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Salvador Dalis Swans Reflecting Elephants

When I first looked at this artwork, I was somewhat confused because I saw
the swans immediately, but then I started to see the elephants. It was hard to
realize which animal was actually there, and how the other was just a reflection of
some shapes on the water. Some words that first come to my mind when looking at
the painting are clever, strange, and creative. If I were to describe this art to
someone else, I would start out by saying that there are three swans in the middle
of a lake with small broken trees behind them. When you look at their reflection in
the water, you see three elephants instead of the swans. In the background, it is
mostly just parts of mountains or grass with more water in the back. To me, the
most outstanding feature of the artwork is how he made the swans and trees reflect
into the shapes of elephants because it looks very realistic and must have been
very hard to do. I think the artist Salvador Dali created this artwork to show that
things can completely change if you look at them from another angle. I think that
this artwork is a success because you can clearly see the reflection of the swans
make an elephant, and you can see all the detail in the background with the grass,
and the man.

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