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Preparation time: 14 weeks of lessons
1st February to 9th May 2015
Exam= 15 hrs
split into 3 x 5hrs (3 Full school days)

AQA GCE A2 Photography: ESA

ESA= 50% of your final mark for your GCE A2

25% of your overall A Level

AO1 (Develop) 20 marks

Find relevant artists to look at

Produce research pages showing your understanding
Use this work to inspire your own work
Make personal comments and about their work

AO2 (Refine) 20 marks

Explore different media and materials

Use different techniques and processes
Evaluate how successful your experiments have been

AO3 (Record) 20 marks

Collect and present relevant imagery

Produce high quality photographs
Annotate your work thoroughly

AO4 (Present) 20 marks

Produce confident and high quality final piece/s

Ensure your work links to your prep work and artists you
have researched

Starting Points

The Journey
Dramatic Images
People and possessions
Mixed media
Performing Arts
Issues and Observations

Question 1: The Journey

Short journeys and long-distance travel have
provided a source of inspiration for many
photographers and filmmakers. Space the
mode of transport, or places en route, or
people travelling have been recorded.
Examples of different approaches can be
seen in the work of Lee Friedlander, William
Eggleston and Robert Frank.
Investigate appropriate examples and make
a personal response to a journey of your

Question 2: Dramatic Images

Some photographers have chosen to
create images of a range of subjects
using available light only. This can
result in dramatic imagery. Tom Hunter
and Edward Weston have worked in
this way.
Consider appropriate examples and
make your own images using
available light.

Question 3: Water
The play of light on water, reflections in
water and the movement of water has
fascinated many photographers and
filmmakers. Gerhard Richter captures
the abstract qualities of water. Jamie
Paterson to send the pics atmospheric
seascapes. David Hockney recorded
the changing surface of water. Consider
relevant work by others and respond in
your own way.

Question 4: People and Possessions

People often and have a strong and
complex relationship with their possessions.
Cynthia Connelly has photographed
people with their cars. Peter Menzei has
recorded the possessions of families. Elliot
Irwitt has observed the relationship
between dogs and their owners.
produce your own work.

Question 5: Mixed media

Some photographers and filmmakers have
chosen to extend the possibilities of
photographic representation by using
mixed media. Examples can be seen in the
work of Sally Mankus, Jeff League and
combined a range of media and
techniques when constructing their images.
Produce your own response which
purposefully explores the use of mixed
media, making reference to appropriate
work by others.

Question 6: Performing arts

Photographers and filmmakers have been
inspired to record performers in a variety of
ways. Barbara Morgan and Lois Greenfield
aim to capture the spirit and movement of
dance performances. Annie Leibowitz and
David Bailey have represented the
character of an actor or musician.
Investigate appropriate examples and
make a personal response.

Question 7: Patterns
Patterns can be observed in nature and
the built environment. Patterns can also
be present in human dress and
behaviour. Diverse approaches to this
theme can be seen in the work of Bernd
and Hilla Becher, Paul Strand, Andreas
Gursky and Hans Eijkelboom.
Research appropriate examples and
produce a personal response.

Question 8: Issues and Observations

Some photographers and filmmakers have
been inspired to raise awareness of a
particular issue; others have made
personal observations about specific
aspects of life. Henri Cartier-Bresson chose
to record social change. Tony Ray-Jones
and Homer Sykes had commented on
aspects of English life. Peter Henry Emerson
has documented roll life.
Research appropriate examples and
produce a personal response.

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