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Title: Time Capsule

Stage 1 Desired Results


Students will be able to independently use their
learning to

Social Studies
- To what extent should nation be the foundation of identity?
- To what extent should national interest be pursued?

use technology as a tool for research

critically examine the validity of information

presented (critical media literacy)

- To what extent should individuals should individuals and groups in

Canada embrace a national identity?

- To what extent should contemporary society respond to the
legacies of historical globalization?

use a sharing tool for common files (Google Docs) to

collaboratively share and edit documents

brainstorm, research, write, and edit text

develop collaborative and presentation skills

Photography COM3245

2.1 capture images in different light conditions; e.g., high-key

sunlight, low-key sunlight, clouded afternoon, naturally reflected
light (sunrise, sunset, moonlight), artificially produced light (street
lights, flash, windows)
2.2 capture images where exposure is managed within the existing

dynamic range; e.g., monitoring of the histogram, use of graduated

neutral density filters, bracketing, high dynamic range (HDR)

3.1 create full-frame subjects in photograph; e.g., lens choice,

camera proximity, camera angle, postproduction cropping



Students will understand


History exists and must be

The world is a globablized
place and is always


What is identity?
What is school
community and how
does it affect
What is a legacy?

3.2 manage horizon placement and other powerful aspects to suit

the image; e.g., rule of thirds, use of diagonals, postproduction
cropping, design elements and principles
3.3 modify camera settings (e.g., aperture, shutter speed, ISO) to
produce appropriate depth of field and image sharpness or blur
3.4 discuss camera stabilization techniques; e.g., tripods,
monopods, bean bags, gaffer tape, gorilla pods, clamps

4. present a selection of work completed in this course to

an audience
4.1 create a display of photographs

4.2 assess each photograph regarding:

4.2.1 comparative examples of images that were produced using
manual and automatic techniques
4.2.2 the intent of the photographs and their success in meeting
the intent
4.2.3 the technical data; e.g., log sheet, picture properties
4.2.4 how the composition guidelines help facilitate good
arrangement in his or her work
4.2.5 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., colour,
quality, format, interest

Students will learn what a

legacy is and how they
impact the school in the

Students will know

Students will be skilled at

How to combine

information from
various sources for a
unified message

How to use technology

as a tool for learning
(sharing information,

Using technological
resources present

Which texts and items

represent their identity
and school culture
Which materials would
maintain its integrity
over an extended
period of time?

4.2.6 areas of challenge/difficulty (if applicable)

4.2.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate

Using technology to aid

collaboration during inquiry
Recording, analyzing and
interpreting information
they have found
Combining ideas gathered
from different sources in
order to design a
presentation on their
Constructing meaning from
texts, by defending their
own interpretation of their
Creating a container with a
variety of materials and

4.2.8 the use of tools and equipment

4.3 participate in peer/teacher assessment
4.4 add the selected work to a portfolio

English Language Arts

- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to:
Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences
Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and
multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively
Manage ideas and information
Create oral, print, visual and multimedia texts, and enhance the
clarity and artistry of communication
Respect, support and collaborate with others.

Construction Technology
create a health and safety plan with special emphasis on conditions
and factors related to the specific pathway or series of courses
1.1 research and identify the following eight common elements of
a health and safety management system:
1.1.1 management, leadership and organizational commitment
including policies, guidelines and responsibilities
1.1.2 hazard identification and assessment
1.1.3 hazard control
1.1.4 worker competency and training including technical
competence, safe work practices and procedures, personal

protective equipment
1.1.5 work site inspection
1.1.6 incident investigation
1.1.7 emergency response
1.1.8 management system administration including evaluation,
records and statistics, maintenance of system
1.2 explain each of the elements reflecting on occupational health
and safety implications
1.3 define health and safety elements relevant to the world-ofwork
1.4 present a health and safety plan clarifying its relevance to the
work world and society in general
research common processes and methods of hazard identification,
assessment and control specific to the pathway or series of courses
2.1 research and identify common job site hazard identification
2.2 research and identify common methods for assessment and
control of hazards
2.3 explain and demonstrate appropriate health and safety
effective practices
2.4 demonstrate a proactive personal commitment toward
improvement of workplace health and safety including concern for
others and following instructions, rules and guidelines
identify and describe the safe use of basic hand tools

3.1 identify and describe basic hand tools that are used to
measure, mark, hold, cut, form, fasten and finish materials
4. identify and compare the properties of common materials used
in construction activities
4.1 identify and compare the properties of a variety of common
materials used to make artifacts and structures
4.2 identify common shapes, sizes and forms of construction
4.3 describe appropriate methods to handle, recycle, store and
dispose of materials
apply construction processes and skills to produce a product
5.1 outline the typical phases in a production system; e.g.,
planning, constructing, assembling, finishing or evaluating
5.2 select or modify a plan for a simple product that will meet a
defined need
5.3 identify and select the appropriate tools, materials and
processes required to make the product
5.4 list the steps that are required to make a product in a safe and
logical order
5.5 develop basic construction skills by building, assembling and
finishing a variety of products
5.6 identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of personal
protective equipment
5.7 identify steps to be taken in the event of an accident
5.8 describe ways to improve product quality and productivity

demonstrate basic competencies

6.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to:
6.1.1 communicate
6.1.2 manage information
6.1.3 use numbers
6.1.4 think and solve problems
6.2 demonstrate personal management skills to:
6.2.1 demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
6.2.2 be responsible
6.2.3 be adaptable
6.2.4 learn continuously
6.2.5 work safely
6.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to:
6.3.1 work with others
6.3.2 participate in projects and tasks
make personal connections to the cluster content and processes to
inform possible pathway choices
7.1 complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values,
beliefs, resources, prior learning and experiences
7.2 create a connection between a personal inventory and
occupational choices

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria

Assessment Evidence

Students will be graded on the



Rationale for including their items

Correct grammar and mechanics in
their writing
Design thinking process

Students will research previous time capsules and learn about the purpose of
them. They will then determine which items best represent themselves as
students, and their community as a whole. They will provide an artefact that
represents themselves and write a thorough rationale as to why they choose
to include it
Students will be share their artefacts with their peers

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
1. Begin the lesson by talking about time capsules with the class, who makes time capsules, who looks at them? What
are good items to include in a time capsule? What artefacts represent you? Show Ellens Time Capsule from Season
1 ( What alternative artefacts could you add?
2. Students will determine which artefact they want to put into the time capsule. This can be an item, a written
passage, art, video representation of dance/dramatization, etc. They can choose something that represents them. As
a class, the students will determine an artefact that can be utilized to represent aspects of their class
3. Students in the construction classes will create the capsule box. They may use a variety of materials including:
metal, wood, cardboard, plastic, etc. Students will determine which material is of the best quality to keep its form
and the items safe for up to tens years. Students will test the boxes by putting them in water, exposing them to sun
for extended periods of time, etc.
4. Once the students determine the best material, they will construct the final time capsule.
5. On the outside of the time capsule, students will decorate the capsule with artwork that is popular in the year it is

being put in the capsule

6. Students will write an in-depth rationale as to why they chose the artefact they did.
7. Students will present their artefacts to the class and receive feedback
8. The teachers will collect all of the artefacts. The school will have a time capsule assembly in which all the teachers
will place the artefacts in the time capsule. They will then place the time capsule in a specified location

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