If you find your depression getting worse and worse, seek professional help. Needing
additional help doesnt mean youre weak. Sometimes the negative thinking in
depression can make you feel like youre a lost cause, but depression can be treated
and you can feel better!
Dont forget about these self-help tips, though. Even if youre receiving professional
help, these tips can be part of your treatment plan, speeding your recovery and
preventing depression from returning.


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