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0 14 29 39 53 66 79 81 92 106 8 131 144 155 2 sg Ye ea Seis ME se a o: U.S. Neighbor FRAG NILE PASSAGE 417 Mexico is a country. It is south of the U.S. Mexi¢q is smaller than the U.S. It is about one-fifth the size. Mexico has many land features, It has mouniaing}and deserts. There are rain forests and beaches Mexico has a mild climate] It does not get very cold, even in the winter. Mexico has a dry season. The dry season lasts from Octoberto April. Mexico also has a rainy season. The rainy season lasts from May until September. Native Americans were the first people in Mexico, They lived there in the 10th century, In the 1500s, the Spanish came to Mexico. They took over the country. Spain ruled Mexico for more than 300 years. Mexico ‘was called New Spain. The Mexican people did not want Spain to rule them. They went to war with Spain. The war lasted many years. Finally, Mexico won the war, It became a free country in 1821. Jack Total Words Read me Sey see = CWPM Prectice Possoner 9155

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