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English Department

Lynn Hofmann
JH Read pd 1
students will apply strategies
M Obj:
in reading group.
o Method students will be put in
group of similar reading
n reading
levels/abilities. As students read
d novel they apply reading
Teacher monitors
a strategies.
y Assign: SWBS for the days

February 8, 2016
Speech pd 3

Eng 7 pd 4

Obj: review ch 8 concepts. Students

will develop an understanding of ch
8 concepts.
Method: take recalling the fact using
notes. Direct teach ch concepts.
Assess: recalling will measure initial
understanding and if read the ch.

Obj: students will apply elements of

Method: Orally read The Outsiders.
Discussion of plot and elements.
Students complete SG.
Assess: discussion and SG will
measure understanding of plot &
Assign; vocab essay revision Friday,
February 12.
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,e

Obj: students will apply strategies

in reading group.
Method students will be put in
reading group of similar reading
levels/abilities. As students read
novel they apply reading
strategies. Teacher monitors
Assign: SWBS for the days

Obj: students will develop an

understanding of available source for
research on their computers.
Method: Mrs. Landauer talk about
Library folder and data bases in
Assess: students ability to utilized
folder for speech research will
measure understanding of concepts.
Assign: worksheet of concepts.

Obj: students will apply

understanding of elements of fiction.
Method: continue orally reading the
Outsiders and discussion elements
and plot. Fill out SG questions to
guide reading/plot exploration.
Assess: oral discussion and SG will
measure understanding.
Assign: vocab essay revision due
Friday, Feb 12
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,e

students will apply strategies

W Obj:
in reading group.
e Method students will be put in
group of similar reading
d reading
levels/abilities. As students read
n novel they apply reading
Teacher monitors
e strategies.
s Assign: SWBS for the days
d reading.
students will apply strategies
T Obj:
in reading group.
h Method students will be put in
group of similar reading
u reading
levels/abilities. As students read
r novel they apply reading
Teacher monitors
s strategies.
d Assign: SWBS for the days
a reading.

Obj: students will conclude

enhancing understanding of ch
concepts. Students will review
chapter concept.
Method: finish direct teaching w/ ppt
notes. Use remainder of time to
work on review worksheet.
Assess: review worksheet will
measure understanding of ch
Assign: chapter test Thursday, Feb

Obj: students will apply

understanding of elements of fiction.
Method: continue orally reading the
Outsiders and discussion elements
and plot. Fill out SG questions to
guide reading/plot exploration.
Assess: oral discussion and SG will
measure understanding.
Assign: vocab essay revision due
Friday, Feb 12
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,e

Obj: students will review and test

understanding of ch 8 concepts.
Method: grade review worksheet
orally. Do brain dump. Students
take test on ConnectED website.
Assess: review and test scores will
measure understanding of chapter
Assign: Effective Language chapter.

Obj: students will apply

understanding of elements of fiction.
Method: continue orally reading the
Outsiders and discussion elements
and plot. Fill out SG questions to
guide reading/plot exploration.
Assess: oral discussion and SG will
measure understanding.
Assign: vocab essay revision due
Friday, Feb 12
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,e

Obj: students will apply strategies

in reading group.
Method students will be put in
reading group of similar reading
levels/abilities. As students read
novel they apply reading
strategies. Teacher monitors
Assign: SWBS for the days

Obj: students will recall effective

language chapter concepts. students
will develop an understanding of ch
Method: using notes taken while
reading do recalling the facts on
Flubaroo. Teacher begin direct
teaching ch concepts.
Assess: recalling the facts will
measure initial understanding of ch
Assign: work packet ~ syn/ antithesis/oxy/simile

Obj: students will apply

understanding of elements of fiction.
Method: continue orally reading the
Outsiders and discussion elements
and plot. Fill out SG questions to
guide reading/plot exploration.
Assess: oral discussion and SG will
measure understanding.
Assign: vocab essay revision due
Friday, Feb 12
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,e




Eng 8 pd 5
Obj: students will continue to
explore MLA researching
method. Students will enhance
vocab skills.
Method: review unit 6 vocab
with choosing the correct word.
continue one-on-one with source
cards and note cards.
Assess: vocab assign and
research cards measure
Assign: vocab syn/ant
Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m,
Obj: students will continue to
explore MLA researching method.
Students will enhance vocab skills.
Method: review unit 6 vocab
with syn/ant. continue one-onone with source cards and note
Assess: vocab assign and
research cards measure
Assign: vocab fill-in blank
Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m,
Obj: students will continue to
explore MLA researching method.
Students will enhance vocab skills.
Method: review unit 6 vocab
with fill-in blank. continue oneon-one with source cards and
note cards.
Assess: vocab assign and
research cards measure
Assign: words in context
Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m,
Obj: students will continue to
explore MLA researching method.
Students will enhance vocab skills.
Method: review unit 6 vocab
with words in context continue
one-on-one with source cards and
note cards.
Assess: vocab assign and
research cards measure
Assign:note/source cards comp.
Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m,
Obj: students will continue to
explore MLA researching method.
Students will enhance vocab skills.
Method: review unit 6 vocab
with choosing the correct word.
continue one-on-one with source
cards and note cards.
Assess: vocab assign and
research cards measure
Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m,

English Department
Lynn Hofmann
Eng 8 pd 6
students will continue to explore MLA
M Obj:
researching method. Students will enhance
o vocab skills.
review unit 6 vocab with choosing
n Method:
the correct word. continue one-on-one with
d source cards and note cards.
vocab assign and research cards
a Assess:
measure proficiency.
y Assign: vocab syn/ant

February 8, 2016
Eng 7 pd 7
Obj: students will continue to explore elements
of fiction/plot. Students explore vocab skills.
Method: direct teach unit 6 vocab words. Use
short story to identify elements/plot.
Assess: short story discussion will measure
understanding of concepts.
Assign: vocab unit 6 illustration.
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,

Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m, 8.1.5a,b,c,e

students will continue to explore MLA
researching method. Students will enhance
u vocab skills.
review unit 6 vocab with syn/ant.
e Method:
continue one-on-one with source cards and
s note cards.
vocab assign and research cards
d Assess:
measure proficiency.
y Assign: vocab fill-in blank

Obj: students will continue to explore elements

of fiction/plot. Students explore vocab skills.
Method:review unit 6 vocab words. review
vocab with competition game. Review
elements of fiction game
Assess: short story discussion will measure
understanding of concepts.
Assign: elements of fiction test. vocab ant/syn
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,

Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m, 8.1.5a,b,c,e

students will continue to explore MLA
researching method. Students will enhance
e vocab skills.
review unit 6 vocab with fill-in
d Method:
blank. continue one-on-one with source cards
n and note cards.
vocab assign and research cards
e Assess:
measure proficiency.
s Assign: words in context
d Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m, 8.1.5a,b,c,e
students will continue to explore MLA
researching method. Students will enhance
h vocab skills.
review unit 6 vocab with words in
u Method:
context continue one-on-one with source
r cards and note cards.
vocab assign and research cards
s Assess:
measure proficiency.
d Assign:note/source cards comp.
a Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m, 8.1.5a,b,c,e
students will continue to explore MLA
researching method. Students will enhance
r vocab skills.
review unit 6 vocab with choosing
i Method:
the correct word. continue one-on-one with
d source cards and note cards.
vocab assign and research cards
a Assess:
measure proficiency.
y Standard: 8.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m, 8.1.5a,b,c,e

Obj: students will test understanding of

elements of fiction. Students will enhance
vocab skills.
Method: take test on flubaroo. After test
review vocab with syn/ant.
Assess: test and vocab will measure
understanding of concepts.
Assign: vocab words in context.
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,

Obj: students will apply elements of fiction &

plot. Students will enhance vocab skills.
Method: Teacher read short story for plot chart
application. Students will partner to create plot
chart of short story.
Assess: plot chart score will measure
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,jl,m,7.1.5a b,c,

Obj: Students will explore researching

Method: with partner research hunting dogs
and create a ppt.
Assess: ppt will measure researching.
Assign: ppt is due Tuesday, February 16.
Standard: 7.1.6e,f,g,k,l, m,

Study Hall pd 8

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