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For my third year project, I decided to create and app that allows its user to explore buildings, vehicles

and inventions that were designed but never made.

The first thing that I did was research to see if there was enough designs out there for me to build my app around.
After finding a long list of buildings, and a few vehicles and inventions I started to design my world. I decided that for my minor project I would focus on the
buildings and create an animation based upon that. My initial idea was to create designs inspired by information being kept in a vault or filing cabinet,
these designs proved to be quite generic and aged due to the filing inspiration. From here I moved on to looking at blueprints and seeing how I could
derive designs from them. It was at this point that I started to think about how my app would be used; touch screen, this meant that the app would have to
be modern and up to date which blueprint and filing cabinets arent.
I looked at movies such as Iron Man, Battleships and Minority Report, for inspiration on futuristic touch screen usage. This research was the driving force
behind my functionality and Data World designs which snowballed into becoming Orb; the app that allows you to explore the unmade world. After
numerous designs I created an animatic, for which I used my interim designs, this was a low resolution portrayal of what I envisioned it was Orb V1
After these designs started to look into creating a more slick looking aesthetic. Material, shape and camera placement was going to be key for creating the
app, as these are the hooks that keep the user engaged.
After deciding on the features (material, shape and camera) I returned to the layout and graphics; producing countless designs, making minor adjustments
and variations until I was pleased with the outcome.
Once the layout had been decided it was clear that I could develop a theme from its look to apply across the whole app Circles, Orbs, Spheres this
drove the design process for my buttons and interface and in turn created the app Orb.

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