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Skull Cable Hat

By Abigail Oakley

Notions: 16" size 8 circular needle

Size 8 DPNS
Darning needle
3 stitch markers
Cable Needle

Yarn: Any worsted weight wool and/or acrylic would do nicely!

Gauge: 4" x 4" stockinette square 18 stitches and 24 rows

This hat fits a 22" head comfortably.

For a slightly smaller size I'd suggest going down a needle a size or two. For a
significantly smaller hat, C/O 84 instead of 96 and *K6, P6* twice instead of 3 times
at the beginning of each round. That would eliminate about 3". OR You could do a
5x5 ribbing instead of a 6x6, but that would obviously change the top decreases a

Skull Cable Hat
Cast on 96 sts (I use long tail cast on, but anything stretchy will be fine)

Join, being careful not to twist and place marker to mark the beginning of the
round. Slip throughout.

Work *K6, P6* to end for the first 6 rows (Or until you reach 1")

7th row: *K6, P6* 3 times, K3, place marker, P6, P2tog, P16, Place marker, K3, P6,
*K6, P6* twice
8th row: *K6, P6* 3 times, K3, SLM, Purl to next marker (23), SLM, K3, P6 *K6, P6*
Rows 9-
9-34: *K6, P6* 3 times, K3, SLM, *work chart*, SLM, K3, P6, *K6, P6* twice
35th Row: *K6, P6* 3 times, K3 SLM Purl to next marker (23), SLM, K3, P6, *K6, P6*

Begin Decrease (Switch to DPNs when necessary):

1st row: *K6, P4, P2tog* 3 times, K3, remove marker, P5, P2tog, P16, remove
marker, K3, P4, P2tog, *K6, P4, P2 tog* twice
2nd row: *K4, k2tog, P5* to end
3rd row: *K5, P3, P2tog* to end
4th row: *K3, K2tog, P4* to end
5th row: *K4, P2, P2tog* to end
6th row: *K2, K2tog, P3* to end
7th row: *K3, P1, P2tog* to end
8th row: *K1, K2tog, P2* to end
9th row: *K2, P2tog* to end
10th row: *K2tog, P1* to end

Pull yarn through live stitches and draw together. Tie off and weave in ends.

Skull Cable Hat

Note: Rows 22-25 you cable EVERY ROW. Also, Cable Right hold the stitch at the
back, Cable Left hold it at the front.

YOU ONLY WORK THE CHART TO ROW 25! Ignore the unnumbered row (it would
be #26 but it's not, so don't work it!)

While I modified the chart for the skull cable, the original is
not mine it was written by Adrian Bizilla of Hello Yarn.

This pattern has only been test knit once, and by me! If you have
a problem don’t hesitate to contact me on Ravlery (ID:
beautyisntperfect) or by e-mail at
© Abigail Oakley 2008 Not to be knit for profit.

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