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Dear Friends,

January 17, 2016

Happy New Year! We want to begin 2016 with a short update with whats going on here in Ecuador. First, we are
starting off with our current Kids Bible Clubs and we have added English lessons, a new Kids Bible Club and a new
Youth Bible Club, plus we have an almost full calendar of projected mission teams coming. Secondly, we are enjoying
summer; its a wonderful 75-85 degrees, but based on the little bits of US news we receive, you must be in winter seems like a good time for you to come and visit! Thirdly, Dena and I just want you to know how grateful we are for
each and every person who supports us through prayer and finances. We are so thankful for your investment and
partnership in the lives of the children here in Ecuador; you are making a difference.
We finished 2015 just as busy as we started. We shared a lesson on John 3:16 and how Jesus is the greatest gift we
were ever given with each of our five Kids Bible Clubs and one Youth Bible Club. We also celebrated with a birthday
cake for Jesus and gave a bag of small Christmas gifts, including a coloring book with the plan of salvation to each
child. During the Christmas holidays, we were invited to go to an orphanage on the coast. The orphanage has about
50 children ranging from 3 months old to teenagers. The children had either been abandoned by their parents or
taken away by the government. The children were all given Christmas gifts that included a new pair of shoes, clothes
(including a tee shirt that we had left over from our home churchs Upward soccer camps) and some age related
gifts. We were so happy to be able to help out. Note: Funds from a private, outside source was sent through our
501(3)C non-profit organization to help this orphanage. Enjoy a few photos from the orphanage.
Again, Thank you again for your support and prayers.

Gary & Dena Pate

Missionaries to the children of Ecuador
and For the Children Ecuador, Inc.

Gary with the youngest

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