Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3

a) If you

(help) me with my homework, I

(finish) it in time to go to the cinema.
b) If it
(not/rain), the students
(practice) sport in the playground.
c) Jane
(come) home early if she
very busy at work.
d) Our teacher
e) If Robert
the match.

(be) pleased if we


(do) our

(play) football with us, we


2. Look at the pictures and choose the correct option.

What can we do to save our planet?

a) If we
b) If people

(recycle) more, we

(help) our

(share) their cars to go to work,

(not/be) so many car fumes.

c) We
(save) thousands of trees if we
(waste) so much paper.
d) If the govenment

(fine) those who pollute the

atmosphere, some factories

waste into rivers.

(stop) throwing

e) If we only
(use) the water we need, we
(contribute) to our planet's recovery

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