Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3

Escuela/Colegio _________________ Nombre ____________________

Clase _______

Fecha _____________________________ Ms. Peral

Mi vida loca. Episodio 5
Cmo se llama la chica?
Dnde te lleva?
A- el metro

What is the name of your host?

B- Merche

C- Jorge

Where is she taking you?

B- casa

C- un caf

Why does she leave the place in such a hurry?

Cmo se llama el amigo de Merche? Whats Merches friends name?
Cul es la profesin de Merche?

Whats Merches profession?


1-How does the waiter greet them?
A-Buenos das

B- Buenas tardes

C- Buenas noches.

2- What does he serve to eat before they order? ______________________

3- Qu quiere Merche? (to drink) _________________________________

4- y el amigo de Merche? _______________________________________
5- What word do they use to say OK? _______________________________
6- Qu pide Merche? What does Merche order?

7- y su amigo Jorge?

And her friend Jorge?

8- y t qu pides?
And you, what do your order?
9- Cmo se dice a toast?
How do you say a toast?
10- Cmo se dice cheers?
How do you say cheers?

11-Qu son tapas?

What are tapas?


12- Whats the Spanish bar cultura about according to the video?
13- When is dinner time? _________________________________________
14- Cmo se dice This is delicious? ________________________________
15- What is the word that Merche uses for bathroom? (el bao)___________
16- Where is the direction for the bathroom? _________________________
16- Cmo se dice Its on me? _____________________________________
17- They go to Santa Ana, which is:
a- una calle;
b- una avenida;
c- una plaza
18- Merche bumps into someone and all her personal items fall on the ground.
What items does she recover? What is missing?

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