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Guatemala, May 12, 1989




Dearly beloved children, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Dearly beloved children, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, speaks to you. As always I have
to instruct you, because as you know, My Divine Son and I are doing this, so that My children can see the
light in the midst of this darkness, that covers the world.
Therefore, My dear children, today I will talk about a very important subject, and that is
Yes, My children, today I want to talk to you about faith. Faith today is so confused that I want
to instruct you about this, so that you can instruct others, because it is so very important that all these
matters are clear to you, so that you won't mistake your path, so that nobody confuses you.
Yes, My dear children, faith is a word that is not very clear to everybody. And I want you to
understand the meaning of this word. And it is this, dear children, that FAITH IS A GRACE. It is a free
gift that is given to those that are baptized, that God gives to those who want to be the children of God.
This is the beginning, and Baptism is the beginning of faith.
This faith has to grow. It is like a seed that has to bloom. You know that this is so. A little seed

is planted, and it has to be born, grow, bloom, and bear fruit. This is the way it has to be in you, the seed
of faith in your hearts, and it is sown with Baptism. For this reason, many people are mistaken about this,
because they believe that faith is to believe in God, and nothing more; and they are not baptized, they
learn the true doctrine. And for this reason you can see that there are many, so many doctrines that they
call religions, and they also believe them because of faith. But, beloved children, I want you to understand
that faith is not only believing in a supreme being, and that's it, no.
Many religions invented by men say this: Believe and thats enough. But no, because faith
works is a dead faith, because it doesnt bear fruits, because there is no testimony that you have acquired
faith, and that means grace, the grace that you really believe that you are in the truth.
Many people believe that it's enough that you believe, and that's sufficient, and they are content
with just saying that they love God, that they do what they can. But this is not true faith.
I want to instruct you about this and explain to you that faith is believing, but believing that God
is your Father and that you are His children. And because He is your Father, you must obey Him, because
if you don't obey Him, you don't believe, you don't have true faith, because faith, dear children, is to
believe, trust and love, because when you love, you trust, you have faith. And this, beloved children, is
has to be given, a testimony that you believe in God, and that He is Our Father, and believe everything
He tells us, because we trust Him.
This is faith, but with works, because he who has faith loves. And when he loves, he listens, and
obeys, and does the Will of the Father. This is faith, to trust and to believe that the God that speaks to
you will not deceive you, and believe that God, the Eternal Father, Whom you don't see, loves you, and
because He loves you, He speaks to you in different ways, and that He has talked to you always as in the
ancient times, and now He talks through His prophets, through His seers, and through Us. My Divine Son
Jesus and I speak to you through Our seers. This is faith, to believe that He loves you, and for this reason
He communicates with you, He communicates with His children, and that only love moves Him.
I also want you to understand that faith is a grace, a grace that if it isn't cared for, if you don't
nourish, you can lose. This is the reason why many people say: I have lost faith. And they say this,
they have let this grace die, because faith is a gift given by God, a present, so that you can see that you
are His children, but many don't understand this. They think that faith is just to say I am a Catholic, I am
a Protestant, I am a Mohammedan, I am ..., finally there are so many things, but no. There are many
religions invented by men, but they are not the true faith, because faith is to believe in the True God, in
the Only God, in the Triune God, in the God that is all love.
Therefore I have come to instruct you, so that you will know this and discern, because faith, true
faith is where My Divine Son Jesus Who came to die on the Cross for love is, so that those who believe
in Him will have eternal life.
And as you can see, no one in the world, no one, not the Mohammedans nor the Protestants nor
the others that have created their own religions, no one has a God that has died for you. Only My Divine
Son Jesus died for you. And He died precisely to save you, to open Heaven for you, to forgive the sins of
the world. And as you can see, the other doctrines say that they have their own ideas, their own religions.
But this isn't true faith.

Therefore, you must be aware of this and defend your faith, that was born with Baptism, because
when you were baptized by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the grace of faith was given to you,
the true faith, the true doctrine, the True God that died for you, and He is My Divine Son Jesus.
Therefore, I want you to know this, so that you can help all of those that are in the world
wandering in the darkness, so that you can explain this to them, that not one of their gods died to save
them, only My Divine Son Jesus died on the Cross, and when He died, it was to defeat the Devil.
Many people confuse all this, and believe that faith is to believe in anything. And no, this is not
so, you must have this very clear. Faith is to believe in the True God, and as I said to you before, the
Triune God, the God of Love.
Now many of My children, many people are confusing the world with their doctrines, by
new beliefs and new doctrines, and by setting many snares of perdition for My children, and take away
true faith, which is the belief that My Divine Son Jesus came to the world to die for their salvation.
And these great dangers, all these things that are now happening, and that all of you can see are
written in the Bible, so that you would understand that these are the times, the times when you must
your faith, because the world is taking it away, taking away the faith of My children, their love of the God
that died for you, as it says in the Bible. And it is a prophecy that is now being fulfilled: Why do the
people rebel and the nations speak about vain things, the kings and the princes raise against their God and
their Christ, saying : Let's remove His bindings, remove His yoke? But the Lord is watching them, and He
will laugh at them, when the time comes, the time in which He will shed His Wrath and will put everyone
in their place, so that they won't continue confusing My children.
There are many dangers for your faith, dear children, because as I have said, faith is a grace that
has to be born, grow, bloom, and give fruit; otherwise it dies. It is a grace that you can lose. You don't
realize how many Catholics have gone to other religions, that are not true, and why? Because they lost
their faith, because the seed planted with Baptism didn't bloom for whatever reason, and they didn't let
faith grow in them, to make them strong, to strengthen them to resist new doctrines.
As I say to you, the world raises up against God and His Christ, His Messiah, because they don't
want to know anything about the Holy Doctrine, they don't want God's yoke, and with their false
they have made My children seek pleasures. And now it's the time of the Great Forgetfulness of God,
because the men who do not have faith want to take away the faith of those that have it, because they
that they are on the right path.
This has all been suggested by the Devil. All these religions invented be men have been
by the Devil to take My children away from the true faith, which is My Divine Son Jesus and His
For this reason, I have come to you to warn you to be careful, because this is the moment, these
are the times when the prophecies of the Bible say that the world will rise up against God and His

His Anointed, and that is against My Divine Son Jesus. You are seeing this, everything is being done to
separate you from the true faith, and that is from Him. This is the reason why they rebel, and unite. This
is why they are doing so many, many things, because they are preparing the way for when their voices
be raised to make war. And in this you must be very careful, and understand that the times are difficult,
that times are hard, darkness reigns everywhere. But don't worry, because this has been permitted by the
Eternal Father, so that His word will be fulfilled, and men can see His power, because of all this, as it is
said in the prophecy, He will laugh at all of those that raise up against Him, because what is man before
God, to dare to deny Him, and dare to take away from My children's hearts this love of God and His
Christ ?"
You must understand this, dear children, that you are in the times in which people rebel and fight
against God, and you must be alert, because people have started, people have taken off their yoke and
don't want to know anything about the True God. They just think about pleasure and want a God that
satisfies their wants; they want a God that pleases them in everything; they want a God that only gives
happiness, gives them pleasures, gives them victories. And this, you know, is not the way it is, because
Divine Son Jesus gives the Cross first, then the Glory, because this is what He did, first He suffered, and
then He was glorified by the Father. And this must be for you a sign that people are against their God,
when all that has an odor of sanctity, an odor of penance, sacrifice, pain, tears and suffering, they reject,
because they say, lets take away the bindings, which means let's put away all that bothers us, that gives
This is the reason why they want, and have made, a Christ to their liking, and this is the reason
why the world is empty of the love of God. They don't understand why the world is like it is. And it is like
this, because evil men, that have been seduced by the Devil, have thrown false doctrines at the world,
doctrines that have taken away the true faith in God and His Divine Son Jesus and Me, because the world
wants a Christ to their liking, a happy Christ, a Christ that will tell them that there is no sin, that they can
sin, because even if you are full of sins, He will forgive you.
You know that He forgives. That is true. He forgives, but He has His conditions. In order for men
to receive grace, they must abandon sin, because if they continue in sin, it isn't right.
Now they are preaching a Christ that does not punish, a Christ that tolerates sin, that tolerates
all those things that are harmful for your soul. And this isn't true, it isn't true. They are confusing My sons
with the idea that, as My Divine Son Jesus came to the world to die for you, that men also died for you.
And they say that the Church that He founded and the Church founded by men are equal. And you know
that this is not true. It is not true, because in the other Churches founded by men, no one died for them.
Only Christ died for man. And this is a sign for you, so that you don't confuse yourselves, and so that you
can recognize the truth.
My children are now saying that all Churches must be united, because the gods that they
have can
also save, because the gods that they have faith in and believe in are equal to My Son. And this is
not true.
All of this has been suggested by the Devil, so that the real meaning and value of the Sacrifice of

My Divine Son on the Cross will be lost, because if this were true, that all religions can save and take
children to Heaven, there would have been no need for My Divine Son to come to die for you. This is
happening, because the Devil wants My children to lose the notion of the Sacrifice of the Cross and give
it no importance. And the graces are lost, because if My children believe that the Protestants are saved in
their Church, if the Mohammedans are also saved, and the Jews are also saved, then what is the
of the Sacrifice of Jesus? What importance does it have? Why so much sacrifice, why so much penance,
so much pain, if I can go with the Protestants and be happy, because they are not demanding anything
from me? This is what many say: I want to be happy, and in these Churches they say that I will be happy,
that I won't have sorrows or problems, and that everything is fine. But this is a trap of the Devil, and if
you are not alert, it will take you to Hell.
All of those Catholics, I warn you, dear children, all of those Catholics that have been
baptized in
the Catholic Church, that acquired the true faith, and changed their faith, and go to other
Churches, as they
call them, and to other doctrines, are in mortal sin, because they have changed the light for the
And if they don't repent and die, they will go to Hell.
This is why, dear children, I want to warn you about this. Many, many of My children have
abandoned the true faith, because they like how a certain pastor speaks, or because they only talk about
nice things, they don't talk about penance or suffering, and there are no mysteries. And instead here they
say that there are many mysteries which they don't understand, and it's better to go with something they
understand. And the only thing that they are doing is changing the light for darkness. And if they die this
way, they will go to Hell, because they will have exchanged My Divine Son Jesus for the Devil.
In this you must be very careful and instruct others. And if they are in error, they can repent and
return to the right path, before all the events that have been announced arrive, because when they are over
your heads, you won't be able to do anything. Therefore the time to do all this is now, because, as I have
said in other apparitions, I have said, do it now, now that there is still time, because later you won't have
time, later you won't be able to do it. And he who is in mortal sin will die in the hands of the Antichrist.
I have repeated this various times, and so has My Divine Son Jesus.
This is why We come to warn the world, because the world is going to its ruin, because the world
will soon see its ruin. And all of those who are not prepared will die.
Therefore, I am calling all the Catholics baptized in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and
the Holy Ghost to return to the true faith, if they have changed to false doctrines, to useless
because later there will be no time to repent and look for the lost way.
You must be informed of this, because many, many, many of My children have abandoned the
for the darkness. And if they remain like this, they will be lost.
I am making this call to My children, so that they can return to the True God, return to their

Mother, because if they want to return, the Lord will forgive them. But they must do this now, while there
is still time, because later you won't be able to return.
Look! Even My children the priests are in error, when they say that the Catholic Church,
the Jewish
Church, and the Mohammedan Church, all save. And this is not the truth. You must be very careful,
because when all these people rebel and unite to raise up against their God, it will be too late. And this,
My dear children, you are already seeing. They are all uniting to deny the True God. And this is what they
are doing now, unifying all the Churches invented by men with the true Church of My Divine Son Jesus.
For this reason, I have come to warn you over and over again, so that you take care, so that you
become alert, because many will die, if they don't renounce this error.
You must listen to My words, and believe, and understand that faith is a grace that must grow in
your hearts, and bloom, and be strong, so that no wind of other doctrines takes away your faith, which is
to love the True God.
You must be careful, because you are in the time of the prophecy, when all will unite and raise up
against their God, and take away His bonds from the world. And this means to put away His Doctrine, so
that men can abandon God to follow the way of the world, and walk on the wide path, that will take them
to perdition, because when the hour of the Wrath of God comes, when God will show you that He is the
only True God, then if My children are not protected under My Divine Mantle, they will not be saved.
This is the reason why I am making this call to My children, so that now that there is still time,
they can prepare themselves for the Second Coming of My Divine Son Jesus, which will be very soon.
This is what I wanted to teach you today, dear children, so that you would understand that faith
is a grace that man, man himself, is snatching from the hearts of My children.
You must be strong and fight, defend your faith, defend your salvation, defend your love for God,
so that no one takes it away from you, so that no one takes away this faith, that must grow in you, because
I, as your Mother, advise you to ask the Owner of all these gifts to make your faith grow in your hearts,
because as I said, your faith is like a seed, that is planted in the heart of man, but man must be interested,
so that this seed is born, grows and becomes fruitful. And this is your task.
Therefore, you must ask My Divine Son Jesus to increase your faith. And He will increase
it, so
that, when the cruel times come, you will be strong in your faith, this means in the True Church of
Divine Son Jesus Christ that He founded on this earth.
You must, dear children, understand this. And for you it will be a sign that, when all these
Churches unite into one, you will see that My Divine Son Jesus will be where the True Church is. And He
is saying this, so that you can understand that where He is, His Church is, the One founded by Him with
no interference by men, only God, because He founded His Church, He Himself, on earth. The other
Churches that have emerged are Churches invented by men. But, so that you can see, and not be confused,
He will give you this sign: When all the Churches unite and form only one Church with all the Churches
invented by men, and that have been suggested by the Devil, He will tell you that, where He is, there is
where His Church is, the Church founded by Him, the True Church, because He will always protect His
Church, and will do it in this way, saying that He came to die, so He could found this Church for the
salvation of My children, because outside this Church, dear children, there is no salvation.

You must understand this very well, and see that this is a sign that I am giving you. When you
this sign, that you are already seeing, you will understand My words. And He will be attentive to say that,
where My Divine Son Jesus and I are, that is where the Church that He founded will be, so that you
not be confused.
Therefore, you must ask Him to increase the faith, the grace that you received, when you were
baptized. In that moment, the seed of the faith was planted in your hearts, the one that you must increase.
This means you must cooperate with My Divine Son Jesus and with Me, and trust, and believe in the true
Christ, the true Messiah, that is always with His Mother. You must not forget this, dear children, you must
not forget this.
Well, dear children, now I will bless all these Sacramentals, so that they will be for your
salvation, protection and health, and that they increase your faith and help you grow in the faith, and to
make you strong before the rest of the Churches invented by men, and which is the Great Lie, that will be
hurled on the world. Therefore you must love the truth and have a strong faith, so you won't fall into the
trap of the Great Lie, that is coming to the world. It is already here, but very soon it will be revealed with
all its power.
Well, I bless all these things here present in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Ghost. May it be for the salvation, protection, and health, and may it increase the faith in your hearts.
Well, dear children, I have been very happy of being able to communicate with you. You know
We always come here, We always communicate with the world to alert Our children, and tell them that
are in danger, and that they must prepare themselves. And dear children, I will wait for you at the
reunion, when My Divine Son Jesus will talk to you about another subject, so that you will understand
learn all these things, that are true, and that will help you, so that you won't fall into error nor in the
hands of the Antichrist.
Well, dear children, from the bottom of My Immaculate Heart I bless you in the Name of the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. May peace remain in your hearts.


December 27,1988
My dearly beloved children, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Ghost. Amen.

Dearly beloved children, the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, speaks to you: "I have come today
to this place to communicate with my children, to communicate with the whole world so that they
can see the light.
Beloved children, I communicate with humanity through my beloved daughter sister Guadalupe.
She spreads these messages, she speaks, but it is I who speak to you through her, and my beloved son
Brother James spreads these messages.
Listen to me dear children, I want you to listen to this and to know that I have always
with the world throughout the ages; I have communicated with you who are my children because
great dangers await you, you have always been in great danger because the battle is fierce.
I have always come to talk to my children, and I have told them that the end of time is near and
that all of those pious souls that spread my messages and the messages of my Divine Son will have
earned for themselves a place in Heaven and those who hide them or make fun of. them will have
earned for themselves a place in hell, because they did not want to listen to the truth, they did not
want to listen to the Holy Ghost who is warning you of a great danger that threatens and it is the
coming of the Antichrist.
Beloved children, I call to you, to the lay people, to those children of mine who love me, but do
not belong to any congregation, because you know that my children the priests and the nuns do not
want to listen to my voice, they do not spread these messages that I am giving to the world, that I am
giving to humanity and to my children so that they can save themselves and find life.
Yes my children, I have always called my children, always, always, always, through the ages and
they have not listened to me. You can see that in the apparitions of La Salette, in my apparitions of
Fatima, Lourdes, Garabandal, San Damiano and many others, and lately with sister Guadalupe, they
do not listen to me.
Yes beloved children, your end is near and that is why I ask you to be the ones to spread these
messages that I am giving through my beloved daughter sister Guadalupe.
Dear children, I gave you a previous message, in which I told you that all of those who promote
my messages and the messages of my Beloved Son Jesus Christ would have a crown waiting for them
in heaven and when the Eternal Father calls them, I myself will come to take them, I myself with my
Divine Son will come to take them to the celestial homeland, as a reward for having listened, for having
believed, and for having spread my messages and the messages of my Divine Son Jesus.
Yes beloved children, I now call on you, and on all pious souls, to do this, and help me, because
the battle against the Antichrist has begun and, you can help me by spreading these messages according
to your possibilities.
Do this my children, I ask this of you, because humanity needs that these messages be
do this my children, do this and you will have earned heaven."

For more Messages, Please contact one of the following Centers of

Also please look for the languages you need in parentheses.
Comunidad de Desagravio
9a Avenida 6-71, Zona 7
Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemala, Centro Amrica
Mission of The Blessed Virgin
The Lady of The Apocalypse
15851 Quartz St.
Westminster, CA 92683 U.S.A
Crusaders of Our Lady of Fatima
P.O. Box 751
Lancaster, CA 93534
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
681 Marshall Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
The Lady of the Apocalypse
P.O. Box 2639
Kumasi Ghana (W.A.)
Knight of the Immaculate Heart
P.O. Box 283
Iloilo City 5000
Mrs. A. Libera
Box 915
Atikokan, Ont POT 1CO
Phone: (807) 597-4415
P.O. Box 326
Petit Rocher, NB. EOB 2EO


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