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Lindsey Jenkins Analysis

Amy Keyser
Purdue University




She is the new instructional designer at

Her mandate is to help two instructors redesign their



Brooks Health Science Center School of

nursing courses to better support the development of

Nursing (SON). She has a Ph.D. and three

critical thinking skills and the students scores on the

years of ID experience as well as six years

NCLEX Test. She does have experience writing

of teaching experience at the collegiate

nursing cases for Case Based Learning.


One of her concerns is that the administration has

decided upon an approach before doing any research



Barbara is the Associate Dean of Academic

into the matter.

She is concerned that the students performance on

Affairs at SON.

the national licensure exam has dropped as well as

students satisfaction with their courses. She wishes
to redesign two courses as pilots before
implementing the changes to the entire curriculum.
They want to develop a case-based approach to the

courses to enhance students critical thinking skills.
Because of upcoming accreditation, she wants
evidence that the redesign of the courses was
Gina Smith


She teaches the first course in Acute and

She is eager to utilize cases in her course and has

Chronic Care. She attended a workshop on included some in her PowerPoints. She does not feel
Case Based Learning a few months ago.

very confident in her ability to write cases and is

She knows how to utilize the LMS. She

eager for help from Lindsey.

has been teaching at SON for two years,




Jason Huang


Tech Guy


but has a decade of teaching experience.

He teaches the second course in Acute and

He is skeptical about the role technology can play

Chronic Care. He attended a workshop on

and how successful case based learning will be.

Case Based Learning a few months ago.

However, he is willing to give it a try. He is also

He knows how to utilize the LMS. He has

concerned about how he can cover all the material

been teaching at SON for twenty years.

He is the instructional technology

AND incorporate CBL into his course.

He is already overwhelmed by the demands and

specialist. He will provide technical

questions from the faculty.

They are undergraduate nursing students in

They want more interaction from their professors and

Acute and Chronic Care I and II.

with their peers. They want to be well prepared for

their licensure exam and they dont feel like they are
getting a chance to apply the knowledge, so they
dont feel prepared for the exam.

Instructional Design Challenges
The first challenge is that the design was decided upon before a thorough analysis of the situation was completed. In fact, it
was decided upon before the instructional designer was working there. This makes Lindsey feel a little uncomfortable since she is an
experienced designer and knows how important a thorough needs analysis is. I think that Lindsey is transitioning from the analysis to
the design stage. The very end of the case says that Lindsey is ready to formulate an action planto send to the [others] (Ge &
Huang, 2014, p. 145). This correlates with McGriffs (2000) tasks of planning instruction and possibly identifying resources
since Lindsey seems to see the professors personal experience as a great resource.
Case Specific Constraints
One constraint I see is the limited technology skills of the instructors. They want to develop a blended learning, case based
instruction model, but they do not know how to use online tools such as wikis and discussions boards. Their students do not seem to

know how to use them either. David is even skeptical that a rich discussion could occur online. The good thing is that he is willing to
try it out in spite of his skepticism. This is further compounded by the fact that the tech support guy, Jason, is overwhelmed by the
support he is already giving faculty.
Another constraint is the lack of experience doing case based teaching for both instructors. They have little experience doing it
and David, especially, seems to wonder if it will work in the nursing field.

Lack of experience
doing case-based

Why I put it in this order:

The goal is that they pilot the redesign with these two courses and then implement the redesign for the
whole program. Barbara wants results so that they have evidence that they are moving in the right
direction when accreditation comes up. One semester of a redesign would be tricky enough without adding
the inexperience of the instructors. They not only need to learn to facilitate Case Based Learning, but they

Lack of technical

need to do so effectively the first time around so that the evaluations are good.
In order for the blended learning model to run smoothly, the students and instructors need to be able to
utilize the Web 2.0 tools that are available. At this point, the instructors arent doing that since the students
express a lack of interaction among themselves and their instructors. The instructors will need to learn and
then teach these skills to their students as well as the content. To me, this is a close second to Case Based
Learning. I only put it second because it seems like it is the easier skill to teach.

Putting the cart
before the horse.

I put this last because it is what it is at this point. Also, Case Based Learning is common in the medical
field, so it will probably be a good fit (Swanson, et al, 2012).
How Assigned Readings and Previous Experiences Helped

I have to admit that I have little experience that is germane to this case. I used to teach Math for Allied Health at the
community college where I was employed. Many of my students were already working in the health field and their experiences
contributed greatly to being able to apply what we were learning to the field. I have only done CBL in this course and a few other
courses from this program. I would think it is different in the nursing field. I have a friend whose sister teaches nursing at a private
university. She shared with me that her sister was asked by the administration to make passing the senior course less dependent on the
final exam because parents were complaining that it was too much stress on their children (children? Seniors in college who plan to
be nurses?). Her response was that if they could pass the course, they will be able to pass the boards. The course was designed to
ensure the success on the boards, which is what they are trying to do in this case. The boards have changed, but the courses have not
kept up.
As far as the readings go, the Gomes and Sousa (2013) article does highlight how the use of wikis can develop critical thinking
skills. As I think about that and Ginas comments, I have more experience that is relevant. This program has used wikis, but did not
give any training on how to use them. I felt weird just going in and changing other peoples work. To me, this highlights the
importance of instructor scaffolding the students use of wikis if they are going to be used effectively. The Swanson et all (2012)

article does give support that students will learn the material via CBL, so that assuages some of my concern about the predetermined
approach to improve the courses.

Reasonable Solutions/Recommendations and How They Address the Challenges

ion #

Possible Solution

In an effort to get both

David and Gina prepared

How Does It Address the
Design Challenge and
and Case Case Specific Constraints
This does help them get a
better understanding of



This will give them

If the struggle is more

the training they need

frustrating than

for leading CBL, Lindsey

CBL. They dont actually

so that they can be

productive, Gina and

could focus on training

experience facilitating it

more confident.

David may be more

them. They could discuss

until the course starts, but

Overwhelmed Jason

discouraged than

what they learned from the

at least they are analyzing

will only have to

encouraged to try this

workshop. Lindsey could

how to do it and working to spend a little time

also provide them with

apply it to the nursing

new method. There is

with them. That front- nothing like trying to

some articles that show
how nursing schools apply
CBL. Perhaps Lindsey,
Jason, Gina and David
could meet once to talk
about Web 2.0 tools such
as Wikis and discussion
boards. Then Gina, David
and Lindsey could spend

end time he spends
Technical By practicing using the
with them should
technologies in a real world
reduce urgent contacts
setting, they could gain the
during the semester.
expertise so that they can
This would also allow
guide their students.
them to meet
Hopefully, David will be
without having to
able to see how you could
coordinate their
have a rich discussion
asynchronously. They both

the next two or three

would learn how to use the
weeks using wikis and
tools before expecting their
discussion boards to share
their insights from the
workshop and the articles.

Out of

students to do so.
This will expose some of
the needs of the instructors

They could even start

as they start thinking about

writing cases, adding their

designing the courses.

own experiences and

While they prepare to

teach that something is

better and then it fails so
that the participants are
now more entrenched in
the old, safe way of doing

perspectives. That way,

design the courses, they are

they could become

doing some of the analysis

familiar with the tools and

that should have been done

see how they might use

up front.

them in their courses

while thinking about the

best practices of CBLs.

Lindsey could find a
workshop on using Web

Although they will still not
actually have CBL

They will get full

Sometimes a training is

training on the Web

not as good as actually

2.0 tools and send David

experience, the process of

2.0 courses and will

doing. Also, Im not sure

and Gina to it. Then they

writing cases with Lindsey,

have dedicated time to

if there is money for them

could set aside a few days

who has done this before,

write courses.

to do this (although I am

over the summer to write

should open their eyes as to

guessing there is a

cases together. She could

how this can be done.

They should get a full

conference budget), or

have them add their


even if there would be

training on all the Web 2.0

experiences and insights

to develop good cases that

something like that

Out of

tools and their applications.

Im not sure that this is

offered in this instance.

will teach the objectives of ADDIE

addressed, except to fill in

Waiting until a few

the courses.

the gaps caused by

months before the first

determining an approach

course starts might not

before determining if your

result in the best

professors are prepared for

developed courses. It


also requires more chunks

of time out of their

Final Recommendation
I think that Lindsey, Jason, Gina and David should spend some time together so the professors can learn about the Web 2.0
courses. Then, over the semester they should utilize the tools themselves to develop the courses. They could collaborate to develop a
best practices for CBL facilitation wiki and well as utilize the discussion features to discuss what would work, what doesnt and why.
Then, they could even start writing cases that way. As Gina and David teach their courses, the material will be fresh in their minds

and they can start using wikis to build cases. It could work really well for students if they see some of the same cases in both courses.
It could really reinforce their learning.
Justify Choice
I think this strategy would both help the instructors become better acquainted with the technology before they start
implementing it and it would make it easier for them to work together since they wouldnt have to find a time when they could all
meet. Then, when they are working with the students during the semester, they will be less likely to need to have Jason do emergency
calls with them. In addition, since they are teaching the courses while they are thinking about the redesign, they can be thinking about
each section and what type of scenario would support the learning objectives.

Overcome Cons
The biggest risk is that it doesnt work well and David and Gina give up or become convinced that the old way, which is
clearly not supporting the objectives, is better. I think that Lindsey can overcome this with proper scaffolding. She can be sure that
she is checking in on them frequently to see if they have any questions about the tools they are using. She can take an active role in
the discussions to make sure they are moving along and meeting their objectives. Maybe she can even set a timeline and agenda for
every few weeks to keep them moving in the right direction and taking the time to work on it.


Ge, Xun and Huang, Kun. (2014). Lindsey Jenkins: Piloting Case-based Learning in a Blended Learning Nursing Curriculum. In
Ertmer, P. A., Quinn, J. Glazewski, K.D. (Eds), The ID Casebook : Case Studies In Instructional Design (p. 51 62) (4th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill.
Gomes, R., & Sousa, L. (2013). Teaching and Learning through Wikis in Higher Education. International Journal of Information and
Education Technology, 3(6), 627. doi:10.7763/IJIET.2013.V3.350
McGriff, S. J. (2000). Instructional systems design (ISD): Using the ADDIE model. Pennsylvania State University.
Swanson, B., Zeller, J., Keithley, J., Fung, S., Johnson, A., Phillips, M., Downie, P. & Suhayda, R. (2012). Case-based online modules
to teach graduate-level nursing students about complementary and alternative medical therapies. Journal of Professional
Nursing, 28(2), 125-130. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.11.005

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